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22420528 No.22420528 [Reply] [Original]

Sept 11, 2020 UPDATES

1) VIP to ERC Bridge opened at 12 UTC

2) 100k tokens was the max to be bridged and this has already been maxed out. Sorry, I have no proof, but can attest that one LVL 4 sent 100k tokens in one shot.

3) The ERC token will have a separate exchange listing from the VIP token and have its own price.

Basically, the ERC token has a tiny market cap right now and is set to explode when everyone figures out just wtf the Hacken team is doing.

Don't forget: This is a working product, supported by a strong team, that has literally 0% chance of scamming. This will be listed on major exchanges in the next month, screencap this. This is your last chance to get on board this ERC rocket. Thank the shady ass admins in the Telegram for giving you this opportunity, because they fudded or straight up lied to most people to get them away and accumulate low.

Here is the ERC HAI contract address: 0x05Fb86775Fd5c16290f1E838F5caaa7342bD9a63

Price tracker: https://uniswap.info/token/0x05fb86775fd5c16290f1e838f5caaa7342bd9a63

>> No.22420578

>already pumped 6x
not helping you unload your bags

>> No.22420601

Thanks for reposting this. Still no sell off and still no bridge tokens arriving it seems. This is bullish. Too wallets are hodling.

>> No.22420628

lol k

>> No.22421016


>> No.22421160

I thought I was gonna miss it but I guess russians are slow

>> No.22421213

nah you're still so early in this if you understand the ERC

>> No.22421303

I really feel as if these threads are just VIP HAI token holders who try pushing the price of the ERC20 in order to make more gains upon bridging. Could be entirely wrong, but there's no information about anything related to the future plans.

>> No.22421318

you don't own both? it only makes sense

>> No.22421365

i kinda get that vibe too, but i'm a gambler at heart so i bought the ERC at around 25c, we'll see what happens lmao

>> No.22421497

from their medium post today, this seems to support the idea that bridged HAI can only be used for liquidity, idk how that'd work though
>Using this bridge, level 4 Hacken Club Members get a chance to convert their VIP-180 HAI to ERC-20 HAI, after which they can send it to the HAI Uniswap Pool.

>> No.22421602

Hacken is literally one of the most reputable companies in the crypto world, they audit other tokens. If they rugpull then all their credibility will be gone and they will be out of business.

ERC-20 HAI has a small marketcap and a small circulating supply, and it's only been out for like a week.

>> No.22421790

If this isn't the most calculated gamble in all of crypto gambling, then fuck me.

>> No.22422001

Normally in this type of market I would be straying away from something this early and unproven but as far as gambles go you could do a lot worse than betting on a company as well connected as Hacken

>> No.22422019

I dont own any veechain HAI.
Though I know that there isnt a way to prove this statement besides >trust me bro

>> No.22422142


14 mins

get ready

>> No.22422159

is this mf gonna shill this?

>> No.22422366

look at the top 10 wallets. all are holding or accumulating.

>> No.22422455

When are these fags going to send the bridged tokens its like 1am on the 12th in russia

>> No.22422468

I bought at ~0.25, ~0.4, ~0.5
I regret not going all in at 0.25 but I was being cautious initially

>> No.22422676

I see multiple threads on this shit everyday yet it still won't moon, fuck off

>> No.22422911

you know if you shift click a thread in the catalog, it hides it?

>> No.22423022

can i shift click you?

>> No.22423055

>doesnt immediately 100x
>fuck this scam
its been up for less than a week, hasnt yet been shilled by any youtuber or gained huge attention yet.

Are you one of those retards that only buys at the top?

>> No.22423169

yes it highlights my post

>> No.22423733


>> No.22424251

big balls

>> No.22424286

>bridged tokens still haven't gone through

Nice scam (((hacken)))

>> No.22425049

Bridged tokens are coming at a reasonable time in their time zone, I would imagine.

>> No.22425673
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>I bought at $2

>> No.22425957

just wait until this moons. $2 will be FUD

>> No.22426309

Don't worry it should be at around $70 soon, it's just a matter of time

>> No.22427040

...my hands are getting shaky...

>> No.22427093

When pump sirs?

>> No.22427299

Amazing there is only 260 holders of this right now. I've seen obvious rugpulls get 1k wallets 24 hours after uniswap listing

>> No.22427343

Obvious newfag, doesn't even know who Hacken are. Stick to buying your food tokens lol

>> No.22427356

Oh shit misread that lmao, yeah tell me about it

>> No.22427357

what are you on about, anon is saying that it's amazing how few wallets hold this considering it's hacken

>> No.22427378

im wasted, can't read

>> No.22427387

all good brother

>> No.22427433

lolol I literally have no idea how people are so slow on this one

>> No.22427779

No worries, fren. I got in at .60 and still feel extra comfy holding.

>> No.22428011

Nobody wants this shitcoin PND. Hop ship to ARPA + Bella Protocol farming or get rekt.

>> No.22428139

Really, separate listing and price now?
So what's the point of 'supporting the price' of the VIP HAI token then?
I thought ERC HAI = VIP HAI?

HaHAAAA TFW Scammed.

>> No.22428321

Is this a high IQ only coin or has biz reached new levels of retardation? Fuck you guys are embrassingly stupid

>> No.22428363

You literally have to have galaxy brains in order to understand any of the shit the hacken team puts out. One of my best holds by far though

>> No.22428655

It's high IQ, this isn't a quick flipper though people will need to give it time to grow. CEO said himself expect lots of announcements starting next week

If you can afford to hodl for a bit this will make you money, unfortunately this is a swingers market so not a lot of people are down for a hodler token

>> No.22428848

The ERC is going to be a rocket. Screencap this

>> No.22429075

OOOO $100 end of next week

>> No.22429325

Bought $200 worth on uniswap and wasn't even being shown the token to fiat exchange. Just showed 230 HAI and nothing else. Felt scammy and didn't understand what I was getting into so sold it.

>> No.22429615

Post like these make me think this is trash and I should prepare to get bogged.

>> No.22429877

Noob detected, it just means it isn't on coingecko because it's so early but you can see the price elsewhere

>> No.22429947

Yes confirmed noob. Just looked at it properly this time and it seems the main hacken website leads to the telegram group which leads to the uniswap link... But what does it not being on coin gecko have anything to do with me not seeing the fiat conversion on metamask?

>> No.22430232

I just don't get it...if I buy the erc 20 token hai... Can I just hold it or do I need to put it in a pool?

>> No.22430725

This is the case for all new coins newfag.

>> No.22430927
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I feel i'm missing something here. Why should this new ERC20 variant of $HAI be valued any differently to the existing one on the VeChain network?

>> No.22430937

>bottled water

>> No.22431059


implying it's more convenient to buy $HAI on the Eth network?

Currently 10% cheaper to buy $HAI on an exchange like OceanEX. This uniswap listing isn't going to moon or anything insane.

The token is the currency used on Hacken's platform, and literally worthless if you don't have a need for their services.

Cool project though

>> No.22431128

>>bottled water
Glad to see someone else has a problem with it, FUCK bottled water
Anyway, didn't this touch $2 at one point? I seem to remember that happening on that magical night when the clusterfuck of confusion with the new ERC20 token was taking place.

I got reamed in the ass pretty good by that but I bought back in anyway, here's hoping we see that kind of price again

>> No.22431138

Its a different token, with a different coin supply and market cap.