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22419644 No.22419644 [Reply] [Original]

told my gf i thought buying a $150 rug was a bad financial decision and now shes pissed off at me

>> No.22419784
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Mate a good rug will keep you set for life.. just dont let her pull it out from under you.

>> No.22419823

How'd you say it? If you were a bitch about it then it's normal, if not then she's not normal

>> No.22419841

Take her to Goodwill and let her buy one for $15.

>> No.22419871

something like:
Her: Look at this new rug im getting! Isn't it so nice?
Me: Oh that is nice, but damn its $150?
Her: Yeah
Me: Thats pretty expensive for a rug, you could probably get one off amazon for like $50
Her: I dont want one off of amazon
Me: Idk just seems like a lot to spend on a rug

and then shes pissed

>> No.22419902

Get your GF into crypto dude then she will be able to buy all the rugs with her staking rewards

>> No.22420616

Women can be petty like that. That's why you have to be a dick and put your foot down while she throws a fit like a little girl.

>> No.22420997

That's not bad for a rug. A comfy aesthetic work/living space is invaluable. It helps one to think clearly, creatively, and in a comfy manner. You don't have one of THOSE apartments do you, anon?

>> No.22421062

Why are you dating a retard?

>> No.22421094

you're a retard, nice rugs are hundreds of dollars. if you want some cheap Chinese shit go ahead.

>> No.22421098

Just tell her your cool with paying 50 for a rug, but if she insist on 150 she better give you some head and cook you some dinner.

>> No.22421110

You should pull it and take the profits

>> No.22421286

Got my $200 rug for $60 in lockdown sale when rugman was on the ropes. you missed the boat anon

>> No.22421364

Bad move bro just let her be happy with her dumb rug, especially if you live together. She's acting on her homemaking instincts. Little things like that make a place really nice to live in.

>> No.22421390

+1 Wisdon

>> No.22421399

You should have bought the rug in march.

>> No.22421410

I sell rugs at my work, among other products, and for more than $150. They would be on the cheaper end. Most are $250-$500.

>> No.22421498

bro rugs are awesome and I'd pay 1000 for a good one. then again I don't wear shoes in the house and bed and couch like those dirty Americans do

>> No.22421565

you = retard.
this is the type of shit wimmin are for.
for rolling around on noice rugs with
a good rug will improve your day, everyday, and $150 is, for the love of christ, hardly Persian antique prices, you miserable cunt.

>> No.22421570

buying anything of amazon... ngmi. buy once, buy quality. "look at this new rug I'M getting", key word is "I'm". If its not your money why do you give a fuck

>> No.22421581

if your gf is happy with a shitty cheap ass $150 rug, count yourself lucky dude.

>> No.22421592

we bought a 700 euro rug, i didnt want it, she loved it, so she got the rug, i got a plasma tv.

it's your gf, not your little brother.

>> No.22421601

What is even the point of a fucking rug?

>> No.22421621

Nigger let her enjoy shit stop being so miserly

>> No.22421630

>a fucking rug

>> No.22421633

>t. guy who lives in an empty apartment with 1 mattress and a laptop

>> No.22421659

What's the point of anything really

>> No.22421688


>> No.22421694

>guys really live in apartments like this and think it’s ok

>> No.22421708

the only thing you have to say is

>> No.22421778

If you want to have a gf you pretty much just need to accept that they are going up want to buy dumb shit. All you can do is help her to budget and basically just treat that as a monthly "girls like dumb shit" tax. Don't let it go over that amount. This is just female nature.
Just wait until you marry one and buy a house if you think a stupid ass rug is bad.

>> No.22421860
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>> No.22421895

Rugman on suicide watch.

>> No.22421983

congrats, you had 3 fuckin years. i shilled that rug for 6 months to biz and you missed, you fuckin missed it. DCA into it and tell her you thought it was a scam.

>> No.22422010

Of course she's pissed at you, the way you reacted you treatred her like a human being.
She's a mindless, retarded beast, to let her act of her own volition is cruel to begin with.

>> No.22422013

Rug pull her

>> No.22422029

kek this fucking thread

>> No.22422043

Nice incel containment thread

>> No.22422052

Ive had a $100 rug for 6 years and it really pulls tbe room together. Stop being such a poorfag and buy a mediocre rug..

>> No.22422068

If she turns that into a stroy where you were screaming at her and she was verbally abused then GET OUT NOW.

