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22439793 No.22439793 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure which path to take, I see many people saying to learn a trade and go the apprenticeship route, and others say learn to code because it is the future and there's a ton of jobs. I'm 22 and being forced to start over because I'm a retard and chose a useless art service industry career which has been shut down for the past 6 months and the internship I had landed no longer exists and the company I was trying to work for is selling.

>> No.22440211

Do you want to work with your hands and be mobile, going to different places, working with people? Or do you want to spend the majority of your existence looking at a computer screen? That is the question you want to answer

>> No.22440233

I'm a trader/investor, my friend is expirenced coder.
He work from 8 to 12 hours a day in a office, it's depends of the workload they have. He earn STEADY 15k(not usd) monthly, he works like this for about a year now.
I work in my home, about 2 hours per day looking at charts(not specific hours like my friend), when i want to invest in something new, i need to do research, so it takes some time for me, so about 3-4 hours per day for about a week. I make monthly from 6k(not usd) to 120k(not usd)(one time bet when i bough oil for about 50(not usd) and sell it for 103(not usd) and make ~340k(not usd) for over 1.5 years(which, 6k was my lowest month and 120k was my best month in these 1.5 years)
In conclusion, if you want steady payment, steady work, go coding.

>> No.22440288

Kill yourself you fucking Pajeet
OP didn't even ask for trading

>> No.22440349

oh fuck, you are right

>> No.22440411

still gib trading advice, good resources on how to learn trading?

>> No.22440485

15k rupees?

>> No.22440608

you can't rly learn trading in my opinion, but if you look at charts for copule years, you can see things. Investing is easier.
blowjobs from your mom

>> No.22440914

That's a good way of looking at it, I have a little experience in construction and loading, and that was pretty much hell every day although I do live in one of the hottest states.. Also I do spend a lot of time online and don't really mind it, but my experience in javascript is minimal not to mention I'm not sure how long it will take to get hire ready for something like this as with being in a trade you can almost start anywhere even as a laborer and work your way up. Not sure if there is anything equivalent in programming

>> No.22440969

you arent smart enough to trade. stick to investing with index funds.

>> No.22441015

If you ever want to start your own business programming has scalable profits, trades do not.

>> No.22441019

Oh come now “learn to trade” vs “learn a trade”, easy mistake to make(not usd)

>> No.22441021 [DELETED] 

1 HOUR LEFT on YEET ico.
Ultra low supply cap.
Yield farming.
Defi Degen Gambling
VCs and OGs holding
$4.20 snapshot price
$42 listing price


>> No.22441743

Why not both?

>> No.22441786


>> No.22441856

Oh shit you're right, I also mistook it for trading.

>> No.22441920

Learn to code. You would have time to research investment ideas and start a side hustle. If you are a true NEET, you could listen to podcasts and read at work when you are not busy. Try doing that while working in a trade, not to mention the risk of bodily harm is higher by the nature of the trade environment.

>> No.22442477

Learn to be a good little bottom bitch for your dick daddy

>> No.22442784

I would advise against "learning 2 code" if your only goal is a good job.

The tech industry has changed a lot in the last 15 years. To summarize in 2020, the recruitment process for getting a good tech job is very similar to that of getting a good job at an investment bank or hedge fund.

Generally the path to getting a good tech job starts with attending a prestigious school, then following that up with an internship at a FAANG/Unicorn company. After that you can branch off and look for good exit opportunities.

>> No.22443104
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Fuck. So the boat already sailed? That's the exact reason I decided not to go into finance. I know the "learn to code" thing is partly a meme but I thought there was some grounds to it especially seeing all the constant job listings

>> No.22443370

All of my co-workers have CS/engineering degrees and we're all making less than $60k 3 years out of school. That's not necessarily terrible money but it's a lot less than advertised.

I have an applied math degree and had to give a list of CS courses I took in college to get the job. The requirements for entry have become very specific (CS degree + 2 or more internships + decent portfolio + decent ability to solve difficult code interview problems). If one of those are missing such as the coding test skills you're gonna struggle.

One of my co-workers had an interview for another role. They asked him to solve a problem on Trees. He solved it on the whiteboard but it was slightly less efficient than the internet solution they had on hand so he didn't get the job.

Here's a link on how coding interviews work these days
>The phone interview was a lot like the nightmares that I had leading up to it. I was asked to program Conway’s Game of Life in 45 minutes. I actually did pretty well. I wrote the whole program and tested it to prove that it was working. I got the rejection the next day. Internally I was both crushed and confused. What had I done wrong exactly? Hadn’t all of the challenges I did counted for anything? Why was I expected to write such a challenging algorithm in so short a time?

Are you in school right now?

>> No.22443411

>learn a trade
learn TO trade

>> No.22443429

>can't learn trading
Well you can try a bunch of stuff and go with whatever strat werks. At least till it stops working.

