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2237605 No.2237605 [Reply] [Original]

Is the GDAX market not loading correctly for other Anon. It's on perma-loop reload for me on multiple browsers across multiple devices and networks. The constant reload seems a lot like server overload in a DDOS scenario.

>> No.2237614

stop shilling your twitter account retard

>> No.2237685

Not shilling. This was some rando I found while searching #GDAX to try and figure out what is going on.

Can other Anon load the GDAX market?


>> No.2237706

auto refreshes dozens of tiems a second

>> No.2237780
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Holy shit. I think it is under DDOS then. Either that or it just can't handle the massive server load.

WTF? I blame Coinbase.

Also, fuck you
May you be cucked many times...

>> No.2238029

It's happening to me too, specifically searched for a GDAX thread

It's just refreshing nonstop. Wtf? Is coinbase about to go MTGOX?

>> No.2238057

Yeah, it's been just re-freshing non-stop for about an hour now. I tried via Icecat on my mobile device, three browsers on my laptop, and then tried on a VPN with all cookies, etc. cleared. On all instance it just perma-refreshes. MTGOX was exactly what I was afraid of, though its problem just more server load that the sit can manage to to ETH MAAAAANDEESSS.

What area of the world are you in, Anon?

I'm in USA, in Illinois. Wondering how far this problem is spreading.

>> No.2238120


Absolutely 0 problems down here in the southeast friendo.

>> No.2238132

I'm in the pacific northwest

>> No.2238153

It's an authentication error. Go to gdax homepage (just the domain) and click log in again.

>> No.2238158

i think we have herds of normies invading crypto right now

>> No.2238159

I just solved it on my end

-Clear your browser cache
-Log into coinbase.com
-Go to https://www.gdax.com/trade/BTC-USD
-Quickly click the blue "login" button on the left hand side
-If you click the login button right it will load market without refreshes now

Seems obvious but it worked for me, maybe lucky timing? Lol

>> No.2238791

It worked. Thanks Anon!

(fuck you, GDAX)

>> No.2238794

>outhack the hackers

i love you, biz