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File: 415 KB, 1000x750, HACKEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22358498 No.22358498 [Reply] [Original]

HEADS UP. While you are wasting your time getting rekt on the useless ERC-20 token. The VIP-180 token is soon to be listed on 3 MAJOR exchanges.

Do you fags really think they just audit all these exchanges for zero return favours?

You were warned.

>> No.22358642

It is true CZ follows Hacken CEO...

>> No.22358778

My erc20 token is useless?

>> No.22358799

>The VIP-180 token
how 2 buy sirs?

>> No.22358854

No, but it is apparently supposed to be the same price as the VIP-180 token, but it is currently way higher

>> No.22358860


>> No.22359013

Watch this thread get fudded by VIP-180 HAI token holders because they want to swap at a premium into the ERC20.

>> No.22359024
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>> No.22359105

Uniswap version wont get listed anywhere but uniswap pajeet

>> No.22359165

Already strapped in OP

>> No.22359469

Why is this in the scammiest looking exchanges i've ever seen ?

Which one is SAFU

>> No.22359527

Wouldn't they want to pump the price before they swap?

>> No.22359633

still waiting for the bottom. 1/3 of a penny is my buy zone

>> No.22359702

not happening fag

>> No.22359758


>> No.22359856

Bitrue is fine

>> No.22360120

fuck this shitcoin, I lost money on this scam

>> No.22360651

plz the the name of the third exchange?

>> No.22360659

Buying the real HAI - the VET180 token on oceanX is pretty much the best play in the world right now

>> No.22361014

This team is indeed very good at disguising their true intentions, no clearity at all in the telegram channel. It seems like they cause this fog of confusion on purpose. They just wanna ride the defi hype without a real plan to create any ~~additional~~ value for their coin hodlers. They havent even thought through about a sustainable strategy for both coins **(VeChain HAI)**
**(ERC20 HAI)**
before they started developing this bridge.
The only ones that will win right now are the ones that make it to the bridge first.

>> No.22361028
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Pretty much all in, those selling don't know what's coming. Here I'll help, think about the volume and the market cap, what do you think is coming? Do you really think that the whales will allow anyone past the 11th of September to get any of the % market share? Think again.

There's no such thing as free lunch, the whales will be in control of the price and the market share before the second bridge happens where anyone who isn't a lvl 4 Hacken member can bridge over, smart money wins, dumb money gets what it deserves in return. Same story, first come first served. That's why anyone who isn't holding ERC20 Hacken right now will miss out big time. Don't push your luck.

>> No.22361031

I bought this long ago, sold when it came up, and am buying back in now after it dropped ~50% after the last pump. This is a great long-term hold.

>> No.22361186

The writing is on the wall, the people holding VeChain HAI are about to get screwed over by the team due to ERC20 big time, sorry not sorry. They seem to be too invested in VeChain HAI to realise that. I agree, the team are making it as confusing as possible fore them to soften the impact. ERC20 HAI is now their flagship coin yet all the old timers are too emotionally attached to VeChain to see that. They've even hired a new marketing department for ERC20 HAI plus a consulting company for guidance.

>> No.22361201

No one in the top 10 holders has more than 40k, you think they will be able to buy up the weekly 100k dumps? Does the erc token do anything other than give you the right to swap back to the vechain version which is worth 2 cents?

>> No.22361244

Considering that the team added 600k erc20 HAI to uniswap rather than just doing an airdrop makes me think you are right.

>> No.22361296

Erc20 hai wont be listed on binance goy

>> No.22361304

Don't be a smoothbrain, read this and check out the AMA. https://medium.com/@hackenclub/a-new-journey-for-hacken-starts-now-4b7f1c53d33a


>> No.22361343

Doesn't matter goy. 1 HAI = 1 HAI

>> No.22361559
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Wrong. Check out their FAQ that's been updated today regarding ERC20 UniSwap HAI.

My last hint for everyone....
Here's a quote from the AMA paper:

"The Uniswap HAI token price will be listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap."

What are the requirements to list something on CoinMarketCap as opposed to GoinGecko may you ask?

CoinMarketCap requires the coin/token to be up and trading on 3 different exchanges before they can approve the application in order to get listed on CoinMarketCap. A lot of Anons don't know that. So the ERC20 HAI is coming to at least 3 different exchanges in order to get validated for a CoinMarketCap listing. There.

>> No.22361716

Nah just go buy food defi token. Biz doesn't like to make money.

