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22373385 No.22373385 [Reply] [Original]

We... we crashed the global economy for this?

>> No.22373408

And even the 4% figure is wildly overblown. People need to hang for this.

>> No.22373443

Go back to Twitter faggot

>> No.22373620

Other countries made the choice between crashing the economy or living with the virus
America chose both for some reason

>> No.22373639
File: 103 KB, 768x1024, A84065CF-0E99-445A-94DF-C517E0A92292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t do jack shit

>> No.22373687

Have your Parents / Grandparents had it yet?

>> No.22373751

I've seen many 95 year old lives tragically cut short because of this deadly virus....stay at home people, our kids don't need educating....we need to make sure people in their 90s don't die!!

Oh actually your granny was dying anyway, it's a part of life, get over it faggot

>> No.22373757

ARPA fixes this.

>> No.22373788

Who cares I made a shitton of money this year. Can we have another pandemic? Hopefully corona will mutate will ebola or something that causes instant death.

>> No.22373816

But she could have lived for 7-13 more months of agonizing, humiliating, dull life!

>> No.22373855
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Is it bad that when considering the possibility of my parents dying from Corona, all I thought about was how I could sell their house and use it to go all in on internet coins?

>> No.22373917

Yes, no ascension for you anon

>> No.22373997

we didn't crash shit
we started the transition into a data economy where the cattle generate data instead of tedious physical consumer experiences

>> No.22374175

There are also a lot of deaths caused as a result of corona clogging the hospitals and surgeries and stuff getting delayed. My father could have survived a few more years if his routine medical check-up hadn't been delayed for months. He finally went, and didn't came back.

>> No.22374174

I swear to god when my 92 year old grandma dies I'm going to an hero. I'm sick of God's fucking life up taking my loved ones in their prime. My gramps died at 89 and my family almost fell apart without his Wal-Mart greeter salary.

>> No.22374196

>i would sacrifice 4% of the world population if it meant i could slave at my McCuck job

>> No.22374250

Is this a glownigger from /pol/? Get the fuck out of here Jew

>> No.22374297

That’s fucked man, sorry to hear that.
My mother’s hip surgery was pushed back for months at the start of all this shit. She was basically paralyzed for all intents and purposes, because her hip, already damaged, was only getting worse as more and more weeks crept past without the surgery.
All because some people twice her age in shitty health already might die.

>> No.22374355

Absolute state of biz thinking 4% of the world population died of covid. How.. nevermind.

>> No.22374361

yes, and they want more

>> No.22374380

yes, nothing burger though the anosmia was kind of frightening

>> No.22374398

We crashed it to switch over to a new financial system...

>> No.22374428
File: 59 KB, 712x344, Screen Shot 2020-09-10 at 5.09.13 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you read?

>> No.22374504


This, most of my family who were elderly died of cancer. When you get to that age anything can kill you easily, deal with it.

>> No.22374531

How/s your smell, bro? I'm about a month and a half in of losing smell and taste and it's back to about 67%

>> No.22374544

no, -they- IE; globalist establishment high command, crashed the economy to stop Trump. Trump was a threat to their globalist establishment agenda. no trump=return to business as usual. also, crashing the economy under Trump=discredits Trump's ideas=lesser prospect of future Trumps.

so, basically, it's over. globohomo is now in overdrive, cope if you want, yell at me, do as you will, wont change a thing lol.

>> No.22374553
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks Trump is going to lose
BLM riots backfired for the left.

>> No.22374567

This, that's when they release covid-20

>> No.22374569

lol, people know that if Trump wins, the BLM riots will continue and accelerate. the only way to stop them is to give in. i expect biden to easily breach the 400 EV mark.

>> No.22374580


>he thinks Trump isn't just a (((puppet))) and actually fights the globalist agenda.

>> No.22374615

sure in hindsight its easy to say we overreacted. its pretty mentally limited to not understand the risks of an accidental release of an engineered virus. furthermore, it happened while a cold civil war is being waged in the country.

>> No.22374619

actions speak louder than words, Trump's actions show he is in direct opposition to globohomo. now, go ahead and tell me how both parties are the same, and how i must kneel for nigros.

>> No.22374654

no over-reaction occured, everything went as planned, continues as planned, and will conclude as planned.

>> No.22374657


>> No.22374693

whoever didn't make fat cash this year is mentally ill
you would have to be a 80IQ or lower, nigger or worse to lose money in this clownshow

>> No.22374764

Depends. Which coins?

