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File: 2.62 MB, 340x1030, brave-ads1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22394154 No.22394154 [Reply] [Original]

The only question I won't answer is relating to cashing out, otherwise I'm an open book

>> No.22394170


>> No.22394194

How do I into farming?

>> No.22394209

because you cant cash out

>> No.22394222

Impossible to cash out. Brave are onto it and freeze accounts.

>> No.22394239
File: 148 KB, 480x480, 1596485197183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, really impressive
Did you use multiple IPs or just one for this?

>> No.22394245


>> No.22394306

How many eth did you need to do this?
I have hundreds of eth but am scared shitless of an exit scam.
I am doing paltry sums staking yfv and farming sushi right now,

>> No.22394337

How much time do you spend doing this each day and how long did it take you to get 450k? Thanks for giving your time btw

>> No.22394429
File: 2.53 MB, 340x1030, brave-ads2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started a month after they release Brave ads. It's from a few bugs the browser has which I have discovered. You barely need to be a programmer to do what I'm doing. Their ad model is beyond broken it doesn't make sense

Stay in the thread I'll let you know

You can if you're not retarded and don't use jeet KYC

Yes and no, you only need to use different IPs when creating accounts, tipping and solving captcha. Otherwise while you get ads, their Fastly server takes care of removing the IP header for your privacy, so they can't track which ads you watch. https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/wiki/Security-and-privacy-model-for-ad-confirmations#upon-viewing-an-ad

I use a 10 year old computer, you just need a shitty machine with a decent CPU and a lot of RAM.

Took like a year and a half, but to be honest it started getting really serious like 6 months ago. Before I perfect the method I was doing peanuts

>> No.22394511

They occasionally pause payouts to stop people. If you self tip yourself they can tell. I cannot believe you could farm 450k tokens when there are a million crybabies on reddit upset their accounts get frozen because they were tipping their own creator accounts from their mobiles to transfer tokens.

>> No.22394567

What I presume you are doing is having multiple profiles running simultaneously in browser or instances of brave and letting the notifications build up?

>> No.22394622


>> No.22394628

lol BAT is a fucking joke. dead project

>> No.22394630

Explain what I'm watching please

>> No.22394789
File: 127 KB, 555x1042, ad-requests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are using 3rd world KYC accounts. I can't get into detail for obvious reasons, but it's not for nothing that they stopped the referrals for countries like Russia, India, Vietnam, etc.
Regardless if the people can cash out or not, their publishers who are paying for the ads are getting defrauded. I assure you there are other people who have way bigger operations than I do

Yes that's the easiest way of doing it. Create 300+ browsers, write a script to create join the rewards program for each profile, modify the client.json file's pageProbabilityHistory object with false ad data (this is the part necessary so you get ads according to the category), modify ads_per_day and ads_per_hour to like 10000 and 1000 so you always get ads, and set an autoclicker so it afk clicks every 15 seconds so you get ads.
But that's the stupid way. The best way is to read the code and not even use the browser and make direct calls to their servers. You can emulate 1M+ browsers if you want, always staying below their "fraud detecting algorithms".

>> No.22394797

OP is larping fgt

>> No.22394889

how many add displays did you roll through (roughly) to get the numbers

>> No.22394892
File: 2.42 MB, 340x1030, brave-ads3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go in %localappdata% and modify the ads_per_day and ads_per_hour to like 10k and 1k. See if I'm lying

Brave is a scam. It's a only a matter of time a "security researcher" writes about how big a fraud it is. Their 9% clickthrough rate is a fraud too, you can literally make a request to their server as if you clicked an ad and it registers it

>> No.22395091

If the Brave team would want to patch and fix the issues, how would they go into doing this?

>> No.22395111

what program are you opening the pma file with, and where in the brave localappdata folder can i find this

>> No.22395143

I find this hard to believe. Doesnt each browser have a unique id or anything to know who made which call to their server? If the same person makes too many call per hour shouldn't that get flagged? From what I understand, data is anonymized but that could mean pseudonymous (like a btc address) no? Where can I read up on this? How many hours of coding did this take?

>> No.22395201

which file? Under /User Data/?

>> No.22395207

Also are you the guy who kept spamming "there's an exploit in the browser" in every bat thread a few weeks ago?

>> No.22395270

Why do you think the ability to rort the browser/BAT ecosystem hasn't made it into the public as of yet? Is it too few people rorting it for it to matter like how adsense can be tricked by bots?

