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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 480 KB, 1702x1384, pepe-smirking-served-champagne-by-wojak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22351225 No.22351225 [Reply] [Original]

Oh look the market is green again, it's time for DFT to shine again.

Code is being audited by hacken as we speak

You can check the code out yourself in the GitHub link below and can also inspect the smart contracts as you cucks think this is some fluff..

Farming/Staking is being tested in full force and anyone can participate by joining the discord. This is a unique idea and platform for sustainable yield farming.

DYOR ANON but as you can see numbaaa goo upppp and uppp

>Discount point system
>Staking / Farming
>Low supply

>github- scope it out properly for hidden gems


>team tokens vested
Contract1 = 4months vesting (120 days), 3,000 tokens
Contract2 = 10 months vesting (300 days), 3,000 tokens.

>liquidity lock (6 months)

>> No.22351247

Bought at $12


>> No.22351304
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journey back to ath has started LFG

>> No.22351309

I bought a shit ton at 11, not scared whatsoever. This is going over 30 once people stop being afraid of the market.

>> No.22351497

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let us accumulate

>> No.22351584
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>they didn't buy sub 9$

>> No.22351661
File: 24 KB, 1127x108, dft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you anons gonna make it or miss out again? This shit is gonna pump so hard after the audit

Comfy af in this and not selling until at least $100

>> No.22351762

stop shilling ffs im trying to accumulate...4k coins puts me top 20 hodler...

250k circ supply

when cunts are staking these you wont be able to buy them for all the poo in india


>> No.22351965

holy shit so farming is happening soon??

>> No.22352068

wait is that confirmed or just banter?

>> No.22352128
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- Double bounce of support around 7.9
- Broke out from trendline
- MFI reset and starting new uptrend


>> No.22352347

can you stop making biz threads on this, i am trying to accumulate a shit ton before actuall twitter shills start to come out. Original code, no dumb shit fuckery foodtoken or trash Y-troken. No inflationary pyramid scheme shit, finally a good token and its coming directly to biz. STOP POSTING WHILE IM ACCUMULATING OMFG

>> No.22352350

No that's confirmed. The audit on the first set of staking and farming contracts will be completed within the week. After that you'll be able to stake DFT for DFT and yield farm Uniswap LP for DFT. Voting and governance in October. Check out the discord.

>> No.22352651

It's legit! Get their discord link from the telegram channel and check it out for yourself (won't let me post the links here)

>> No.22353029
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Gap filled
Adding more on this flip


>> No.22353095
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we go up now, next stop 100$

>> No.22353164

imagine doing TA on shitcoins

>> No.22353377
File: 952 KB, 1198x677, comfypepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine missing the easiest 5x of your life

>> No.22353393

seems like the food farming craze is over, at least for now.
will this "2nd" generation farming take hold?

>> No.22353418

Bought at $20
Still comfy as fuck

>> No.22353539


I've spent countless hours researching upcoming projects. This is one of the most promising ive seen in a while.

...and I've never been this early on a solid gig before.

>> No.22353609
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>> No.22353675

oh shit its for real, dammmmnn, gonna be farming soon

>> No.22353738

Feel free to join the Discord to find out more about the project. The team are very responsive and professional

>> No.22353958
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>> No.22354210


>> No.22354342

can you be more specific about your research fren

>> No.22354837

What kind of pools will there be? I need something for my chainlink

>> No.22354941
File: 806 KB, 1115x630, dftcomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DeFiat's Unified-Staking (UniStake) platform allows users to stake any ERC-20 token in the governance-chosen liquidity pools, making your money work for you.

>> No.22355230

From Discord -

"I personally suggest to wait and use our future ANYSTAKE product that will let you stake any token you want (up to 5 for UX reasons). Then you'll be able to stake LINK, wETH, etc...
Staking power will be based on the spot-price at deposit. (and can be updated too)"

>> No.22355541

So I heard farming is coming.

>> No.22356060

This week or rhe next

>> No.22357100

Get those pitchforks out because we gonna farm boys and girls

>> No.22357163

Meh, Might buy when farming is live

>> No.22357203
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let the farm come to you?

I need more meat on my bone to buy pajeet.

>> No.22357213

Comfiest hold I've ever had. Better than btc imo

>> No.22357246
File: 83 KB, 280x291, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw bought at $28

anons I got rekt when you shilled this a few days ago

>> No.22357265


>> No.22357266

Future of DeFi craze in here boys $100 eom

>> No.22357272

It was $27 already couple of days ago, i wont sell before 80$

>> No.22357448

Imagine not buying below $10.

>> No.22358095

if you bought the local "top" this past week don't worry, in a couple weeks it will look like the bottom.

>> No.22358131

so you’re saying my link will actually have use case?

>> No.22358138

just look at price in a few days, sit it out until then

>> No.22358158
File: 49 KB, 220x152, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audit being done by Hacken... Farming and staking yet to release?

