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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 14 KB, 256x256, yfv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22416512 No.22416512 [Reply] [Original]

So, YFV have just announced that they are killing YFV off in favor of creating a new token called VALUE (or YFV v2 as they call it), they say you can swap your YSV for the new VALUE token 1 to 1 however I don't see any of this as being good news, it's created more confusion and more doubt about any potential gains that YFV had, this is going to drive the price down further, so even if you're interested in getting your hands on VALUE, probably best to sell for now.

>> No.22416554

even though i missed the top i am very happy that i sold at 50

>> No.22416600

Think yourself lucky, I bought at 28 and some more in the 70's, fuck.

>> No.22416611



>> No.22416696

I bought more at $19 yesterday to bring my cost average down fml

>> No.22416731

give clear and concise logical reasoning as to why this is bad?

it seems to me you don't quite understand the update

>> No.22416753

As long as my coins automatically convert I have no issue with it

>> No.22416764

Ah fuck its over

>> No.22416774

As I've said, it's creating more confusion, they've announced that they are going to phase out YFV, a token which was already making headway with exchange listings, and now they announce they are getting rid of it in favour of creating a new token which nobody outside of YFV will have ever heard of, it's going to kill the hype.

>> No.22416806

lol your fud won't work, the news is insanely bullish. You're just trying to create a panic

>> No.22416812

the team spends their time dicking around with changes to the token instead of making code to generate revenue

>> No.22416911

But they're literally introducing new code to upgrade & generate new revenue, Rajeesh

>> No.22416913

makes sense

i'll probably reduce my position and buy more prominent ones

under 40m mcap still seems like it could go for a run

>> No.22416930

I bought at 70, sold at 25, rebought at 19 and now im fucked again lmao

>> No.22416941

It's coordinated FUD. Someone is accumulating.

>> No.22416954

ok how will the new code generate revenue?

>> No.22416963


>> No.22416969

yea im not a technical person so idk if they are changing code or not or just makign changes to token

but i'm just buying this on the Coca-cola:Pepsi thesis

YFI coca cola
YFII pepsi
YFV fanta

unironically anything with YF--- will pump when normies rush in and see the YFI hype

>> No.22416978
File: 98 KB, 1040x424, Screenshot 2020-09-12 at 12.20.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YSV us scam buy harvest.finance. real competitor to yfi

>> No.22416985

"11. What is the “rugpull risk” of VALUE?
As previously stated, YFV’s development as a platform has been stunted as we have burned governance keys.
That said, we recognize that the introduction of new governance keys once more for VALUE in order to make upgrades resurfaces this risk. YFV holders will vote on key protocol changes through the Value DAO, or votes by YFV holders. Decisions by the DAO will operate under a 48 hour timelock contract, a standard that has been adopted across DeFi projects"

Basically they are doing this so they can develop the platform. So no they are not going to do rugpull. If they wanted to do that they would have done it before they went to burn governance keys in the first place..

>> No.22417025

don't listen to Rajeesh, he's trying to get you to sell so he can buy in lower
>the team spends their time dicking around with changes to the token instead of making code to generate revenue
they're releasing the gov pool in 2 days, the vaults in about a week, and the Liquid Value Exchange within 2 weeks. They're putting out insane amounts of work. The whole motivation behind going from YFV to the new token is because they're limited in how much they can improve the utility of the token, because they burnt the mint key and owner key. Swapping to a new token will allow them to innovate new tokenomics and introduce more pools. The news is insanely bullish, don't fall for the fud

>> No.22417047

Did you care to read the medium updates which are being updated daily before coming here to showcase ur minuscule IQ?

>> No.22417066

yes, they don't talk about capturing value from outside the yfv printing mechanism

>> No.22417087

So, how do we change to the new token? I don't use the platform I only ever bought a small stack of YFV to hold and sell

>> No.22417128

You will have to do it through the exchange that YFV are making

>> No.22417175

Bro you are retarded. I haven't even bought just farmed the recent medium just explained everything flawlessly and alleviated all the concerns and confusion. Faggots always telling bagholders to sell low.

