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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2232966 No.2232966 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, if you're interested in the BANCOR ICO, come check out this AMA with one of the developers in the ARK slack channel.

It's a really good experience. I went to the Mysterium one yesterday and learned a fuck ton. These things are a good send before an ICO happens.

This is how you beat the game faggots.

>> No.2232974

Here's the link

>> No.2232994 [DELETED] 
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Thanks pede.

>> No.2233026

I am really thrilled for Bancor. Smells like some good, old rocket fuel

>> No.2233039


I know very little about it, I'm excited to learn about it at this AMA.

This is taking place in the #trading_altcoins section.

>> No.2233045

Is this site worth signing up for?

>> No.2233063

you need to be invited to even be on the slack so how does anyone here get on....

>> No.2233067


Yeah, it's just a Slack channel which is a chat. You can use a fake email through Mailinator or whatever.

>> No.2233080



Here you go, sorry. That was my fault. I posted the URL of the Slack but you have to go through this entry point if you haven't been there before I guess.

>> No.2233087

I just want to know when the fucking ICO is

>> No.2233101


Come to the AMA faggot and you can ask them.

>> No.2233111

Will the ico price remain consistent all the way through June 29th? I'm at work and don't want to miss out on this. Can i use BTC or is it eth bases?

>> No.2233141

lol it will sell out in 5 minutes. what are you smoking

>> No.2233149
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I also suggest reading this if you want to know more. It explains price discovery in detail, it even has an explanation for "5 year old redditors":

They are literally /our guys/

>> No.2233164


Do you want me to post a transcript after this thread?

>> No.2233166

Still waiting for my mysterium tokens..

>> No.2233185


>> No.2233198

I wish I actually had more to invest in this.

Only got 2.5 ETH. Will probably invest anyway. Stratis ICO saw absolutely insane returns.

>> No.2233213

Fuck man. I'm IN.

>> No.2233217

Galia a QT

>> No.2233218

How long until new ICO's hit exchanges?

>> No.2233220

add this to your myetherwallet

Address: 0xa645264c5603e96c3b0b078cdab68733794b0a71
Token symbol: MYST
Decimals: 8

>> No.2233225

Can someone help elucidate ICO returns for me?

For instance stratis had 400x returns since ICO. Does that literally mean if you have 1 ETH in Bancor and it hits 400x return you are getting ETH value x 400?

I wonder if they will do the same shit as BAT and only value ETH at $150, which I recently read and also don't understand

>> No.2233228

Every fucking crypto group uses this piece of shit software and we know why: obfuscation. Make it harder to get to the information by talking in real time on a private chatroom, as opposed to the whole god damn internet where everyone could read as they please. Restricting the flow of information, controlling the discussion... Pretending to build the web 3.0 just as they use the same bullshit con artist marketing crap from the old days. Fucking Jews, every single one of them.

>> No.2233236

>hello! I’m Eyal Hertzog from Bancor
>Lets all welcome @eyal from Bancor. You can all start your questions now.

Here we go.

$1,000 in STRAT at ICO is worth $400,000 now.

>> No.2233238

You can easily get invite to any crypto slack

>> No.2233278


You got it my dude. I'm here to please the people.

>> No.2233291


Motherfucker I'm going to post the entire transcript here. Relax. take this shit to /x/

And anyone can come to this and read and participate for themselves.

>> No.2233294

so you can scam me?

>> No.2233317

fuck that just post as it goes along since i'd like to have it all anyway
What is the total supply of bancor, how much will bancor cost to purchase via ICO and when will we know if bitcoin suisse has accepted our documents or not
>The supply of Bancor depends on how much is raised during the crowdfunding. Details of the token sale will be announced in the next few days. Bitcoin Suisse typically takes a couple days to process documents. As today they are running the Mysterium token sale, there is to be expected a slight delay

Will there be any other ways to purchase Bancor at ICO other than Bitcoin Suisse, they are asking for an awful lot just for an ICO purchase
>Bitcoin Suisse is a pre token sale option for those who wish to come in with Fiat, require help transfering their crypto or want the peace of mind knowing that their participation is pre ordered. During the token sale, it will work like many standard token sales and you will be able to send your crypto to the contract