>> No.22361832

Nah, Food.Defi rugged earlier. Now I am buying Sustenance.Finance. It will surely make me rich.

>> No.22361926

It is fundamentaly the same token brainlet

>> No.22361970

they will have different prices i thought?

>> No.22362056

Not according to the tg admin, they were saying that the prices were supposed to be close to equal. I don't know how that would realistically work though unless there was some sort of arbitrage system set up to swap the tokens on the two different blockchains any time there was a price discrepancy.
Part of the problem is that the team wasn't very clear about what is going on, so now there is a lot of confusion.

>> No.22362195

The team/admins in tg say different stuff so either they have no idea as well or they are causing confusion on purpose

>> No.22362311
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>> No.22362451
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They need the VeChain holders to buy the bait and start providing liquidity to erc20 HAI in order for the big players to start buying which isn't really possible yet. That's why they're so cautious.

They're in need of as much liquidity as possible so they've removed that post to keep the confusion going about which one's the king, to discourage people from going all in on ERC20 HAI for now before everyone from VeChain HAI gets locked in for months as liquidity providers. Cracked the case, even the mod was really impressed with that post, after the compliment he removed everything and banned me.

>> No.22362516

>With a bit of patience, every puzzle will be completed:)

>> No.22362570

Actually fucking love you man, no heat ;)

>> No.22362632

The tg admins are full of shit.They have given so much contradicting information and they ban you if you question it. I've been banned 3 times, on my 4th account.

In my opinion, they're leading people to think Vechain will be the 'main token'.. but 1 HAI = 1 HAI...right? So if HAI vechain gets listed on binance, 1 hai = 1 hai. ERC 20 benefits.

They're moving to Defi. ERC 20 is better for Defi.

Not everyone will be able to transfer their Vechain to ERC 20, only a small percentage, and there's so many hoops to jump through, and it will take months to do so.

Also, they're giving contradicting answers on whether you get Uniswap tokens. First they say no, then say yes. So they want people think they'll 100x their Vechain, when there's so many hoops to jump through, they'll end up just staying in vechain or buying ERC20.

Either way, I think ERC20 benefits the most out of this. That's why they started Uniswap right? What else would be the point to creating an ERC20? They just have to favor their Vechain holders right now.. through

>> No.22362703

I'm genuinely not even mad for getting banned on there, I had a feeling that my time was almost up haha, was fun whilst it lasted. Just holding tight and on my way to get a new sim

>> No.22362709

its dumping so hard

>> No.22362752

>They know

It's also impossible to keep both of the market caps at 1:1 so there

>> No.22362852

I think that's really what the 1 : 1 means.. the mcaps will be 1 : 1

I'm not sure how the price will work yet. It can't be the same though because of the huge supply differences? I would think

>> No.22362947

What does this mean?
>they know

>> No.22362953

I'm so booty blasted by this bullshit. I bought the erc and went to bed. Woke up down so much I'm just going to hold it until the end of time.

>> No.22362974


100% holding and buying this dip when my ETH clears. Why not? its either gonna 1000x or

>> No.22363040

Same. I didn't put much in and I was tempted to sell, but now I am curious where this is heading.

>> No.22363392

HOLY SHIT, I just got banned from the telegram group for asking about this

I didn't even get to the part about the CMC requirements

Something fishy going on for sure

>> No.22363434

the tg is weird as hell, but i'm stuck bagholding this til i can get close to breaking even

>> No.22363467

yeah, they ban for asking anything that hints that ERC20 will be the real gold. Otherwise, the vechain holders will lose their shit

>> No.22363513

really hoping you're right

>> No.22363535

Inside joke about the mods being all knowing.

Another inside joke.

>> No.22363536

It may not be today or tomorrow.. but its the only thing that makes sense to me.

>> No.22363550
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I saw this happening

>> No.22363596

not bad, i needed some time off from crypto anyway

>> No.22363686
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I don't think anyone has figured out how the bridge works lol they don't even know how it works yet.

>> No.22363791

The mod in the Telegram is an absolute idiot. Don't even bother. Project is legit though.

>> No.22363820
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This is some real 4d chess lads. Basically this is the only thing that makes any sense in my opinion that explains the current situation:

First of all, it's a make or break moment for the Hacken team, I wouldn't be shocked it they put the entire chat on mute the day before the level 4 membership bridge happens.

Why is it a make of break moment? Why is there so little info about the ERC20 token use case? Who can't you discuss the price or where it's heading or even CMC listing etc?