>> No.22395306

based. I hope you're able to cash out before their jews discover your scheme. I'm worried an account like this will get auto-flagged and require a manual review.

>> No.22395311
File: 136 KB, 559x1040, ad-requests2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would need to change the protocol imo. You see this screenshot? All you need to get an ad is to make a simple signed request to their server and the server responds to you with an OK. They need to change the whole protocol because it's way too easy to fraud

Open the Preferences file in notepad

>Doesnt each browser have a unique id or anything to know who made which call to their server?
Yes it does. If you don't use the browser method I explained above then you need to sign it yourself and send the request to the server. It's not too hard to do.
>If the same person makes too many call per hour shouldn't that get flagged?
No, as stated here, and stated by the team themselves, they remove the IP address header, so they don't even know who watches the ad. They just know someone sent a request to their server that they watched and add and it's accepted. Read this : https://github.com/brave/brave-browser/wiki/Security-and-privacy-model-for-ad-confirmations#upon-viewing-an-ad
>These confirmation token redemption events should not be linkable to the user to whom they were issued provided:
>There is a sufficient anonymity set formed by users who are creating confirmation tokens.
>The time between token issuance and confirmation is not predictable.
>The confirmation metadata does not include information unique to the user (that is not otherwise unique to this event.)
>The user is not made re-identifiable through other side channels such as IP address information. We ensure this by configuring our CDN to neither log nor forward client address information.

>> No.22395333

Heres an article about brave referrals being stopped in certain countries for anyone interested.


>> No.22395355


>"We caught this fraudulent activity before any BAT was paid out. But, in order to ensure the referral program continues for legitimate Brave referrers, we have to take action"

Furthermore, operating creators will henceforth be required to tender an ID-verified Uphold account to continue using the Referral Program as a creator.

>> No.22395360

jesus christ I don't know if I hate you or love you and I am an 10k bat holder.

>> No.22395451

Very honestly, I can't tell you. My guess is that nobody has looked into it thoroughly, and those who have are exploiting it as we speak and aren't saying anything. You make more money farming ads from Brave than a BTC miner. You can do all of this on a raspberry PI if you wanted.

Thanks man, I already did. They reduced the payout by 80% so I stopped farming it. I assume it's because more miners joined the space and publishers were complaining; can't confirm though it's just speculation. They are citing suspicious activity here https://community.brave.com/t/payments-not-being-deposited-to-your-uphold-account/149211 and a few days before/later people stopped getting ads and then the payout per ad went to shit

>> No.22395492

Why lol? What I can assure you is I'm not larping. I can give you guys another trick to always get ads, but it will require you to download a program like Fiddler

>> No.22395514

Are you worried about if they track you down any potential legal trouble?

>> No.22395572

Good shit OP. Now report the problem and earn a bug bounty

>> No.22395652

Nah, good luck :)

This can't be fixed from a bug bounty program. They have severe issues with the base protocol. You can literally call a request to their server and get an ad. Make 1M wallets, get them each like 100 ads per month, and you will never be caught

>> No.22395702

you can only tip that bat anyways aka you'll get forzen

>> No.22395747

The Brave psyops is strong. Why everybody is saying this without proof is beyond me

>> No.22396049

Larp faggot

>> No.22396099

i changed the ads_per_day and everything but nothing changed, and i restarted my comp. what am i doing wrong
also yes please the other trick

>> No.22396123

larping fag and if you arent larping then youre just fucking stupid for exposing your easy income

>> No.22396189

I am just informing you, you can do whatever you want with the info

Go check again, make sure it's saved correctly. The other info require you the program Fiddler. Have it installed, will give it in a sec, I'm just gonna sanitize the code

There are other miners that have bigger operations than me. Also they cut the payout per ad so much that I don't care anymore

>> No.22396354

the preferences just revert when you reopen the browser

>> No.22396368

Once you have Fiddler installed, make sure you go to Rules -> Customise Rules and search for OnBeforeResponse and replace it with this:

Make sure your browser is closed before doing it

>> No.22396384

How is it even possible to cash out

>> No.22396420

The biggest hint I can give is to not have 3rd world country KYC. Then making fake youtube/twitter channels is easy

>> No.22396510

what version brave should i be using?
1.13.86 here, still nothing

>> No.22396519

Good shit mane. They would probably have to implement some sort of client/server token sync mechanism to verify "actual brave browser" requests.