They had to mint a new token because the governance keys were burned. They will have a vote on burning VALUE's keys as well once the changes are implemented. This project has been through a lot but the devs work fast, are patient, and have a long term plan here.

I suggest everyone read this.


>> No.22417187

Can I do that without metamask and shit

>> No.22417195
File: 54 KB, 741x721, pepe-praying-on-bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you fren

>> No.22417202


Yes yes he is.

>> No.22417246


Incorrect they already released info on the revenue streams before the recent Gov token changes. Using the Gov token as collateral to yield farm and buy it back plus fees going to Gov token stakers from the Value Liquid swap exchange. In addition to the yields from yields you already get just staking.

>> No.22417351

Help pls frens what consequences does this have for a simple coinholder like me. Do I need to convert to the new coin? I'm worried

>> No.22417356

hey if anyone gets in on the new pools be sure to use my ref. Extra special farming value.

this shit is dope...been printing money the past two weeks and the roadmap for the rest of the month is looking great.

Really gotta be a true biz brain to not get in this.

>> No.22417468

Inb4 domain migration so they can completely rebrand and untarnish themselves from the lowly class of YFclone

>> No.22417514

i don't fucking care,.are they getting rid of the absurd sell pressure on YFV? the entire tokenomics setup fucks over holders entirely

>> No.22417517

lol, the announcement basically cuts max supply from 12.7m down to 7m.... these sort of posts are nothing but FUD designed to get people to sell in to an established bottom...

Governance Vault will start paying in the new token so yield will go up compared to what it is now. Combined with reduced inflation, more rewards from migrating liquidity from Balancer to an in-house solution and now a significant max supply reduction, it's classic 4chan to be recommending people dump their bags, especially after an 80% price decline already....

>> No.22417615
File: 104 KB, 636x678, YFV2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fag.
They explained everything in their medium post so fags like OP could understand it. They essentialy create a new token to be able to add new pools as this option was burned with thier keys...
Fag you need to read > understand >think about the value proposition and than post shit

>> No.22417665

If you weren't a fucking retard, you'd understand that it's not confusing, and actually is the most bullish news yet

>> No.22417701
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>> No.22417767
File: 53 KB, 640x771, 1599368699793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TVL = Steady
Price = Steady
Rewards = Steady
Team = Steady

>> No.22417889

Dumped by bags before late. Thanks anon

>> No.22417924

youll probably need metamask, its not hard dude. your exchange could possibly make the migration for you

>> No.22417962

if you are feeling fear due to the fud, you should go ahead and sell. i will drop $100k if it hits $10

>> No.22418025
File: 84 KB, 1080x810, 1594468072324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people complaining about this coin are speculators who bought at $60+ who aren't farming. Everyone who farms is feeling comfortable. Maybe try farming.

>> No.22418035

if they were such a legit operstion wouldn't they have understood the consequences of burning the gov keys

>> No.22418044

lmao, true

>> No.22418046

in chase a swap won't be done by the CEX you are on, just DL Metamask or any other trusted ledger and go to thier website...there will be a swich button -easy as pie

>> No.22418149

they did and literally wrote the pros and cons of it an article...

if you were literate, wouldn't you have read this?

>> No.22418165

>kill YFV and make a new token nobody knows about
Bullish. Hopefully they don’t mint 3 million tokens this time.

>> No.22418216

Noice. Now I have to spend $100 to do a token swap.

>> No.22418332

Who cares about a new stupid fsrming shitcoin. The good thing of yfv was "yf clone", now they are killed the hype. This coin is going to 0.

>> No.22419101


Harvest puts all the clones to shame. Literally the only competitor is YFI.

But, I would go on to say that Harvest, because of its open platform for other devs to create on it, might even be a better choice in the long run.

YFI is Andre code specific. He comes up with the strategies and codes it all. If something happens to Andre YFI suffers. Harvest is quickly becoming a community of devs where everyone contributes and each contract is continually audited not only professionally but by the community.

