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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22406082 No.22406082 [Reply] [Original]

Is this cope?

>> No.22406100 [DELETED] 
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1 YEET = 10 ETH

>> No.22406101 [DELETED] 

https://yeet.dance $YEET ICO sale is 70% sold out and ends in 36 hours

>> No.22406111

This instagrammer probably holds PNK
We know it might be a long time but we will eventually make it

>> No.22406114

Just sell the car at a loss and take it as a lesson learned.

>> No.22406157

i think it's not. it's pretty based actually

>> No.22406186

What about this is cope exactly? It seems to me like cope would be trying to find an excuse for this not to be the way to make it
>I can still make it by dropping all this money on a new car
>It's gay to live with your parents after you're 20
Subsequently blowing usable money on feeling comfortable and working more than you need to, and that's being nice.

People who buy new cars are fucking retarded, like actually fucking inept, money blowing, losers. No one should be buying a new car unless you've got a salary over 120,000k, and even then you shouldn't buy one.

>> No.22406194

120,000 dollars, excuse my stupidity

>> No.22406196

he's not wrong tho

>> No.22406213
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ask yourself would < this guy post his?

>> No.22406231

retards get new car because they get board of the old ones.
WTF is wrong with them, I had a 2001 toyota hiace that cost $2500 with 400 000 km on the clock I put another 150 000 over 6 years with 3 oil changes and 1 tyre change and the mother fucker still didn't die

>> No.22406249

That's the way to do it, those 90s to early 00s secondhand toyotas are the ducks guts of value

>> No.22406300

ITT:Low T virgins


>> No.22406302

very good metric anon

>> No.22406324
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I don't know, you tell me

>> No.22406374

But my car has appreciated in value since I bought it. My motorcycle has, too.

>> No.22406415

It depends really. If you're from a poor background and want to have a family of your own, then you need to make it as soon as possible which means living frugally to save money so you have capital to invest or start a biz etc. If you're from an ok/nice background, then maybe you don't really need to "make it" asap since you are already comfy so you could maybe enjoy your life more since your parents can support you or dive in deep into stuff that you like that won't necessarily translate into more money. Doesn't mean you're going full yolo, just having a nicer place and a bit nicer car than a shitbox.

>> No.22406783

It's based af. not because of "living modestly" , i would say, live with confort, not luxury, but because of the idea of not needing to impress anyone. Including yourself. If you can't be a King, in your own mind, no lambo is gonna do it for you. It's the lambo that's cope. Not this.

>> No.22406814
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No, but you are. Retard.

>> No.22407598

why are you in every thread

>> No.22407620

No it's not, I wish I wouldn't have fallen for "Muh buy everything name brand and flashy meme", I would be so much farther ahead than I am.

>> No.22407641

Checked and based

>> No.22407654
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>> No.22407680

no, trying to impress people is cope. your pic is one of the few non copes out there that is just good advice

>> No.22407702

It’s self abuse and extreme delayed gratification that may never pay off. Life is short. You fags are part of the “once I make it then my real life will start” meme.

>> No.22407727

But a new car doesn't require maintenance. It is far more comfortable. It has modern safety equipment and literally drives itself. Why would I want some 90s rust bucket when I have 17k chainlink, an 23, and the company will finance it so that I pay a meager sum of less than 50 link a month at current prices and less EOY to have a nice car that I don't have to worry will leave me stranded?

Also $50k is not that much money it is not a life changing amount and spending it on a vehicle that will be in your possession for 10-20years is not a bad decision. People who say this is a substantial amount of money and are unable to afford it are poorfags who need to just stop being poor and buy Link.

>> No.22407838

I'd say it's only worth it if you can see a clear path to making it and one that is short term. Otherwise you'll burn yourself out. I'm still driving a shitbox, because I'm sure if I bought a nicer $10k car, that LINK will just 10x again a year from now and that will be $100k. Currently got $250k in LINK. Started with about $3k in 2017. Still living with my mother although it's normal here in europe, but still another 1 year is nothing especially since I'm in uni and have to mostly focus on studying anyway. I don't get those people though that focus on ultrasaving instead of making more money. Or like saving $100 a month on food when you already have >$2k saved each month or other small insignificant "saves" that actually do more harm then good if you calculate in your well being mentally which can only do you good.

