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File: 18 KB, 314x291, reaction coal miner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
224151 No.224151 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make a cryptocurrency that can only be mined manually, by hand.

Is this feasible? I want to make it impossible for a computer to automatically do everything when mining. You actually have to be physically present to mine.

>> No.224158
File: 993 KB, 919x1064, abacus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they allowed an abacus at least?

>> No.224162

make game like minecraft where they have to invest time

>> No.224171

Or cookie clicker

>> No.224172

Yes, you just basically would reward whoever at the physical location guess a number 1-10000000000000 or so, give them unlimited amount of guesses.

You'd have to control all the coins, or maybe make some kind of automatic guessing program that rewards you for being correct, that you you/creator of the coin controls.

>> No.224168

Make it so that you have to play a game of tetris in order for it to keep mining, but every time you lose the game it erases your progress for the session. For example, you could have to keep playing tetris for an hour continuously without losing for the program to decrypt one block. The longer it takes to decrypt a block, the longer you have to keep playing. If you lose the game before you finish decrypting the block, the progress for that block should be reset to 0.

>> No.224185

Captcha ?

>> No.224186

Make a MOBA based on mining coins.
People waste more time in those games than any other, MMORPG's included.

>> No.224191

>You actually have to be physically present

This kills the currency. Do you even understand what a cryptocurrency is for?

>> No.224637

Not a bad idea at all.
But dota is too well developed. itl'l eat your market share forever.

But interesting idea. Imagine angry birds, where you are mining coins in the background so that even if you suck and fail at it, you're still slowly profiting.

>> No.224647

CaptchaCoin, you get coins by solving captchas.

>> No.224652

blocks drop btc

>> No.224658

Then having the most influential players, the best players encourage those who are not as good.

>> No.224682


Is the irony lost on anyone that society is paying people money to waste their time?

>> No.224686


Yes, it's called "the modern banking establishment"

>> No.224688

i'm experienced in creating crypto algorithms so if anyone is interested in developing this idea let me know

>> No.224722

Use huge images and puzzle pieces.

Pick an image with features that are easily recognizable by humans but not by machines. Create a puzzle of 10,000 pieces or so. Have the program memorize how the pieces were placed when the final image is created. Have the confirmation algorithm check to make sure that those pieces in those placements generate the same image.

>> No.224728

>nobody has mentioned HunterCoin yet

>> No.224730


...never mind, well-programmed image recognition software could probably match a puzzle piece to its location in the image fairly quickly


>implying this "game" can't be extremely easily botted, it's just that no one cares

>> No.224735

>interested in cryptos
>making people waste time on a manual process that is already automated


>> No.224741

there is an entire planet made of diamond thats like 10000 times bigger than our sun

>> No.224952

Message me on freenode IRC

"/msg edok blabla"

Going to sleep, I'll get back to you tomorrow

>> No.225062

The mining process shouldn't have a significant effect on the long term viability of the currency, because once it is mined you use it just like any other.

>> No.225090

>I do not know how Cryptos work

The mining is how transactions are verified. Get rid of mining and you do indeed kill the currency

>> No.225093

This already exists and it's called gold.

>> No.225121

"Go: Go is perhaps the largest and most complex game that humans have tried to solve, with a 19x19 board that results in a whopping 10,170 possible positions (InWap). Whereas an average chess position allows for 15 to 25 moves, Go positions allow approximately 250 moves. While the strongest Go computer programs are competitive with champion Go players on modified nine-by-nine boards, the complexity of the regulation boards is such that the programs can be beaten easily by even moderately intelligent children (AI Horizons)."

Games that maximize possible moves play into humans strength of intuition.

>> No.225138


there's no pleasure, no fun in solving captcha.
if it's humanly produced there should at least be an pleasurably or interesting aspect to it.

>> No.225156

Gamificate it.
Turn it into an MMO.
You level up by solving catpchas.

>> No.225165
File: 12 KB, 707x228, 1341691889106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically you're telling us that you want to make a video game that has a currency, and you want people to use this video game money as real-world currency.

>> No.225183

Basically you need a problem that can be solved by humans but cannot be solved by machines. Problem is, absolutely all these problems are relative/subjective, so there are various levels of "solved."

>> No.225185

>CaptchaCoin, you get coins by solving captchas.
>incapable of solving captcha

Lots of computer image algorithms that can do it, just not consistently.

>> No.225189

Humans are cheaper than computers though.

Just make the whole thing proof of stake-verified to avoid the necessity of actual mining, and give people a few coins from a premine pool for solving a captcha.
Captcha rewards pool can get additional funds from transaction fees and inflation.

People will happily solve captchas for a bunch of coins, while you sell the solved captchas to spam botnets for fiat money.

>> No.225191

Holy shit.

You're on to something.

>> No.225199
File: 26 KB, 250x277, burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I am.

And should you ever feel like you made enough money by selling solved captchas, you can just dump the undistributed reward pool on an exchange and run away with the money.

>> No.225220

Make a trading application and reward users that earn well, with your coins... Oh wait. Ok, never mind, going back to work.

>> No.225254

>I want to make a cryptocurrency that can only be mined manually, by hand.

>I want to make it impossible for a computer to automatically do everything when mining
Oh shit you were serious
