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File: 60 KB, 971x548, ethrepeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2233838 No.2233838 [Reply] [Original]

It looks like the patterns are starting to match up for another massive dip.

>> No.2233845

Hope so. Want to buy at <200, maybe 150.

>> No.2233855

buy high sell low goy

get your money to BTC before it dips below 0.86 again and you're left holding bags

>> No.2233869

Looks like it, yeah. I sold at $210 preparing for it. Gonna buy back in at $170, which should hit by AM tomorrow, after some more volalitly but with an overall downward trend.

>> No.2233877

Digits says it hits 100 within 24 hours.

>> No.2233890

welp, time to sell i guess

>> No.2233901

Yes, its going down down down slowly over the next 24 hours. Im hoping for a flash crash down to 115 before it settles at 150ish and starts slowly coming back up

>> No.2233915

Ahaha, keep dreaming. If there is a dip, it won't be below $150

>> No.2233920


nope, won't ever go below $190 ever again
it's $200 and beyond
should of bought at the last dip
you had your chance
now lie in the bed you made for yourself

>> No.2233940

Couldn't get funds in because of the holiday. Fuckin' whales man

>> No.2233951

ETH is mooning, don't delude yourselves

>> No.2233960


it will go up to $300 by July, so even if you buy now you'll still make bank

>> No.2233982

k. keep me posted.

>> No.2233993

>Couldnt sustain a new ATH for longer than 30 minutes

A new ATH should've brought in tons of volume and people wanting to buy. This is the direct opposite. This shows lack of faith in ETH which will cause people to stop buying and lead to a price drop

>> No.2233995

Yeah, keep daydreaming.

It went from $ 12 to $ 200 in 3 months. A correction is coming.

>> No.2234040

>mfw it has gone from 115 to 218 in 48 hours and these retards think a correction isn't around the corner.

Ya, doubling the price in 2 days is totally normal you fucking retards. If it keeps doubling every 2 days then that means in 2 weeks, ETH will be worth 7000 dollars!

>> No.2234050
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what does this cliff mean

>> No.2234058

but what if... this is normal...for eth?!

>> No.2234060

who sold their ETH in the (((crash)))?

>> No.2234061
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>> No.2234083

Lets play some mad libs, anon.
Last week, ETH went to 217 and made a new ATH, then 2 days later it _____. Last night ETH went to 218 and made a new ATH, in 2 days it will ______.

>> No.2234092


look what happened with bitcoin...

3 months ago it was $1200 now it's $2200

when is that correction happening?
Many speculate bitcoin can go up to $5k-$10k by January 1st

basing things on charts and what happened in the past doesn't mean shit anymore
Ethereum is growing and becoming HUGE if you like it or not.

The only thing that cause a real drop/correction in BTC would be in July before USAF happens.
Many will move to ETH or LTC to be on the safe side which will cause both of them to grow immensely.

>> No.2234102

>Thinking the only to options is for it to crash or moon.

Why can't you be more like your brother Dave, anon?

>> No.2234108

We already had the correction. It's not dropping below $150 again.

>> No.2234119

It already went to $191 this morning and the dip is just starting. What charts are you looking at, buddy? Stupid misinformation like this is what cucks people.

Buy low, sell high.

>> No.2234125

nigga I was joking. calm your tits

>> No.2234144
File: 47 KB, 1063x746, ethperformance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the recent upwards trends, I do think there will be another correction within 2 days or something. It most likely will not drop below 150 though. White arrow is just a very rough estimation.

>> No.2234160

sorry. There's a lot of tards here who think ETH is going to 300 by the end of the week, I couldnt distinguish your sarcasm from them.

>stabilizing the growth
you can't stabilize at unsustainable levels. 200 dollars is not sustainable for long.

Also you make it sound like this market isn't dominated by whales who bought during the last dump in the 130s and weren't pumping up the price yesterday so that they can sell into all the FOMO retards and continue to dump today so that they can rinse and repeat.
Whales will force this back to the 150s, at least for a flash crash. That's all I want, to fill my orders, and then I welcome a continued moon.

>> No.2234161


I don't go by charts. I go by common sense.

Common sense should tell you ETH is the only viable alternative right now to BTC which is why their volumes are nearly the same and it's the #2 coin in every marketplace.

Even if ETH dips it will shoot back up to $200+ in a matter of hours. To think everyone is going to sell ETH when it dips is dumb logic.