How would you - shortly & in easy words - sum-up the advantages of BANCOR to magazines and non-crypto people?
>Bancor protocol presents a solution to the Double Coincidence of Wants Problem in Asset/Currency Exchange. Using smart contracts and a concept called a CRR (Constant Reserve Ratio), Bancor enables smart tokens to achieve liquidity and price discovery asynchronously, rather than by matching bids and asks as in a traditional exchange. The implications of this, “money holding money” is quite profound. For one it opens up the long-tail of user-generated currencies. Secondly, it allows for a new kind of decentralized ETF (index fund) where anyone can become a pro-rata holder of a token changer network

>> No.2233324

Going balls deep on this one boys, the jews aren't gonna let us down

>> No.2233327
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>Going balls deep on this one boys, the jews aren't gonna let us down

Someone 4chan just said this?

>> No.2233342

youre on /biz/
we are the jews

>> No.2233347


eyal just posted this himself

We have also just today released our Product Roadmap: https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-product-roadmap-ea4752d60082
For those with many questions, most of what we have been asked over the past few months has been added to a very extensive FAQ: Now available here - https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-protocol-very-faq-1849cd462c22

Will it run on Ethereum chain?
>We are starting with Ethereum. Overtime, we will explore expansion to other chains and are already in discussions and evaluating half a dozen other smart contract enabled blockchains. We will however create token changers very quickly to enable cross-chain exchange of tokens in a decentralized fashion using Bancor smart token changers.

What are the three crypto-currencies that are most similar to yours and yet why is BANCOR different?
>Although very different, you can generally look at Maker DAI enable purchasing and liquidating the token using variable prices. However, their purpose is to create a stable coin. Nothing we have seen is really similar to Bancor in the sense that it seeks to use smart contracts as automated market makers of sorts, relies on external arbitrage bots to serve as oracles, and is focused on the creation of smart tokens.

>> No.2233350
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Thank God, I was trying to stay low key among the goyim.

>> No.2233365
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are you being serious right now ? kek.
It's just a custom token you supposed to add to your wallet to be able to trace it

>> No.2233380


eyal [12:18 PM]
The smart token standard, led by Bancor, and currently published as EIP228, creates an upgraded ERC20 compliant token with new capabilities we believe are critical to mass adoption of the cryptocurrencies. These include the intrinsic ability to handle its own price discovery, liquidity and includes features such as Delegated Account Recovery (ie. lost password) and Vault functionality.

can you already tell us what the ICO cap will be?
>Unfortunately this will need to wait until the formal release of the token sale terms which is around the corner.

eyal [12:20 PM]
You can check out some of the Bancor UX and instant messenger bots at app.bancor.network being used on MainNet for our bounty program. This was a fun experiment. All the bounty programs have their own real smart tokens which using the CRR method will be converted to BANCOR tokens at the end of the token sale. The program has been a huge success and many other projects have turned to us to utilise this capability in their upcoming token sales.

>> No.2233406


Bancor Smart Tokens can also be used as a digital asset, where I hold several ethereum tokens. What is the difference between Bancor Asset and e.g. Iconomi Asset? As I understood I can do the same on other platforms but with all kinds of currencies, not just ETH tokens?
>We are fans of ICONOMI and we hope to collaborate with them. Bancor is different in that it provides a standard for building your own index funds which you hold directly with the smart token. Initially on the Ethereum blockchain but eventually across blockchains.

this eyal guy takes 1 million years to reply to anything, holy shit.

>> No.2233411

bait hype

release the detailssss

>> No.2233426


I feel like he need a few drinks to loosen up. I feel like I'm reading a goddamn press release.

>> No.2233432

Is it possible to buy in as a common /biz/ pleb? Without bots, scripts or anything?

>> No.2233436

don't waves, bancor and 999x things do the same thing?

the crowd funding seems pretty good.

>> No.2233443

what is your timeline right now for the ICO and what do you hope BANCOR accomplishes in the next 12-24 months?
>Our past companies had 50 million and 10 million active users respectively. Our mission is to bring cryptocurrencies to 100's of millions of consumers and help democratize credit creation. We have been working on Bancor with 7 developers and a battle tested team for approx 18 months. In that time, we’ve built the infrastructure we need to address some of the toughest challenges in the mass market adoption of cryptocurrencies. You can get a sense of the platform with our bounty program (bounty.bancor.network), we will try to release a full alpha with user-generated currency bots on a private testnet in the next few days and our development roadmap (including recent accomplishments) is now available: https://blog.bancor.network/bancor-product-roadmap-ea4752d60082

>> No.2233455
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That lad, is the sound of cash registers...

