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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22342024 No.22342024 [Reply] [Original]

>that 25 year old seemingly sane girl who was on /biz/ the other day saying how we shouldn't lose hope in finding a gf
>that girl that was asking about how she can escape wage slavery and not have to wagecuck at restaurants for her whole 20s
>that girl with good grammar who did the voice recording of her saying how she found the Indian larps funny
>that Polish whore that you want to brutally fuck and also help stop being so fucked up
>relcutant kneepad girl

>> No.22342090

the only one of these I remember is the polack

>> No.22342158

>that white knight falling for larps
Those were all me, except reluctant kneepad girl. She might have been legit

>> No.22342358

Any screencaps? I refuse to believe a female girl has been here

>> No.22342410

Ah yes.. The one that ate her own shit.

>> No.22342419

It was peak 2017 market
Next time you see women in crypto on biz take a lot of profits

>> No.22342484

Screenshots on any of these chicks posts? Anything on the voice recorsing one? Not the insane one who posted pics of poop all over her and eating it.

>> No.22342556

imagine being such a simp that youre still thinking about """women""" that interacted with you days ago on an anonymous crypto gambling counseling group

>> No.22343037


>> No.22343242

women are the worst meme of all. only good for breeding, thats it. no other qualities

>> No.22343565

Stop pretending, simp. You are fooling no one with your words. Simp. The only thing worse than a simp is a tranny. Get fucked.

>> No.22343583

This. Biz is full of simps. Ngmi.

>> No.22343656

First one here :) sending you my best wishes, OP. Hope you make it

>> No.22343675

I only remember the girl larping as a pajeeta.

>> No.22343690

be my gf and i'll give you a whole satoshi

>> No.22343707

You're only a simp if you give them money. This is just extremely pathetic. Being a simp is even worse, though.

>> No.22343747

This. It’s why most wont ever make it. Even if they do get money, they’ll simp and sponsor some thot on a shopping spree and be broke in a week and still haven’t fucked. That or wifing up the first used up whore and getting rekt in a divorce or having a kid with them getting trapped.

>> No.22343768
File: 67 KB, 1080x1350, 116558826_305187510680000_3447551364196636473_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met a girl on here.
We've talked for months and about crypto daily.
Now that she's made tons of profits and im still floundering cuz im poor she doesnt talk to me anymore.
For some reason I miss talking with her and investing in crypto together.
But her bouncing once she made a ton of money and I was still behind hurt and now im just investing and hoping to make it big and continue on with my life.
sucks cuz I miss our fun convos.

>> No.22343813

Money or time in the form of attention, same thing. Simps are stupid. Ngmi.

>> No.22344528

u r retard??

>> No.22344533

Only retard I see is the idiot typing u r retard?? instead of communicating in proper english

>> No.22344551

>that cambodian tranny anon paid to masturbate onto a chainlink logo

>> No.22344595


>> No.22344662

While you're talking about how she made you feel and how you helped her make money (and you did it for free), she's using that money you made her to buy drinks for Chad so he can pull her panties to the side in a public toilet and impregnate her.
You're pathetic.

>> No.22344783

Ohh I get it you're another one of those virginal simps that thinks men and woman cant be friends.
you simple minded virgin. She was my crypto partner initially and we had great convos. Why the fuck would I try to date her when I have a relationship irl.
I miss our friendship and convos.
but of course you'd botch that cuz your so desperate for attention any attention from a female you cant grasp the concept that a male can talk to a female and not wanna stick his dick in her.

>> No.22344863

you're a faggot and incredibly stupid

You also havent lived at all if you thin k we will buy this shtick


Wake up or stay poor

>> No.22344924

True wisdom

>> No.22344926

sounds like you got hustled friend

>> No.22344937

lol cute projections sperg
now go fag rage on >>>/lgbt/ where you flaming rage faggots belong

>> No.22344962

nah she had a few side investments that took off I wasnt in on. So the anons thinking I helped her get rich or made her rich while getting nothing in return are your typical idiots that assume and seethe over it. The 100+ k she made had nothing to do with me but a few of her own personal investments on the side.
Once she made that tho she just went MIA
pity the virginal spergs on here didnt get that and just assume I was feeding her money like some pathetic simp.
Last time we talked before she bounced she sent me 20$ in eth to sell some tokens and than nothing after that.

>> No.22345404

>this wall of cope

Hahahahha ffs kys seriously

>> No.22345467

women probably larp to fit in with all you racist mongolian basketweavers

>> No.22345693

adoreable spergout. seething cuz you cant get a female friend at all? poor ugly virgin girls dont wanna be around you. now go wash your ass

>> No.22345702
File: 368 KB, 750x926, 1594884890975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ohh I get it you're another one of those virginal simps that thinks men and woman cant be friends.

>> No.22345731

reluctant kneepad girl was my favorite
not sure it's actually a real girl, but was fun to torture with FUN jokes anyway, good sense of humor on that one

>> No.22345743

Much simp
Didn't read

>> No.22345794
File: 22 KB, 468x573, 3ae189ebaa94fe36e031a02334ccc962170181c453b23ba59553710e1505d780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ohh I get it you're another one of those virginal simps that thinks men and woman cant be friends.
You'll learn.

>> No.22345800

Read your posts faggot

the facts: this girl doesnt give a SINGLE shit about you, she cares so little about you she was able to disappear as soon as she could upgrade from a LOSER friend to LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE

Read your posts again

>> No.22345828

>caring about whores
There's still time to stop being a beta male obsessing over internet women. If you are over 21 and haven't had uncountable amounts of women, you are a failure.

>> No.22345844

she obviously wasn't your friend if she stopped talking to you, dickhead

>> No.22345850

all men

>> No.22345858

99% he's trolling, otherwise its just seriously sad

>> No.22346003

I hope so for his sake really

>> No.22346097
File: 192 KB, 625x682, 1595711738256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh my God, it's a wiminz!
>She has a vagina guys holy shit!

>> No.22346772

she was inversing u loser

>> No.22346817

Your words go unheard, and it's hilarious when these virgins who are constantly crying about never having attention from women try to talk like they know shit.

>> No.22347258

all my larps

>> No.22347293

>>that girl with good grammar who did the voice recording of her saying how she found the Indian larps funny
Wasn't she the one that said she has autism and hypochondria?

>> No.22347646

So let me get this straight, you say she was your "friend", yet she didn't mention these investment opportunities she had on the side to you at all to maybe let you benefit from it too.
And as soon as she profited on it she completely dropped you with no remorse.

How do you not see she was just using you?
How do you even think you were friends?
Why are you even sorry she's gone?
If a guy did this to you, you'd be fucking pissed he dropped you, but just because it's a girl you miss her and want her back.
You're pathetic.

>> No.22347657

Didn't she shill DMG?

>> No.22348152


>> No.22348386

Yes. And then she had a really hot voice.