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File: 103 KB, 1600x900, brendan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22425923 No.22425923 [Reply] [Original]

>invents Python
>despises the gays

tell me one reason not to go ALL in bat right now

>> No.22426017

as if you wouldn't invest in the man that formulated the engineering behind the cern large hadron collidor?

i'm all in on eich. take me home brendan. my bags are packed. i'm ready.

>> No.22426035
File: 1.20 MB, 1130x827, sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invents Ethereum
>loves Big Macs

tell me one reason not to go ALL in link right now

>> No.22426452

thiel will short bat to the ground

>> No.22426476


>> No.22426527

my name is boof and this is my story

>> No.22426547


>> No.22426579

> donates a small amount of money to an anti-legalization amendment in california which actually passed with more than 50% of the vote at a time when even Democrats were running on being against gay marriage.

shut the fuck up. stop spreading jewish lies.

>> No.22426633
File: 6 KB, 225x225, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine paying actual money for this shittoken, dumped on you straight by bot runners

>> No.22426641
File: 10 KB, 186x271, IMG_6170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit imagine being so fuking cucked

>.t charles

>> No.22426645

he invented Python?? I'm all in

>> No.22426696

He didn't. It was javascript. Where is your God now??

>> No.22426723


>> No.22426730

wasnt he caught autofilling referrals for exchanges to his personal account for anyone that used brave browser?

>> No.22426769

i heard he cannibalizes homosexuals for breakfast lunch and dinner, BAT is 90% of my portfolio

>> No.22426833

this was a video of built up notifications.

its practically impossible to cash out the money - even with the methods suggested. You can't tip yourself 140k and sneak it out an exchange even when KYC'd without brave freezing it. People have had their accounts frozen for tipping their own creator accounts from their mobile browser when you couldn't with draw to uphold only 12 months ago. That would be like 30BAT, not 450k tokens.

It then lost credibility when adjusting the ad's per hour json file. If you want proof its fake, post it on reddit.

It was a hilarious thread though. There are some people heavily invested both emotionally and financially in BAT, and take the time to write up extreme FUD. From the comp interest BAT fud, the whitepaper pegging bat price to 1/6400 eth, and now the farming technique.

>> No.22426854

The pasta should be the big head post from yesterday. Funniest thing on here in awhile.

>> No.22426864


>> No.22426880

Just sold 100k.

>> No.22426881

yeah fuck that was funny and the litany of photos of him for 5 posts straight

>> No.22426922

Is 700 bat enough to make it?

>> No.22426942

oh fuck he despises gays? im all in, someone shouldve told me this shit earlier.

>> No.22426985

Phone posting

>> No.22426997
File: 771 KB, 706x1200, nest1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give free money to lazy neets for watching adds all day
you should go all in.

>> No.22427037
File: 13 KB, 394x277, FRONTAL_LOBES_ENGAGING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, its time you fucking faggots listen. See this man right here. His name is Brendan Eich, he fucking INVENTED Javascript, you know, that language used in literally every website everywhere.

Take a moment and look at his head.
Look at how fucking BIG his head is.
It is literally 8x the size of the average human.
Compare the size of his head to somebody like Zuckerberg or Bezos, and Eichs fucking DWARFS theirs.
Just look at how fucking massive it is.
Now imagine the size of his fucking brain, how much it can compute.
Complex critical thinking problems are fucking DECIMATED by this mans brain.
It literally radiates power at idle it has so many wrinkles in it.

This man was briefly CEO of Firefox before he was wrongly and unjustly ousted.
His hatred fro non privacy browsers runs very deep.
Now take this hatred and couple it with his disgustingly large brain, and what do you get?
Well you get the Brave browser of course.

This guy is fucking sick of seeing the average person taken advantage of and privacy raped day in and day out by massive conglomerates like Google and Facebook.

Enter BAT.

Bat is currently trading at 25 cents. Yes 25 fucking cents.
If you are not accumulating you will stay poor for fucking ever.

Anytime you go to question the BAT project, just go and take a look at a picture of Eichs head. Look at how big it is, and then try to fucking tell me that BAT is not one of, if not the most promising coins.

>> No.22427727


>> No.22427737

Hes in the closet

>> No.22428292

too bad his shitcoin is useless.

VRA is a much better option and Verasity is only a $3M cap.

>> No.22428528


Literally buying 100K BAT right now just because of the size of his head.

>> No.22428567

>giving a shit about someone’s political views when deciding on their technical specifications
Wow. You’re no better than they are you know that right?

>> No.22429231

i tested that faggots lies. literally received zero ads. wasted like 15 minutes of my life on that shit.

>> No.22429481

it was a joke mate relax

>> No.22429576

YEET ICO 90% sold out and ending in 12 hours. $4.20 snapshot price, $42 listing price. https://yeet.dance

>> No.22429719
File: 74 KB, 1280x662, 1654987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of LOKIIIIIIII