>> No.2234202

Screencapped for sure stupidity.

>> No.2234209


just sell your eth and leave
we don't want you in our eth chamber

>> No.2234214

There are a number of people here who purposefully give bad advice that sounds good. Don't know if they are whales trying to keep the cash register open or just trolls. This is 4chan...

>> No.2234218

What do you think eth will be worth in 6 months?

>> No.2234230


it depends on UASF in August and what happens to bitcoin


if bitcoin gets faster transactions, smart contracts, lightning network, and other enhancements

many won't find the need to invest in altcoins and they will slowly die

>> No.2234240

I suspect somewhere around 300.
Im bearish in the short term but still bullish long term. ETH is due for a correction but it's not dying out. And it can't continue growing at the current parabolic rate, that's not sustainable and is the very reason we will continue having these crashes until we develop a nice slow and steady uptrend

>> No.2234244

That'll be a hard fork though, right?

Guess if it happens then I should move from ETH to BTC fast AF.

>> No.2234252

Alright you stupid fuck I sold some of my ETH. If this thing shoots up past $250 now I'm gonna be fucking pissed

>> No.2234271

He's right sadly. I bought in the crash at $120 and sold around $200. If the same thing happens again, I'll do it again. This is easier than holding desu.

>> No.2234282


nice ID.

Nobody said to sell, I was just asking a question. Kinda put all my eggs in 1 basket with ETH.

>> No.2234285

these crashes dont happen instantly anon. The last one took nearly 2 whole days from ATH to bottoming out. It's a slow realization to people that the price isnt trending upwards with as much strength anymore and maybe they should wait a little to buy the dip instead of buying now. And when everyone has that "ill just wait and buy the dip" mentality, the buy orders stop coming in and the people who wanted to sell higher get a bit scared and drop the price. Come back in 24 hours
It's basically buying off of support, selling off of resistance in a channel. No reason for the same thing to not repeat if enough people have this mentality. I started out with 15 coins 2 weeks ago; without putting any more capital in I now
have 54. Cmon whales, lets get me to 100

>> No.2234295

Is no one else just holding for atleast a year?

>> No.2234312

we all are. But there's no reason to not buy the dip and sell the rip to add more coins to our wallet for free

>> No.2234342

ETH always bounces around like this with a roughly 17% range for about 2-3 weeks before it breaks the trend upwards, usually doubling, and then repeats. The original spike to $200 was expected but going back to $120 was not and that's why I'm concerned.

I think enough idiots in crypto put their heart and soul into TA and if they think it's gonna happen, they make it happen because everyone's looking at basically the same predictions and then acting on them.

>> No.2234351

I am doing this too except that by selling my ETh at $190 and then rebuying at $120 the other day I was able to add that $70 per coin more that I wouldn't have had. Normally day-trading doesn't end well for me but in this case I got lucky.

>> No.2234359


This is gold lol

Post more strategies plz

>> No.2234371
File: 6 KB, 463x58, Screenshot 2017-05-30 at 2.30.14 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no crash
>keep investing
>to $250 and beyond!
>Don't miss out.

>> No.2234384



>> No.2234390
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>should of

>> No.2234407


if only they knew if they held onto it
everyone will benefit much greater
and they would do much more to help others
but they're too greedy and foolish it seems
beta males

>> No.2234410



>> No.2234426

don't miss the boat
ethereum will most likely go up to $250-$300 easily tomorrow

>> No.2234436

"A popular strategy used by stock traders is to buy a stock when the price exceeds its 52-week high or to sell when the price falls below its 52-week low. The rationale behind this strategy is that if price breaks out from the 52-week range (either above or below), there is enough momentum to continue the price move in a favorable direction."

but that's how you analyze the market, you look at the herd mentality and what all the normies are hoping is going to happen and act the opposite.

>> No.2234441

here comes the boom ready or nah

>> No.2234448

Buy high sell low is real jesus christ

>> No.2234477

have you looked at ETH's insane movement for the entire year?

do you really believe this "popular strategy" applies to this curve?

is this babby's first investopedia search?

>> No.2234520


sold at 0.09 - 10minutes later OK coin ann and I'm missing out

should i buy in again or will this eventually crash again

>> No.2234523

>tfw already up 1 BTC from the long I opened right before posting this
I hope you guys got on in time.