Here's why... they wan't to avoid any large market cap % accumulation before the first wave bridges over on the 1tth Sep (100k tokens and 100 holders will get bridged). Look at what happened to Ample, the whales control over 86% of the supply and it would take them years to correct that now. It would make a lot of sense for them to do what they're doing to avoid that happening and seems like they're doing a good job so far, everyone's in the grey.

Now if you decide to buy a 3% market share of erc20 HAI today then you would own 1.4% of the fully diluted supply once the bridge over has done its done, 1.4% is huge in itself, Hacken are not here to waste time and mess about with DeFi. Remember there can only ever be 3 million max tokens.

That is why they're fully underplaying the erc20 HAI, for now. I get it and I've started to support it. They're making the right moves to avoid a future shitshow.

>> No.22363921

That's rather bullish for the ERC20 Token

>> No.22363987

1:1 would make the total value of HAI. So if we borrow the market cap of ERC20 HAI and add the VeChain HAI market cap to it, ti would equate to 1 full HAI m cap.

Now it's impossible to keep both the ERC20 and VeChain market caps equal. One's gonna be bigger and the other will be smaller or even at times by "chance" and not "artificially" as some people think.

That is where supply and demand comes at play, thus the value of ERC20 HAI will be considerably bigger yet the two combined market caps will make up the market cap of 1 total HAI. Think of it as the same "ecosystem", same brand, but different products bring in different value.

>> No.22364023

Shit, I am tempted to throw another hundred bucks in and DCA

>> No.22364308

Yeah it's interesting to say the least. They have to do what they have to do I guess. Also think back to what I said about liquidity, they need liquidity. Another reason for the bridge and another reason to keep people in the dark, especially the VeChain HAI holders.

Now, this concerns the CoinMarketCap listing...I've invested in a good amount startups in this space and I've watched them grow. That's how I know what the requirements are for a CoinMarketCap listing. See this: >>22361559

Now, both tokens run on different chains. Ones on ERC20 and the other is on VeChain. In order for erc20 HAI to get listed on CMC they to require separate exchange listings (3 in total) to obtain a CoinMarketCap listing/page and Hacken is no exception to that rule. They cannot be both merged on one CMC page for that reason alone. They both serve different purposes but are under the "same brand" HAI, to help you better understand it.

Despite what anyone says, ERC20 Hai "will" be listed separately and will have it's original CoinGecko and CMC page. Those are the rules.

Hope that helps

>> No.22364499

Is there something wrong with the Uniswap price of the ERC? I'm doing the math here and it isn't adding up. wtf

>> No.22364561

Where is OP right now...? 2 posts by this ID

>> No.22364610

I think he said he switched IP's, IIRC.

What do you mean?

>> No.22364687

Nevermind, I think that was in a thread last night

>> No.22364760

WRONG. SO WRONG, They are NOT listing the uniswap version on CoinGecko.


During the last AMA the founder said he couldn't believe the price of the ERC-20 liquidity token pumped so high. He said he made many MISTAKES like that too.

They have confirmed WHOLLY the vechain HAI is their number 1

>> No.22364817

Well I don't want to speculate too much, but "fag" instead of the more common /biz/ vernacular "faggot" indicated OP might not be from here.

It's entirely possible it's FUD straight from Hacken, not realizing what a bunch of schizo autists we are

>> No.22364869

So explain this....


"The Uniswap HAI token price will be listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap"

>> No.22364871

>but "fag" instead of the more common /biz/ vernacular "faggot"
Interesting, I didn't catch that.


>> No.22364876

From the AMA: "The Uniswap HAI token price will be listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap."

Also, how the fuck do you expect them to list the "token price" without it having an original CMC page. Expect 2 upcoming exchange listings and serious investors once the liquidity's in is all what I'm gonna say.

100k tokens will be split between 100 people during the first bridge (11th Sep). It's easy for the people who buy now to outdo them on the % share, something that the team is against, see this:>>22363820

>> No.22364985

I get that you're invested in HAI and wanna be one of the first people to bridge but time will prove you wrong, sorry anon. They pander to VeChain holders on the chat. I've explained why that's the case plus the upcoming CMC listing in a lot of detail. The CMC requirements are facts.

>> No.22365077

>from estonia and russia

LMAO this just proves this board is full of eastern european scammers. most of them are ruskies with broken english, thats where the pajeet meme comes off.

also why the fuck they mention forbes at their "partner" list and after few mins of reading you notice it's just their mention not partnership

-typical eastern european style, faking it till you making it.

also they mention EU as their "client" but when you look at the map there isnt even half of the EU member countries

>> No.22365144

>eastern european scammers
Do you not know who Hacken is or what they do?