>> No.22374787

Fully got back, I lost it for about five days, I'm pretty sure that by the 14th day it was fully back, I have no real way to confirm this but I don't notice any differences
Not too sure when I got it, never confirmed with testing but my folks and I getting anosmia at the same time is pretty suspicious, about a week before getting anosmia I had a slight fever for a night, my folks had fever two days, I measured temperature, oximetry and respiratory frequency thrice daily, oximetry never stopped below 96 on my chinkshit pulse oximeter, with my 75 year old folks it never dropped below 92
None of us have any known comorbidities

>> No.22374852

Nobody knew. Could have been worse than the plague. Better safe than sowwy

>> No.22374907

yes, safety better than liberty, always fren.

>> No.22374931

900,000 OUT OF 7,000,000,000

yeah anon, totally reasonable when you put it that way

>> No.22374959
File: 67 KB, 1024x577, 16AB53DC-B871-41B9-96D2-4969560A966B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>covid model used by a complete failure
>model was cleaned by Microsoft
>fauci said trump would be tested by a pandemic
>bill gates pandemic plan before covid
>covid cure found in 2005
>cure used by Brazilian president, English pm borris Johnson, trump, Tom hanks and wife
>hcq used for decades with no problem but labeled dangerous for covid
>>nobody knew

>> No.22374974


get punched nazi

>> No.22375006

Don’t forget to add that 9% were covid only according to cdc. So let’s bring that 900k death to 100k strictly from covid
We should of left everything open, follow social distancing and hygiene and let anyone over 50 work from home.
Boom just saved you 10 trillion dollars

>> No.22375010
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>> No.22375031

If your parents are irredeemable then that's a perfectly reasonable response.

Even if you were a psychopath/sociopath or had anti-social personality disorder, such a response would be reasonable as the cause of your psychopathology would likely be your parents.

>> No.22375060

The model is still a failure tho

>> No.22375078

Boogeyman boogeyman.

Anyway back to link why that stupid dead cat bounce

>> No.22375099

Hmmm no, it's 900000 out of 20 million. Also, remember that many people are being left with severe lung or nervous system problems and those don't make the "deaths" statistic. I know of some young healthy people that have severe impairments as a consequence of covid. For example a firefighter friend of mine that was in top shape now can't go up a flight of stairs without getting winded. I'm not saying the virus is Ebola 2.0 but it shouldn't be taken lightly either; maiming 30% of the population is worse for the economy as well.

>> No.22375124

I'm not gonna slave away during a pandemic just so Mr.Shekelburgs stocks can stay high.

>> No.22375134
File: 56 KB, 980x750, cdc 6 % percent of deaths covid only cause on average 2.6 additional conditions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a tiny fraction of those actually died FROM Covid, rather than just "with" Covid.

>> No.22375151

see >>22375134

>> No.22375177

that's because cause of death is usually down as 'pneumonia' when you die from covid induced pneumonia.
this. the economy would be fucked even worse for longer if we let this spread. fucking /pol/ retards I swear.

>> No.22375224
File: 664 KB, 755x903, man shot by police ruled as corona covid death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's because cause of death is usually down as 'pneumonia' when you die from covid induced pneumonia.
lmao it's the other way around.

Even if you die from gunshots and happen to have Covid, you are recorded as a "Covid death".

>> No.22375250

>99,9% of humans throughout history didn't live to see 90
>Life cut short

>> No.22375271
File: 246 KB, 628x851, 1566776513034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crashed the global economy
lol, we were headed for a long due crash that was inevitable in 2020 before the whole covid nonsense
covid just delayed the inevitable and in doing so, made the coming crash a lot worse than it would've been had covid not happened, but it was going to be a bloodbath to begin with anyway
what people don't understand is that we need everything to fail and not have any bailouts and NEVER fuckin try to implement MMT, even tho it's basically implemented on a basic level which is super dangerous, but both sides of the aisle support it
the US hasn't been a capitalist country in a long time, and now both sides republicans and democrats are liberal socialists
only difference is, the republicans like to call themselves free market capitalists
it's all such a fuckin meme, they're all the same pieces of shit and mark my words, within 6 months from now, we won't even have a bonds market anymore and the fed will control m2 and velocity directly until the government takes full control of all the money supply once MMT is fully implemented, then we're all fucked
it's a clown world and these faggots running it have no idea what they're doing
another reason why the covid shit was blown out of proportion, they all have agendas, but at the same time are really stupid and don't even quite know what they're doing to even further their agenda, making everything worse for everyone
i can't wait for everything to crash
fiat, housing market, crypto, it's all coming down
then finally, we can rebuild the right way and maybe people might smarten up just a little and realize the enemy was never other people, but the government and the useless, dumb as fuck politicians in it
my advice, start investing in some gold, silver, ammo, and rations
nothing crazy with the ammo and rations just enough to get you and your loved ones through what may turn out to be really bad once this crash happens since it was amplified a millionfold by the governments actions this year

