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22459309 No.22459309 [Reply] [Original]

Is spending hundreds of hours on online games a worthwhile investment?

>> No.22459351

only if you build rapport with friends that you regularly interact with IRL while playing

>> No.22459366


>> No.22459407

Although if I never played Runescape I probably wouldn't be on track to be a millionaire so it's a catch-22. I definitely do believe that my quality of life would be significantly higher if I spent time honing my social skills, working out, etc.

>> No.22459447

Seems like an obsession or escapism. There's no real gain or benefit, it's just entertainment, fun. Anything you did on the game that you think gave you any benefit in life, you could have gotten in other and more efficient ways.

Made money from farming/staking? Cool, but nothing to put on your cv. You didn't build anything for the future.
Learned English?
Many other ways to learn it in a better, quicker and more efficient way.
Made friends?
Could've made them irl or also online, but by playing way less.

>> No.22459829
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, darling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make friends irl and find your soul mate is painful, but if you can learn to take the unavoidable heartbreak of real life, the happiness you’ll get from it is thousands of times what you would get from gaming alone. Please realize this before too much more of your life slips away. She’s out there waiting for you anon...

>> No.22459837

I'll only play games after I make it

>> No.22459859

Better play Axie Infinity to earn SLP.

>> No.22459942

To earn SLP?

>> No.22459967

Honestly though, no one cares a damn bit about what you do. All that matters is that you have money. If you have money they say "He can do whatever he wants, he's rich." If you don't they say "Why are you wasting your time with that when you're poor? You should be doing something productive."

>> No.22460023

Killing Venezuelans in osrs with my clan is one thing that genuinely makes me happy. Fuck vennys

>> No.22460024


>> No.22460113

I'd say no. I guess I do crypto and games because I have withdrawn from society completely and I sort of strongly dislike most people at this point. I don't see any point in doing anything else. What else could I do? I'm 30.

>> No.22460130

What clan are you in? I've been spending a good amount of my time myself killing these vennys. I really fucking hope they do something about caves its so aids right now.

That's cope and a meme. Maybe you're a normie who hasn't felt what it's like to be a khv past high school with 0 social life. It sucks man. Money is NOT everything, take it from someone who's main objective was "making it" since his teens to escape wagecucking.

>> No.22460164

Also you're assuming that people know that you're rich. That's perhaps one of the last things you want to reveal about yourself. There's so much more to life than money and I wish I had realized this sooner.

>> No.22460175

same like with anything in life that makes fun, dont overdose it.
theres a diffrent in being addicted to videogames and use them as an escape of life. or just play for fun from time to time.
2-4 hours a week i sit behind my hotas system and play star citizen. its a great way to relax and have fun. i enjoy to fly thru the beautifull space.
dont see anything bad at it.

>> No.22460176

If you can gain financially from it beyond what you'd otherwise spend those hours doing, probably
If you can't, one day you'll wake up and look at the years you threw away on nothing

>> No.22460228


>> No.22460242

i'm actually playing with my gf

>> No.22460299
File: 281 KB, 606x263, allyouwant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if you get into vidya
reckt noobs get money

>> No.22460453


This is the cucked capitalist mindset. In a sane world you spend on things you need, like, or enjoy. They're not investments meant to beget wealth. You're spending what you earn on things to make your life better.

>> No.22460497

lets see, play video games, or participate in clown world-accepted outdoor activities. yeah, i'm going to keep playing video games lol. i get enough clown world exposure by going to work, what i do in my spare time is going to be literally -anything- other than participate in clown world.

>> No.22460506

Better then working a job that ultimately benefits niggers, Jews and single moms

>> No.22460638

>giving a fuck what other people think

if you're not living life for your own self you've already failed

>> No.22460650

She’s having sex with chad. Tons of studies show how promscious young women are in 2020. They only look for what they consider “providers” aka beta cucks after they hit the wall. You can try and give us hopium as much as you like but reality is reality. Most men in 2020 are doomed to loneliness or dysfunctional relationships. Me personally I am even willing to compromise a bit and settle with a girl with a minimum of a 1 or 2 body count but she still has to be atleast under 25, otherwise i’d rather just be alone and enjoy watching society collaspe, to witness exactly what this degenerate world deserves.

>> No.22460691

Basically this. I’ll stick to vidya, fishing and banging my Asian gf (am white) while neeting it up and swing trading for money. Been doing this for two years. Thank god asians women love bwc

>> No.22460745

Is spending hundreds of hours on pushing papers in an office a worthwhile investment?

>> No.22460813
File: 1.45 MB, 2560x1440, darling2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darling in the FRANXX

>> No.22460852

>if you're not living life for your own self you've already failed
Yes very good advice to breed failures.

>> No.22460889

hundreds? lets make it couple thou

>> No.22460933

The end goal of capitalism is to make sure you can buy everything with money.

>> No.22460962

What a load of bullshit.

>> No.22461008

If you care what others think of you, you are what we call a sheep

>> No.22461048

Yes just don't care about what anybody thinks goy. Sit in your room and play video games all day goy. Be a good goy and keep consooooooooooming video games goy.

>> No.22461097
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, darling3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based glownigger haha. It’s weird how a great work of art like pic related seems to draw out the spooks.

OP, you’re probably not going to believe this yet, but the sad, pathetic fucks who run our society are working day and night and spending trillions of dollars all to keep you from falling in love. I used to think this was only for money, because unhappy people buy more shit, but now I’m beginning to believe it’s just out of pure envy. They can’t experience love for themselves because they can’t take the pain that goes along with it, so they try to destroy it for everyone else too. That includes everything from manufacuring feminism to split the sexes, all the way to hiring millions of people to make "women are all whores" posts on the internet.

I’m not going to say love is easy, but even the worst heartbreak is infinitely better than a lifetime of numbness.

>> No.22461298


interesting. what makes you think playing runescape put you on the path of becoming a millionaire?

>> No.22461408

In short, met someone on a Runescape private server, became friends and that led to me being introduced to online forums where I met more people, made good money together and eventually discovered crypto. I don't think I'd be here had I not seen him DDOS someone right before my eyes, which is why I took interest in getting to know him.