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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22365647 No.22365647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys think he did it because he bought PNK?

>> No.22365724

no he bought dragoncoin

>> No.22365753

He clearly says in the video that he was upset about not getting the manager position at best buy and his girlfriend dumping him. Are you fucking deaf?

>> No.22365785

> I'm retarded and can't understand things good.

>> No.22365818

What did I miss? He litterally laments about his job and then angrilly says fuck you when he calls his gf. Did you see the video or am I just getting memed on about PNK.

>> No.22365850
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He sold his LINK at $8

>> No.22365854

you have to go back. iq too low for /biz/ sorry you will literally lose all your money if you keep lurking. go back for literally the collective sake of humanity

>> No.22365856

Is the dog OK? :^(

>> No.22365857

Rundown please

>> No.22365866

Telling me to go back only makes me stronger.

>> No.22365888

He actually bought AMPL

>> No.22365923 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22365926


>> No.22365935

>hey guys, I get that's it

>> No.22365955

Fucking terrible wtf

>> No.22365986

/biz/ poster put his life savings into PNK @ 19 cents

>> No.22365998

WOW I have never seen what a shotgun does at point blank. Holy fucking hell

>> No.22366035

Thats really why? lol got the vid?

>> No.22366067

No they're bullshitting to shill their bags. Here's the video.

>> No.22366068

so pointless. fuck the suicide hotline just show any suicidal person this video

>> No.22366069
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no real reason is his gf left him. pic is the immaculate princess he could never possibly replace

>> No.22366093

??? it literally made me wanna get a shotgun so badly. i bet you he felt nothing. literally just pull a button and you're out, so much smoother than hanging

>> No.22366104

>he invited his mom, friends and other families into the chat room and waited for them to join before doing it
Is this based?

>> No.22366156

Please don't

>> No.22366170

That’s fucked lol.

People need to figure out the only person who can make you happy is you...

>> No.22366172

Wow what a waste. Looked like a loser and all and I have had some hard times but I could never imagine doing this esp over some literal pig. Pathetic. Thanks anon.

>> No.22366185

he looked like a fag after he pulled the trigger

>> No.22366189

dear this is Michael Smith, I have video confirming you suspicion please send email to pradeep@klerkos.in for more info sir

>> No.22366198

how is his recovery coming along? anyone know?

>> No.22366242
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he's fine. taking driving courses for his category C license

>> No.22366246

Doctors are saying he might not ever be able to walk again.

>> No.22366282

>the ending scene where the doggo walks in turns 360 degrees and walks away

>> No.22366297

nah doggo is having a feast

>> No.22366302

Kek what’s the story behind this?

>> No.22366304
File: 91 KB, 729x390, A7B8EE3B-7732-426A-A907-DFF7D0690DCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m starting to think they really are putting something in the water.

Dude died of a onions overdose...

>> No.22366315

I sold at $6. 4x is not kys myself territory. Fucking dumbass linkie gonna ride it all the way back to $1.

>> No.22366323


>> No.22366361


>> No.22366386

Yo, boys.
Never kill yourself over anything. Even if you lose a bunch of money, don’t be stupid.

>> No.22366389

He was found guilty in Kleros court

>> No.22366495

And just like that his death is funny to me now

>> No.22366506

This didn’t even look real.. holy fuck I almost puked...... I hope nobody has to feel so bad that they resort to this. Please get help everyone.

>> No.22366521
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>This didn’t even look real.. holy fuck I almost puked......

>> No.22366536

Just don’t buy Kleros and you’ll never feel that way

>> No.22366539



Fucking hell

>> No.22366570

>t. Joined 4chan in 2016
This is pretty low level gore reddit friends.

>> No.22366577

sowwie anon should have posted with warning

>> No.22366615

I've seen enough gore that yes it isn't as bad as some of the others around these parts i've seen but one, this is a blue board and second I had to stop looking any any gore since it was messing with my mind.

>> No.22366680

You weak ass faggot, is this your first month in 4chan?

Btw guy was a weak pussy. His GF wasn't even that hot, with a decent job and a haircut he could have gotten much better puss

>> No.22366710

On his Instagram he was actually pretty handsome with his beard shaved. I'm assuming he probably had low self esteem because he could've done way better than the cow he was with.

>> No.22366830

You'd be dead before you even knew it.

>> No.22366846

Did cause he bought ampl

Trust me

>> No.22366884

No you faggot, been here for awhile and have seen gore way worse than that.

Just because I don't want to see someone blow off their head doesn't mean i'm some weak faggot, don't be such a fucking faggot sociopath.

He was deff onions but it's sad to see men in this state. Most women want a 10/10 chad and won't even consider a normal looking guy with good income since he doesn't have all the social credit points she wants and some fucking gay ass trendy job that is soul sucking.

>> No.22366916

who is this babyface dostoyevsky looking motherfucker

>> No.22366948

He was short and balding. Also he has droppy eyes and sorta fat so unattractive to most women.

>> No.22367030

>brags about watching gore videos
>hehe what is it your first day here kiddo?

>> No.22367043

Haha easy mail in ballot for Biden

>> No.22367071

Don’t do it anon. You are worth more.

>> No.22367082
File: 129 KB, 583x482, 1590619853279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who’s this

>> No.22367126

not gonna die that was a man chad, he died in the most badass way as if it wasn't a big deal, and was using some col jacket.
He could've done much better, but that was cool.

>> No.22367143

I'm not an edgelord or anything but the gif doesn't give the video justify, you can hear the blood spilling and then a small pet slowly walking up like what the fuck just happened

>> No.22367157
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Nah this is fake as fuck obviously Courtney love killed him

>> No.22367167

this desu. even the linkin park guy was both drunk and on MDMA when killed himself (was an amazing character just saying). this dude clearly has a clear mind and is extremely assertive both about knowing it's his time to go and about wanting the people he blamed to get fucked up over it.

>> No.22367187

You when link sinks below $5

>> No.22367192

Man he had a pet?
That honestly makes me sad as fuck. Imagine he had a small dog and it was crying for his master.

>> No.22367194

He killed himself because he was a white male and couldn’t handle oppressing minorities by just existing. He is a true ally. All white males should follow his path.

>> No.22367216

I can assure you the dude was on the mdma comedown and not high on mdma. Mdma comedown is terrible. Nobody wants to kill themselves on the high tho

>> No.22367232
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would you answer the call /biz/?

>> No.22367272

Hahahahaha holy fucking kek. That got me good.

>> No.22367280

Babbys first scary bad internet video

>> No.22367351

Wish I could've been there, i could've made him born again, this man would have been FREE

>> No.22367365
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Unironically extremely bullish on kleros right now.
"Anon how did you become a millionaire? Well I saw this video of a dude shotgunning himself and blood dripping everywhere. People said in the comments he did it because he bought some fake internet tokens and I just had to buy them because it made me chuckle a little.

>> No.22367489

no one show him a cartel video

>> No.22367648

Im not edgy but a quick view over a /b/ rekt thread will make your skin a bit thicker, do it.

>> No.22367703

a lot of newfags in this thread

>> No.22367720
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>> No.22367721

including you