>> No.22396541

Can't find this folder, is it under c:/program files?

>> No.22396581

That's really weird cause it works for me. Never had issues with it

How would you go about doing this without it being broken too broken too? Their code is open source, you can just copy the part where it does the sync


>> No.22396687


Haven't looked at their repo, their server files are open source too? Man this shit is fucked if so lol.

>> No.22396759

Hoyl shit I did the method OP described and made 100 BAT in the last hour this is BASED

>> No.22396778

I changed the file and it’s saved but it doesn’t do shit. Oh well

>> No.22396790

I'm unclear about what to do. How exactly do I set up Fiddler? As in, what server to connect to and such.

>> No.22396810

The code that handles ad server requests is not open source afaik. Haven't bothered to check though if they have added it.

Kek larp

:( I don't know what to say. At least you tried

>> No.22396821

What do i have to change in client.json? The category scores of probability? If so, how much to put in score?

>> No.22396824

what does cashing out have to do with making youtube/twitter channels?

>> No.22396842
File: 578 KB, 1054x796, 1f68592b03bfa5342719c8bf038c1444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22396884

So am I seeing this right, that it's not profitable anymore now?

>> No.22396940

Propaply a hidden folder. Enable hidden folders

>> No.22396946

Does Brave browser create an ETH wallet when starting it for the first time? Is it possible there is maybe a bug to allow the sniping of its private key during creation, to cash out in an even easier way?

>> No.22396950

You downloaded Fiddler? What do you get when you open it? Send a screenshot.

Yeah the scores have to add up to 1. That's what it looks into when deciding which ad to show to you. You can change them manually with code if you want to create 100k+ browsers, that's why I mentioned it.

To make them more legitimate. You want to evade people looking for fraud

Cmon man that's not where the amount of ads you watch adds up.

No it still is, but revenue is cut by 80%+

>> No.22396991

No, it's all under the custody of Brave. You can't do anything with the balance until it's tipped or linked to Uphold via the browser

>> No.22397096

OP you are a god. I'm gonna try this tomorrow.
How much of it did you cash out?
Do you feel guilty for doing it?

>> No.22397139

can you go into a bit about how you go about emulating all those browsers? Do you do it via fiddler and somehow generate a unique token for each browser? How?

>> No.22397198

I really don't want to comment on the cashout part, I'm sure Brave employees can read this :(
>Do you feel guilty for doing it?
Yes and no, they shouldn't have made it this easy in the first place. I have no idea who approved this. When Brave blows up more it's going to come out eventually. I feel bad for the publishers though because they are the one's getting scammed. IMO their best product is the new tab ads. The ad based notifications is trash, and needs a revamp. There is no way they can do this without some authentication and anonymity IMO. Otherwise it invites too many fraudsters

I can give all the code needed to create 100k browser, open them, etc. But I won't give the details on how my operation works without the browser. I use python to do everything I do. If you have some dev experience look into what an ad request looks like and search it in the brave-browser repository. Might take some time but you'll get there eventually

>> No.22397266

ok but how you gonna cash out. you just mention don't use "jeet KYC" what does that mean

>> No.22397285

How do I get a token for each browser I'll be emulating through Fiddler? And for those I'll need to previously run the Join Rewards script? For 100k+ browers? :o

>> No.22397361

thanks mate, i'm going to take a shot at this tomorrow just for fun. If there's any other tips you can give me about setting it up (besides the python code to generate the ad requests) that would be cool

>> No.22397441

I answered as much as I can, please check other comments

In Fiddler, look at the requests that are sent when you join the rewards program. Now do the same thing but implement it in python. That's how you get your "token"

Hmmm let me see if I can find the relevant wikis for you. First step would be to understand how the browser works. You can easily do that by creating a bunch of profiles and looking at the requests sent/received. Will get back to you in a sec

>> No.22397497

Fucking based. Those niggers deserve it for not pumping their shittoken for two god damn years.

>> No.22397528

This is why noone takes crypto seriously...

>> No.22397541


Since brave is running in chromium I imagine you could just as easily use node.js Puppeteer to run browsers as virtual instances and interact with the web pages to setup accounts, save wallet id to a db or something then loop.

>> No.22397550
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, czkickswoman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is funny because what you're doing might not even be illegal.

>> No.22397581

This. Fuck BAT.

>> No.22397619

I imagine the hard part is KYC...still can't figure it out (am I not shady enough?)