>> No.22365237

I'm only saying what he said in the AMA - THE UNISWAP HAI WILL NOT BE LISTED ON COINGECKO

Are you actually this retarded

>> No.22365298

It's Hacken that we're on about here, one of the most trusted companies in crypto, they've audited 99% of all the recent shitcoins. They're top tier that's why this shouldn't be taken lightly. Anyone who thinks otherwise is making a clown of themselves.

Where do you think Chainlink(Sergey) and ETH(Vitalik) came from? Russia...

Anyway, sounds like you're trying to fud it or you're purely just shitposting for fun. I'm out

>> No.22365324

you couldn't even defend those arguments,
you read clearly from their website that "team" is three eastern europeans and one of them is a woman.

their offices are located in tallin and moscow.

never trust the soviets.

>> No.22365389

>you are just going to fud

hi hacken fanboy, you're probably their team member shilling here among the other eastern-european scammers.

so? eth is so last season, real western XRP flare will kill it in the future. no fucking way any western companies will adopt russian product.

>> No.22365393

BTW if i havn't been clear enough is the bottom line is - The VET HAI 180 is Undervalued afffffffffffffffffffffff

>> No.22365403

>you couldn't even defend those arguments
I didn't need to because everyone else already knows who Hacken is and why you would have to be a blithering retard to think that they would scam

>> No.22365415

He didn't say that...I was there during the AMA, just shows that you have hidden agendas because you're holding the VeChain HAI.

People are still confused about that on the chat and the mods will not give you a straight answer, nor could I find one. Any further discussion on that topic gets deleted and people get banned. Plus I've already explained what they've meant by this.

"The Uniswap HAI token price will be listed on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap."


>> No.22365450

In which case, never touch ETH nor Link ever again because that's Russian.

>> No.22365456

Conclusion: you are literally a fucking idiot or you're too poor to buy a nice bag.
If you want to go see a bunch of normies thinking they're early, go join the TrustSwap Telegram. Your IQ will fit right in.

>> No.22365519


didnt took long before mad onion-farmer zoomer dmitri came here, probably drunk to protect their shill-campaign.

thanks but no thanks, i'll stay in western products. all the eastern ones are

a)scam p&d
b)stolen from the west
c)copycat of the western product

>> No.22365546

You're just recycling old 4chan posts on this thread dumb fuck

If i wasn't banned from the hacken telegram by those vermin mods i could clearly screencap you from the AMA where he EXPLICITLY SAID THE ERC-20 LIQUIDITY TOKEN (for the VET-180) WILL NOT BE LISTED ON COINGECKO.

>> No.22365581

LOL wtf are you even saying. I'm so sorry you have to live like this. What size helmet do you wear? I'm feeling generous.

>> No.22365701

This AMA anon?



>> No.22365730
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>> No.22365770

post a pic from your wall, i'll bet there's stupid rug hanging. gopnik go eat some pickles and drink stolishnaya

>> No.22365844

i fucking knew it, this board needs flags, im sure 99% of the broken english speakers are eastern euros. mostly russians. go and drive your lada off the cliff

>> No.22365845
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From the official statement:
>The "limited" supply of the Uniswap token will play a huge role in the price formation.

Shocks me how people still don't get any of it

>> No.22365906

Don't feel bad for them. They have the highest cancer rates from eating nothing but cured meats (kielbasa, salami, etc.) which destroys your colon. Science will ensure all these faggots end up with ass cancer, and then it'll extra hurt when Satan fucks them in the ass for all eternity in euro hell.

tldr; science > Europe

>> No.22365965
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>> No.22366194


>> No.22366336

You should look at amerimutt health statistics, you will be really surprised. Most of you dont even have healthcare and are extremly obese

>> No.22366461

Lol fucking prove that right now. Find the official statement and post that.

You seem just like another douchebag top buyer who fomo'd into the ERC20 at 3$

>> No.22366588
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A bit rich coming from an American don't you think so mate? Europe and especially the UK is a lot better off. You've got the highest rate of cancer and food related problems in the world...everyone's on meds of some sort, been there and seen it. On the way back from the Kennedy Space Centre, the buss stopped outside of some pharmacy and all the Americans got off the bus & queued up to get their meds, craziest shit I've seen.