>> No.22443766

Graduated earlier this year with a degree in music production. Yes, I know. how stupid can someone be. God I want to end it all

>> No.22443970

I can't really give any concrete advice since I'm not in a good position career wise either.

Have you tried looking for tutoring jobs? Tutoring physics/math was my first job after graduating uni when I couldn't get a "real job".

If you can convince them to tutor high school math or science, you will at least have something STEM related on your resume if you want to later go for other jobs. Can you tutor other languages/humanities subjects?

>> No.22444043

At least in Europe coding is still very viable and comfy jobs compared to most jobs here. We don't have the dystopian interviews here that often, or at least they are much easier than in USA. Also with WFH I have probably worked 4 hours per day at home lmao and the salary is quite nice for my country

>> No.22444409

Why not just code a trade or trade a code? Why choose just one?

>> No.22444457

Why not both?

>> No.22444476

Are you in bumfuck nowhere Misissippi? What the hell kind of retards are making that little in software anywhere in the US?

>> No.22444510

I live in a city with a population >2 million with a large banking district.

>> No.22444647

>we're all making less than $60k 3 years out of school.
The very first job I had with a CS degree paid that.

>> No.22444761

That being said the company is run by ((())) and they're a little stingy on the pay. They bill their clients about $300/hr and pay us less than 10% of that. Our department is very profitable...

>The very first job I had with a CS degree paid that.
This is my 2nd job. My goal is to use the 2-3 years of experience I've gained to get a better job down the road.

>> No.22444796

Well fren, you're either terrible at building software or you're getting cucked to the max. If it's the former, study with your coworkers or someone, build some shit outside of work. If it's the latter, apply for an internal job listing or sack up and study to get a job somewhere else. Either way, there will be extracurricular work involved.

>> No.22444801

How far can I go if I learn HTML & CSS, do Freelancing work and create templates for passive income? Any anon in the web design field?

>> No.22444864

>(not USD)

>> No.22445158

coding is a dead end job. The market is over-saturated and going to be even more so since everyone is learning to code. an entry level job is 30k here in a major american city. Coding is only useful if you're trying to make something like an app or a game or a website. That could potentially make you money, but it's not guaranteed either

>> No.22445407

Music is always in demand. I'd say if you are passionate about it you made the right choice. It's just very oversaturated with people who teach themselves online as young as 12 years old and when they hit 20 they already have shitloads of experience. I think to land a job in the music biz you need to really sell yourself as a person

>> No.22445567

Every single pajeet does that for dirt cheap.
Good luck competing against millions of them.

>> No.22446241

Want to hear my recipe for success?

>> No.22446371

did you at least get laid though?

>> No.22446393

I work for a firm out of Montana and make 55k. Welcome to the global economy where I have to compete with firms from Mumbai selling their resources for half the price.

>> No.22446495

>you need to really sell yourself as a person
like what? have sex with industry executives?

>> No.22446547

Coding is a trade if you are good enough

>> No.22446587

coding is a bubble.

>> No.22446614

learn to accept your lot as a free-range serf while people with better breeding and networking live lives of opulence

>> No.22446903

>I have probably worked 4 hours per day at home lmao and the salary is quite nice for my country

what salary and what country?

>> No.22447548
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really? Why do people say this I don't understand, its the only reason I'm questionable about trying to make a career out of it seems like they do so well but you go online and you get about 50/50 answers just like this thread
Yeah, it's also kind of an old boys club run by (((them))) nothing wrong with it in my personal experience they were nice I graduated at the top of my class so I landed a killer internship. I probably had a good chance of landing a job if covid never came. Already put in over a year of working for free and it's at the point I can't do that again I'm only getting older I was working 7 days a week over-leveraged going in debt for this not to mention living with shitty ass roommates. It is what it is I'm sure a ton of people lost way more than me. Was definitely a wake up call to pivot in a different direction as I don't know a single person working right now and the industry was already getting gutted severely to begin with

>> No.22447563

learn a trade. I'm a coder, but I think its much easier to start your own company and avoid taxes as a trader

>> No.22447586

Don't listen to any of these fags lol. All of them are brainlets that know shit or are code monkeys. I learned to code three years ago and make 100k now after three job changes. On top of that why would you even be involved with this space if you didn't learn to code and can't take advantage of this DeFi gold rush. Everyone in this thread is a demoralized neet loser that knows shit.

>> No.22447661

That's a good idea, I'm complete shit for a teacher though In my experience I don't know what it is.

