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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22415479 No.22415479 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22415656

Yeah, don't take advice from /biz/ and leave. They're just meming their lives away. Get out now

>> No.22416278

1. Try to get as much money from grants and scholarships as you can.
2. Most college clubs are bs, at most I'd just focus on clubs that have a professional bent to them, like engineers club or whatever.
3. Go Greek
4. Talk to your professors and establish a baseline relationship, that way you can use them for letters of rec in the future/references if you need them.
5. Stay on-campus if you can or as close to possible so you can easily work on projects with people you meet, etc. It's better overall in my opinion.
6. All women are whores.

>> No.22416343

So many scamcoin faggots these days. Early summer I got rich from helpful autistic anons on why coin x is the next 10x etc and it actually happened.

Now you'll just get dumped on after they make 20 threads day 1 and bounce with your money.

>> No.22416430

boomer say buy stonks

>> No.22416487

All in link, don't play with defi farming shit unless you have $10k+ to overcome fees, don't listen to non-whites.

>> No.22416511

Invest in yourself. Health, fitness, mind, and equipment for hobby/work. Most ROI ever. You good. Good women, like 100,000 APY, go fast and are elusive. But...no fling will ever compare to a connection that is formed over the fire of time. Know what you want. Get that.

>> No.22416529

stay in school kid

>> No.22416536

4chan is a horrible toxic place that will warp your world view into something completely incompatible with society.I come here to laugh, but all that red pill bullshit? Leave it online and have fun at school.

>> No.22416906

Always have a spare pair of kneepads in reserve. Those fuckers break faster than you think and you don't want to lose half of your shift buying new ones.

>> No.22417014

Forget about all your friends. They'll all betray you. Pump and dump roasties as you can. Invest in shitcoins as PNK and DIA now.

>> No.22417060

yea this thing called chainlink turned out to be a total scam. glad that i never bought into this cult mentality

>> No.22417163

Get an internship as soon as possible. If you're in any sort of non technical major, school is 99% about getting in with the crowd and making connections that get you in the door of your field. Don't be a shut-in.

>> No.22417257

and when its all over

it all means NOTHING

>> No.22417285

Don't get more than $20k in debt for uni
Open a student credit card ASAP, don't even use it; just have it age and build credit asap

>> No.22417295

this is the play right now OP. you buy as much link as possible, then when you have more than 0-15k worth, you can lend that link out to safely acquire more money, all while you continue to buy more link with your salary.

>> No.22417310


>> No.22417340

everyone here is still in highschool lmao

>> No.22417392

Eth, Link, Ftm, Btc, Ltc in that order.

Vgh, Vgt 50/50

Youre welcome. Don't listen to biz. Come here for the memes only

>> No.22417463

Another freshman in college here
1. Going around trying to fuck bitches isn't even worth it, complete waste of time and you feel disgusting even after you do fuck
2. Buy silver
3. Buy Crypto
4. Act somewhat liberal around your professors so they respect you

>> No.22417476

take morning classes 8am -11am eat lunch study 2 hours, workout for an hour. Congrats its 3pm you now have 8 hours to lurk on biz

>> No.22417513

Oh yeah, college is mostly bullshit. Professors are abhorrent.

Learn to network, don't take anything too seriously.

Read at least one book a month AT LEAST ONE BOOK A MONTH.

There's no such thing as "missing out on your 20s" in terms of fun, if you live for fun you will never grow out of it.

Don't surround yourself with people that don't share your visions of life.

Surround yourself with people better than you, be willing to take someone under your wing if they have similar aspirations.

You were supposed to be an independent man by 14 but now you are learning to do that at 18, find a way to make up for 4 years of lost manhood.

Lift weights or exercise, sign up for a combat sport (BJJ, Muay Thai, Judo, Kickboxing, Boxing)

Every hour you spend shit posting/shit browsing on 4chan or any social media could have been an hour spent learning a skill.

But with all that said find time to enjoy yourself, just not too much. You need to keep your blood hot.

>> No.22417545


>> No.22417583

This is the worst advice in the thread.

>> No.22417597

Buy Link

>> No.22417766
File: 98 KB, 612x491, c7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a leech
>Avoid clubs that genuinely interest you, only attend ones with veneer of professionalism
>Bash heads with fledgling alcoholic materialist deadbeats
>Talk to your professors and establish a baseline relationship, that way you can use them
>Stay on campus for more transactional relationships to lighten workload
>All women are whores

This nigga's on the warpath to an enlightened and successful existence

>> No.22417899

>3. Go Greek
What was meant by this? Diet, philosophy?

>> No.22417916

>generic two cent self-improvement diarrhea
>Reddit spacing

>> No.22417939

Join a fraternity.

>> No.22417964

Fuck that. I just ate an onion with olive oil and I'm getting into Plato later this month.

>> No.22418107

Plato was an uberstatist fork tongued pederast who's only looked up to by people with fashwave statues as their avatar

>> No.22418158

>Big fat loser that gets NO pussy

>> No.22418202

Just be happy.

>> No.22418228

I'm sure someone with such polarized views has read plenty of greek philosophy .

>> No.22418249
File: 231 KB, 960x720, 1581790086519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go Greek
Plato, yes.
Frats, no.

>> No.22418261


>> No.22418322

Considering you're getting into Plato just around the corner, later this month, for real this time, you seem pretty balanced and well versed in philosophy

>> No.22418455

>Read at least one book a month AT LEAST ONE BOOK A MONTH.
/lit/ faggot here, just to explicate this further. Engage with a book, don't just read it
Being well read and reading a lot are two different things, being truly well read means being able to read well. It's not enough to simply read the book. Engage with the author, ask questions of the book, critique the book, figure out if you agree with the book or not, and if so or if not, why? This can go on and on, but think of it like you should be reading for the purpose of understanding, not just knowledge

>> No.22418498

Get married and claim tax independence from your parents to get free school. They tend to send excess $ so use that to invest. Also learn how to find pdf versions of your books

>> No.22418512

Numbers are more important than humanity, don't you know where you are?

>> No.22418730

You might feel like you're missing out by not getting into the party scene, and there will be at least on girl who will tempt you down that path. I'm not talking just alcohol here. It will feel better than anything, and it will hurt more than anything one it's over. It will also take 2-3 years of your life away and derail you. Don't do it.

Also, follow your curiosity. If you are interested in engineering or programming, do it. People will say it's hard and that might sway you, but don't believe them. Most people are stupid anyway. It doesn't matter how hard it is, because if you're interested in it then it will feed your soul. If you do something easier, yet also tedious, it will dull your spirit.

>> No.22419162

buy the peak and then panic sell the dip

>> No.22419256

Actually good advice hear. But you won't take it, I can all ready tell.