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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 600x878, IMG_20200910_000526_898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22363815 No.22363815 [Reply] [Original]

Andre even mentioned

This is going to 100m mcap

>> No.22363877

What does it even do

>> No.22363879

Why would I buy pre owned insurance from an off brand exchange instead of going straight to the source?

>> No.22363923

cheaper sir

>> No.22363934

Answer this.

>> No.22363945

its crypto kitties 2.0

aka fucking nothing

>> No.22364002

it rewards washtrading gifs

>> No.22364012

Fucking retard. People are going to be selling insurance now through the use of NFTs personally believe this is a 100 billion dollar industry itself.

>> No.22364042
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yes, stay away, do not buy. What you want to do is wait a couple days until it is $20 and THEN fomo in. that's the biz way.

>> No.22364099

Why? Why should we educate you?

I need to accumulate

>> No.22364138


>> No.22364262

Biz didn't shill YFI hard enough and many missed out, at least this time biz is early so don't be lazy and take a moment to dyor, this a legitimate moonshot.

>> No.22364283

All I see is a bunch of useless gifs which you can buy

>> No.22364312

they wont be using rari, I know RBC is tokenizing real estate and they are using their own erc

>> No.22364340

token not needed

>> No.22364347

NFTs allow you to tokenize obligations (license rights, debt, insurance, etc.) it looks like they are crossing the chasm from "art" to more general purpose NFTs (here insurance on synthetic products)

>> No.22364403

that's 110 iq thinking. you should listen to the 15 iqs pajeets or the 150 iq aryans. the token represent a stake in the DAO. it has a tiny circulating supply, a high burn rate, and only gets airdropped if you use the marketplace. we're going to pass proposals that create weekly burns and reward the token holders with a share of the fees that are collected on the marketplace. it's a governance token that's in the early stage of becoming a BNB-like token essentially.

>> No.22364548

I don't know how to buy it.

>> No.22364553
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>> No.22364628

oh no

>> No.22364697

Stop it please... I must accumulate, someone dump it, bog pls.

>> No.22365348

I figured it out. I bought some on Uniswap. The creating and selling a collectible thing on the site is so retarded I can't believe it's as easy as sell a jpg for 0.001 ETH or whatever. So people are just buying to get eligibility for the airdrops, right?

>> No.22365361
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>> No.22365473

You can sell much more than art, eventually insurance, music, videos, any licensed content, royalties are programmed straight into the content itself so it's impossible to get a licensed product without the original owner receiving his fair share. I suggest reading this to get a better idea of the scope of NFTs:

>> No.22365566

>we can view NFTs as liquid intellectual property (“liquid IP”) [18] for all forms of digital content, a marketplace which is measured in trillions of units that is about to be tokenized.
>If NFTs are liquid IP, then holders will eventually own the property’s cash flows. This fact makes non-fungible tokens a financial asset class.
>purchasing an NFT will entitle the owner to certain rights related to its content: the right to own and keep; the right to sell, license, and lend; as well as the right to royalties, the right to confer reuse (i.e. “movie rights”), and so on
>taking a photograph of the Mona Lisa is not the same as actually owning Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece. You will not be able to charge 10.2 million yearly Louvre visitors an admission fee to see the print

>> No.22366281

how often do they get airdropped?

>> No.22366567

>People are going to be selling insurance now through the use of NFTs
WHY would anyone buy insurance from that fucking piece of shit when you can do it in 10 seconds from yearn or from nexus?

>> No.22366741

Can we flood Rari marketplace with /biz memes please?

>> No.22366868
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>4.50 dip buy

>> No.22366996

On it but I'm waiting for this really long contract interaction that started more than an hour ago.

>> No.22367260

ok here we go, I got my bags filled so it only benefits me if you pick up a bag

NFTs are tokens unlike BTC or ETH where 1 ETH is always the same as any other ETH. An NFT is a token that is made to represent a given thing, opening up crypto and blockchain tech to a whole world of uses, ownership of all standard assets like stock certificated, properties etc. But the real disruption is for digital assets that until now have been taken advantage of. things such as music rights, art, videos, licences, automatic royalties, etc built in to the asset, IP, data can now all be owned in this form. These are some of the reasons NFTs are going to be big is that they are going to be a huge new 'killer app' of crypto.

