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22355304 No.22355304 [Reply] [Original]

New LINK Marine chart. Where do you stand?

>> No.22355359

This puts me at Brid. General... ANON BRING BACK THE OTHER CHART!!

>> No.22355377

Sergeant pepper

>> No.22355388

I reject this chart. I’ll always be a staff sergeant of 7k

>> No.22355406

nope this was rejected a few days ago. The original V1 is still the official marine chart.
stop trying to force this cuz your autist ass cant accept v1 is the offical and only version.
and nobody appointed you or the queer that made that shit version spokesperson so neato opions on what you'd like to see but you're request for a new version has already been denied

>> No.22355440

Fake chart for losers, you are a private, nothing will change that

>> No.22355515

No OG link marine will ever take this seriously

>> No.22355586

Stop deceiving the newfags with your v2 charts, the ranks and figures stay the same.

>> No.22355604

Nothing wrong with this chart

>> No.22355605

The chart doesn't change just because you were late lol. Fuck off coping linklet.

>> No.22355616

fake chart

>> No.22355622

Stop posting this. It's not a thing. You can't force something like this, just admit that your 400 link stack is a failure and you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.22355626

it was rejected and denied and is not the offical chart
get the fuck over your autist flareup cuz you want the v2 version and deal with it.
It is NOT and will NOT be changed just because you bought your first link 2 weeks ago.

get over it move the fuck on and stfu

>> No.22355647

Cope this is the new chart.

>> No.22355660
File: 157 KB, 1838x2048, 97f11a_6684167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the obvious fact that you have duplicate numbers you absolute fucking brainlet. someone with 3500 is both a major and a captain. Fucking shit for brains.

>> No.22355665

Nulinkers haha

>> No.22355674


I am going to make it

>> No.22355711

OP is a nigger, and 10k is a suicide stack.

>> No.22355754

10k LINK is called suicidestack

>> No.22355766

Nobody give a shit about og boomer marines, go to sleep grandpa :Dddd

>> No.22355817
File: 1.02 MB, 828x1241, 1595864389964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real chart
>proud corporal

>> No.22355865
File: 169 KB, 956x1366, 1595957349239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, this chart makes a lot of sense. It was time the old ranking obvious issues were addressed. First off, the ranks had to be scaled down according to link's market cap growth. Also, obvious gaps had to be filled (for instance what was with the gaps after sgt major? How were marines supposed to rank up what the fuck?). Truly doing God's work here, not everyone on this board was an early adopter autist, some of us have lives and were too busy socialising, having fun and banging girls while the incel in here were vetting our future investment.

>> No.22355896

The highest ranking officer of the military is the President.

>> No.22355947

We're a military junta/dictatorship with our Furher Sergey at the top. Fuck off

>> No.22357029

I was a First Lieutenant, but sold my way down to Sergeant Major, but, now, according to this chart, I am a Colonel.

I don't know about this chart, Linkmarines; I prefer the original version to this.

>> No.22357053

Wtf i am colonel now. YES SIR YES SIR.

>> No.22357101


Fuck your gay ass chart. You giving me the same rank as Sergey lmao. Get the fuck out of here Linklet.

>> No.22357114

Im a lieut General hahahaha wahtthefuck

>> No.22357120

That was the ranking for crypto war 1

For the upcoming CW2 the new chart applies.

>> No.22357128

Captain here. Bow before me.

>> No.22357131

corporal reporting in, Sir

>> No.22357153

Colonel checking in

>> No.22357196

I split my Link into a couple of different wallets.
I am 2 Lt Colonels.

>> No.22357233

fake chart and bad shop. you will always be a private, cope

>> No.22357481

>Used to be soupboy but got demoted to toiletslave

>> No.22357641
File: 172 KB, 1050x610, SmartSelect_20200909-073753_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22358467

I'm the OP from the original thread. Tickles my heart to see you continuing my shit posting. All of the best (you) farming for this image is happening on twitter right now.

>> No.22358602

lieutenant general. wtf is this char

>> No.22358639

Nice job OP, but the idea is to keep the ranks unattainable to put people from becoming part fo the community and buying in. It's psyops 101

>> No.22358814

Cope more. You won't make it with your 100 link stack.