>> No.2234525

It's about to go to $300.

I am completely serious.

>> No.2234536
File: 112 KB, 1348x584, totallyplausible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks fine to you?

>> No.2234538
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Funds... pls move

>> No.2234557
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looks like the US federal debt lel

>> No.2234559


>> No.2234565


buy in it's going to easily go to $250-$300 once chinese put their money into buying the coin on their exchanges

>> No.2234571



>> No.2234572
File: 186 KB, 1212x1127, IMG_20170522_021453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just been announced that ETH is being added to OKCoin June 1st. Ordering my Lambo now because of the impending back-orders.

>> No.2234574

Why TF does coinbase take so long to buy coins? Is there a quicker way?

>> No.2234577

i strongly believe in eth too not doubting that its going to 300, but wanted to profit bc i also expected a correction...
bought in again now - lost 0.3 eth so thats not too bad but considering it was a matter of 15min it is...

>> No.2234581



>> No.2234583

OkCoin adding ETH on June 1rst will be like rocket fuel.

>> No.2234588

did it! no way that this announcement is not gong to drive the price up...
well i was greedy and saw a dip coming, lucky i didn't just turn of the pc right then ^^

>> No.2234591


HE'S buying $15,000 for godsakes
if it's a smaller amount under $1000 coinbase is quick (at least it's been for me)

>> No.2234594

It went to $120 on Saturday you idiot

>> No.2234603




>> No.2234605

Alright, fuck my estimations from >>2234144, I've gone back in big time. This shit better go interstellar in June.

>> No.2234617

How are you buying, with a bank account? I bought some last Thurs that still hasn't processed.

>> No.2234642


i buy with a visa debit card
but if your account is new you have to build up your daily limit until they allow you to buy more

>> No.2234644



>> No.2234682


I would if you want a 20%-35%+ profit in the next few days.

>> No.2234689


>> No.2234705

It wasn't good that it just barely beat ATH and fell right down last night, but bullish news just came out and they're spreading as we speak. A lot of short could get liquidated if this goes a bit higher and could fuel the rocket even more. Koreans, who have been a crucial part of this run so far, will be waking up in 3-4 hours, so I'm expecting volume to get really crazy when that happens. Buy now and come back when they wake up and stay glued to the screen.

>> No.2234718

nvm crash is canceled, see u on the moon

>> No.2234740

other good news

>"Ant Financial, the subsidiary company of e-commerce giant Alibaba, is also utilizing the Ethereum protocol to develop various applications and platforms. Ant Financial is the company behind the $60 billion financial network Alipay, which is used by 450 million users in China."

>> No.2234742

>come back when they wake up
So the strategy is to sell as high as possible, hope that they short the fuck out of this coin and then get back in? I've been disappointed in the past when I was expecting whales to short-

>> No.2234754

Umm, it's around $800 million in volume for the past 24 hours and the price is up. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's because of new buyers plus getting added to Chineese exchanges which I think I saw another Chineese exchange saying they were adding it to say. Either way, $190 is the new floor imo.

>> No.2234771

Okcoin are adding ETH trading June 1st. This shit is gonna moon again.

>> No.2234780

yes now that the new news about OK coin has come out, Ive changed my mind and im back long again. OK coin is a much bigger exchange than Huobi. This news carries more weight.

>> No.2234782

isn't that the coin called Aragon?

>> No.2234787


Nope ANS is the token

>> No.2234806

that's odd because Aragon is (ANT). coincidence?! probably..

>> No.2234829

feels like a bull trap

>> No.2234838


>> No.2234861

I also believe coinbase has their hands in ETH bigger than we think. They have had users sign up every 7 seconds for like 4 weeks and many bought around what it is now. I think they caused the last dip when so many people paid $200 each and had to wait 10 days to receive, so they whales the price down to $130+, bought more, filled orders, and let it go back up as to not piss off new users.

>> No.2234863

Big moon the next 48 hours. Get ready for impact.

>> No.2234869

it's actually going up DESPITE bitcoin dipping. wew

>> No.2234892

buy ans then?

>> No.2234907
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>> No.2234911

Fuck. $212 on coinbase. Only 2 ways to go from here. Thinking we see $250 tonight with Chineese news. They were going to be all over this

>> No.2234931
File: 24 KB, 1077x130, Screenshot 2017-05-30 at 3.40.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This summer is going to be interesting. So many things happening.