>> No.22419142

/biz/ midwits don't understand yfv. Bullish

>> No.22419170
File: 41 KB, 1280x481, IMG-20200912-WA0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avocado will be bringing assets from high value brands and hosting flash sales of them on our platform where you can participate using $USDC/ $USDT while leveraging $GUAC and earn more $GUAC while you wait for yield from the liquidation of the real asset



Within 12 HOURS you will receive $GUAC in same wallet!

1 $GUAC = ETH 0.00017


*Uniswap/Sushiswap listing on 24/09/20

- pm for enquiry/questions/issues

>> No.22419193

For a brainlet like you, yes being a YF clone was probably the best thing.

For high IQ anons like me, a money printer that works well should be enough, free money after all. And VALUE will most likely do it better now.

Kys faggot

>> No.22419209

no, i only stay at the periphery of these hype scams and get cucks like you to spoonfeed me

>> No.22419362

is 1000 YFV enough to make it?

>> No.22419516

hahahaha fuck off chink your stupid scams are going to be less lucrative now that the fad is dead

>> No.22419578

great strategy, how's that $500 portfolio coming along?

>> No.22419643

My tokens are at OKEX, I need to move it outside?

>> No.22419859

imagine buying offbrand scams instead of buying YFI. you guys would have all-inned bitcoin diamond.

>> No.22419917

sell your yfv now and buy value later
the migration will bug

>> No.22420028

all contracts will be getting audited by 2 firms henceforth before being deployed

>> No.22420110


>> No.22420131

I might be down like $400 on this project but it's become so ridiculous that I can't stop now. This is bullish...if the migration works well.

>> No.22420196

Max supply just went from 12 million to 3 million lol. I hope you faggots sell and miss it all. Meanwhile at $16 I’m still up more than 400% because of staking, that’s not even including the fuck load of vUSD and almost 1 vETH. I’m going to be rich you filthy retards. I hope you kikes stay poor and seethe more

>> No.22420423

Just read the new roadmap, I get what's going on technically but am still wrapping my head around the tokenomics
Biggest question for me right now: As they transition from 98 ASSET / 2 YFV to 98 ASSET / 2 VALUE in the Balancer pools, how much impermanent loss is the switch gonna cause?

>> No.22420555

Nothing, they will have the same value and will be interchangeble untill and if there is collective vote to keep Value only. And with 98/2 ratio IL is negligible unless it plummets to 0 or goes 1000x, which are unlikely

>> No.22420602

Fuck me, should have wrote $1000 EOY

>> No.22420655

thanks fren, nice trips
One more question:
>(8) Current BPT Liquidity Providers will have the ability next week to transfer all their current liquidity tokens to new pools that issue VALUE.
Will this cost gas? I was about to stake more link but might hold off if I'm just going to be moving the BPT to a different pool in two days

>> No.22420723


>> No.22420744


>> No.22420918

Nice dubs as well
I am not sure about gas, there is mention of approving transfer and automoving to new pools. Link pool closes in 6 days so you still have time, transfer in two days is from V2 to Governance Vault. Here is FAQ link that will probably explain it better if you didn't see it yet.

>> No.22420994

Thanks fren
I'm not very involved in the community but hope there's pushback against the switch from 98/2 to 90/10. I know the guys that want to see this project grow want farmers to have more skin in the game, but honestly the ability to just farm a pool that's 98% Link for high yields is what drew me to YFV

>> No.22421021

fuck this chink scam. i can't trust Asians.

>> No.22421109

So they’re cutting supply by almost half and removing the ability of whales to dump every single day, how the fuck is this a red flag?

>> No.22421132

YFI 10,511 wallets
YFV 14,608
YFII 7,787

One of these are more decentralized than the rest. That same one has also burned minting keys, unlike the others. One of these are also bigly underpriced.

>> No.22421184

Unfortunately part of the idea behind moving from YFV to VALUE is because they regret burning the minting keys
I'm still excited about this project but it only just hit me how much more research I need to do now. I'm enthusiastic about the project but I don't trust anyone in this space and need to understand before I keep investing

>> No.22421219

Yeah, i agree. There will be other two Vaults that could lock up plenty of YFV/VALUE tokens. That 80/20 yfv/vusd will probably remove all available tokens out of circulation if they get it right. Community is ok, discord is there for the long run, telegram is cancer.

