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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22426321 No.22426321 [Reply] [Original]

Buying lottery tickets is a perfectly legitimate form of an investment.

>> No.22426340


How much have you invested? How much profits have you returned? Give us some details.

>> No.22426358

>You have a better chance of being struck by lightning!
Can't win if you don't play.

>> No.22426360

if you're a retard. you'd unironically make more money playing a slot machine

>> No.22426372
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>How much have you invested?
About $100
>How much profits have you returned?
>Give us some details.
I am retarded

>> No.22426373

There are many stories of Hedgefunds playing the lottery

>> No.22426534
File: 448 KB, 500x665, 88039926-DA75-43C2-BB6C-8F8318473A15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying lottery tickets is gambling but the popper who think you are retarded for buying one when the jackpot reached 500m+ are stupid for thinking that throwing a measly 5 dollars on a ticket is wasteful. Even if you don’t win something like 30% of that money goes schools and shit

>> No.22426560

Yeah, if you' are white trash and like giving the State feee money in return for literally nothing at all...

>> No.22426576
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Kek. Fair enough.

>> No.22426587
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i used to play the lottery when i was at the poorest point in my life. Used to day dream about making it and seeing my number pop up on the news. God i was so delusional

>> No.22426658

Been there too anon.
Still buy the odd one when the jackpot is high but i try to avoid actually thinking i will win.

>> No.22426772

I will admit, I have an autobuy set that purchases one game per week for $1.40. Have been doing it for the past 3 years. I think I won $50 once and $8 another time. Not really worth it and I know its dumb, but I cant bring myself to cancel it on the off chance that my numbers one day win.

>> No.22426857

I admire your honesty
Lotto is a tax on stupidity

>> No.22426933

getting stuck in line behind someone checking their lottery tickets makes me want to bottle them

>> No.22426945

I won $50 on a lotto ticket once

>> No.22426967

Lmao fair

>> No.22426980

have only bought lottery tickets in the poorest times of my life

>> No.22426996
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> Buying lottery tickets is a perfectly legitimate form of an investment.

>> No.22427365

it’s kind of weird tho cuz I know people in my family like third or second cousins and like a coworker of one who won 7 figures so I guess it isn’t a complete scam and people out there are winning you have to play to win but prob just better buying bitcoin or something

>> No.22427386


>> No.22427486
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>> No.22427516

Buying lottery tickets supports schools.

>> No.22427527
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A real riot watching go-all-in-on-this-scam-pajeet-coin-of-the-week /biz/ make fun of the lottery as an investment. Guaranteed it pays better returns than 90% of crypto "investments"

>> No.22428000

>government scam

>> No.22428067
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>i love giving jews even more of my money in return for nothing

>> No.22428083

This happens everyday trading crypto.

>> No.22428679

Based and honest retard pilled.

>> No.22428700

LOKI is my ticket outta here. Fuck jannies and fuck you.

>> No.22428731

Of speculation

You dont create any value, its not investment.

>> No.22428953
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kek that was a good laugh
thanks fren