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File: 15 KB, 200x252, young brendan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22385827 No.22385827 [Reply] [Original]

Alright you stupid faggots, BOOF BINGLETON here and I'm going to give you the ultimate redpill on BAT for free.

You don't need to do anything but read these two links, and then accumulate while you still have time.



Defi is literally here to delay the inevitable which is the complete destruction of Silicon Valley. When cross contextual advertising becomes illegal in California in November it is literally fucking over for silicon valley. Do you think that serGAY would EVER have enough clout to get a Californian law he wrote himself passed that only directly benefits himself, and categorically fucks FAAG (Facebook amazon Apple google), while also hating real life fags? The answer is no retards. Brendan's career ended when he donated to a bill in Cali, now he is destroying the fags that wrecked him with his own bill in California. ITS POETRY, ITS KEK MAGIC.

Brendan Eich is a god. I didn't even mention that Firefox cut 25% of their workforce and is looking for ways to make money by ad revenue when BAT SDK is on the precipice and brave has set it up LEGALLY in CALIFORNIA that bat is the only option that makes sense.

BAT faggots will be rewarded far greater than any other cryptofaggots in this decade. Screen cap it and suck my fucking dick, IM BRAVE

>> No.22385848

just went all in, how can you not invest in the creator of Java?

>> No.22385864

If you're all about DEFI OP why dont you just go all in link and see what happens?

>> No.22385873
File: 107 KB, 512x526, 1597082335502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my name is boof and this is my story

>> No.22385896

Thats actually based as fuck.

>> No.22385966

>my eternal shitbag of 5k BAT finally becomes worth something

that would be the day, huh? Deliver me to monetary gains, Brendan.

>> No.22386026
File: 378 KB, 1125x2436, A7B74D7A-5453-4C5C-B4A3-2A9D395C1C51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea whats in store. I have 300k and still accumulating. We just tripple bounced off 25cents so we will never see these prices again. Once we break 50 cents were going straight to $1-3 and then media coverage and fomo will send us to $40.

>t. Bought link ico

>> No.22386056

you mean common lisp

>> No.22386106

Fucking based

>> No.22386165
File: 176 KB, 1000x624, writescode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment I heard Brendan was starting another browser startup, I was in.

Eich WAS mozilla. He embodies all their early principles (user security, privacy, open source, original internet ethos, etc).

The internet of today is largely a complete 180 from what it was in 90's / 00's. Its so strange that if you go to places like HN or red-dot and present the solutions that Eich is talking about, those places frantically and hysterically shout you down. Its a complete inversion.

Investing in Brave/Bat is like holding a 100x short on google, fb, etc. Its going to pay off simply because: Diversity Hires at google/fb/moz/etc are going to be unable to continue. Their tech infrastructure is going to collapse beneath them as more and more SJW force out all the qualified engineers

pic related.

>> No.22386284

Unironically, this guy’s ex-boss, Neil Smit of Netscape, has joined the board of directors of Quant Network.

Thought you fags might want to know. Target price is $5 billion with a month.

>> No.22386316

Target market cap, I mean. So price will be around $400-$500.

>> No.22386444

i hold BAT and i know that there is no amount of good news that can move the price

>> No.22386514
File: 16 KB, 400x366, 581b406283faa.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically how high could this go? I have about 100 from using Brave, but I don't really want to buy any.

>> No.22386661

I have 400. It'll never be worth anything

>> No.22386731

$40 for starters

>> No.22386742

$40 is the low end. Just keep using the broswer if you dont want to buy. Accumulte and sell when each bat is $100. You may even make it just from using the broswer.

>> No.22386841

Come on lol there's no way that BAT is going to have the liquidity to make everyone who uses their browser rich over a moon.

This coin is being kept low intentionally.

>> No.22386984

Within months users will be able to create an Ocean data token from their browsing behaviour and sell it (anonymously or with any level of personal data attached for a greater price if they like) for far more than they receive in BAT

Your cutting edge tech is already outdated. Ocean will overtake BTC in 2021/2022

Data is the new oil and Ocean will be the world's petrodollar.

>> No.22387094

These Ocean fudders are out of control, kek

>> No.22387126

Why is he so fucking ugly

>> No.22387393

You've still got time anon or perhaps BAT will use the Ocean data token as a layer.

>> No.22387465

Token needed

>> No.22387499
File: 129 KB, 583x482, 1599355890899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have 0.270 BAT accumulated from using the Brave browser so far.
Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.22387534

>post yfw 6.2 BAT across 2 wallets but that's not enough to merge them

>> No.22387539
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>> No.22387573
File: 11 KB, 72x72, 1585580061987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway to use this shit as collateral for DEFI? I was considering tossing 100$ to that meme shit to play around, and figure I might as well kill 2 birds with one stone and buy some BAT since it has promise.

>> No.22387863

Agree with this; even better because they don’t just need to collapse. We just need to take 2% of the marketshare to become millionaires

>> No.22387948

Based. Brendan is my adopted father figure.

>> No.22388151

Would love to see Apple intergrate bat into safari; could see it happening too because Apple is big into privacy and they have billions in cash laying around. Facebook and google own the ad market right now

>> No.22388310

the most likely reason apple would choose to do that would be to also add appstore integration.

all appstore devs want to hook users on a monthly subscription model to keep on-going development funding active. however users typically hate that and expect one-off payments

one way to break the logjam is to have: users earn bat by browsing, spend bat monthly on app-store services.

apple takes 30% share and everyone is happy.

>> No.22388407

He can spare being ugly because he is smart. Unlike you anon, being both ugly and stupid will ensure that you'll ngmi

>> No.22388634

Good looking chads don’t have the same amount of freetime to work on the project.

>> No.22388656

Also keep in mind BAT already an Apple approve currency

>> No.22388696

How much BAT to make it?

>> No.22389059

2,000 will be more than enough

>> No.22389205


>> No.22389278
File: 37 KB, 1835x176, bat proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you feel it anons? this is the new world order coin, the brave new world coin. the coin that helps introduce universal basic income and permanently enslaves the working class. When BAT moons the shitcoin dream is over.

another anon put it aptly many days ago, BAT is the canary in the coal mine of the crypto world. When it gains everything else dumps soon after. Well, when BAT truly moons, every single shit coin will die. Screen cap and suck my dick, BATTIES are the new elite


>> No.22389316
File: 111 KB, 836x543, 1589405681162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls respond

>> No.22389322

buy $YEET
ICO ends in two days

>> No.22389325

I’m all in on $YEET

>> No.22390162
File: 190 KB, 1023x2253, Brave Safety.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22390192

how can I maximise the amount of tokens I get per day using their browser

>> No.22390377

turn off auto-contribute, turn ads per hour to 5, use as default browser on all devices

>> No.22391019

how will they know I'm not submitting fake data?

>> No.22391137
File: 178 KB, 1280x1186, brave is a nazi company.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