>> No.22397635

I can't even get the ads to show up. I've tried to fix it multiple times, and have found no workaround, so I said fuck it and deleted it.

>> No.22397667


KYC not required for tipping

>> No.22397692 [DELETED] 
File: 2.26 MB, 1280x720, americanculture.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking dump your BAT everyone, when this shit gets out to normies its gonna tank. Gonna drop a grand shorting this dumpster fire.

>> No.22397755


Is there a way to generate wallet addresses just by using network requests?

>> No.22397758

Ahh I understand now. Thanks

>> No.22397858

In no particular order, these are what can help you get started (non complete exhaustive list).

Yeah man, it doesn't matter. Can be replicated by any average programmer

Yeah install a proxy, install brave, see what requests are sent when you join the rewards program

>> No.22397924
File: 1.74 MB, 880x1280, 1574144206026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is incredible, keep dumping info. Have you ever gamed anything else like youre doing with Brave? Is this a regular thing for you?

>> No.22398005

thanks anon
gonna dig through their code
any pointers?

>> No.22398028

nevermind I should have read the whole thread

>> No.22398079

Is that Josh? from drake and josh

>> No.22398088

Brave/BAT is done then. Brendan confirmed brainlet defrauding people paying for ads. How do you get out of this shit fest without looking like a fucking retard as a company? They even bragged about civic helping them with fraud.

>> No.22398130

How are you opening / emulating over 100k browsers on your shitcan computer?

>> No.22398151

It probably does one or two at a time then goes down a list. Doing all 100k browsers at once doesnt seem plausible.

>> No.22398161

What did you do? I already edited preferences and client.json files and when I open Brave it shows only 1 ads per hour selected on preferences and I dont get any BAT no matter what, does location matter?

>> No.22398207

Nah brave only

The can will explode whether it's now, or later. Eventually it'll be known to everyone. Wait till it gets published by a blog and it'll be way more credible

Lots of RAM mainly. Use to do it with 300 browsers at at time. It would break if I went to like 500+

He's larping. He just inspect element. Location matters, make sure it's always a US VPN or use residential proxies

>> No.22398240

Do i have to do the Fiddler thing?

>> No.22398287


according to all sauce OP has provided, this entire process could be automated as a series of network requests. No need for browser.

>> No.22398289

This is a pretty convincing larp. You can't get past KYC. I would like to even see proof of you even getting a payout on one device let alone thousands and somehow being able to wash it through thousands of verified KYC accounts.

>> No.22398292

What do you think this will do to the token price once word gets out?

>> No.22398298

be a bro and suck up the supply to pump the price as it is supposedly unpumpable

>> No.22398495


>> No.22398555

As long as tipping doesn't require kyc and uphold faggotry this works. Op is a faggot for putting it out.
Why do xou think bat never moons

>> No.22398692

We should build an API for this lmao

>> No.22398711

Tipping still has a KYC endpoint. You cant just wash $140k BAT into an account via tips and withdraw. You cant even do it to thousands of accounts. The whole reason KYC exists in traditional banks is so people cant do laundry and structuring like this. Pretty advanced larp and there is no proof of him cashing out other than some script hes running.

>> No.22398750

You are right
Op is a faggot and mods should remove this thread immediately

>> No.22398767

I have the know how and the resources to make a 20000+ farm doing this if what OP says checks out. Smartest thing to do would be to give an equal bit of drained BAT to all BAT holders.

>> No.22398872

I doubt he even got any of the monthly payouts via uphold. Cant tip if you are not even getting tokens.

>> No.22398880

Lmao I hope OP isn't in America, because Uncle Scam aka the IRS will audit the shit out of him because of KYC.

>> No.22398890

How to do this step by step im a brainlet

>> No.22398924


I haven't tried automating the network requests together, but scanning through the code it looks possible.

>> No.22398939

Literal nigger tier larp. Stfu paki faggot you weren't able to cash out none of your BAT

>> No.22399062

Cope harder faggot, the beans are spilled.

>> No.22399178

t. cant figure it out.

>> No.22399278

These are the gay people who make this shit valuable. Thank you. Also Ecть дepьмo

>> No.22399339

I have 0 worries but thanks man

>> No.22399350

Smartest person in here, You should listen

>> No.22399355

Based rooskie. SJW Brendan is a faggot anyways

>> No.22399456

If simply making the requests to the server is enough for the process to continue; then why have you not done so yet? Is it beyond your coding knowledge thus far, or is it just easier to write a code that plays with the browser to do stuff rather than directly to the server?