>> No.2233458

solid nonanswer to timeline for ICO
good dancer

>> No.2233466
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Did you find out? I think it's being pushed back due to a fuck ton of other I CO's going down at the same time.

>> No.2233467


Ha, I thought the exact same thing. This guy is just giving us scripted answers. Still he's coming across very professionally. Still not sure about this one tho.

>> No.2233469

Well he's already said a few times that the ico address and such is coming in the next few days, I agree that he's talking like a marketer though, but then he is MARKETING SOMETHING

>> No.2233484

What is bitcoin suisse and cant I just transfer them coins like any other ICO???

>> No.2233487

Holy shit, his last couple comments make me think this could be a home run.

>> No.2233492

Whats bancors realtionship to block chain capital in the bay area?
>Many of us grew up in Palo Alto and built startups in the bay area. We feel at home in the Silicon Valley. We recently announced in a BCAP group that we have a relationship with Blockchain Capital. We will announce more details along with a number of other partnership announcements in the very near future.

Why didn't you create your own blockchain to be able to create smart tokens with all kinds of currencies? This young market could shift within a short time period into any other direction, like Bitcoin's Rootstock, Stratis, Syscoin, Ark, or whatever coin that could support Smart Contracts.
>We are looking closely at the different solutions for cross-blockchain interoperability and look forward to quickly enable users to move value between blockchains using the Bancor protocol. We’re staring with Ethereum since it’s the most mature smart-contract enabled blockchain, which is what Bancor requires to operate.

Is there already some plan or future business relationship with merchants, exchanges or anything that BANCOR could be used as a payment method? Anything you want to share already?
>We can't share specifics just yet, but we are currently integrating credit card payment processing solutions to make the process of getting into the space the simplest it can be from an end user perspective. In the end, our passion is in the creation of consumer end-user Internet applications that connect between technology and culture. We intend to apply the best practices we learned building internet scale startups in the past to our work today on Bancor.

eyal [12:34 PM]
We are also integrating with different wallet software developers to provide token changer services to their users. More on this in the future.

>> No.2233503

What is bitcoin suisse

>> No.2233512
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>> No.2233519

What are the incentives for smart token creators to issue more bancor contracts?
>the main incentive to create a smart token (rather than a standard token) is that the “liquidity risk” is removed.

One newbie question, let's say I want to convert my Ether into Zcash. And then tomorrow I want to convert Zcash to Dash. How is that possible using Bancor protocol? How does it actually work without need of the exchange services like Poloniex or Kraken?

We all know that currently if we want to buy altcoins we need to buy BTC first. Is this something that Bancor want to change in the future?

>The solution is through a decentralized network of token changers. We are seeding the first popular ones. BANCOR/BTC, BANCOR/LTC, BANCOR/ETC, BANCOR/ZCASH, etc. In this scenario you would simply convert your Zcash to Dash, while in the background it would convert from Zcash to BANCOR and from BANCOR to Dash. There may also be an ETF/Index fund that has a mix of more than two currencies, perhaps all the anonymous coins (Zcash + Monero + Dash + BANCOR) and those can be used as well. You'll get the best rates across the network even if behind the scenes your money is converted across many token changers.

>> No.2233520

doing the work of gods at marketing this lol..

>> No.2233526
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Aren't these AMAs fucking bad ass? I wouldn't mislead you guys.

>> No.2233538

Is there already some plan or future business relationship with merchants, exchanges or anything that BANCOR could be used as a payment method? Anything you want to share already? Do you plan to expand your team after the ICO? and will you hit American and Asian exchange markets soon?

>BANCOR technically doesn't require an exchange. It is the first token of its kind that can always be converted to ETH with no exchange. However, we are in discussions with many of the key exchanges globally. Yes, we are planning to expand the team, and we are looking forward to hit multiple exchanges, but in BANCOR’s case, the liquidity of BANCOR to ETH is not dependent on it.

That sounds pretty huge.

I'm glad I woke up shortly before it started.

>> No.2233547

I still don't get it, what brings Bancor tokens value ? Why should I want to buy and hodl them ?