>> No.22447694

>Should I be a blue collar wageslave or a white collar wageslave?
ngmi t.b.h. famalam

>> No.22447731

I get that. I need to build some capital first though where am I supposed to get the money to invest? Got a few grand invested but it's not going to get me rich overnight, and the only way Ill be able to put in more money consistently is from working a real job

>> No.22447816

Are you self taught or did you go to school? Not trying to go in debt again for the college scam if I can avoid it.

>> No.22447886

If you're not willing to become an elite-level programmer with his own Wikipedia page then you have to go to college.
Getting past HR without a degree is nightmare mode.

>> No.22448077

the answer'ss very simple: if you're smart enough, learn to code; and learn to do it well. there's always room for more talented engineers, not just some rote code-monkey.

not to knock on the legit, honest men in the trades- but have you noticed many of them are part of the lower class lifestyles? the people you surround yourself determine a great deal of your life's prospects. so if you want legit class mobility, learn to code; and get a job at a major metro. not only you'll be making top-dollar, but you'll be around the brightest minds of our century; and if you're lucky, you'll form an idea and partners in the middle of all that. if you're a tradesmen, odds are you'll lead a very mediocre life talking about the reasons to avoid buying a luxury car.

>> No.22448093

>useless art service industry career
fine dining?

>> No.22448150

this anon clearly gets it. it's no easy endeavor. but like most paths in life, it's survival of the fittest. and by means of fittest, it's not just raw intelligence, skill, or talent. but how much hustle, willpower, drive you are willing to put forth to go that extra mile and stand out in the ocean of candidates. unironically, i foresee a wave of suicides once many millys and zoomers mature into middle-age.

read my post here >>22448077

>> No.22448173

music production.

>> No.22448225

the blackpill is real itt. gotta love brainlets and their crab bucket mindset.

>> No.22448287

I don't any problems with motivation and school has always been pretty easy for me. I guess my biggest fear Is being that 30 year old academic with nothing but college degrees and shit ton of debt.

>> No.22448321

this anon gets it. it's ironic and hypocritical how all these entrepreneurs (((ELON MUSK))) give inspirational talks about the uselessness of a college degree, yet their companies don't recruit degree-less people. gotta love falsehood signalling from billionaires.

t. 10 years in Si Valley Start-ups, (aside from founders, c-level, consultants) never encountered a degreeless person filling a core role. from time to time, a lucky degreeless person would fill in a dummy contract job that pays less than peanuts with no access to our main facilities (treated like second-class citizens)

>> No.22448364

>school has always been easy
if that's true, why did you pick a meme-degree? attempt a worthy STEM-degree, then you can own that statement.

>biggest fear is being that 30 year old academic
i'd wager you're quite bright having realize this

>> No.22448405

because sadly I never looked into shit and never had a serious understanding of how the world worked until I grew up. Successful yet absent parents along with every teacher my entire life basically telling me "yeah you can do anything"

>> No.22449093

>Successful yet absent parents along with every teacher my entire life basically telling me "yeah you can do anything"

stop blaming others for your bad decisions

>> No.22449100

learn about DMG

>> No.22449217

>"because sadly I never looked into shit"
Can you not read? That's simply the reasoning behind it if nobody tells you otherwise and you're too retarded to question it yeah it should make sense

>> No.22449218

If you are intelligent or willing to work hard, AND move to HCOL areas (at least pre covid) you can make six figures easily with coding.

If you are stubborn and refuse to learn new things, or autistically self-destruct your social skills/networking, it will hinder you.

It's by far the best industry for amount of education required and potential salary. It might not be perfect but it's in top 5 wagie industries if not the best.

>> No.22449535

you just proved to me you won't make it.

>> No.22449645

get any construction job, try different construction jobs. just call up the numbers on the sides of trucks, or scope out supply stores/warehouses for trade vehicles.
then.. learn to trade like the pajeet says..
so you can invest some when you are working..
now instead of making 15-30 an hour you are making 150-300 an hour 24.7

>> No.22449762

Nah I probably will, just a matter of time. Covid was a wake up call

>> No.22449908

This was my 2nd idea, ultimate end goal is obviously not to be working at all I just need more capital to speed that up. My credit score is great and I have low debt, all things considered this might be the fastest way to freedom

>> No.22449988


>> No.22450002

Trades. Specifically learn the ins and outs of home construction and remodeling so you can start flipping and invest yourself once you get enough capital.

>> No.22450010

That's a lot of rupees you filthy shitskin

>> No.22450180

Coding fucking sucks don't fall for the meme

>> No.22450706

Honestly, automation is the future and coding is an important part of that. Coding now is the equivalent of any sort of carpentry 100 years ago. Everything is now digital and coding enables you to create things in the digital world. Trades requires labor while coding is brainpower, and most people only last till 50 ish doing trades since it's taxing on your body.

>> No.22450753

trade and extra dosh goes into Link.

>> No.22450934

If you're smart do coding. If you're dumb, go the tradie route.