>> No.22407899

If you buy a 3 year old used car twice as often as you would a new car you drive a newer car on average for the same price

>> No.22408141

So far over the last few months I have been car shopping and I hate shopping especially for cars, you could easily phrase this in a positive light in that you don't need to get a new car as often. I don't want to have to think about this problem twice as often it's tedious and boring, but requires immense work.

>> No.22408202

Honestly I could see it. Being such a chad you don’t need the material possessions to cope with being a loser

>> No.22408242

>>It's gay to live with your parents after you're 20
while it seems financially bad to stop living with your parents, it's actually the best thing you can do from a mental perspective, the mental clarity and sheer freedom it gives you to live on your own makes any money saved pay itself back 100x. I wouldve never been able to invest into crypto and stocks if i still lived at home, would've never been able to make my passion my job since they'd be constantly shilling homework if not household chores on me, now I can do the minimum effort for college while earning money on the side and investing that in crypto.

>> No.22408305

He isn't wrong. Money you save in your 20s has longer to grow. People that start saving as soon as they start working are far better off then those that wait until they are 30, 40, or older.

>> No.22408311

>Life is short. You fags are part of the “once I make it then my real life will start” meme.
>t. nigger that never has worked on a skill or did a degree because it has delayed gratification.
bitch dont project shit on us. Just because I drive a 20 year old suzuki motorcycle and spend money on clotches that last longer but still look good doesn't mean I should nigger out and get a 2020 honda and a full fast fashion street wear closet thats not trendy anymore in 6 months - 1 year time.

>> No.22408329


>> No.22408353

>car worth 6000 dollars a year ago
>post-lockdown now 7000 dollars

>> No.22408381

It is correct. Niggers waste their money on shoes and cars and then complain about being poor.

>> No.22408442
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Spending money on stupid shit is fine IF YOU ACTUALLY DESIRE THAT STUPID SHIT. If you’re really into WH40K and you get massive dopamine hits from painting and playing with overpriced toys then do it. If you really like cars or motorcycles and you wanna spend all your money on it then do it, if it gives you fat hits of dopamine then it’s worth it. However, spending money on stupid shit that you DONT strongly desire and only want it for status is fucking retarded. If you get rich and buy a lambo when you aren’t actually into cars that much you’re going to end up driving it a few times a week at most and you’ll be left with a six figure decoration in your garage. Peak nigger retardation. If you’re super passionate about something it’s fine to indulge and blow money on it. But if you’re not borderline fanatical about whatever you’re blowing money on, don’t bother and just keep saving it.

>> No.22408445
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Learn to be a mechanic in your spare time and you can repair all your cars.

>> No.22408501

Yeah let me just buy a lift and all the tools I need and if my transmission goes out I’ll just rebuild it myself

Let’s be real you can diy stuff like an alternator but it’s not even worth the time to fuck with major components

>> No.22408536

>don't spend money on superficial things and you will be rich
this is legit adivice there is no reason to buy things just to coomsume. That said if you aren't making money than no matter what you do to limit spending you won't be rich.

>> No.22408553
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Anon is right, I'm addicted to goarding assets but I'm planning on treating myself and buying a Moto Guzzi Audace because I've been reinvesting profits for the past three years.

>> No.22408555

>Also $50k is not that much money it is not a life changing amount
50k is a life changing amount retard. dump 50k in any ETF not even crypto and watch it grow over 10-20 years which means if youre in your 20s now you can literaly retire in your 40s or 50s without doing shit.

now imagine throwing that 50k in the crypto roulette. thats right. Youre a dumbass nigger if you think of that 50k only as that 50k as opposed to the money it could make.