>> No.2233550

Bitcoin suisse.. What is this shit and why do I need it

>> No.2233552

literally ask in the fucking AMA that is going on RIGHT NOW you twat

>> No.2233559
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These ARK dudes are trying to make this a regular thing. I really dig the ARK community. You dudes should definitely hang around their Slack. It's a breeding ground of weird autistic fucks who are crypto obsessives.

>> No.2233563

I can think of a million reasons why you would want to hodl and none why you wouldn't

>> No.2233570

>tfw he responds to some fucking retards asking questions they could get an answer for themselves by just reading and doesn't tell you when the fucking ico is going to be released

>> No.2233572

you don't need it, just wait for the ICO

>> No.2233578

he can't say when the ICO will be released, they have to be silent due to legal restrictions. But they'll communicate those details in the next couple of days

>> No.2233586

but it was supposed to come out on 30th...

>> No.2233587

Can you please explain Constant Reverse Ratio?
>Sure. CRR is is the ratio between the value of the reserve, and the value of the entire supply of the smart token (market cap). so a token with 10% CRR of ETH, and 500 ETH in Reserve, would have a 5000 ETH Marketcap ( meaning that if the supply is 1000 then 1 smart token = 5 ETH)

Here's a question from another chat room that's following this AMA: what brings Bancor tokens value? Why should I want to buy and hodl them?
>I used to be a developer in the early years and founded Contact.com social network in 1998, then Metacafe (video sharing) and AppCoin (currency/marketplace platform). Yudi Levi was CTO of multiple venture backed (and acquired) startups including Mytopia, Particle Code and AppCoin. We have all been in the blockchain space since 2011, mostly based in Israel since then. Ilana is a very experienced development leader, having worked at large scale fintech companies in Israel and abroad focused on trading software. The rest of the team are passionate elite software developers that have been with the founders across multiple companies in senior development roles on front end, backend, devops, native app development, etc.

>> No.2233595
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Right? Some of you fucking NEETs are cringey? There's millions of dollars at stake here. Act like a champion in there, be an autistic faggot here plz.

>> No.2233596

are you larping a Pajeet? :^)

>> No.2233604




TY sir ;)

>> No.2233618
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That's not what I asked.
I mean why the fuck the token's price is supposed to grow.
How does it make ME M-O-N-E-Y-S

>> No.2233628

ok I see now

>What is the BANCOR network token?
The BANCOR network token is the Genesis smart token to be deployed, establishing the
BANCOR network, functioning as its native currency. The BANCOR token will hold a
reserve in ETH.
BANCOR tokens will be issued in a crowdsale. The crowdsale proceeds will be used to
deploy and continuously evolve a user-friendly web/chatbot interface for issuing and
using tokens in the BANCOR network, to support various efforts for growing the network
such as investing in the reserves of new tokens, and to make the initial deposits required
to set up a new type of high liquidity decentralized token exchange network based on the
Bancor protocol, using 100% CRR token changers.
All smart tokens issued within the Bancor network will hold the BANCOR token as a
reserve (though they may also hold additional reserve tokens.) This means that an
appreciation in the value of any of the network’s smart tokens will appreciate the value of
the BANCOR network token, benefiting all other smart tokens in the BANCOR network,
since their reserve balance value will increase.
BANCOR will also be used as a reserve for the token changers that make up its
decentralized exchange network. A BANCOR token changer is basically a smart token
that holds a 50% CRR reserve in BANCOR, and 50% CRR reserve in an existing, standard
ERC 20 token (e.g. REP, GNT, RLC) allowing end-users to easily convert between the two
buy buying the smart token with one reserve token and selling it for the other. In the
future, Bancor plans to support additional tokens as well.

>> No.2233682

eyal [12:48 PM]
@tipsphedorae Yes, you will be able to send ETH from your wallet without intermediaries. Details will be published soon

eyal [12:51 PM]
Bancor will be available on every smart-contract blockchain platform with enough traction. It’s somehow similar to a consideration of building iPhone vs. Android versions native apps - it’s important to be available where the users (existing and potential) are. As long as assets from one blockchain can be moved and represented on another blockchain -- then Bancor can work between them.

If there comes a new blockchain or token which can create these kinds of assets with all currencies, not only focussed on Ethereum – how will you react? I mean its not very unlikely to happen...

