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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22429260 No.22429260[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you holding up /biz/?

>> No.22429274

1 yeet = 10 eth
4.20 snapshot price 80% sold out ico 9001 cap https://yeet.dance

>> No.22429288

Doing alright. Waiting for Fantom Finance to be released, plus more Binance news. How’re you, anon?

>> No.22429333
File: 116 KB, 1280x1290, joiajsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got banned from wsb discord for posting a thot photo of a girl transitioning to cultural marxism, they were so mad lmao

>> No.22429376
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getting tired of staring at the screen

>> No.22429392

Tired of being poor

>> No.22429501
File: 116 KB, 872x1020, 1599160054409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing alright Anon. Thanks for asking.
Money is a bit tight this month but at least that let's me reflect on my spending habit. Got a long list of books to read, new financial courses I want to study and basically changed my daily info feed to something more akin to where I want to move towards. Much more to do, but we are all gonna make it.

>> No.22429540
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I am actively considering suicide

>> No.22429571

I thought they were at least somewhat based

>> No.22429591



I'm divorced and broke. Only thing that keeps me going is I have a child with my ex.

>> No.22429604
File: 323 KB, 1440x1027, Screenshot_20200911-234119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that kinda tired that sleep doesnt fix pic
That's what I'm feeling

>can't catch a break in stocks the last month or two
>almost never realize my unrealized gains
>almost always walk away with a realized loss
>could literally have gone afk from the stock market the same week it pumped hard in June and have had more money assuming I closed all positions
>recently wrecked when I didn't close a large unrealized gain, became a small realized gain
>lost it soon afterwards
>am now at a net loss from where I was at the start of August

>concentration has gone down bigly as my focus is far too high on stocks even though I'm just crabbing around for 2 months now
>barely making progress on my video game which was reaching a milestone (all character class basic functions implemented and at least usable for gameplay)

I'm so exhausted but I want to financially make it.

>> No.22429612

I've just "won" 0.06 bitcoins, apparently. Now I just have to figure out if I trust that deexcoins.com is really giving away almost 2 bitcoins to attract users as a startup, or if it's a scam.

>> No.22429656

i thought so too, but their mods are literally on their periods tonight

>> No.22429711

Anons don't kill yourselves! I don't want either of you being eternally damned. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting from the New Testament. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life. I pray my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ helps both of thee overcome the darkness that swallows you whole. Don't kill yourselves.

>> No.22429715

stick around for a while guys, the world is getting interesting and i have a feeling events will soon conspire to make you feel very alive indeed

>> No.22429732

if it sounds too good to be true...

>> No.22429735


>> No.22429761
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Could be better but all ok Anon. I just want this dam golden bull run to be real so I can stop wage slaving.

>> No.22429793

Comfy asf fren.

>> No.22429828

How does it feel responding to subtle ads?

>> No.22430773

i have seen you post this shit for weeks now. fuck off with this christianity meme. you're annoying af

>> No.22430903
File: 96 KB, 785x1000, 25b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have seen you post this shit for weeks now. fuck off with this christianity meme. you're annoying af

>> No.22430957


>> No.22430979

currently anxious since I’m all in crypto and all indicators say we are going bearish

>> No.22430997
File: 69 KB, 1024x731, 1599626464384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Christ pilled

>i have seen you post this shit for weeks now. fuck off with this christianity meme. you're annoying af

>> No.22431141

But anon, the Holy Bible doesn't prohibit suicide.

>> No.22431155

absolutely awful, I'm plauged by crippling regret from a catalogue of bad decisions made over the last 3 years. I could have put much more into link had I been paying attention and thinking properly. instead I bought a rental property which has turned out to be a complete disaster that requires much more work and investment that it appeared. I could have made it last year, instead I'm broke & struggling despite having assests. I can't find a gf and have basically checked out of society so this shithole amounts to the most social interaction i have most days. the world is going to shit & I missed multiple opportunities to secure my life. been watching suicide webms on /gif/ & if I lived in a country with easily accessible guns, I might we'll add my own contribution. instead I don't so I'm left having to suffer daily where the only highlight is the thought of going to sleep at night

>> No.22431255
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I literally farded and shidded at work today in the middle of my shift. I'm pretty sure my coworkers saw through my khakis or at least smelled it cause of how they were acting. I asked to leave early and now I'm currently cleaning the skid marks out of my undies. I don't know if I will be able to go back to work now. It only pays 8 dollars an hour but I need the money as I lost everything on yam ripple and yfv.

>> No.22431554
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Kind of stuck between two cross roads.
I really just want to live alone in the middle of nowhere etc and live for myself. But the /pol/ part of me wants to do the family and kids meme. Don't really know if I can handle being around someone 24/7 though.

>> No.22431567

I'm doing aight. Have had some seriously depressing lows lately so been a bit emotionally unstable.
But got out of the house today and ran some errands and put some waifu token into staking so im earning some passive income even if it's a couple of pennies a day. Just gotta be patient and keep investing and watching the funds grow. it's slow going but its getting better

>> No.22431666

>another day of getting cucked by YFV
>another day of getting cucked by BAT
>uniswap gem I found went up 100% but I only put $300 into it so now I either have to fomo in at 80% up (went back down a bit) or just accept I missed another opportunity
>deadline for work on Monday, literally just got the project today so working on the weekend

not really a very good day desu

>> No.22431712
File: 53 KB, 660x574, 1599834577031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are you holding up /biz/?
Not good.

>> No.22431724

The Bible doesn’t speak about suicide as a concept, but the Holy Fathers do

>> No.22431931

I went from 1.2k to 100 dollars
I'm broken

>> No.22432252

I wanted to add part of my despressing lows was watching some exit scams of my tokens and a few just straight dump and having to accept im not that smart in picking investments.
went from 15k to under 2k and havent exactly recovered much if at all.

But that staking is a light in the dark for me so I at least have a direction to head

>> No.22432259
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>I really just want to live alone in the middle of nowhere etc and live for myself.
Me too, anon. I want a comfy small house for myself out in the highlands somewhere. People suck and will only bring you down; selfishness ultimately will lead you to prosperity, you don't need no one. We'll get our dream one day, anon.

>> No.22432281


>> No.22433251

How long has it been? Gets easier to do after a few years and portfolio improving. I still stare at the screen but number go up number go down yada yada yada. One more pump and Im made it territory. Just keep keeping on and you will make it. (I assume you have some link btw)

>> No.22433263

it's my birthday

>> No.22433512

Doing alright. Getting fed up with my current job, might hop to one of the fancy Bay-area tech companies but dreading the interviews.

>> No.22433522

I miss rebasing with AMPL

>> No.22433531