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22412407 No.22412407 [Reply] [Original]

> read the fucking article:
> https://medium.com/@cryptowhalex/leaked-draft-shows-european-union-set-to-be-first-major-jurisdiction-to-regulate-cryptocurrencies-c8e5c1bed062
In a couple of weeks European Union plans to implement strong regulations on cryptocurrencies which will cause a chain reaction of panic sell-offs in the entire crypto market.

>> No.22412478

Russia just did this too

>> No.22412483
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>mfw reading this article as an xcm holder

>> No.22412540
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you think it isn't already priced in retard?

>> No.22412565

RLC holders rejoice

>> No.22412571
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>> No.22412581

feels good to get rich on the right side desu

>> No.22412616
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>He thinks some all-caps pink wojak FUD is going to make me even think about selling right now

>> No.22412647

Selling? No.
But you probably should think twice about buying more right now.

>> No.22412672

bullish as hell

>> No.22412679

>regulation coming for decentralized networks.
all they can do is regulate centralized shitcoins like libra and control fiat on ramps

>> No.22412722

You should sell

>> No.22412748


This. Do the work. Ripple is the only company that will be safe from these regulatory hurdles.

>> No.22412760

whales literally bought bottom and cashing out

>> No.22412773

This. Plus the news is old and we knew this was coming since June. Chances are OP wrote this article since he sold or hopes to buy more. He has also exposed he is bullish long-term (both in article and in this thread) so most likely trying to buy more cheap. This makes me bullish as someone is desperately wanting the price to decline since they are so certain it will go back up.

>> No.22412801

Everybody will trade to the pair that is not affected. If they make it hard to cash out you fly to the country that doesnt

>> No.22412802

come on
diese dreckigen Kommunistennigger nehmen ihre eigenen Gesetze nicht ernst, siehe Dublin, Maastricht.
>hurr durr their legislation means something

>> No.22412815


>> No.22412854

Do you honestly believe that FUD on /biz/ has ANY influence on the multi billion dollar market of crypto?

>> No.22412871

ranted about state of LINK and crypto in general in other thread.

also fuck crypto without regulations, fuck tokenization without regulations.

Fuck ICO's DAO's IPO'S DeFI Binance Exchanges Future trading etc.

I wish i was degenerate gambler to use futures and start shorting this shit to the ground, but promises were made.

In terms of making money, crypto is good, in terms of actual tech impact on world - won't happen with current state without regulations. Cant argue with this if you have 3 digit IQ.

>> No.22412878


Regulation will cause a PUMP you moron since firms will have clarity that they can BUY!!!!!

>> No.22412921

which cryptos are safe?

>> No.22412948

Hahahaha that just brings about scarcity now. Rare and valuable things banned from the EU??? BULLISH

>> No.22413016

>what is chainlink

>> No.22413034

All that money will flow in ISO20022 coins.

>> No.22413042


Regulatory clarity is BULLISH you basement dwelling retards.

>> No.22413048

Does Tether count as major e-money token for this xD ?

>> No.22413086

I mean yeah, everyone knows this is coming. That's why XCM is a good investment. They may end up being the only legal exchange while others scramble for compliance.

>> No.22413116

Does Tether count as major e-money token for this ?

>> No.22413127
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guess who called this months ago?

all your shitcoins go to zero. STIFF

>> No.22413247


cant wait for you crypto teenagers to go broke and fuck off

>> No.22413296


This is the fucking truth and it blows my God damned mind.

>> No.22413298

How don't you get it anon.

We are so early that we're here even before industry regulations are implemented. That is the definition of being early in something

>> No.22413774

>only legal exchange
What is Coinbase? What is Binance? What is Revolut (yes, it sucks, but anyway)?
Stop shilling your microscopic exchange that Uniswap made obsolete.

>> No.22413809

why, yes. many very persuasive people are lurking here. it's like pseudo intelligent art that masses do not like but it still creates a profound effect by influencing high iq individuals.

>> No.22413935

>What is Coinbase? What is Binance? What is Revolut

A bunch of illegal price suppressing future manipulating insolvent cock sucking chinks. I hope the Green Berets raid and execute these scumbags live on twitch.

>> No.22413946

this isn't true. if they feel very strongly about it, states could set up deep packet inspection stateful firewalls and attempt to heuristically identify cryptocurrency activity. You'll have to play the XOR mask cat and mouse against state actors one day. It's been coming to this for some time.

>> No.22413974

Why not just keep DCAing?