>> No.22408558

A true Chad just does whatever the fuck he feels at the time

He doesn't care if some girl likes his car. He doesn't give a fuck about impressing anyone else but enjoying himself. Ferrari or a 91 camry covered in birds hit. Rolex or casio it doesn't matter the true Chad is just enjoying yourself and never having to justify yourself to anyone else. Yeah the Chad may want a Ferrari and not be able to afford it but he's not gonna be a jealous fag for people who have them or suck up to people that have them and at the same time he won't beat himself up about not having a Ferrari.

>> No.22408582

I earn more money working on my own company with the time it takes to learn and repair than it costs me to actually just pay a dude to do it for me and do it good.

>> No.22408638

Knowledge is the real "making it", anon.

>> No.22408691

You dont actually need to do it twice as often, the three year old car will not break down in half the time of the new one

>> No.22408723

>watch the money change over 50 years and when you're 70 that $50k will be $2m and you'll be so happy hahahah

Or every penny I've ever accumulated in my life is currently in chainlink and has been for the past 3 years. $50k is a typical yearly salary for someone. This is an amount of money that the average person gets each and every year from waging away their lives work. Clearly this amount is not life changing or else the wagies life would dramatically shift each and every year. I have watched my linkies go up and down over $50k multiple times and I don't really feel much from it because that isn't enough for my life to even start to begin.

>> No.22408737

This is bullshit advice, after your 20s literally no one gives a fuck about what you look like anymore. Might as well live your live to the fullest before you're old and all shriveled up.

>> No.22408799

I find cars boring and would not even own one if not for there being a 45minute drive to the nearest McDonald's. The amount of time it would take to become mechanically proficient enough to repair a vehicle could be better spent in other fields which would make me more money than mechanical fix even if I am paying $100 an hour for an oil change. As I value my time higher than that.

>> No.22408844

You sound like the kind of guy who weighs 300 pounds and his excuse for being a fat lard is that he "doesn't like" working out.

>> No.22408866

Retard alert
>I guess amerilards don’t notice how they’re the only country that encourages people to move out of their parents house

>> No.22408883

>This is an amount of money that the average person gets each and every year from waging away their lives work.
youre a fucking retard. now do that 50k minus their expenses. At least in the NL when someone wagecucks and earns like 30k in their year after food /rent and other living expenses people maybe bring home 4-5k a year free to spend money. thats 10 years of salary then and not 1 year you forget to take off the shit they have to pay for. 50k is live changing, especially if you invest.

>> No.22408893

>50k lump sum
>50k spread out over 2 weeks
Faggot retard, most Americans don’t even have 1k in the bank. Do you see how your world view is skewed you daddy’s money underaged

>> No.22408906

Eh, partially. It's good advice to build a small amount of wealth, but the further you get into your career the more your relationships with people will matter. In that sense, impressing people is everything and will be an important factor to actually making it.

>> No.22408937

And you sound like a >30 year old who has less money available to him right now than I do despite being me being a neet and you being a wagie.

I also likely weigh less than you and have a nicer cock. Not that it's relevant. I don't like getting my hands dirty why would I do work that is meant for the lower man, like car repair. I don't plan on building my own house either and I'll hire plumbers. Truly a pitiable man I must be.

>> No.22408961

mega cope, dude cant see a chance in anything
>not buying youngtimers limited edition versions for the same price as any other modest car
>cloths, only fags think about cloth
>live in a small place, what a coping retard, suburbs give more space for less money
>urge to impress, what a coping retard, you automatically impress when you a chad
MEGA CRINGE COPE, tell that retard to kys before he makes some real world damage

>> No.22408991
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>> No.22408995

>Faggot retard, most Americans don’t even have 1k in the bank. Do you see how your world view is skewed you daddy’s money underaged
this. the fucking white suburban daddies money faggot gets like 50k a year from filling in an excel sheet at daddies company since he's 14. nigger didn't work a single day in his life.
50k IS life changing amounts, most people would blow it on cocaine or retarded shit like a fast car and have to keep on wagecucking.
but if I get 50k right now you bet your ass it will be life changing. If i wanted I could pay off my student debt in one go, or I could throw it all into ETFs and retire in my 40s-50s If I threw some extras at it myself too.

I would most likely however throw 10k in the shitcoin roulette , 2k emergency and 38k into ETFs. so I will have a nice stack either when I get old or when I truly need it.

