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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22384830 No.22384830 [Reply] [Original]

Marines, report in!

>> No.22384882

Thanks anon, this chart makes a lot of sense. It was time the old ranks obvious issues were addressed. First off, the ranks had to be scaled down according to link's market cap growth. Also, obvious gaps had to be filled (for instance what was with the gaps after sgt major? How were marines supposed to rank up what the fuck?). Truly doing God's work here, not everyone on this board was an early adopter autist, some of us have lives and we're too busy socialising, having fun and banging girls while the autists were vetting our future investment.

>> No.22384925

I like the new ranks. they are much more fair. It's important to keep things as fair as possible in the finance world.

>> No.22384935

as a linklet I like this one better then the last one.

>> No.22384936

WTF. why has a zero been removed??

>> No.22384950

Are these the new Social Justice Ranks?

>> No.22384985

only nulinker faggots would use this chart

>> No.22384997

I'm the OP from the original thread who made this image. Thanks for sharing. Make sure you spread on twitter too.

>> No.22385005

Bullying is not fun and has certainly no place in the Chainlink's community culture anon. We're all here to have a good time aren't we?

>> No.22385063

Corporal whale chad reporting in!

I like the Chain Link token very much!

>> No.22385145

Lieutenant General here

>> No.22385157
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> Private 1 - 50
> Specalist 50 - 150
> and so on

Duplication of numbers for every rank, whoever made this is a special kind of retard.

>> No.22385224

Stop trying to push these shitty new ranks. You had 3 years to get the appropriate amount, sorry you missed it.

>> No.22385265

its not fair tho. some people didnt kno about link at the time so they couldnt get a big stack. we have to accomodate the newcomers

>> No.22385298
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I made my own chart and put myself as General

>> No.22385312

Lieutenant General here. I reject this chart.

>> No.22385350


>> No.22385404

Just bought 50 today for a new wallet. I'm a Private Specialist NIGGGGGGGGGGGGUUUUH.

>> No.22385439
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post the real one next time

>> No.22385498

holy cope

>> No.22385777

>15k link
>Make ten thousand wallets with 1 link each
>Keep myself a wallet with 5k
>One man army

>> No.22385828
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worst thread on /biz/

>> No.22385842
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>tfw only 0.71361 LINK
This chart is way too unrealistic. Fucking troll.

>> No.22385867

>Using Army ranks for Marines

>> No.22385947

Shouldn't Lt. Gen be up to 49999? This chart suggests you can be Lt Gen AND General at same time

>> No.22386059
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I find it flattering to be appointed major, but deep down I know I'm still a sergeant.

>> No.22386231

Don't be a retard. You know what it means.

>> No.22386279

Beta cuckoldry. Cringe indeed!

>> No.22386282

I like how every rank shares a number with at least one other rank

>> No.22386374

So if you had 50k exactly are you a General or leuitenant General?

>> No.22386388


>> No.22386440

Sergeant first class reporting. Should I swing my link to sergeant major?

>> No.22386570
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Tbh Major General does sound better than second lieutenant.

>> No.22386639
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OGS report in

>> No.22386737

Cringe and outdated

>> No.22386863
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This one is immutable.

>> No.22386875

This is nufag cope. The ranks have been laid out long ago by the founding mememarines. Sorry you are a private for ever but that's just the way things are.

>> No.22386910
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>> No.22386913

not accurate lol.

>> No.22386930

Woohoo! I’m a Colonel now!

>> No.22386966

You should swing for this
I am not, nor have I ever been, a fucking Colonel, what disrespect is this

>> No.22387019

Rather be a newfag private , than coping with this faggot chart.

>> No.22387091

56k lieut colonel here. but in 5 years i might accept the new chart

>> No.22387111
File: 41 KB, 750x458, 1585082309909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bough my first 12 linkies. Feels good to be a linkchad

>> No.22387121


>having ranks for people with poo stacks of less than 500

Even less than 1k is a joke. who the fuck made this list.

10k is the officer threshold

>> No.22387203

Did you not see the updated version? It's in the OP's post.

>> No.22387231

bought 1500 link at 20 cents

held on for dear life

was forced to sell all link because i was so broke. it was the last thing i was willing to sell. stack now worth tens of thousands.


>> No.22387233
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>> No.22388012

As a Lieutenant General I veto this chart. You Nulinkers can cope harder.

>> No.22388062
File: 706 KB, 672x577, Primarch Sergey and the LinkMarines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lieutenant Colonel reporting for duty

>> No.22388167

Sergent Major here
Wow I was nothign 3 years ago

>> No.22388406
File: 156 KB, 1200x1000, 1566930364789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm beginning to hate all you nulinkers. why didn't you fags buy in 2018?

>> No.22388462
File: 171 KB, 840x839, 50529538-E88F-4031-A97A-66216E3FDD64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Boomers seething

>> No.22388720

Cringe nufaggotry
These are the real ranks

>> No.22388810


We have no say in the new rankings. It was voted on an approved by the ERC-20 Council a week ago. The new official rankings can be found in the OP.

>> No.22388986
File: 66 KB, 384x384, 1531800816047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

answer the question as to why you didn't buy in 2018 you raging faggot. i'm curious

>> No.22389096

he was too busy on /pol/ punching nazis

>> No.22389294

I've been buying every week since Jan 18. Even I can realize that the new ranks need way more equity for new linkers. We want to attract new investors, not scare them away.

>> No.22389350

I like this list better because it's not racist

>> No.22389425

except we don't need polfags buying 100$ and spouting nazi memes for chainlink to succeed

>> No.22389586

3 years anons. 3. years.

>> No.22389627

Major general reporting in!
Nulinkers with less than 10k won't be invited to the yacht party if they can't prove they bought Link in 2017 or 2018.