>> No.22422096

>Pulls the room together
Ok you consumerist baby

>> No.22422937

Home furnishings aren’t investments. So you’re comment to your gf would be stupid to begin with.

>> No.22423079

Genuine handcrafted persian rugs are the best and very classy. I'd spend good money for one of those. Every other rug i shit tier.

>> No.22423122

Jokingly tell her that she can have any rug she wants but to keep in mind that it's the rug she'll get buried in if she cheats on you. Walk up to her smile, look her in the eyes and then slap her ass.

>> No.22423161

stop fudding the fucking rug. BELIEVE IN THE FUNDAMENTALS

>> No.22423227

Good job anon, buying a rug that cheap is a poor decision.

>> No.22423271

Fag. Bet you spent more on crypto and lost it

>> No.22423276

I went to Turkey and bought a $15,000 rug for my dog to sleep on. Why are you poor?

>> No.22423393

Shes probably pissed youre poor and cant/dont want to afford to have the comforts of a home. How can she have kids with you if youll bitch because she wants some stupid cute shit in their room or whatever. Women like to buy shit and spend money, you need expendable money to have one. Dont have a woman if you cant afford the liability. Theres a reason kings and wealthy men used to have dozens of women while peasants would be beating around the bush.

>> No.22423492
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>I went to Turkey and bought a $15,000 rug
and they remember your visit to this day.
and laugh.

>> No.22423567

post GFs rug and we'll rate it

>> No.22423569

>having a gf (a black pit that all your money goes)

>> No.22423577

You have a girlfriend?

>> No.22423618

Does it tie the room together? That's easily worth 150.

>> No.22423672

If you were even remotely alpha af Bruce, you’d grab the pussy and slam it off the third rope like a proper mma fighter. But since you’re a zeta simp cuck, you let this need for rug mutate into a stupid rug.

Protip: it’s called “making love” for a reason

Nightmare mode: she’s white and also repressed sexually and complicated by liberal mental illnesses

>> No.22423695

>implying that's a bad thing
pic related

>> No.22423696

Based /biz/nessman kek

>> No.22423715
File: 39 KB, 606x571, c01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck forgot pic

>> No.22423742

punch that bitch in the mouth

>> No.22423769

Those are $25k

>> No.22424169

my fucking sides

>> No.22424237

>told my gf
Stopped reading there.

>> No.22424325
File: 531 KB, 720x845, 1539651833009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this how normies function?
Asking for a friend....

i just bought a 400$ rug at a local homegoods just because wife thought it MIGHT look good.

figured Im a regular middle class jack-off.

am I ...am I not a regular jack-off ?

>> No.22424485

you are a normie

>> No.22424526

If she paid for it who cares, if she asked you to then tell her to fuck off

>> No.22424845

kek at the low IQ faggot.
You NEVER cheap out on a good rug, it must be thick, wider than her height and you need to test it for water absorption.
One of these days you'll come home to find her getting pounded by Tyrone, you take out your katana (that you hang on the wall and keep sharp), slice both of them with 1 clean swing each, then use the rug to take the bodies out and dump them somewhere.

>> No.22425374

>having a gf
pick one you fucking normie

>> No.22425398

$100 is inbetween $50 and $150 you moron. Spending $50 more on a rug will hardly improve the quality

>> No.22425419

but they are financial decisions you moron

>> No.22425437

>Having a gf in 2025

>> No.22425438

if youre poor, then I agree with you. If you aren't, then care about your living space and buy the rug

>> No.22425469

That's not bad for something you'll have and use for years.

>> No.22425717

>you'll have and use for years.
she could leave him tho

>> No.22425894

Women are very emotional, what you’ve effectively done here is poop on her carpet party. If you lead her to the amazon option in a more positive manner she probably would have bought it with just as much enthusiasm

>> No.22425993

Shows you're not really in charge anon. Fix this or pay the consequences. This is a small taste of what will follow.

>> No.22426078

That's a completely normal price for a rug unless it's tiny

>> No.22426095
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>> No.22426167


>> No.22426380

good quality rugs are in the 4 digit range, and it will last you beyond your life time if you and your guests arent retarded and spill shit on it every time they visit.

>> No.22426663


Who the fuck cares let her blow her money anyway she wants. Keep your finances seperate. If you live together make sure she pays for half of the bills and whatnot. 150 for a rug is cheap as fuck anyway you poor fag bet you have a sub 100 link stack