Is BANCOR token going to be the main reserve token?
>Yes. In the service we are deploying (see app.bancor.network) BANCOR will be the primary reserve token for every created smart token. This creates a network effect between all the smart tokens created on the platform.

do you plan to implement Bancor protocol on RSK? maybe you are in touch with their team?
>RSK looks very interesting. We would want to see it go live first and gaining some momentum before we start integrating with it.

>> No.2233683
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>> No.2233684

google "network effect" you damn nigger

>> No.2233690
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This is gonna be big...

>> No.2233696
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>> No.2233726

1. Where will I create these smart tokens, on the Bancor Website or an App? 2. What are the transaction fees of creation smart tokens, liquidating them, interchanging tokens, etc?
>1. You can take the smart token code (available on our website) and create smart tokens. We will provide a simple to use user interface to do it at app.bancor.network (not available now, but preview will be available soon)
2. we will cover the initial smart token creation transaction fee as it is all quite experimental at this point. I don’t have the exact gas cost for each type right now, but i’ll look into that and get back to you.

>> No.2233734
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What the fuck does everyone think so far?

>> No.2233741

Reposting my question:
Is it possible to buy in as a common /biz/ pleb? Without bots, scripts or anything?

>> No.2233746

all i see is a lot of lingo the common person wouldn't understand or care about

Seriously these ICO's need to make things simple and plain.

>> No.2233751

I have no clue what they are talking about to be honest.
This isn't about Pokémon cards, is it?

>> No.2233764

Is ICO over? Will sell blood and seven to get in on this one.

>> No.2233765


Huge fan, seems like a winner. Going in for a grand at the ICO and hodling.

>> No.2233771

What are some of the use cases for smart tokens?

There are so many potential use cases for the Bancor protocol and smart tokens that it is
similar to asking what are the use cases of Ethereum. It’s improbable that we could
imagine all of them, but there are some of our favorites:
● Complementary Currencies: Communities can benefit greatly from creating
additional units of credit and encouraging collaboration on the local level. These
currencies don’t necessarily replace national ones, but rather complement them,
filling in pockets where liquidity may be missing or commerce takes place entirely
locally, thus freeing up the national currency for other uses. Giving communities
access to a tool they can use to efficiently buy and sell goods and services from
trusted members creates real abundance for families, students, affinity groups and
the cash constrained. This same use case works for online group currencies. You
can read more about community currencies online and find lists of active
communities, many of which are evaluating the Bancor protocol for adoption.
● Business Loyalty Point Programs: Whereas individual businesses struggle to make
their custom loyalty programs sticky enough for customers, issuing smart tokens
which can also be exchangeable to other tokens in other networks creates
tremendous value for customers who can now access many more items. This
creates additional stickiness, and strengthens cooperation between businesses.

>> No.2233773


Wait until the autistic fucks in the channel start talking tech about it after the AMA. That's how I usually decipher the stuff that went over my head at these AMAs.

>> No.2233774

Same, first coin I've seen in a while that actually made me excited about its fundamentals rather than p&d potential

>> No.2233780

● Token Baskets (i.e. decentralized ETFs or Index Funds): Created via the Bancor
protocol by setting the smart token’s total CRR to 100%. This means your smart
token can represent any combination of other tokens or tokenized assets, creating
a decentralized, organically-balanced token basket, owned directly by its holders.
For example, your smart token can hold 50% Augur REPs and 50% BCAP in its
reserve, and its price will track the relative changes in Augur and BCAP values
through arbitrageurs.
● Content Creators: Artists can also create smart tokens that serve as the method to
purchase their work or attend a show. These smart tokens serve as their own
distribution medium (so the artist & buyer don’t pay a commission to any
middleman), can be easily exchanged between people, and can be set up such
that the price will rise as demand rises.
● Crowdsales: Anyone can use the Bancor protocol to create always-liquid tokens
not dependant on any exchange. Your token will be liquid from day one while still
remaining compatible with the architecture of all existing cryptocurrency
exchanges. By using the Bancor protocol, new altcoins can achieve greater
market depth than what is typically provided by exchanges, even for the largest of
cryptocurrencies, by essentially pooling all the liquidity that would normally be
spread across many exchanges into a single, “global-exchange” provided by the
smart contract (through its reserve). The result will be lower price volatility for
customers without any counterparty risk.

