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22403918 No.22403918 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here actually struck gold and are making it with passive income via staking cryptocurrency? What does it feel like? Is it actually financially viable? I’m so tired of trying to beat the market I just want to park my money somewhere and live off staking. I don’t think I’m gonna last another year bros.

>> No.22403931

balancer pools. thank me later.

>> No.22403944

I dont know what that mean so shut the fuck up

>> No.22403958

synthetix. but the price is about to crater 80% so hold off

>> No.22403960

It's doable but you need huge starting capital to make enough to live off of.

For reference, i have about $40k staked and make around $30 a day. 10x my stack and I'd be golden

>> No.22403980

That said, I also have mine in quite "safe" spots (relatively speaking). If you went for one of those ridiculous yield farms you could probably do it on 40k, but you also have a much higher chance of losing it all unexpectedly

>> No.22404003

Is this SXP?

>> No.22404022

deleat posht?

>> No.22404029

is it? why? I sold almost everything already except for LINK and SNX

>> No.22404050

look into Axion fren

>> No.22404070

if btc drops below 20ma to 9k-8k, snx will easily drop to $1-2. all these defi tokens have had insane runs, taking profits at some point is necessary lest you sit through multiple 80% drops. 1-2 is my buy zone

>> No.22404280

then reinvest the money and stake that right?

>> No.22404326


>> No.22404353

You are fucking retarded OP if you think you can make a living staking so early in the game. Even staking protocols take off and offer actual decent long term returns, you wouldn't have enough.

Should have taken your profits back in 2018 and bought up leases for real passive income.

>> No.22404369

yCRV yearn vault

If it one that requires you to "claim" what you've earned, yes. I dislike that though since it's more money wasted on gas fees

>> No.22404423

So please tell me, what are your safe staking spots?

>> No.22404428

Actually yes. Bought ~500 Uniswap late Late June for $500, since then I've earned 200 more Uniswap and the price has increased to $1.30

>> No.22404443

I've been slowly building up a staking pool with ATOM. Compared to other crypto the return isn't huge but much better than going into dividend stocks.

>> No.22404447
File: 208 KB, 815x1284, 000533CBC294TQCF-C122-F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so tired of trying to beat the market
buy & hold 2-3 years = 5 minutes of work?

cmon guys, in 2017 I saw a 15 years old chinese girl who had millions on poloniex acc (good old times :(). Just be patient.

>> No.22404494

500 "uniswap"?? What do you mean thats not a token

>> No.22404516

Pro tip. Staking or any kind of interest higher than 1% per annum is going to be a ponzi scheme and you will lose it all bitconnect style. You can listen to me or continue being a greedy retarded retard

>> No.22404555 [DELETED] 

I make $700 a day off $ORN and soon will make 4 eth a day on $YEET

>> No.22404690

Look into the options provided by Yearn Finance (that doesn't mean the YFI token specifically) or Curve. Again when I say "safe" I mean they've been stable for a while and aren't gonna rugpull, nothing is risk free in this business.

>> No.22404907

How much did you put in?

>> No.22404930

Statera hands down.

>> No.22405063
File: 737 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200911-171140_MetrICX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make between 200 to 300 a week from icx staking, but it could very well shit the bed again. You have to stake your icx as a vote for projects on the mainnet to get the reward though.

>> No.22405097


If you put 100k ADA to stake you could make 1000-1500 a month.

>> No.22405137

Damn, 125k ICX? I'm only sitting on 5k.
This will go up soon.

>> No.22405175

I don't see why not, it's being integrated into enough day to day usecases. It's not a hypothetical anymore imo.
This is my largest hold.

>> No.22405468 [DELETED] 

you can check here https://getzencash.free.hr/faucet the more you stake the more your multplayer rises

>> No.22405502
File: 12 KB, 246x205, deeply goncernd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am hodling yfv pool
I already down -30 % on my investment
should I save what is left before everything goes 0?

>> No.22405588
File: 57 KB, 635x431, 1587803878991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did in 2017 with colx. bought 2 masternodes at 2 sats. when it mooned it was the equivalent of making 500 a day for 6 months and my masternodes were worth 20 btc (when btc was near 20k). i cashed out my passive gains for a like 100k+ but got rugged by cryptopia beforr i could ditch the nodes. they still made me a lot of money for the next 8 months or so but i blew all my money on hookers and drugs and gambling and the rest died in crypto. from 9k to 1.1 million to 20k in a year and a half. fuck me.

>> No.22405664

I‘m staking kava and Sushi but only small amounts. When the bull run starts it’ll get much more profitable. Right now I’m making 3-4 dollars a day

>> No.22405665

Statera has all the answers you're looking for although you'll probably have to wait a couple of years to start making significant passive income gains. Make sure you read the whitepaper before buying it.

>> No.22406099

Neutrino is a stable coin on Waves pays around 20% per year. Optimal risk / reward.

>> No.22406203

Why not just put a stablecoin into yfi?

>> No.22406337

COLX was a scam, i lost lots of money with that shitcoin, i regret buying it.

>> No.22406413

dyor, but sending a couple etherium to the aegis surf pool is about the easiest and highest reward thing you could do today (t.me/aegis_pool)

I'm new to it but they're super above ground and general consensus is this will be a 20x for investors

>> No.22406761
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"staking" a worthless piece of "cryptocurrency" which you cant use in real life and could have 0 value and produces 0 value.

Thanks but i rather buy divvy stonks

>> No.22406918

Fuck off you demoralising faggot people are making money staking right now and just FOR ONCE I’d like a decent thread discussing viable options
Why is /biz/ like this now it’s fucking pathetic

>> No.22406979

>worthless cryptocurrency
>buy stonks
You have these mixed up. Cryptocurrencies actually do something, stocks are literally nothing, they have zero real value

>> No.22407004
File: 289 KB, 980x742, 067395B9-C12D-4AB5-906B-F98B41C4A730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about defi insurance
Isn’t there a way to insure crypto on Yearn in case of a smart contact failure or other fuckery
Does Nexus Mutual or any other platform offer insurance
If not then why the fuck not this entire defi thing is supposed to be trustless is it not

>> No.22407021

Absolute bullshit

>> No.22407063

except give you dividends when crypto does fuck all unless you sell it for guberment approved money.

>> No.22407098
File: 55 KB, 600x442, 5C305A89-E342-4AFA-93AD-3DA06A15E041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend pic related strategy
I deposit my stinks on Aave and take out a loan for USDC then move said loan to another platform and earn a disgustingly large percentage

>> No.22407143

What is it with these random completely pointless fudders like ok faggot you don’t even believe in the basic concept of staking meanwhile people here are earning thousands and are discussing it on a cryptocurrency board fucking kill yourself asap

>> No.22407224

BOG ID. I'll take your advice.