>> No.22375280

We already knew that you're more likely to die if you have additional conditions, but like I said, deaths are hardly the whole picture. I live in Spain and know of many people that either won't have an easy recovery or will just never recover. Hard to say, since we don't understand yet the long-term consequences. In my view we went too soft-handed on measures. States should have gone full-authoritarian, China style. Impose even harder restrictions for a month and that way it won't spread and you won't have to impose restrictions at all in the future. It is interesting that it spreads the most in countries where people are careless just as a "fuck you" to their government.

>> No.22375286

retard do you really want the truth. the whole fucking truth? https://youtu.be/ED7HT7e6luo

>> No.22375360

this covid shit is literally an expirement to see how many people could get a disease by just imagining that it i real. If you say it's real, no doubt you will get sick and maybe die of it if you truly believe it. If you don't, you don't. Those who spread fear, those who want lockdowns, those who make face masks mandatory, those are the people that are playing an experiment on us.

>> No.22375430

>long-term consequences
Buddy, it's pneumonia.

>In my view we went too soft-handed on measures.
Fuck you, if the economy continues to collapse the consequences will be far more dire than whatever this virus can do.

I live in Belgium, which has the highest corona deaths per capita in the world, and our intensive care capacity was only ever half full.

>> No.22375466

My mother works in a hospital, and things got ugly as shit, with doctors having to decide who gets treatment because they couldn't give it to all. People with worse conditions were left to die so that treatment could be given to those with more chances to survive. I'm all for crazy conspiracy theories but this one isn't. Go ask anyone you know that's a doctor or has to work in a hospital and they'll tell you the same story (unless you live in some remote place I suppose)

>> No.22375508

The economy would not have collapsed as much if we had stopped the spread. No, it's not just pneumonia, the virus has other consequences. Either way "just pneumonia" is an absurd statement. Pneumonia can leave you impaired for years or kill you. I guess you've never had pneumonia.

>> No.22375516

A fake virus turns out to be less deadly than pretty much everything else. Interesting.

>> No.22375532

the cold civil war and corona are part of the same thing, a try from china to destabilise the west

>> No.22375540

>The economy would not have collapsed as much if we had stopped the spread.
Everyone in the world went into lockdown, typically for weeks. What the fuck are you talking about?

>No, it's not just pneumonia, the virus has other consequences
Not really.

>Pneumonia can leave you impaired for years or kill you.
My brother almost died from pneumonia, now he wipes the floor with me in endurance.

>> No.22375580

I'm an icu nurse and I know for a fact that you are lying. Even third world countries did not face anything even close to that. My hospital is the largest in my area too, CVICU turned covid unit. The fake virus isn't shit. Only old and fat people get it, any death in a covid positive is counted as a covid death in stats, and even bacterial pneumonia is getting counted as covid in negative patients. The fact numbers are so low despite the majority of the numbers being faked to inflate things is shocking.

>> No.22375587

>lol, people know that if Trump wins, the BLM riots will continue and accelerate
This is the dumbest interpretation of what's happening right now that I've ever seen

>> No.22375623

Belgium has the highest Covid death count in the entire world, and our ICUs were only ever at half capacity.

Even in hotbeds like NY, all those temporary field hospitals and that Navy hospital ship went almost entirely unused at the peak.

>> No.22375663

Third world shitistan here. Most hospitals were empty and were asking for a bail out. So then politicians started pushing the test test test mantra even if there were no symptoms. Then these stupid politicians started housing positive covid people into covid units even though they were asymptomatic until hospitals were flooded. To make things worse, they quarantined for a month, not the normal 2 weeks. Goddamn these fuckers so hard. No wonder they’re so fucking poor and stupid. School delayed indefinitely, not that I care about their shitty ass schools, but these fuckers won’t even let children outside. I pray these scumbag politicians die from cancer aids every day cuz they’re so stupid.

>> No.22376148

No goy it was the kikes