>> No.22408998

I don't know my father he got his rights to me stripped from him by the state when I was 7 where I was adopted. I live with my single mother and 3 younger sisters in a household with a single bath.

If you are changing your lifestyle because you have $50k in the bank you're fucking up.

>> No.22409022

You just have to impress people with your craft, not your lifestyle. Like if you’re a writer impress them by writing something really fucking good, or if you’re a musical artist impress them by dropping some incredible music. But you don’t need to impress them with your car and clothes, that is and always will be poor person mentality cope

>> No.22409029

Well then we would need to look at their expenses I personally have about $7000 in expenses per year total including insurance and student loans.

>> No.22409058

>If you are changing your lifestyle because you have $50k in the bank you're fucking up
thats literally what we are saying here retarded nigger faggot.

If you buy a shiny new car from it you're changing your LIFESTYLE to a class above you, which you shouldn't.
you should invest it so you can slowly gain and thus making it LIFE changing not temporary lifestyle changing. Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.22409073

Lol i don’t care about your daddy issues. You’re obviously underaged v&. Obviously you are disconnected with reality.

>> No.22409093

>I personally have about $7000 in expenses per ye
>live with my single mother and 3 younger sisters
>because I live in my moms basement I attested that rent is optional and thus 50k a year is directly 50k in your pocket with which you can buy a shiny car

Faggot nigger kike bitch nigger nigger nigger kike faggot

>> No.22409100

I am a neet my only job is that I spend all day browsing this board and watching blockchain conferences, reading whitepapers, and playing video games so that I understand what chainlink, bitcoin, and ethereum are why this is all so important and I could slap you in league of legends or chess.

>> No.22409121

what a coping retard, pastime or profession that requires particular skills and knowledge of skilled work is always appreciated, and you can fucking fix your car, inb4 cars are useless cope harder redicule

>> No.22409165

I do not understand how it is somehow "above me" unless.... is it that you don't know what it means when I say I have >10k link. Do you not know what is coming? How could you still not have seen smartcon?

>> No.22409223

There are so many people with specific knowledge in cars like you who are willing to do the work for far cheaper than how much it would cost. My specific knowledge is in a more lucrative field so why would I need to also know cars which I have only a weak interest in.

>> No.22409225

Don't listen to this dumb burger nigger. Ngmi

>> No.22409229
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not in my twenties but even if all of you autists condemn me for it, i want a goddam brand new car as soon as i make it, and an expensive one at that. i will be the first to fart in it, screencap this.

>> No.22409297

Not everything needs to be monetized honey, weak interest means you can learn to change oil filters and other modest and basic stuff, cuz every dork can do that, do you consider your self a small dick energy dork and cant do 30min work and zero knowledge needed? Dirty working hands in self interest are chad gene pool

>> No.22409354

>not everything needs to be monetized
This is business and finance sweetie

>> No.22409384

because why not? Why wouldn't you want to gain a practical skill you underage fagot nigger kike? Sorry dude but you're fucking stupid and need to work your first job if you really believe all this stuff

>> No.22409400
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based and wisdompilled

>> No.22409402

>doing stuff yourself instead of paying someone else is not business and finance related
cope harder small dicky

>> No.22409431
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Whoa, hold on there faggot.

>> No.22409435

>non realized gains
>blowing it on a liability
Goddamn my man you see I can't understand
Why you wanna say Nigger to your brother man
Taking black pride then you call yourself a Nigger
Don't bring yourself down 'cause it just don't figure
Take a look at yourself and your history
You don't look like a goddamn Nigger to me
It's a negative world and the white man made it
Gave you a name to dominate and trade it
Making blood money of his very own race man
And all of this because the colour of your face man
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger

>> No.22409442

that was pretty deep, bro

>> No.22409486

I have 50k USD doesn't feel enough yet but it's beginning to make me feel free in life, it took me less than two years from nothing on sub $30k (in bongland).

Just DCA all in blue chip cryptos, I don't own any fiat after I all in each month, fiat is used for my low bills only. I am a BTC maximalist now. But I have a suicide stack of LINK also.

