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22458707 No.22458707 [Reply] [Original]

What are some super hot megatrends to hop on to before the mainstream notices them? (no crypto)

>> No.22458819


>> No.22458962
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make an instagram meme account
takes 10 minutes a day to come up with memes
10 minutes to post
10 minutes liking others post and leaving comments
In a year you can sell it for $ or sell advertising on it once you hit 1k followers
I suggest starting 2-3 and using them as funnels

>> No.22459092

Is this profitable?

>> No.22459095

Asteroid gold mining. Mainstream still don't realize it can be done for 100-200mill that will bring trillions with current technology within few years.

You shoot swarm of 20 spacecrafts with a single 62mil(much less if you are elon musk).
Each spacecraft moves to pre selected asteroid and slowly over the course of few years change the trajectory so it crashes in the desert.
All useless materials burn on entry, gold rains down. The spacecraft goes and targets the next asteroid.

>> No.22459234

you can still buy SHLL before the merger, literally free money

>> No.22459235
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Delete this

>> No.22459261

Implement segregation zones offer drinking fountains, bathrooms the whole shabang

>> No.22459593
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it honestly depends on how much time you spend on it and how you sell yourself
crypto has the least amount of competition but hot chicks can monetize from month 1
I don't sell shit or which would get me $50 in BTC for a post and story shoutout
the link in your bio can be sold at $50-$100 a day

this is for an account with 1k organic followers
never buy followers from a service, it rekts your engagement

The best part is you can slow build or abandon it and come back and it will kick back up

finance accounts are huge after covid and the growth in influencers or meme accounts is like crypto the last few years

>> No.22459720

its also easy to automate
when I post on IG, it posts immediately to twitter, facebook, tumblr, pinterest,

Reddit and telegram I do when I want, once every few days

I don't sell shit but my bio links to my shitty crypto blog were I make a % of all trades on my "Satoshis DEX"
after 3 months I'm up to $100 a month from that

>> No.22459750

this doesn't make much sense to me. even putting aside the risk of failed missions, dumping trillions worth of gold on the market would simply crash the price of gold. we're talking about a precious metal whose main value is that it's shiny and relatively rare. if we had the technology to mine asteroids I would think that it would be better spent mining something with more inherent value

>> No.22460195

you start with gold 1st because it holds the most value
eventually it crashes the price but you don't get all of it at once
its not rocket science