Look in the mirror next time you post shit. You're literally the definition of an emotional investor if that's the type of shit that you go off. Do you also believe everything the news tells you lmao

>> No.22366633

This wouldn't even be offensive if I was American. Try harder faggot.

>> No.22366690

you think so short term anon. ERC20 buyers are thinking long term.

>> No.22366697

Well played.

>> No.22366707


>> No.22366712
File: 304 KB, 1061x1209, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already in the chat you douchebag. One of your VeChain HAI fanboys posted it. But here it is again, check the pic, read the bottom part.

I guess it's pointless talking to an idiot, I'll leave you to it, have fun. Smart money already knows what's up, whilst you're struggling to grasp what's already in front of you

>> No.22366716

It's true, i'll ride this short term VeT180 HAI to 10c minimum

>> No.22366758

good luck when the bridge doesn't work like you think it will.

>> No.22366771

Thank you my good European Sir. Pardon my offensive comment by the way (the one next to the screenshot). We're gonna make it

>> No.22366782

Here's how we fix this problem. You get both. You win either way.

>> No.22367357

Good discussion, bumperino

>> No.22367794


>> No.22367968
File: 126 KB, 875x407, xrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm read this, I think the mod who told us that you'll be able to sell today is full of shit and has hidden intentions...maybe he's buying low.


Read the whole thing, looks like the bridged tokens will go straight into the liquidity pool...

Interesting points:

"The initial limit of 600,000 HAI at Uniswap means that with every HAI trade and USD liquidity deposits HAI/USD exchange rate will strengthen." - aka price will go up.

See the pic, XRT = Exchange rate.

So basically the mod is full of shit and is manipulating people. Report him to the team.

>> No.22368010

So basically, the liquidity will go straight to the pool, increasing the XRT (exchange rate aka value of the token).

The mod who told everyone that people will be able to dump either has no idea or a manipulating piece of shit

>> No.22368128

I'm thinking of adding 2700$ more, but I should have bought at 20cents yesterday instead of waiting an hour till it was 60 cents.

But if I add more, I'm not sure if I'll have the liquidity to pull out within 1 month.

>> No.22368255

i got banned from their tg for a relatively innocuous line of questioning, their mods are complete idiots who can't spell simple words like "sources"

>> No.22368414

Same, they're complete idiots. Twitter is laughing at us:

$HAI ERC20 is moving up again. Suddenly they've realised that they cannot buy $HAI vechain to dump on $HAI ERC20, it can only be bridged as liquidity. Still below 1Mill mc for $HAI ERC20 RocketRocketRocket

>> No.22368681

Going back up get your bags because I’m already up up up on greeny dildos

>> No.22368692

The proof is in the cake, I guess that's why the top wallets have just been accumulating.

>> No.22368728

the pudding. the proof is in the pudding

>> No.22368784

I'm literally eating a cake right now, got my words twisted pmsl

>> No.22368797

Lol hai only truth

>> No.22368946
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Back at 40 cents

>> No.22368969

can we make this a $1 waiting room

>> No.22368985

Sorry 45 cents, what I mean is we’re puuuummmmpppiiinnngg

>> No.22369015

Yes we can, one dollar on the way might even hit 3 or 4 tonight, with this coin you never know

>> No.22369051

>with this coin you never know
Now this I can agree with.

>> No.22369094

Honestly feel like reason I’m gonna make it with this coin is because of the stupid confusion on ver and erc20 lol. Thank god

>> No.22369205

There's no reason not to buy now.

Worst case, you hold through the swing trading until it moons.

Best case, you hold through the swinging until it moons.

If you're not sure, get BOTH vehain and uniswap.

Does anyone know when the first part of the bridge starts? Afraid to ask the telegram. On my 4th and last account there.

>> No.22369214

Smart money always wins, looks like we're the lucky few who got down to the bottom of this shitshow. The amount of times I was tempted to just ditch it...

>> No.22369262

Oh we're on about the ERC20 UniSwap one, that's where all the action is at plus a 600k supply. That's their newly launched DeFi token


>> No.22369273

First part starts tomorrow. The 11th of Sep.

>> No.22369277

does that put marketcap at 300k?

>> No.22369322

Oh I know. I think I had like 50 posts in last nights thread. I'm just saying, if someone's hesitant, get both. Why not.

Here's another cryptic message that the bridge is only meant to supply the ERC20 coin, but they make it sound like its for Vechains benefit.

"You have just added liquidity and supported the HAI token — we deeply appreciate it! If you have any questions left, please let us know on our official Telegram channel."