>> No.22409515

>this is business and finance
>but I won't learn how to fix my own car/cook my own food/budget my own shit because that's for POORFAGS
>btw i'm a neet

>> No.22409533

Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about really. I value having my parents close to me, my girlfriend found it attractive that I take care of them, I save every penny of my income. The western culture of moving out and living in an isolated cube wasn't sustainable or healthy imo

>> No.22409543

This is the most boomer not going to make it mindset I have ever heard. What you need is to focus there are more skills that exist than >muh oil change
I can write a smart contract
I can run a script
I can spin up a chainlink node too
I can audit the contracts I send crypto too
You're old. Your cars are old. You won't make it.

If I have to get anything in my vehicle looked at or even thought about more than once a year it's too often. In the future where self-driving decentralized fleets of cars move me around I will no longer own my own vehicle as it is not worth the hassle. I'm more interested in sleeping than I am learning even a single thing about repairing an automobile, as resting is a more valuable use of my brain stores that will last me longer considering vehicles are unlikely to continue in their current format for the next 60 years.

>> No.22409544

>the 30yearold spender

>> No.22409555

Just buy $YEET, problem solved
Ico sale ends today

>> No.22409587

Based, if you are autistic enough being a /biz/ NEET is a high paying career.

It is highly unrespected and socially outcast career choice but the normies would eternally seethe if they see what an actually successful /biz/ NEET can earn in crypto.

>> No.22409606
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>> No.22409625

>Wants to own nothing, rent everything
At least boomers get that right in their mindset
How can zoomers fall for these jewish abonnemont concepts en masse?

>> No.22409635
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fellas is this is bait? or is a shizo ?

>> No.22409639
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>implying anyone would be impressed by me even if i became wealthy
checkmate atheists

>> No.22409644

How are you still acting like this in your 30s, I'm in my 20s and I legit thought you were a teen. Save and invest buy the nice car later if you really must, you fucking coombrain fried dopamine receptor soys make me sick.

>> No.22409653

>I value having my parents close to me
I can understand that.
Most white dutch parents scoop up their kids at 18 and yeet them the fuck out of their homes. If they cant do that they will bully you into submission.

>but it's beginning to make me feel free in life,
you have the right mindset anon, you will make it.
personally I don't have blue chip cryptos I have it all in shitcoins like PNK and LINK( arguably a blue chip now)
but I have most of my savings into ETFs. I funnel all my crypto gains that way so I will have the best possible future, this way I will retire in 5-10 years in my early 30s.
If I bought a 50k car I would be living above my means and never make it.

>> No.22409681

Omg, youre a virgin and cant cope
Can you change a lightbulb or do you need to call your lightbulb expert hahahaha, can you run any real life script honey, you didnt make it if you are worthless without your imaginary internet skills hahahah

>> No.22409682

>50k is a life changing amount retard. dump 50k in any ETF not even crypto and watch it grow over 10-20 years which means if youre in your 20s now you can literaly retire in your 40s or 50s without doing shit.
Is this a joke? You aren't going to make 100x in 20 years with normal diversified investments. That's 25% compounded every year.

>> No.22409733
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lele this must be bait

>> No.22409783
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>keep a simple wardrobe

>> No.22409799

Thank you brother. It is nice to see support in such trying times where the foolish hermit is shamed as a blasphemous nigger. As for my autism, I can assure you that I have one of the lowest digit ratios in all the land.

>> No.22409869
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>He doesn't know how to change a tire

>> No.22409870

>I don't get those people though that focus on ultrasaving instead of making more money. Or like saving $100 a month on food when you already have >$2k saved each month or other small insignificant "saves" that actually do more harm then good if you calculate in your well being mentally which can only do you good.

I'm like this. I guess it's just a C O P E mechanism because idk how to make more money besides being a wageslave

>> No.22409875
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Also, what if ones motivation is based on impressing other people? The whole thing is plebbit tier. It's like saying grow a beard to save on razors. You still aint gonna make it that way.