>the battle for #1

>> No.2234936
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>> No.2234938

There's just so much stuff going on right now, it's too unpredictable, but I think it's more likely the whales that shorted last night will get squeezed to death than them succeeding at suppressing the price. I already saw a 20k ETH wall on Kraken pulled quickly after the bulls completely ignored it and started eating it up. So personally I won't be trying to time the top. I'll sit on the coins and only get out if I see some very convincing signs of it coming down. In any case, I won't be moving away from my screen for very long in like the next 6 hours, that's for sure.

>> No.2234940

>F L I P P E N I N G
What is the ETH token designed to be used for?

>> No.2234949
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>> No.2234950



>> No.2234964


New peak in the next 48 hours. Get in faggot fast.

>> No.2234966
File: 67 KB, 720x503, 1301255694775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. too little, too late, anon. the rocket has taken off and there's no more seats.

>> No.2234968



>> No.2234976

sold at 0.095 earlier today, thought it was gonna dip harder. went outside and missed the dip. well fuck

>> No.2234984





>> No.2234986
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 1485315975614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the ATH and sell at the new ATH

Welcome to ETH boys

>> No.2234992

is it going to dip after the new ath

>> No.2234999
File: 29 KB, 635x335, whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a mini whale that's putting the price down, will buy now

>> No.2235006

you has godlike senses

>> No.2235018
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>> No.2235020

I don't recommend that. I moved 3 eth last night to bittrex and sold at 200 thinking that was the peak, I was right for a bit but I didn't set a buy back order at 199 just in case to secure some profit. Then I wake up to eth prices meandering around from 210 to 201 hoping for it to dip so I can get out, thinking that it's only a few days and it will go down for sure this time.
Bought back in at a .33 eth loss on this news. Sent 2.5 eth back to my wallet, my position size was too large and it was making me anxious.
This way I don't have to watch it and if eth dips for whatever reason like the chinese are too busy jacking off to bitcoin to care about eth I don't have to worry. I suggest everyone consider this kind of behavior for a stress free trading life.

>> No.2235043

I want to believe, but I'm pretty sure ETH will be back to 0.09 in a little while. Bitcoin stagnating combined with somewhat overhyped news isn't a good signal for this being healthy growth.

I'll just hold anyway. Better safe than sorry.

>> No.2235063
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>> No.2235104

no room for debbie downers in this eth chamber

>> No.2235122


My body is ready. Happy I kept my hands like steel today.

>> No.2235132
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>> No.2235134
File: 194 KB, 949x618, future of eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this is actually happening and I'm not a cucked bagholder when I awake tomorrow. See you guys on the moon, hopefully.

>> No.2235150

Will ETH fall to $185 in the next few days?
I was watching the charts and it looked like a high at $185, so I sold at $184, planning to buy back for short gain dips. I wasn't too worried b/c it was downtrending, but now it's already back to $211.

Trying to figure if I should cut my losses and by back at $195 or wait and hope it dips
At least I bought my initial coins at $85...

>> No.2235166

Listen. Big, important news trumps those little TA shills every single time.

>> No.2235169

Opened a margin position at 94 and closed at 95, earned a dollaridoo in 10 mins

>> No.2235170
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>> No.2235189

Well, if a big crash is going to happen according to the previous pattern, it's going to happen in the next 1-2 hours...

>> No.2235191


I doubt it.

1. 2 major crypto exchanges in China are adding it over the next 2 days which will give it a boost to $250/eth or more.

2. Alibaba/Alipay is starting to use Ethereum for various apps & programs.

3. Different energy sector & research organizations are starting to use Ethereum as well.

>> No.2235206

>Well, if a big crash is going to happen

okcoin and huobi adding eth support, so there is ZERO chance for a crash. expect ETH to be at 250$-300$ tomorrow.

there will be a correction in a week or two, but not tomorrow.

>> No.2235220

I'm holding for long term. Every time i get weak hands i lose. No more of that shit.

HODL every fucking time.

>> No.2235248

Yeah, all that is what is making me nervous. What would suggest as a low buy limit then? $195 would be a 6% loss, which is not too bad.

Considering that the last $210 spike lead to dips of $130, I'm still unsure about whether this is gonna keep going up as the all the, "I WANT MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW," Anon are hoping for or if this will be met with typical large short resistance and a lot of sell offs.