>> No.22414000

Regulations are definitely needed to some degree. I just hope its more of a SEC-type thing to prevent blatant rugpulls and market manipulation, rather than a draconian "everything but the centralized government token is b&" approach

>> No.22414687

>Cryptocurrency developers should produce a ‘white paper’ with all the relevant information about the issuer, the token or the trading platform “to enable potential buyers to make an informed purchase decision and understand the risks relating to the offering,” the proposal says.
>National and European regulators must approve these documents before issuers can start operating.
Sounds based to me

>> No.22414745

How the fuck would they suppress the prices of any crypto?
They have to actually hold the assets that are on the exchange.

>> No.22414796

It is a good thing. It will once and for all kill the pajeet shitcoins.

>> No.22414825

How fitting that the CCP shill has a baby-shit yellow ID

>> No.22414863
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>> No.22415089

The article itself says this is bullish.

I'm not worried one bit, worst case - we lose all the shitcoins. All the well developed coins will survive and be even better in the long run.

And also, don't think that the EU doesn't see crypto as an opportunity, they want in on the slice of this case.

>> No.22415564
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Wagmi. Sorry godvin I didn't believe in your vision.

>> No.22415624
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>X government thinks they can regulate a decentralized financial structure
Ok go ahead retards its not my money.

>> No.22415635

I knew I shouldn't have HODLed......

All the swingers who made_it this summer are laughing at us.

>> No.22415926

I have an idea...
This is already going to be really costly to implement. How they plan on regulating DEXs I have no idea. All we have to do is make it even more costly to point it's no longer viable.

>> No.22415972

>he thinks they will let him cashout his monopoly money.

>> No.22416734

Better get rich quick

>> No.22417100
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While this may actually look good for Coinmetro and XCM since they are taking huge steps towards adoption and clearer regulations, it's indisputably true that the whole thing wasn't sustainable, to begin with. I can count the entire user base of coinmetro with 4 hands worth of fingers. Daily volume is astonishingly low, revealing the flaw: it's just a smokescreen to hide that it's actually a ponzi/money laundering scheme, which was proved by crowdfundinsider. XCM cannot be valued above 10 cents. XCM holders are now tasked to try their best to recruit as many people as possible into the exchange to keep the money and the rewards flowing in, otherwise the house of cards inevitably falls upon itself without warning as soon as the tokens bought by Kevin Murcko/the exchange ALL GET SOLD AT ONCE to break even. Let me repeat myself here : the XCM token CANNOT be valued more than 10 cents per token, if not less.

>> No.22417999


>> No.22418016

Why do Europoors ruin everything?

>> No.22418905

oh no, EU regulators, I bet exit scammers living in Panama or some secluded island are trembling with fear. We know how tech savy regulators are, binance is still operating in the US via vpns lel if anyone is selling this news he's a major retard

>> No.22419052

Couple of weeks? Nice I'm sure we'll pump until then

>> No.22419057
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Weren't they also planning on banning memes a while ago?

>> No.22419354

they got a lot of time on their hands and a lot of ideas those EU regulators, you gotta spend that 50% income tax that you're crippling the wageslaves with, what better way to do that then to ban porn, memes and "regulate" stuff that will always be unregulatable, joke of a fucking system, gov workers should be cut down to 1/10 in the EU

>> No.22419403

>Chances are OP wrote this article
A user with a brain, on /biz/ you are rare. Report for advertising and begging. First order is to get users posting unarchived links auto banned

>> No.22419405

EU regulating crypto is already priced in. Prepare for moon

>> No.22419447

All in RLC

>> No.22419472

that guy is so fucking bearish on twitter, reckons link and 99%+ of altcoins are going to zero with only a handful surviving

>> No.22419500

the article literally just talks about libra lmao

>> No.22420148
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We NEED regulation for mainstream adoption. How is this not bullish? If you're not holding an absolute scam of a shitcoin you will see nothing but a pump. Unironically Ampleforth will be one of the first to be accepted and entered into the mainstream. Why? Because the CEO of the most mainstream crypto exchange has a personal investment in Ampleforth, and was room mates with the Evan Kuo (Ampleforth dev).

It's not what you know its who you know? Kek Ampleforth ticks both boxes for good fucking measure. Pic fucking related.

>> No.22420965

Only good if you’re holding something that complies with regs. The rest will die

>> No.22421403

is the eu going to imminent domain take-over the eth network? these laws can effect normal citizens and businesses within a jurisdiction but the eu cant make all erc20 shitcoins cough up a whitepaper or else fines.
enjoy the cgt eurofags.

>> No.22421573

i can already picture the literal sojacks now

>> No.22422332
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Mfw im only invest in divvy and yield stuff and avoid everything crypto related and have no headache

>> No.22422894

book any good? what are the take aways?

>> No.22422922
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Buy PNK and RLC thank me later

>> No.22423073

He's an incredible faggot. He shills XRP while having almost no good picks.