>> No.22409905
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I can change a lightbulb, but that is more akin to filling up your gas tank. Doing maintenence on the vehicle would be like fixing this light fixture which I don't know how to do and will never do. It has been this way for 12 years.

>> No.22409923

I feel pity for men that crave women attention. It should be the other way, why would otherwise I care about a woman unless she blows me.

>> No.22409938

see >>22409869

i hope you project some imaginary coping personality and dont even remotely act like this in (if any) social interactions you have

>> No.22409954

based instawhorer

>> No.22409963

It's like 3 wires and some screws. Stop being lazy

>> No.22409965

My car isn't my stock portfolio. I'm not buying it to turn a profit, you kike. Not everything is about shekels.

>> No.22409967
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honestly the only non-retard thing that nigger anon has said.
think about it this way. You make x$ in 1 hour, if you spend that time repairing your car do you save more an hour than you work ? Not even taking into account the hours it takes to learn the skill of working on your car. if not you are inefficiently using your time, especially if your work is not on par with a professional.
If you enjoy it go for it , but I would rather work on upping my skills or working.

>100x on 50k because I need 5mill to retire.
where the fuck do you live sanfran? I need maybe 500k to retire. pic related its dollars but euros applies rather similar. I'm a european and you can easily live a rich life with that amount. min wage is around 1700 a month with taxes, taxing is around 20-60% depending on how much you earn.
on a min wage salary you would pay around 500 in tax leaving you with 1200 a month. If you get 1700 a month non-taxed passive income youre far ahead of the game.

The 50k only would not be enough it would give around 180-200k in 20 years, but thats implying i would ONLY invest that 50k and not put in 100-300 a month myself as well.

50k is live changing amounts. literally a 3.5 year DUTCH ( not even eastern euro shitstain) min wage salary.

>> No.22409970

I act the same anonymously as I do in person because I'm not a weak beta bitch like yourself.

>> No.22410025

>Financial advantage
Depends if your born into a wealthy family or dirt poor
>don’t impress anyone
Imagine showing up to a business meeting with A goodwill suit. Facts are you have to pick and choose your battles. If you lived by this rule, then you’d show up to dates with old T-shirts, show up to work looking like shit.etc
People judge you within seconds upon meeting you.
>live in a small place, simple wardrobe, modest car

All relative to income & lifestyle. Trump never did any of this and look how he turned out.

>> No.22410065
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>t. 50k in debt and didn't even finish college yet.
i hate american consoomers so much.

>> No.22410209
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>I'm not a weak beta bitch

>> No.22410245

Normies don't do that so he's not wrong.

>> No.22410359

>this entire thread
>the absolute state of /biz
do half of the retards in here really need the concept of division of labour explained to them
if i specialize in my own choice of skill i will earn much more in this to afford to pay another specialist to fix my shit
do you have any idea about the time cost it would take you to know enough about cars/plumbing/wiring to do it yourself

as to the question in OP itself, its a false dichotomy you can easily have both
first misconception: if you are a loser nobody wants to be around, nobody wants to be around you even if you have money, unless they want to steal it
with that out of the way you can easily have both options: why when you are young other young people don't care about money only how fun you are to hang out with socially
when you are 18-25 you can hang out and have the time of your life with other young people while having to pay very little for the experience
save everything you can and invest so when you are 40 you can retire in luxury
if you think you need money and status symbols to impress your future wife i predict a nasty divorce in your future anyways

if i need to be even more direct than that suppose you had 50k in 2015
option a you blow it all on a boomertier audi
option b you dumped it all in btc/eth
where would you be today

>> No.22410403

Niggers and poorfags. Stop making baseless assumptions about other anons.
I do have a degree, work in telecom and make 6 figures with 0 debt. Yeah, I bought a car with $25k and don’t regret it. It’s a turbocharged sports car with a 6 speed manual and I’ve never had more fun in my entire life. Low t Beta fags of biz don’t understand cars (or any machinery for that matter) and drive like blind old women so you’ll never get it.

>> No.22410430

>only how fun you are to hang out with socially
>when you are 18-25
that age of group sucks the worst and they are the worst to hang around. they are just bunch of drunk coomers or whores. fuck hanging out with young people.

