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22419466 No.22419466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will normies come back into cryptos?

>> No.22419484

never. why would they? it's an autistic scam.

>> No.22419494

When there’s a vaccine because people are currently scared of anybody and anything closer than 6 feet. It’s retarded

>> No.22419501

Never, everyone with the slightest interest got burned 2017 and won't be going into crypto again.

If you haven't made it back then you will never make it.

>> No.22419532

When we break the ATH, just like last time

>> No.22419537

When they need to.

>> No.22419610

Why would they when stocks have stocked being slow? You can buy shares without all the headaches of wallets and fiat on ramps and murky taxation plus enjoy the retard pump and dumps from 2017. Robinhood exported 2017 crypto to the stockmarket.

>> No.22419634
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As soon as rapper Gunna mentions bitcoin in a song
Screencap this

>> No.22419690

Stocks are cool again and more accessible than cryptos.
And instead of shitty coins you can pick your favorite brand.

Normies won't come back, all there's left from 2017 are wall street jews killing all volatility and real movement.
Crypto isn't exactly dead but we'll literally never see something like 2017.
Even fucking metals pumped way more than crypto.

>> No.22419701

near the top

>> No.22419804

Unironically if LINK and other Defi coins which are markedly different than ICOs start moving like bitcoin and eth in 2017 we could see normies returning thinking "its different this time"

>> No.22419828

Je la laisserais bricoler avec mon pipi

>> No.22419920

Normies don't give a shit about crypto anymore

>> No.22419953

when dave portnoy leads them.

>> No.22419982

Normies care about whatever is popular or trending or makes them think they can get rich quick. A whole new generations of zoomzooms who were too young to buy crypto in 2017 are now old enough to buy. If we really start moving we can be back in the mainstream quick

>> No.22420101

Her eyes look 40. Poor thing.

>> No.22420345

Idiot, they probably bought in too. Crypto is dead and you fags are insufferable

>> No.22420512

That's a man

>> No.22420558

When they realize they're missing out on gains and realize their banks and corporate overlords are already on board

>> No.22420575

It's because your in the "surface level" crypto world dipshit.

>> No.22420867

normies, even intelligent normies, dont care about crypto. until netflix starts talking about it, its under their radar. my friend is really smart, 4.0 gpa comp sci from a prestigious school, made money investing himself in stocks, but he doesn't even want to put in the effort to learn about it. let me restate it: its not that he understands it and dislikes it, he doesn't even want to put in the effort to understand it, despite his intelligence and relevant skillset with which he would be a prime candidate to make money

lots of zoomzooms just think its a scam or too volatile

>> No.22420884

C’est un homme.

>> No.22420964

She is practicing the hijab look before the hijab is fully implemented into law. Oh look, and only "1 kilometre" away.
You have bigger problems in the long term. You should forget about "cryptos"

>> No.22421168

$xhv is gonna moon so hard normies will be buying it like McDonalds hamburgers.

>> No.22421273

They will fomo in at the top of the pump like always.

>> No.22421317

Va te faire enculer.

>> No.22421376

Good thing that mask is hiding her disgusting face. You can just tell she is butt ugly.

>> No.22421387

Soon but they won’t even know it as crypto. It’s like asking when will normies come back to Red Hat Linux. Most of the things use or their data is processed through uses it but they don’t know. It’ll just be technology like any other to them.

>> No.22421791

When its too late

>> No.22422900

After how badly they got burned in 2017... never.

>> No.22423006
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Exactly this.

Normies im dealing with dont understand wallets, keys , wallet adresses nor do they understand why they should use the 'corn when there are already regulated instant money transfer possibilites..

I rather buy 1 x McDonalds share than 1 Bitcorn

>> No.22423063

long after that lol when corn breaks 40k i would speculate

>> No.22423127

>zoomers have a long memory.

these fortnite addicted swine will buy anything at any price without even looking at a single chart. thousands will lose everything

>> No.22423158

crypto is kryptonite to the normalfag
It is also kryptonite to the wagie

>> No.22423290

I am thinking something like this as well. Even though I feel like we are in a bull market, I won't be satisfied until 20k is beached.

>> No.22423377

Typical when a roastie hits the wall after years of alcohol abuse, they disintegrate and look like shit.

>> No.22423557

>33 years old

Imagine the smell and wideness of her pussy. I bet you have to look for the corners.

>> No.22423597

>shilled LINK to approx 40+ real friends and even friend of friends while drinking together etc.
>through 2018 till i gave up June 2019
won't happen, not now, not in current state.

zero regulations, its basically gambling to them after 2017/18 happened.

even when i shilled it to high IQ people with good jobs and enough money to just throw at it and see what happens, they cant be bothered with exchanges,wallets, etc.

in hindsight all of those fuckers are wrong, and only 1 dude (low iq double digit psychical worker) asked me this year to start investing small sums.

and i met 2 people in like 3 years, who held through 2017/18 and still holding to this day, like shitty -90% alts and some BTC and ETH because "it might go up again".

we need cleansing to 1000$-3000$ per Bitcoin and 1-2 month surge to 20 000$+ attract people again, like get rich quick sheme OR

we need proper regulations
>no chink scams
>regulated,transparent exchanges, no scam wicks, no fuckin chink and niggers hunting shorts/longs etc.
>actual liabity for teams to deliver roadmap
>update of tokenization
so basically we need to treat crypto like companies, tokens as stocks, and 99% of cryptomarketcap.com list needs to be put in jail.

"decentralize" my nuts, current model is fuckin pointless.

>> No.22423972

Never, it's institutions or zero.

>> No.22424409

You can even invest in stocks through apps like acorns which takes any and all thought out of it. Just pick your risk level from low, medium, high and socially responsible. Put your money in each week and print out a one page form to give your accountant at tax time.
Crypto cannot compete with this when it comes to the few normies that, if they even save, do anything but put it in the bank towards their next purchase.
Honestly, the first person who creates a phone app that utilises smart contracts to replicate this with a wide range of crypto and defi staking etc will make bank.