Last paragraph:

>> No.22369354

The mods are absolutely full of shit. Everything they have said, they have said the opposite at some point. To me, they're hiding something.

>> No.22369363

Yeah we're at around that, plus minus. This needs a $10 mill market cap to enter the top 600. It's easily a top 100 CoinMarketCap DeFi project though. To be in the top 100 you need a market cap of $50 mill. The supply alone will appeal to many.

>> No.22369385

They are accumulating too

>> No.22369394

well, god damn

>> No.22369528

Lel this is gonna be a shitshow, i'm just gonna pack my bags and hodl for a month, whatever happens happens either way I will probably make gains

>> No.22369775

I have a feeling that someone's gonna loose their job soon. Good rhythm to bad rubbish

>> No.22369816

Do I have this right?

THE only benefit Vechain holders have is to receive a little passive income when they provide liquidity and their precious Vechain token gets locked..

>> No.22370020

Well its a step in the right direction. It depends on how much you bridge over so you could me making a good sum if you hold a lot of VeChain HAI, a good long term passive income strategy. It's a step in the right direction and benefits the VeChain HAI holders, the Hacken team seem to be committed to finding new use cases and that's just one of them. So it's up to each individual if they wanna do it or not, first come first serve bases though so the lvl 4 members get priority

>> No.22370072
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now that's bullish
or is it bullshit?
bull is the word

>> No.22370136

Obviously they need liquidity for the ERC20 HAI to function properly, so those providing liquidity will be rewarded

>> No.22370920

Bumping for more anons to see

>> No.22370925

but 99% of vechain holders think they're going to swap for HAI ERC20 tokens and flip when they find out they can't. They literally loaded their bags from day 1.

>> No.22370938

not gonna lie that's kinda sad

>> No.22371068

I was there day 1. EVERYONE thought they could do that lol. the mods said "we can't control what traders do" as usual and didn't stop them.

>> No.22371442
File: 344 KB, 1046x591, XMIDbP2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me dumping on vechain holders when they realize they got owned and try to fomo into the uni pump

>> No.22371459

wtf is that real

>> No.22371854

so two days from now? Sep 11th?

How do you know team is accumulating?

>> No.22372045

Yes anon, literally 9/11, and it looks to me like yesterdays ERC20 token crash was an inside job

We don't know for sure the team is accumulating...yet. But they're a bunch of shifty Russians at the end of the day so we assume nothing less

>> No.22372115

they mods literally crashed it this morning lol I don't know why though? Where's the benefit of crashing it before the bridge?

>> No.22372148

To buy low so they can dump on plebs, business as usual for telegram mods of defi coins

>> No.22372453

No it’s not, the have no fucking clue. Read this: >>22368123

>> No.22372461

i'm talking about the cat

>> No.22372553

Im gonna get so fucking rich off these idiots when the bridge goes up

>> No.22373016


>> No.22373552

Looks like they're closing the telegram group to non-members, or something?

>> No.22373572

Or maybe I got banned somehow, lol

>> No.22373892

The vechain version will moon

>> No.22374201

You get it anon

>> No.22374636

How can the vechain version moon? What is the suppy vs that of the ERC-20 version?

>> No.22375192
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>> No.22375389
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>> No.22375499
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>> No.22375579

is this meant to be shilling or fud?
also checked

>> No.22375708

dubs confirm

>> No.22376183
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>> No.22376288
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>> No.22376502

Let the memes begin

I fucking love you /biz/

>> No.22376669
File: 379 KB, 1100x825, Hacken_conspires_against_us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22377175

Kek no

>> No.22377469

extremely bullish fud, vechain pajeets gonna rope soon

>> No.22378005

It kinda looks like the VIP180 is dropping in value as the ECR20 token rises

>> No.22378082

I have never been less sure about a coin before. Its either a 1000x legit once in a blue moon moonshot, or a scammy piece of shit.

Its either one or the other.

>> No.22378460


>> No.22378991

It isn't a scammy piece of shit, it just appears that way because of the tg admins not knowing wtf they are talking about or maybe even deliberately giving misinformation.

>> No.22379876

I have the ERC-20 HAI but I don't see how it can get to the same price as the VeChain version since there are so few of them. I'm sticking to this one.

>> No.22380197
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>> No.22380768
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>> No.22381705


>> No.22382084
File: 344 KB, 1041x1350, WhatsApp Image 2020-09-10 at 10.02.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]