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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22390719 No.22390719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Continuing that seed-hiding thread from yesterday....someone tell me how somebody could crack/brute-force the following to get my seed words:
>use hardware wallet for first time to store my Linkies
>wallet gives me my 24 seed words
>write seed words on paper
>use offline computer to open a text file
>over the course of several days/weeks, type out every one of the 2000+ words from the bip-0039 list into a text file, but the words are put in random order (ignore the 'humans are never truly random' meme, assume I'm really typing them out in a completely random order)
Now here's my idea:
>while typing out the 2000+ word list, also type in the 24 seed words
>However, the seed words would be placed in a particular pattern among the other random words using a large number that I already have memorized for something else, e.g. my bank account number which I know by heart
>So let's say for example my bank account number is 12345678. That means in that mass body of random words I typed out, the first word in that would be my 1st seed word, then the second word after that would be my 2nd seed word, then the third word after that would be my 3rd seed word, and so on (of course the actual number I use would have a much less predictable pattern, e.g. 59247718). Since it's an 8-digit number, the pattern would repeat two more times to cover all 24 words
>save this text file
>send it to my email, cloud, computer, flash drives, and other backups
>destroy paper that has seed words
So what's the problem with this? How can someone crack this within a reasonable amount of time?
Yes, I realize that if they got access to the text file they could easily tell that it's someone's attempt at hiding their actual seed words among the bip-0039 list. But how can they find out which words are mine? How can they detect that particular pattern to get those words?

>> No.22390844

Your seed words are at the beginning of the 2000 word file. So they brute force starting with words from the beginning.

Better would be to put them in a random place in the file, e.g. 704 words in, but even then your seed words are close together so there is a weakness.

>> No.22390850

They could match identifying personal numbers of yours against the list such as SSN, birth date, street address, phone number, bank account, etc.

But if someone has your bank account number and this text document and the knowledge to do this...well, I guess I have to ask how much money we're talking about

>> No.22390865

if you randomize the rest of the list before adding your pattern there should be no significant way of doing anything to you

>> No.22390942

>>22385114 Www.yeet.dance

>> No.22391094

>They could match identifying personal numbers of yours against the list such as SSN, birth date, street address, phone number, bank account, etc.
OK so I'll do the bank account number pattern in reverse, e.g. 87654321, or in half-shuffle, e.g. 56781234
>Your seed words are at the beginning of the 2000 word file. So they brute force starting with words from the beginning.
OK, no problem. The first seed word starts at the first three numbers of my bank account, i.e. word #123 in the random word list (if the bank account number is 12345678)
>Better would be to put them in a random place in the file, e.g. 704 words in, but even then your seed words are close together so there is a weakness.
OK, so something like putting a seed word after every 50th words to spread them out more, but also still using the bank account pattern?
e.g. for 12345678:
Word #1 in the random list is the 1st seed word
Then starting from the 50th random word, count 2 more after that (i,e, the 52nd random word in the list) for the 2nd seed word
Then starting from the 100th random word, count 3 more after that (i.e. the 103rd random word in the list) for the 3rd seed word
And so on? Could that work?

>> No.22391574

Stop being a cheap bitch and just get Cryptosteel, faggot

>> No.22391584

Pro mode:

Convert words to ascii codes, store the binary in an image file using one of the many different steganohraphy algorithms.

Save image in the cloud somewhere.


>> No.22392489

If they're at the point where they have a tool to run all of these numbers, they'll try numbers in reverse, etc. You need one more variable that can't be found on paper, even if it's a single digit you can add

>> No.22393157

You're going to forget your complicated ass scheme and fuck it up.
To brute force it, I come to your home (in minecraft) and start cutting off fingers til you give me your ledger's pin.

>> No.22394022

Looking good

>> No.22394258

and then save the method in a txt file explaining how to retrieve funds. Name file step by step to get moni

>> No.22394308

source on this seed demon

>> No.22394500

By having the words in order in your file, even with the other words around it acting to obscure the true words, you remove a level of complexity.

>> No.22394505
File: 535 KB, 683x1024, 1596033215535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK boys... Anyone else joestling for a fucking groestling right now?

>> No.22394940

more of her?


>> No.22395037

Oh my bad missed that part about being out of order.
Really the only problem is if someone finds your file and instructions. So I think it isn't much better than just having the seed words hidden somewhere.

>> No.22395041

Pics were from a festival called Euphoria 2011. Dude named Photognome took the pics. He had them up on Flickr for years but they're down now.

You can try to search for them.

>> No.22395085

im thinkin its grostelszn

>> No.22395167
File: 410 KB, 850x463, 16546165196513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22395178

Lmao... How do you know all this? Kind of weird??

>> No.22395245

this is so schizo... dude nobody is coming for your hardware wallet seed

>> No.22395433

How about you encrypt the file using state of the art encryption available on standard zip programs like 7zip.
AES256 is used for top secret documents so its good enough for your small fortune.
Honestly we should stop tolerating these ridiculous
>rate muh scheme

>> No.22395546

I’m an oldfag and he used to post shit on /b/ all the time. Her pics are an old /biz/ meme too.

>> No.22395714

then how are you supposed to hide the password for the encryption?

>> No.22395936

She really greases my groestl.

Regarding key encryption, this method also sounds pretty neat: https://bitcointalk.org/?topic=811397