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22409136 No.22409136 [Reply] [Original]

I have been working from home since March 16th, that's around 6 months now and I'm sick of it.

I don't miss "social interactions" or any team building shit, I just work better in an office environment. I'm lazy, it's in my nature to lie about the work I've done and it's gotten me this far with no issues, I don't have the self discipline to do my own tasks without supervision because I don't really care. Another coworkers has just announced she's quitting and was actually a far far better employee than me so that mean's I'll be getting more work down the pipeline.

Any anons got tips for WFH as it looks like this really is (((the new normal)))

>> No.22409187

lmao implying i get a choice with my shit job. wfh was never on the table for me

>> No.22409578

It has its advantages but I'm starting to get cabin fever and need a change of environment

>> No.22409659

I'm in the exact same boat. I can't find motivation when im home and every week im getting lazier and doing less shit than the previous week. I'm at a point where i have to do a shitload of unpaid overtime when i hit deadlines because I'd get too far behind schedule.

>> No.22409697

If your company is on a hiring freeze, just fuck around for months until they’re forced to fire you and then get on unemployment

>> No.22409726
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>unpaid overtime

wew ive never heard of this concept

>> No.22410560

He means trying to mask the fact that he's doing fuck all in the day by working in his own time to complete something. It's the kind of time management most people grow out of.

>> No.22410709

>I'm lazy, it's in my nature to lie about the work I've done and it's gotten me this far with no issues, I don't have the self discipline to do my own tasks without supervision because I don't really care.

Describes my situation to a T. I’ve gotten this far doing the bare minimum to keep things going but as I’m starting to hit hard deadlines and the train cars are starting to pile up. I started in January so I think I’ll get a pass as long as I don’t fuck up too badly and do it gracefully. Idk we’ll see. If I get fired I just work some shitty retail job to punish myself for being an idiot and throwing away at least a degree related position, I deserve it at this point.

>> No.22410742

Get a VR setup

>> No.22410762

that sounds dreadful. i get double time the second my work day goes into overtime, but then again its a shit job and i never recommend that anyone do it

>> No.22411352

Fuck all the retards in this thread, you won’t realise what you have until you lose it by going back to the office. You need to foster self-discipline and not beg to be in chains again at the office

Fucking pathetic

>> No.22411405
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I got so sick of WFH that I quit my job after 4 months

currently funemployed and loving life

>> No.22411596

this, you guys are cucks
corona wfh is the best thing ever, pretty close to free money.
consider kys if you prefer being a slave over free money

>> No.22411803
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Back when I worked, I hated working from home. It ruins home. Home is my sanctuary away from all the shitty politics and wagecucking. "Hey anon, you don't have to come in this weekend, just work from home." Now my fucking asshole coworkers and clients expect me to interrupt whatever I'm doing at home to answer their questions and produce work. In the middle of my comfy fort. Soon, it's not so comfy anymore. Soon, I feel just the same at home as I do at the office. There is no escape. There is no relief. Now I'm a NEET and everyplace is comfy place. Better.

>> No.22412251

This is spot on. My home doesn't feel like home anymore. I'm moving soon and hoping that a room dedicated to being my office will help with this.

>> No.22412320

i love it. fuck doing an unpaid commute to the wage cage.

>> No.22412747
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It doesn't I live with my parents and work in the dinning room.

>> No.22412789

I quit my job, being a NEET is comfy.

>> No.22412916
File: 211 KB, 396x399, 4AF3C213-1E7B-47F1-8741-A2FC26193DB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it. I’ve got my cat next to me and do all the work I’d do in 8 hours in 3 while dicking around online

also got a raise last week. Max comfy

>> No.22412962

The real villain of working from home. Mine likes stepping on backspace and archiving my emails.

>> No.22413656

You guys are a fucking disgrace

>> No.22413869

>i love it. fuck doing an unpaid commute to the wage cage.

Commuting is definitely one of the worst activities people engage in. Can't believe people are still putting up with 3-4 hour round trips in some cases, instead of moving.

At least in software engineering, I quickly made sure I lived walking distance from the office. Now, I don't even have to pay that premium, as I'm fully remote.

Still haven't transitioned out of my $1800/month apartment though. It's on my list to find out a place that makes sense now that I'm not just blindly living within a mile of an employer.

>> No.22413886

wow. comfy!

I love wfh with my cat as well

>> No.22414004

I work in an essential business, have to commute 2 hours a day, only paid $19 an hour, have to work in hot summers and cold winters. I work 35+ hours a week but considered part time so I only get half bennies. Fuck up my back but not enough to claim disability. I can't fake autism so I can't get neetbux.
There's no future for me except the end of a gun.

>> No.22414046

>Still haven't transitioned out of my $1800/month apartment though. It's on my list to find out a place that makes sense now that I'm not just blindly living within a mile of an employer.
same here. i'm assuming you're in California. Where are you looking to go next anon?

>> No.22414081


>> No.22414306

You idiot go to the library, cafe, or somewhere else

>> No.22414459

I know I'm going to look back at time wasted working from home. I started a new job during rona so I've only been to the office once to pick up equipment.

I have a lot of down time. How do I take full advantage?

>> No.22414460

Based. I’ve been stuck in the office this entire time, you wfh chads better pray to allah and thank him for the opportunity. I have to wear a fucking mask for 8hrs

>> No.22414485

Sounds nice. My main motivation to wfh is to chill with my dog. I feel bad leaving him at home all day.

>> No.22414488

Take regular walks