>> No.22358326

bought yesterday
lets go boyos

>> No.22358464

Biztards who missed this last dip KEK

>> No.22358470

Correct. When farming/staking get going which will be soon.. Man shes gonna fucking fly

>> No.22358666

very impressed with the devs on this project. super transparent and lots to show for the work they have been putting in

>> No.22358743

Hearing rumors that DFT farm milk is good for your bones?

I'd like a wet pigeon first as a quality product assurance.

-Sasha Grey

>> No.22358826

It would be dope if anyone could find out when staking will be released and let bizlets know beforehand

>> No.22359192

>lofi pepe

>> No.22359267
File: 228 KB, 600x600, DFT20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These AMM liquidity pool plays that feature yield farming are hot AF right now in the defi space. I got a bag of DfT waiting for the sushi swap garbage to get flushed out this week and have the herd pile into defiat by end of month. Don't sleep on this one anons.

>> No.22359798

hope on the train to 300$

>> No.22360128

i honestly thought this was another shitcoin at first, but honestly.. havent seen a team so responsive. White paper really stands out and i peeped the farm testing on the discord. im holding this for a while

>> No.22360147

So glad I loaded up.
DFT will flyyyy

>> No.22360244

i so comfy from $2.50

>> No.22360397

This one with Mantra dao is my most comfy hold. I bought a 1000 at 10 bucks.
There’s a lot of garbage on the market. Can’t believe this only has 1100 holders

>> No.22360592

fuck u biz u told me this was a scam

>> No.22360846

hahaha he sold the bottom pump it now

>> No.22360979

I love the whitepaper!

>> No.22361036


>> No.22361060

I actually enjoyed reading it!

>> No.22361077

Audit is done this weeeeeeek playas, I can't believe they actually got their shit audited. Tokens are locked and team github has real code that gets updated. I should have bought even more I'm a fuckin dipshit

>> No.22361140

You can still buy anon, its still cheap!
What price you got in?

>> No.22361167

True True

>> No.22361373

Me too man wish I went all in on this. But I'm too spread out with other garbage.

>> No.22361421

cmon already i wanna quit my job

>> No.22361631

Wow actually impressed by this team, check their GitHub its full of original code work, none of your typical copypasta shit. And it is being audited by Hacken? wtf sounds like a gem to mee boooooooooi

>> No.22361680
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DeFiat PEPE Bless us!

>> No.22361819
File: 1.65 MB, 1500x796, buydefiat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22361966

D o n ' t
F u c k
T h i s !
U p

DFT go Up. DFT team did most work. Only thing missing is U, anon.

>> No.22362228

DFT is cheap still just bought more. easiest 10x

>> No.22362230

not gonna miss this moon bag!

>> No.22362635

liking what I see here

>> No.22363153

the funny thing is i tried to tell you retards 4 days ago that this was huge

>> No.22363224

Pepe looks like he wants to pair that champagne with some sushi

>> No.22363306

Thanks, I bought a bag!!!

>> No.22363521

give her dft. bitches love dft

>> No.22363586

Didn't know this was already being audited, huge. I had a small bag waiting for farming and staking, added now. thanks anons

>> No.22363774

Lol u guys are kidding me right? Their main dev calls himself "stupid" this can't be real. Scam

>> No.22363806
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>> No.22363849

this is such a scam...look at the chart. it's clearly a pump n' dump

have fun losing all your money to a rug pull or whale dumping

>> No.22363870

i dont have anything to say about this shitcoin but that picture is disgusting how have i not seen this yet lmfao

>> No.22363897


>> No.22363996

>posts image of his wallet

>> No.22364260

damn bro, so any chart this week shows a scam? nice logic

>> No.22364642
File: 35 KB, 495x619, images (95).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will show bobs for some DFT

>> No.22364835

boobs first, then buy dft

deal or no deal

>> No.22364856

Not too late to get in!

>> No.22365164
File: 526 KB, 968x735, D2352A1C-2CD7-4ABB-94EE-1D927CAAE5AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s obvious to the point that anyone that buys in deserves to go broke

>> No.22365405

Is that you anon? That's disgusting. I thought all that was mostly a fucking meme lmao. Shieeeettt

>> No.22365487

I can smell the curry from here. Nice try but I'm not falling for this pajeet scam.

>> No.22365669

bet bob has big dick

>> No.22366013

Definitely gonna get rugged on this but whatever gotta risk it for the biscuit

>> No.22366330

Village needs to eat. Let's pump it senpai

>> No.22366381

Welcome to the club

>> No.22366969

The devs name is STUPID ... LET THAT SINK IN. It might be dumb enough to invest in

>> No.22367379
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if you don't like curry I feel bad for you son.
I got 99 scamcoins and DFT ain't one

>> No.22367866

-Hacken audit
-Original code
-3mil Marketcap

This is going to 10x in the near future.

>> No.22368332

When though? I bought some yesterday and am getting impatient.

>> No.22368501

wtf he's not even a real doctor