>> No.2235269
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>mfw the flippening might actually happen

>> No.2235271

Shit balls. ETH keeps rising and BAT ico tomorrow. Fuck anons, what to do?

>> No.2235287
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>> No.2235295

>investing into le generic shitcoin

don't do it. especially while ETH is pumping like crazy.

don't throw your money at a shitty value proposition that will probably fail.

>> No.2235308
File: 457 KB, 1440x1664, lord vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the flipping is in the process of happening

>> No.2235312
File: 14 KB, 660x197, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are my sell orders just wishful thinking or concretely possible?

>> No.2235321

300 might happen, depending how crazy the whales go tonight.

>> No.2235327

BAT is dogshit but that doesn't mean you cant get a decent ROI. For some reason it's being hyped up despite how silly an idea it is.

>> No.2235353

It's either silly and dumb or fucking brilliant and game changing. Not even going to lie, love the Brave browser on mobile.

>> No.2235368

There was a huge BTC/USD bump recently that diminished my gainz with ETH margins

>> No.2235387

How much ad revenue is from actual websites running ads though?

I would assume that most ad revenue these days is from apps like Youtube, Facebook, games, etc. where they cannot be disabled and far more people use them.

Add to the fact that it ONLY works on Brave browser.

>> No.2235533

Yeah I would suggest to proceed with caution, there are fantastic ideas with cryptos but it all comes down to popularity and aplicability

ETH became so big that competitors like LISK and RISE became irrelevant even with better technology

>> No.2235660

Bat will be around $0.032 each. It's just easier for me to see it go to say $0.10 versus ETH to $600.

>> No.2235775

Welp, ETH just ate a 2600 sell wall at 195€ in Kraken in like 5 minutes. I was going to sell but maybe I'll wait a little longer.

>> No.2235881

The sell walls on btc-e are worrying me

>> No.2235940

Just ate up another 1500 wall at 198. This will be an interesting night.

>> No.2235971

we broke 200€ lads
should I sell now or hold, that is the question

>> No.2235980

How long do ETH transfers from Coinbase to Gemini usually take? For some reason Coinbase won't let me cash out with them and I want out if this hits $240

>> No.2235982

same here brave on mobile is kick ass

>> No.2236006

The 6000ETH buy order at .1BTC is insane too desu.

>> No.2236041

just briefly hit .1 btc on polo

>> No.2236119

>ads can't be disabled on youtube
What? I never see ads due to having them blocked. Also there will be an extension for firefox and its forks, Eich's already stated that. Maybe Chrome too but that's definitely not as likely.

That said I am very pissed off about them having changed their funding ask from only $15 million to now nearing $40 million and have gone from planning on putting in 3 BTC to planning on putting in 1BTC or less.

>> No.2236198

is the ETH/ETC moon disparity because of coinbase normies?

>> No.2236369
File: 58 KB, 1382x846, Screenshot from 2017-05-30 23-29-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.2236394

Some of you guys are alright,dont buy eth tonight.

>> No.2236410
File: 85 KB, 804x802, nervous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. shorter

>> No.2236444

Dat spike just now though. Did you get rekt?

>> No.2236488

god bless I really need to buy ETH at a sale

>> No.2236566

>People using this logic for crypto.

The reason it's growing so fast is because people realise this is like investing in Microsoft twenty years ago and no one wants to sell.

>> No.2236582

... I just old at $350 CAN,,,

lets hope for a dip

>> No.2236586

It's already at $237 senpai.

>> No.2236589

Hahaha shorters getting fucking wrekt. This shit is hillarious.

>> No.2236611

Who else fell for the ETC meme?

>> No.2236621

massive sales at 40 btc

is it time to sell? is the dip coming?

>> No.2236630

That's not massive. I was seeing buy orders 10x that much last night, driving the ETH price up.

>> No.2236641

1115 down to 1050

>> No.2236647


>people are selling before chinese even have bought it up

Some people are idiots.

>> No.2236653

Never sell. You will miss time the dip and rebuy higher.

>> No.2236654


starting to sweat myself.... praying these hands stay still...

>> No.2236656

neveremind it's going too fast

holy shit

this is when you need a bot for hyper trading

>> No.2236687

>tfw had 150 ETH at one point then panic sold
>Now only have 50
Kill me

>> No.2236697


Sure, but give me ur private keys first

>> No.2236763

Yeah, that was last week bro. We are breaking new all time highs. Even a 30% correction from current levels is $160.

