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22368126 No.22368126 [Reply] [Original]

January 4 2021
Craig is Satoshi
BSV is the real BitCoin

>> No.22368378
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BTC will be flipped and spiral to an abrupt fiery death by Feb
And your homo dick rider coin will go with it
realize profits by EOY of lose it all

>> No.22368605

>yeah, I thought Id get Margot to play ME, creg sistah
>y'kno, I’m Australian, she’s Australian..
this bitch is even more deranged than her brother.
does Margot like Coke n Cock too?

>> No.22368725
File: 256 KB, 1080x1440, 579067_v9_bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satoshi's Sister is the real Margot Robbie

>> No.22368926

>Guy invents bitcoin
>Make a film about his sister
I fucking hate jews so much

>> No.22368979
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Anon I.... you realize Satoshi's Sister is writing and producing the movie, right?

>> No.22369261

y'kno, the more I think about it..
I'm not sure if Margots big enough for the LISA role? LISA could maybe just STAR as HERSELF in the movie over HERSELF. And totally none of this whatsoever implies ego delusion typical of sustained drug use. No, Sir.

>> No.22369313

Craig Wright's sister is writing and producing the movie

>> No.22369358

yeah, JUST needs an audience now
you could probably make a good comedy out of a Christmas with these delusional cunts, I'll give them that. Except, creg can't go near Australia, because reasons

>> No.22369373
File: 862 KB, 260x260, 1574151225364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LISA has the talent, looks, and ability to pull this off. This could be a BIG BREAK for LISA.
Heck LISA could be BIGGER than her brother. LISA is finally showing the world that SHE'S the one who is important.

>> No.22369391
File: 83 KB, 680x510, EPFRAJgX0AASle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fackin top stuff mate! Croikey!

>> No.22369403


>> No.22369433
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the state of this delusional family, jesus christ, there was a reason these people were confined or put down in the middle ages

>> No.22370140

Turns out Satoshi and Satoshi's Sister don't like each other much, in fact some would say they despise each other, but I guess it makes sense considering how Satoshi's Sister probably tried to leech off Satoshi's immense success and wealth and Satoshi shut it down immediately because he didn't want his Sister to muddle his Vision. But that being said, Satoshi's Sister is an incredible actress, day trader, innovator and all round lovely Australian lady. Look! I found her imdb demo reel! What an incredible actress


>> No.22370245
File: 407 KB, 591x935, Lisa_satoshi_just_a_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek they hate each other, but she still insists that Craig is Satoshi.

>> No.22370293
File: 254 KB, 594x1146, lisa_blocked_first.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aired their family twitter drama earlier this year

>> No.22370332

she's only 30 lol

>> No.22370346
File: 627 KB, 627x620, Bloomberg_satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are still hiding the Satoshi bloomberg interview from us.

>> No.22370502
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>> No.22370552

My connections in the news media industry told me that apparently in the interview Craig exposed some of the biggest corrupt organizations in the WORLD and they couldn't air it because Bloomberg himself told the team who produced it that if they aired it everyone in that building would die. Satoshi would have probably died if Calvin wasn't there will his Haitian militia to deescalate the situation.

>> No.22370596
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lel, thanks for that:
>and, what do you know about.. alcohol and droogs?
>not much
>damn, and I was SO hoping you had some
Lisas woodtop bad, but that pajeet at the start had fucking woodworm. hope to fuck that wasn't feature length

>> No.22370653

This is Margot Robbie? It looks nothing like her. Bros I’m tired, don’t fuck with me.
Always thought she was a babe. Looks almost identical to a chick I dated when I was 23, she was 46.

>> No.22370668
File: 31 KB, 900x582, 8336-c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to put this, but, Coles is kind of a big deal

>> No.22370680

Of course bro this is totally what happened.

>> No.22370686

Hiya Margot!
>waves at Lisa

>> No.22370750


>> No.22371023