Rarible is the NFT marketplace that is already up and running where you can mint your own NFTs, it started with just artworks which is a large marketplace in itself, but now they are adding new formats such as music and so on, then you have the fact that all of this is being made to interact with DeFi elements, insurance and any new innovations that are bound to occur. The Rari coin is the governance token that will decide the direction of the platform etc, and currently they incentivise use of the platform where they airdrop a certain amount to active buyers and sellers. The Rari coin also benefits from fees generated in proceeds on the marketplace so instead of it just being Amazon or Ebay etc, is is a decentralised marketplace

>> No.22367323

a paragraph of buzzwords, this shit is never going to be used

>> No.22367409

Honestly If you can't see the value from just Andre's tweets and going on the website, you deserve to fomo in after it gets shilled on youtube at 50M cap

>> No.22367554


weekly iirc
75k coming soon
I just don't know how it will work since it's supposed to be shared with the users of the marketplace too

>> No.22367684

that 75k wont all be sold, it comes on monday to users who actively buy and sell on the platform itself

>> No.22367897

What kind of insurance?

>> No.22367909

Monsoon Insurance for your hole village.

>> No.22367940

I live in Northern India sirs

>> No.22368107

Can a RARI shill please answer me this question? >>22368046

>> No.22368197

Or is RARI more "graspable" / "realizable" than DMG?

>> No.22368231

Do you have Elephant Stampede insurance?

>> No.22368298


>> No.22368351

I generally don't see governance as a feature that adds value, but rather a functionality that is necessary in order for DeFi to actually be decentralized.

IMO, governance does not add value in any application i've seen so far, except maybe stuff like kleros where one could argue that the whole value proposition is a sort of governance mechanism.

I think what's really interesting about RARI is the NFT use cases that we're just beginning to see ($PSWAP ICO, Insurance, music) that retards like me couldn't even imagine before they became a reality in the rarible marketplace.

t. top 50 $rari wallet

>> No.22368636
File: 17 KB, 326x326, Gtsaying+quotour+religionquot+gtdantes+inferno+view+of+hell+_fcc0f5d8dd0b8dbdf011ffd02186a06a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What up rari gang

>> No.22368673

NFT is the next big thing after DeFi. RARI will be like the Binance of NFT's.

>> No.22368807

Binance will bit only list RARI, but sell its NFT.

>> No.22369621

Anon, I may just be retarded but what is keeping someone from purchasing a collectible on rari, copying it, and just posting it somewhere for free. I would guess rari is more than just a crypto paywall to put content behind, right?

>> No.22369824

Tell us how to washtrade it safely

>> No.22370163

They have a 3rd party analytics team monitoring it closely. Claim to have an 80% success rate.

>> No.22370847

Just market buy Ranjesh

>> No.22370872

THIS WILL DUMP HARD. Circulating supply is too low when we look at its total supply. Wait for retrace $1 is good price to buy and hold for long term.

>> No.22370889


>> No.22371080

some whale is loading the fuck up

>> No.22371176


This is one of them


>> No.22371316

When you're buying an NFT you're buying the IP. For example, imagine buying the 3d model of a tree as NFT. This tree then goes on to be used in hundreds of games. Every time a copy of that tree is purchased, you (as the owner of the IP) is entitled to royalties. Just one out of many use cases.

>> No.22371518

Lateanon here, this mooned pretty hard and I dont have balls to get in.

>> No.22371745

This is basically like jumping in on SNX and AAVE early last yeR.

>> No.22372246

Yup its just mining rewards

>> No.22372271


>> No.22372275

I don't really see a utility for owning rights for digital content

If the digital rights are non-exclusive in nature (eg rights to download a digital photo), generally the value of the digital asset is low

When digital rights are worth a lot (movie rights, publishing rights), there's always going to be a high-stakes negotiation involved, which means lawyers and contracts. I don't see how smart contracts add any value here

>> No.22372351

satsgang pump n dump confirmed

>> No.22372444

Smart contracts add a Lambo to the dev's driveway when he dumps on the bagholders.