>> No.2236773

Because BTC is an outdated technology and they won't agree on any scaling solutions senpai.

>> No.2236820


this shits going to 1k.

>> No.2236887

Wanna know what happens when somethings price rise goes parabolic?

>> No.2236894


It keep going up? That's what's happened every time with ETH so far

>> No.2236899

>mfw had 80 ETH back in February but was scared so I just went back to BTC

>> No.2236900
File: 35 KB, 583x439, 1496005479722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's still going up guys

>> No.2236910

Yeah, 15-30% correction, then back to new ATHs. This has happened with ETH every time.

>> No.2236927

im still in at a 196 buy in 6 days ago.

>> No.2236942


>> No.2236961



>> No.2236995

Fear & Greed

>> No.2237008

Just sold some at 199 EUR because I don't wanna get fucked over while I sleep. Gonna buy back tomorrow though for the OKCoin pump.

>> No.2237013

you know what

those shit coin have trained my nerves

i see eth go up and down and i'm not breaking a sweat

i remember shitting my pants when i got into trumpcoin, then others

could have made a couple of BTC had i not panicked, on reddcoin, dgb and vox, but i panicked

third times the charm, got rid of vox and now i'm full eth

thanks shitcoins

>> No.2237039
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I hope you die in your sleep, anon.

>> No.2237044

You're gonna do really well.

>> No.2237048

Sold at 0.09sonething. Was really expecting that fip to reach further. But ofcourse, as usual, my expectations get blown the fuck out. Now it's at 0.1+. Why does this keep happening to me...

Been watching the price, slightly anxious. Keep telling myself "don't buy, it's just going to drop as soon as you do and that's it". But it hasn't dropped still. And I'm now even further paranoid about it dropping after such explosive growth into historical ATH territory at 0.1.

This thing has to correct soon. If it doesn't, not too surprised - fate tends to fuck me over quite a bit in this life.

>> No.2237068

Just got back in to be honest, just can't let the fiat sit in the exchange rotting away while my follow Etherbros at Kraken chew through all the walls. I hope that the OKCoin rocket will not be a disappointment. (sorry for blogging)

>> No.2237086
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What's the chances the OKCoin rocket keeps things going for a week? I can buy in more only on Coinbase right now, and I'm not sure if I wanna take the risk of not being able to do anything with my ETH for nearly 7 days

>> No.2237089

There will never be a 'perfect time' to buy. Just fucking bite the bullet and lock it away for a year.

>> No.2237097

Never rely on exchange listings to do anything for a coin.

>> No.2237118
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>being a chart reader
just read the fucking news, this wouldn't happen to you if you stay informed.. but nooo muh cool looking crypto candles ! le dead cat bounce !!1

>> No.2237131

I couldn't buy in at the 130 dip and i still can't
Im stuck at work everytime a good trade could be made
Wagecucking is fucking disgusting

>> No.2237147

Honestly, I have no clue. I'm a newcointer myself and only a small-time investor. I doubt that the OKCoin pump will hold on for long, especially since I have seen big bullish events resulting in a very short temporary peak and the coin going to fuck afterwards. Then again, the Huobi pump today also turned out way bigger than expected.
Literally anything could happen, I would not trust OKCoin to keep ETH up for a whole week though.

>> No.2237150

fugg i hope so. gonna buy more tomorrow

>> No.2237175

Download an app and set a price alert?

>> No.2237194
File: 463 KB, 1299x823, NEETdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit your job and daytrade cryptos.

>> No.2237197

sure but only after the chinese listings

>> No.2237252

The chinese are the number one users of bitcoin.
Since they will start using Ethereum now it will become a new standard now.

Ethereum will be the new bitcoin since it's a better technoloyg.

>> No.2237289

Yeah thought about it but i don't know what app would be the best for it i currently have blockfolio but it's not connected to my diffeent accs

>> No.2237307

I've been lurking this board for LITERALLY 5 days, stupid nocoiner who doesn't even understand fully all this blockchain thing yet and its implications and even I know this is a retarded, half-assed statement

I'm never asking for advice here

>> No.2237322

>I'm never asking for advice here
Spotted the genius.