>I do have a degree, work in telecom and make 6 figures with 0 debt
post portfolio you massive faggot.

>> No.22410448

>stop making baseless assumptions
>you guys are low beta fags and dont understand machinery.

t. aerospace engineer

>> No.22410493

>he thinks he needs to learn everything about wires and cars
>he cant change his tire without calling his specialist

>> No.22410531

if you weren't born into wealth you will have to make some compromises
you'd be an idiot not to minmax the experience

if you were born into wealth, what the fuck are you doing here rather than in the country club

>> No.22410572

>boomertier audi
you have 30k left after shipping and engine rebuild
invest 30k in btc eth
20k already invested in youngtimer limited ultra rare edition

>> No.22410573

Kys faggot you claimed I didn’t have a degree or any skills and I’m telling you you’re an ignorant raging incel. That’s just the typical leftist logic exaggerating what others say and making up your own stories about how others live.

>> No.22410788

changing a tire and doing routine maintenance on a car is so simple even a literal gibbon iq nigger can handle doing it with minimal instruction

>> No.22410807

if you can't handle delay gratification you lack degrees and skills. obviously you have some form of delayed gratification capability in you or your dad smacked you enough across the head and forced you into a degree. Either way congrats, now do the next step and stop buying 50k cars if you cant afford the,m

>> No.22410907


I can do all of That. Only food. Got to get my expensive sushi

>> No.22411250

If my car needs a tire change I will go to one of those car shops that have lots of tires and say get me some new ones boss hoss. Or else I'll call Triple A.

>> No.22411393

Yes, this is a cope.

>you can retire on $50k after 10 years!!!
>assume an incredibly high 13% average APY
>assume 2% inflation
>after 10 years you have 116,991 inflation adjusted 2020 USD
>retire on $117k
>assuming you maintain your aggressive 13% APY that means retiring on $16k/year unless you want to deplete your principle
>but wait there's more!
>after inflation adjustment that $16k drops to 13k 2020 USD
>that value drops every year
>even if you waited another 10 years to retire, youd still have to live off of around $30k per year
>inflation adjusted that's probably about 20k 2020 USD
>realistically youre probably going to average a lower APY than 13
>you also have to be able to weather recession years where you may see a negative APY

Congrats, you're retarded.

>> No.22412101


Dudes buy new cars to impress girls and their boss

>> No.22412152

>doesnt work
>muh dik

Nigger confirmed

>> No.22412178
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My boomer father was a high school drop out and still managed to buy a house near the center of a major US urban center at age 21 in the early 1980s on a non-unionized construction laborer wage. He drove nice cars, did drugs, threw wild parties, traveled the US, etc. That house is now worth $500k, not counting the nearby undeveloped lots that came with the deed and now have 3 other houses built on them. Could you imagine doing that today?

This new "slave away all your 20s" is just cope for the fact that bankers inflated all the savings and productive power of the middle and lower classes away to pump their own assets. Its the "new normal" to be a frugal wage slave barely able to make ends meet, while the elites become ever more decadent and degenerate, their status protected by the great money printer.

>> No.22412199


I wish it was that simple. You need to be an american making six figures for that to work as well.

>> No.22412249


eh sounds like he loves debt. he probably had a shit ton of credit card debt and car pymts too. there’s people that live like that now

>> No.22412330

>is not wasting money on frivolous shit a cope?
I wonder.

>> No.22412403

No, that's staypoor thinking and not how reality works. You may not like it but reality is about faking until you make it and impressing others more often than you think. A decent suit can get you a job, good wardrobe a career both earning money. I'm with OP concerning absolute consumer stuff like retard brand clothing, but quality costs a price and imo it's wrong to save on it. Same concerning a decent car. I enjoy my bmw 3 series everyday when driving it. The essence is: Good stuff costs money to be paid. Don't live some frugalistic meme lifestyle that will make you a greedy boring guy without network who can't enlarge income (that's the far greater lever towards financial independence compared to saving).

>> No.22412434
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This is good advice, especially keeping a simple wardrobe.