>> No.22421249


According to them they can't make the changes the community is demanding because they burnt the keys so this why they are they have to do a token rebrand. The medium said the new token will have a vote on keys once the changes are implemented.

>> No.22421295

>telegram is cancer.

What the fuck its so bad. Its literally WHEN TOKEN BURN, WHEN BINANCE, I DON'T UNDERSTAND spammed ad nauseum. Normally I'd consider that a bad sign for the project but the devs are clearly competent a lot of retards just bought a week after it went 10x and two weeks after it went almost 40x

>> No.22421429

Telegram is an app for smelly pajeets and greedy autists from western countries. It's trash.

>> No.22421437

Yeah but they will be changing YFV into VALUE token, and they have the keys and such for VALUE token, the reason they burnt the keys for YFV is because they knew they were getting rid of it.

>> No.22421466

Hopefully those retards will sell and move somewhere else, it is annoying as fuck. Can't get any useful info there.

>> No.22421474



>> No.22421537


I just use it to check the pinned messages to see when new mediums or news is released for the most part.

>> No.22421568
File: 88 KB, 851x629, Pre-Proposal for Reworked Tokenomics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This post, Pre-Proposal for Reworked Token Economics, laid out exactly 99% of what we have in mind.
Pic related. How do you guys feel about farming being paused for a week?

>> No.22421585

source for greentext is yesterday's strategy & roadmap update

>> No.22421606

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.22421661

pretty good, made 30k selling this turd at $50

>> No.22421723

I don't think there will be any pause, next week will be transfer to new pools that issue VALUE, and after that there will be transfer from Balancer pools to Value pools. If i got it right, they are building entire "self-sufficient" system.

>> No.22421747

Ill be honest guys, Im a retarded newfag who doesnt understand staking, farming, vaults and all that shit, I just bought YFV at 30$ because I thought it would moon. I dont think my stack is even worth farming with to begin with.
I understand they're making massive improvements and updates to the farming stuff, but how are the prospects for holders? So far it has been a pretty terrible experience.

>> No.22421799
File: 865 KB, 1056x1079, 1594487720603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prospects are solid. You should really farm though.

>> No.22421846

I have like 7 YFV, doesn't it cost like gas fees and shit. I was told it was barely worth it with so little

>> No.22421849

Legitim point

>> No.22421917

That's my take away as well. As much as it makes me nervous I'm also excited. It was said at SmartCon (I forget by whom) that everyone investing in defi this year is moving the space forward by showing what works and what doesn't work
I hate the cutesy approach of Sushi and Harvest, not to mention shitshows like Haka. This project feels serious and I appreciate the transparency and emphasis on governance that characterizes Yfv
Heading out of town for the weekend but I expect we'll all be hearing from each other on here over the coming weeks
Thanks again for the solid info fren

>> No.22421951

I have been staking for a couple weeks now, i have no idea what any of this shit means, someone pls tell me what to do pls

>> No.22422002

Wrong. Yield farms won't distribute yfv anymore. Bullish. People won't farm and sell yfv down to nothing like all your foodcoins. YFV will still be yfv.

>> No.22422007

The idea that the devs can do all of the things they have AND make basically make a replacement for balancer within (and possibly outside?) of their own token ecosystem is...interesting. The devs might be anon but evidently it's some pretty serious people.

>> No.22422008

not worth it, just sell at $100 for an easy 3x

>> No.22422099

Thats what Im waiting for, just wondering if you guys think this whole transition will do the price good. Ill be patient. Its my own fault getting in over my head thinking I could make a quick buck buying this shit

>> No.22422175

i'm also a lowly bagholder with only 40 YFV i bought around $25 and the rest at $45. I think what will happen is the transition might spook a few people, and some whales might pull out after they see their farming game is being threatened. Once the burn happens, and the whales aren't able to farm YFV anymore, the price will easily rocket up. I think by mid october it will be $150+ if everything goes accordingly.

