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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22343268 No.22343268 [Reply] [Original]

Job seeking is identical to begging to be enslaved

I'm done, I'm going to start my own business

>> No.22343318

Being asked for questions that I never studied or practiced in college is bullshit

>> No.22343424


>> No.22343480
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I feel you friend. I have started a lawn mowing business now I can mow a lawn for $50 in half an hour and make a killing just listening to gay anime music in my ute while I drive around mowing boomers lawns

>> No.22343509

I worked remotely from March 2019 to March 2020, then my company went under and I've been living off neetbux/coronabux ever since

I don't think I could ever bring myself to work in an office again, 1.5 years is way too much freedom. I only have 300k in crypto gains so idk what I'm going to do

>> No.22343511

how long did you practice before charging? how often do you mess up someone's lawn if ever?

>> No.22343543

That's decent, do you take your cut in cash?

>> No.22343563
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Kek dropped out of college, probably gonna be a NEET for life now

>> No.22343566

Find some new investments amist the freefall of market

>> No.22343596

Cool story but I just want a job without freaking interview, is not that I don't want to work/learn something

>> No.22343655

It depends on customers preference

Lawn mowing is easy just don't burn the grass (cut it to yellow) Whipping is a bit harder but you can practice on the side of the ride or in your backyard.

Also just look up some youtube tutorials.

>> No.22343696

>start business
>start slaving for other businesses

>> No.22343713

I hate the technicals, and I'm just here to solve the problem