>> No.2237328

im jus fuckin with the coinbase app account dont need apps for moving the funds to other wallets

>> No.2237343

lol what triggered you?

do you have a lot of bitcoin?

>> No.2237366

Huh didn't knew they had an app...
Way to go retard me, thanks for the subtle hint anon

>> No.2237386

I remember people like you during the dot.com bubble. They swore WorldCom would recover. It was impossible they own the backbone of the internet

How did those WorldCom tulips work out

>> No.2237401

If you don't want to listen to me listen to Okcoin, China's biggest Bitcoin exchange.

The 3rd paragraph from the bottom talks shit about how behind Bitcoin is on the technology side.

As of June 1st. Bitcoin is the meme coin.

>> No.2237470

>wtf is worldcom

>> No.2237472

Has an op ever been so wrong since

>> No.2237496

buy up before aug1 and pray its successful?

>> No.2237682

pump starts in 2.5 hours from this comment

>> No.2237758

What makes you say that?

>> No.2237810
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>> No.2237817

what do u guys use to trade? kraken, polonix? i heared polonix is scam but idk

>> No.2237825

I use kraken as main, and poloniex for the stuff that's not on kraken

>> No.2237877

You should never do this purely on speculation that's how you're gonna lose all your money. The "momentum" is not real, it's based on peoples' feelings and will correct itself if it goes too high.

>> No.2238578

>buy high, sell low!
sasuga, /biz/

>> No.2238624


Literally no one cares

>> No.2238751

But I have no wageslave money!

>> No.2238852

Why do you faggots keep trying to chase the market?

>> No.2238881

>30 minutes into trading in China commences and its just going down.

Looks like the hype was just hype. Panic selling...BEGIN! Time to pick up some bags.

>> No.2238898


It's not panic selling. It's called taking a profit. The Chinese have been HODLing ETH for months, now they can FINALLY cash out.

>> No.2238923

I'm talking about all the western folk who thought China was gonna take them to the moon. When they find out this is not the case and the price is dropping, then they will also start selling. That will send us into quiet the dip.

>> No.2238927


They're just retarded. Why would China pump when this is the first chance they have to take a profit on an already pumped coin?

>> No.2238952

Just do the opposite of what the majority or threads say. You'll be alright. Oh and buy BAT ico tomorrow.

>> No.2238985
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got it, sell BAT tomorrow...

>> No.2239017


why would any decent coin allow china to participate
selling all my eth

>> No.2239101

its back up to $222
some say it will hit $250 tomorrow

>> No.2239125

Just got off the phone with your mother; can confirm.

>> No.2239242

Literally bought high and sold low. holy fuck I need to grow some balls.

>> No.2239275

Something something hands

>> No.2239346
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>Not selling ETH to get Stratis

>> No.2239644

I wouldn't be surprised if it poked its head around 300. Deff buy in now if you haven't already.

>> No.2239656

Fuck I wish I had more money to throw into this. Sold at 225 to pay some bills.

Being a poor fag fucking sucks.

>> No.2239861
File: 44 KB, 400x627, Bearish Doji Star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The night is turning into a solid in between of a bearish doji star and bearish deliberation. Get ready for a dip tomorrow.

>> No.2239888 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 402x630, Bearish Doji Star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready for the ETH dip tomorrow

>> No.2239894


Jesus Christ. You people were saying that the patterns stated that ETH was about to collapse whenever it dipped to $160 two days ago.

Get the fuck out of here. Nobody knows where the fucker is going.

>> No.2240867

fucking hell this thing just does not dip

>> No.2240879

where can i short bitcoins ? polo does not allow it.

>> No.2240881


>> No.2240927

Same here , once it comes back to the area of 170-180 I'm balls deep in that. Also STRAT is mooning ATM propbly I go in €100 when it dips

>> No.2240938

should i buy eth now or wait ?

>> No.2240952

i ask this everyday

if i buy it crashes

if i wait it ascends into the heavens

>> No.2240976

And in between BTC did what exactly anon?

It went to 2800 then crashed to 1600

>> No.2241089


I bought BTC at 2600 and sold at 2400 and now its at 2100-2200

cutting your losses isn't always a bad thing anon

>> No.2241124

sorry fudders
you're too late
I bought at $48 and $87.
This shit is not dipping back anywhere near that. Expect $500 easily by july. So your only choice is to buy now or forever rip in piece.