>> No.22422186

Sure mate, i am excited as well since i missed out most of defi hype, first project that i am participating in from almost beggining and it looks promising if they learn from other project mistakes. Stay safe

>> No.22422245

Research you mindless sheep

>> No.22422350

Id be happy with 50$ at this point, I'll sell right away. Should've never got into this shit not knowing how farming works, but motherfuckers on /biz/ told me it was going to be a quick moon to 200$

>> No.22422404

Pls no bully, this shit makes my head spin

>> No.22422589

>Once the burn happens, and the whales aren't able to farm YFV anymore, the price will easily rocket up. I think by mid october it will be $150+ if everything goes accordingly.
Why wouldn't this just mean whales dump? If they cant farm and they aren't going to stake why bother.
T.me staking 93 vfv, making like 40 bucks a day...

>> No.22422612

because they will have strong incentive to stake it and put it in vaults. read the medium posts from today. also, how the fuck are you making $40/day staking 93 yfv? I'm staking 100 and only making 3.5 vUSD a day.

>> No.22422783

It drifts a little, last time i looked it was closer to 4 vusd, now its like 3.2 but you know 1 vUSD is 10 dollars right anon?

>> No.22422828

Maybe I'm mixing up threads, but I think someone posted a screenshot from the TG of an admin saying they are choosing to remain anonymous because they are well known.

>> No.22422835

no its not silly, its .60c on uniswap

>> No.22422918

this may remain dumping for a week more or so until Governance vault change the dynamics. Incentivizing hodling YFV to stake instead of getting it as byproduct in farming to sell.

This may be your last shot to buy cheap.

>> No.22422940

I hate defi, im out. I can't keep any of this shit straight, for fucks sake

>> No.22422941
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I'm not sure I can handle one more week.

>> No.22422966

if you need hopium supplements, look at YFII's price action during its first month, and Cream's dump from 100->10 in the first few days before going to 300.

Be patient. I know its hard. But selling now is just idiotic.

>> No.22423025

Governance vault on Tuesday. It's the only hope we've got really.

>> No.22423058

I hate this faggot piece of shit so much

>> No.22423097
File: 60 KB, 889x586, F11E17B2-DC8A-4FB3-82C0-53C96542A93C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, this coin is trash hun xoxoxo

>> No.22423131

Think of this way. You have a project in the 40 million mk cap range with intense outside interest about to release the main course next week.

Who can possibly think, we are gonna remain this cheap or go lower mid-long term??

now is when financial opportunity is near its highest.

>> No.22423179

Is this really fairly valued at over X6 smaller than SUSHI!? exactly.

the main problem with this token was the rate of dilution and now that will be flipped on its head soon. Supply will be effectively capped at 3.8 Million or so. If you cant read the signs of the wall, idk what to tell you.

>> No.22423187

What is the sense in this token then?

>> No.22423208

Dilution isn't ending with the current epoch, they'll just be rewarding with VALUE instead.

>> No.22423320
File: 16 KB, 699x194, max.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. Max supply is somewhere around 7m depending on how they allow us to vote and how burning plays out, etc.

>> No.22423482
File: 67 KB, 1288x640, YFV_makeit_stack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone just finished their make it stack.

>> No.22423599

Based. You really think 1000 is make it? I thought so as well

>> No.22423651


1000 should produce serious passive returns once all the revenue streams are up and running. Using it as collateral to farm other protocols, mine more YFV(VLT in future) vUSD, vETH, and the .005% fee goes to stakers as well from the Value Liquid Swap. There could be even more for all we know in the near future but all of this goes live by September 21st. Plus they are slashing the total supply by like 45% 12 Million to 7Million.

I'll be surprised if this token doesn't take off the team cleared up the confusion from the mediums today as well.

>> No.22423660
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>If you weren't a fucking retard, you'd understand
>OP is a fag.
>They explained everything in their medium post so fags like OP could understand it.
>Bro you are retarded. I haven't even bought just farmed the recent medium just explained everything flawlessly and alleviated all the concerns and confusion. Faggots always telling bagholders to sell low.
>don't listen to Rajeesh, he's trying to get you to sell so he can buy in lower