Also a strong thank you to you and this thread as a python user myself I'll be taking a look at all this in more detail!

>> No.22399465

> (this is the part necessary so you get ads according to the category)
Which category are we supposed to make most probable?

>> No.22399555

>450k BAT from farming with the Brave Browser
you mean mining with it not farming

>> No.22399621

It's already done. I won't share it yet though. Since you're a programmer you'll understand quite soon. What I'm giving out stuff I found a long time ago while experimenting with the browse ui

If you are farming it doesn't matter, I just evenly spread it out. It changes, depends on what the catalog might give you. Mostly it's technology, finance, entertainment. But it's variable

English is not my main language as you can tell

>> No.22399660

Lol better English than the pajeets shilling endlessly at least.

>> No.22399672

Are you worried about VRA overtaking BAT

>> No.22399677

What is VRA?

>> No.22399726

How can I mine this? I can look into it

>> No.22400023

>Go in %localappdata% and modify the ads_per_day and ads_per_hour to like 10k and 1k.
There's no such entries in the client.json file, where do they go?

>> No.22400156

Did it work for you? I changed ads to 1000 and then 999 but neither one actually changed on the browser's settings

>> No.22400187

It's under
user data\default\preferences.(no file extension)

unfortunately this

>> No.22400212

*rather, the preferences file stays saved but the the frequency of ad popups doesn't seem to increase, maybe one every 5 to 10 minutes

>> No.22400213

>retards that fell for this LARP

All this fud makes my dick turn bullish.

>> No.22400217

Pretty sure OP is larping. Have you guys tried with different numbers?

>> No.22400249

It's a larp.. op didn't post any proof. just some bullshit github links.

>> No.22400447

Cope, it makes sense because the token price never goes up.

>> No.22400458

Larping faggot get a life jesus nigger

>> No.22400709

did you find an exploit in the Brave broswer? How were you able to mine all those coins?

>> No.22401310

Gay ass larp. No proof of earnings

>> No.22401660

lots of seething batbois in here. you thought you’d be the next linkies but no.

>> No.22401712

did you find an exploit in the Brave broswer? How were you able to mine all those coins?

>> No.22401804
File: 28 KB, 500x375, aaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22402237

I saw some article where researchers found a way to launder money by giving a mining pool exclusive rights to process or confirm their transaction and charging a very high trasnaction charge. Is there anything you can do with this? I can look for the article if yall are interested but I would love some info or a for dummies guide. You could put it on endchan or torum or lainchan or something if you want less eyes on it but Im very interested but brainlet

>> No.22402278

thats the article, this is the paper:


>> No.22402807

Could you provide the GitHub link to the part of brave that pays you out for a secure request to their server? If it makes sense.

Thank you

>> No.22403304

Are you retarded? Read the thread faggot.

>> No.22403698

>this thread is still going

>> No.22404161

So nobody can get this to work, r-right guys? It's just FUD right guys? The "there's an exploit in the browser" thing is just FUD, RIGHT GUYS???

>> No.22404180

unironically post this on reddit and see.

>> No.22404251

based OP, keep up the good work

>> No.22404300

Google ads and every single native ad platforms have massive click farms. Does that make the platform a scam?

>> No.22404848

I'll test tomorrow anon. This portion OP's posts can be tested/debunked in a couple of minutes:
>modify the client.json file's pageProbabilityHistory object with false ad data (this is the part necessary so you get ads according to the category), modify ads_per_day and ads_per_hour to like 10000 and 1000 so you always get ads, and set an autoclicker so it afk clicks every 15 seconds so you get ads.

>> No.22404860


>> No.22404974

Lmao ikr. Most interesting thread on biz atm.

>> No.22405176

you do realize it was a screen recording of built up notifications in the notification tray?

>> No.22405927

Do you guys think it is /g/anons who make these autistic FUD threads?

>> No.22406253

given that noone managed to confirm anything claimed here so far, it was most likely bs

>> No.22406835

Isn't this what happened a couple months ago when somebody sent 1 ETH with a fee of ~3000 ETH? Everybody mocked them thinking it was a mistake, before the exact same address did it again?

>> No.22406840

Faggots with no life

>> No.22407202

gayest thread ever

>> No.22407655

So anybody confirm this yet?

>> No.22408461