>> No.22372543

the devs involved in the community, check it out and do some research before you talk shit. you must be sad and salty you didnt buy in when it was being posted at $2 a few days ago

>> No.22372568


>> No.22372742

I can't buy anything else because the goddamn motherfucking RARI contract interaction is cucking me. This is so gay.

>> No.22372773

I'm not responsible for your niggerstandings. Quit telling me about them.

>> No.22372792

Ngmi Ranjeesh

>> No.22372822
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, QmXnEs4pZQi9Y5X8ZSBoHUe2noaYJHQGmNgLkHpxJSbqWD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons have this one in the house

>> No.22372847

go cry you didnt get in at $2

>> No.22372882

bots detecting words in my posts

>> No.22372945

Here is my issue. I went onto the rarible site. Saw a cool looking image. And downloaded it without paying for shit.
Now, I understand about NFTs representing ownership and whatever, but there is literally nothing stopping me from reuploading that image wherever I feel. So what exactly does the NFT do? In fact I could probably claim ownership for it everywhere I upload it to. So why is this NFT important?

Yes I am a brainlet, but I want to understand before I buy in.

>> No.22373028

its not the image per se, its the rights to use it on platforms that matter.
in the future there will be marketplaces to buy rights to movies and music, to rent them out to others, etc.

>> No.22373029

because nfts work beyond just images, right now thats just what theyre primarily used for

>> No.22373110

Internet law states: if you can save it distribute it.

>> No.22373141

Right I understand that.
But my question is:
What is stopping me from not paying for x product, and simply downloading them then claiming them as my own anyway or reusing them?

>> No.22373189

part of the rari token gives community the right to delete copies

>> No.22373205

anyone remember crypto countries and cryptopornstars dapps. aw getting nostalgic

>> No.22373211

You can't use an image you don't own in a commercial product, so if it's just for personal use indeed the NFT isn't all that useful. I think other types of products like music, videos and 3d models will be a lot more interesting. Imagine being on a music streaming platform, the platform generates revenue from the content (ads / subscriptions or any other way). Each time a music is played, a portion of the generated revenue for that track is automatically and instantly paid to the owner. Of course, you could argue that someone could just download the track, but that would only work for personal use and at that point it's just piracy.

>> No.22373225

cool, i have to pay to be a janny

>> No.22373388

You can download pictures of Mona Lisa. You can torrent movies and software. It's just a matter of context and commercial use. This is nothing new.

>> No.22373417

Ok this is a positive.
Is there any sort of way they could use some blockchain encryption to prevent that piracy? Say embed some code/hash or whatever (not a programmer so forgive me), that whenever there is an attempted upload it gets blocked? Or if it can be uploaded the original owners always receive some form of payment?
Otherwise, there's no real distinguishing between NFTs and run of the mill copyright laws.

>> No.22373923

Delete this

>> No.22374682

Lol brainlet

>> No.22375265

Aka you are a fucking brainlet, cause NFT’s are bigger than crypto

>> No.22375291

> Looks at the images
Yeah noone is going to use these in their commercial project

>> No.22375625

Stop focusing on the art/copyrights stuff, no one gives a fuck about those. The big deal here is that you can basically sell anything on rarible. You could start selling physical products there if you want to. I know its not designed for that or not very optimal but its possible and quite tempting before there is more suited platforms available.

>> No.22375811

How's the waiting going?

>> No.22376602


>> No.22376828



Because people can now speculate with insurances... maybe on day X I buy an insurance at lower price than day Y, I can resell it for profit.

This is massive an /biz/ larpers will miss it again...

>> No.22376987

Feels so good to be right, fuck all of you fudders that almost made me pass on buying in yesterday, this shit is going to 100M cap at least in the next couple weeks before youtubers get a hold, the rocket is officially taking off

>> No.22377112

"going to 100M cap at least in the next couple weeks" - buddy I got some too a couple of hours ago but let's avoid the moonboy talk. $40 end of month seems a nice reasonable target.

>> No.22377171

Thanks bro just bought 100k

>> No.22378280

Big brain move

>> No.22379014


>> No.22379154

Honestly, 100M could easily be possible but I think at around 50m we will stabilise out a little as people take profit before continuing

>> No.22379238


>> No.22379360

How dense is this question

>> No.22379460

Seems straightforward to me? What color are you?