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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22384237 No.22384237 [Reply] [Original]

Will you still post on 4chan once you've made it?

>> No.22384332

we're all here forever

>> No.22384339

What else would i do

>> No.22384367

Why do you ask as if we have an option?

>> No.22384369

Probably less so. It's entirely possible that lurking in this place will just make me sad and I'll avoid it.

>> No.22384389

if i ever make it, it'll be because of biz so yes

>> No.22384393

who else would i ask for what kind of yacht to get

>> No.22384396

That's a man.

>> No.22384397

Yea, just to say I told you so to people who fudded the coins I bought. Then I’ll probably just lurk.

>> No.22384412

I'd buy it if I make it, just so no one else could ruin it.
Still annoyed about the meme flags on /pol

>> No.22384424
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>> No.22384425

>will you still post on a tranny nigger loving incel site once you made it?

>> No.22384434

>beef curtains
no thanks

>> No.22384436

This unironically

>> No.22384437

I don't use biz for information anymore, I come here for social interaction, so yes.

>> No.22384463

If you watch closely, you could see his dong

>> No.22384481

>ruin it
Let me rape your mouth

>> No.22384486

Why have these gigantic fat asses become a thing? It just encourages lazy women to get fat

>> No.22384515

God what a fucking dumb whore.

>> No.22384525

why not? The ride never ends

>> No.22384541

Image if someone brought it, banned the word nigger and made everyone register a username
That's how you ruin a place like this

>> No.22384583

if not why live

>> No.22384608

A true roastie in action

>> No.22384619

I made it and still here.

>> No.22384642

btw I have fucked a roastie before and its less common than you might think. It also wasnt that bad esxcept for the visual aspect

>> No.22384653

I’m shit posting here from my private jet. Elon says hi

>> No.22384668

Instead of being here 5/7/365 I'll be here 18/7/365

>> No.22384702

This is how you know you're a real nigga

>> No.22384794
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Oh course. Someone has to motivate these NEETS to make it...

>> No.22384846
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>chewing with mouth open

>> No.22384875


>> No.22384885


>> No.22384898


>> No.22384942


>> No.22385126

Who else would I brag post to.

>> No.22385248

I think it’s hilarious that the next generation of business leaders will have grown up using 4chan.

>> No.22385290

and that's a good thing

>> No.22385539

Unironically this. I’ve watched my net worth reach over 1M+ from $30k and I’m still shitposting and fudding here and I don’t think I’ll ever stop

>> No.22385665
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends forever

>> No.22385942

i already have over 1 million in crypto and i'm still in university. think i will come here as long as it stays entertaining

>> No.22386014

I’ll need therapy to undue the damage from here

>> No.22386042

skinny bitches were never attractive you faggot. The jews pushed that shit because skinny white women have harder time giving birth thus less white children.

>> No.22386046

>brown eyes

So that part of America is just a bunch of mutts larping as whites, right?

>> No.22386082

Genuinely this

>> No.22386117

So Jews?

>> No.22386140
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I'l buy 4chan once I make it.
I'll add two new boards immediately.


>> No.22386150

Of course, it’s not like 4chan is expensive or anything and if I’ve made it, I’m sure I’ll have opened up free time.

>> No.22386149

Yes. The coasts and Mexican border are 25% white tops. The real aryans are tucked away in the mountains

>> No.22386240

Sincerely hope you make it then

>> No.22386267


I would too. This place is a treasure. I have no idea how it hasn't been shut down yet.

>> No.22386280

Of course. Can a person really ever “make it”. You can never have too much money.

>> No.22386356

0 personality/10. imagine unironically living with that thing.

>> No.22386442

i'm not here to make it, i made it on my own
/biz/ is one of the last few places where a 30+ years old boomer can recapture the spirit of 90s internet

>> No.22386536


>> No.22386605

They've realised fat acceptance works even better though. Keep everyone eating vegetable oils which are basically an infertility drug.

>> No.22386606


that's a man

>> No.22386616

Women need to be enslaved.

>> No.22386624

Why do all average girls think they are the hot shit on the internet

>> No.22386631

Post face

>> No.22386662

Based xsn chad

>> No.22386670

I do not think Im the hot shit tho

>> No.22386712

From all the lonely guys showering them with money and attention. It's in their nature.

>> No.22386719

I been on /pol/ for 5 years /biz/ for 2.

>> No.22386722

Do racecar drivers ever drive again after they qualify?

>> No.22386721

I'll never make it so it's a paradoxical question

>> No.22386776

Its a result of being indoctrinated and enabled by this evil Jewish matrix system/culture

>> No.22386855

For me the opposite

>> No.22386870

this, plus if I make it so do most of you retards and I wouldn't want to miss out on the fun & craziness that's bound to happen on here at that point

>> No.22386881


>> No.22386962


They're hardwired to seek and be validated by moments of attention from men. In real, natural life this was more few and far in between, personal interactions on occasion. In the social media era their systems are literally bugging out, overwhelmed with all of the attention simps give them (as well as the 100 other thots they follow) with their egos artificially rising to self perceived goddess hood. This means the state of relationships are going to be fucked in the West.

>> No.22387025

Making it was the friends we made along the way

>> No.22387068

Um, you haven't made it yet? Like 95% of posters on biz already have anon. We're just here shilling because we want to help the 5%

>> No.22387082

I do. buy OXT or get left behind

>> No.22387214
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>> No.22387257

>Let me rape your mouth
Pretty sure that's not rape.

>> No.22387304

ive been coming to this place for 13 years, why would i ever stop

>> No.22387305

I'll be sitting in a fucking high quality chair, next to a desk of my own specification with a ludicrously overpowered computer with high end screens that I use for shitposting and email

>> No.22387327

If I’m having sex I won’t be here.

>> No.22387330


>> No.22387354

Bless you, fren
You'll make the world a better place

>> No.22387358
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Use your power for good helping others

>> No.22387425

I can do that with shitposting
Sometimes I even shitpost sincerely
I want to see everyone achieve the fulfillment they aspire to
Shitposting is the one truth I have left, we become stronger frens through it

>> No.22387433

Yes. I will post all the insane works of erotica I have commissioned to the pink boards.

>> No.22387528

We should buy a a rocketload full of starlink satellites for when an anon buys it from making it so we can never be taken down

>> No.22387561

imagine bust a fat nut in her...

>> No.22387752

this. After a week of wagecucking for the 1st time in my life in 2017, i moved from /pol to biz and i would've been better off throwing money into that russian scam, but i didn't want to be the idiot that throws money into shit he doesn't know anything about. Should listened to /biz.