>> No.2233789

Invite me to the amazing plz

>> No.2233792


● Token Changers: By creating a smart token (similar to a token basket) with 100%
CRR and multiple tokens in reserve, you enable anyone to instantly exchange one
reserve token for another. Unlike a token basket, whose purpose is to serve as an
index fund for those wanting to take a position across multiple currencies, the
purpose of token changers is to exchange one token to another. A network of
token changers results in something akin to a decentralized Shapeshift, where
users can come to exchange any currency on the Bancor network for any other.
Since Token Changers can charge fees for their conversion services, anyone who
wishes to provide liquidity to the token changer (rather than just convert one
token to another) gets to participate as a part-owner in a crowdsourced exchange,
enjoying their pro-rata of the fees taken by the Changer for its automated
conversion services (and accrued to its reserve, thereby appreciating the smart
token’s value). Software companies building online wallets for tokens can now
offer exchange services directly inside their applications and open up a new
revenue stream overnight.
What we’re most excited about is the innovation we’ll see from the community.
Historically, long tails are formed when barriers to entry are reduced. Bancor is enabling
anyone to create a viable value network in their image. There are hundreds of thousands,
even millions of potential digital currency entrepreneurs out there, and they will teach us
about the power of the protocol and the platform.

>> No.2233796


Here you go my dude, welcome.


>> No.2233803

I would cum in her jewish pussy

>> No.2233809

Hi i have been watching your project since it was public. Very excited. If this get adoption over time it will have huge network value. from your point of view, as a devloper what is the most clear use case and goal of bancor
>Our goal is democratize credit creation and unlock the long tail of user generated currencies. We believe this can bring a paradigm shift in money creation and help end poverty :wink: to not sound to unreasonable and wishful. We also believe that an asynchronous autonomous exchange will be extremely competitive and offer an alternative to all the exchanges currently out there (including the new decentralized protocols)

>> No.2233829

the Token will be released after the ICO ends?
>The token will be released after the token sale however it will be a few more weeks until we release the Bancor protocol functionality and it will become intrinsically tradeable. This is a new breed of smart contracts and we've taken the time to secure three independent audits. 2 from heads of security at Ethereum Foundation and one from the entire smart contract team at Consensys

Thank you so much to everyone for hosting us. We come at this with an open mind, good intentions and the desire to rapidly build real products that will have an impact on the day to day lives of everyday people. We welcome all feedback and are constantly looking for more partners to join us on this exciting journey during these unique times we are all experiencing together.

What is the consensus? not sure what i think. seemed a bit too market-y

>> No.2233833
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These AMAs are the best because you have tech nerds grilling these guys and you get so much info that isn't available anywhere else.

>> No.2233848

Can someone teach me how to participate in an ICO? I have 5 ETH sitting on Coinbase I want to throw into this shit.

Also, anyone know what the ICO will be valued at?

>> No.2233854


>> No.2233863

fuck off retard

>> No.2233868

You need bitcoin sissi or something like this. Just Google blitter sissi

>> No.2233875

Tried googling it too. their site has jack shit about the ICO on it.

>> No.2233898

Didn't manage to ask this before he bailed out,
let's say you didn't buy any BANCOR in the ICO and want to buy some shitcoin on the network which only has a reserve in BANCOR once the protocol is functional.

They have a token changer with BANCOR and ETH. You send ETH to the proper address, convert it to the token changer and then to BANCOR. Then you conver your BANCOR to the shitcoin (thus increasing its BANCOR reserve and the price of the shitcoin).

Am I right?

>> No.2233904

reddit says ICO delayed and update coming soon.

>> No.2233913

Keep an eye out for the ICO, keep your eth in an immediately accessible wallet (best bet is the desktop one, synced, second best is myEtherWallet but some people reported problems)


>> No.2233914
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So what do you guys think about this? They're claiming a potential paradigm shift in economics and a way to end poverty.

>> No.2233924

IDK about that shit but buying at ICO price is gonna be a winner

>> No.2233929

best answer

>> No.2233930

Sounds about right to me.

I read Jewish names and Swiss bank and said "IN!!!"

Looks like a great way to say "your money is worth more if you put it in our bank/exchange/cucking protocol/etc

So it is really "Cuck coin" when ya think about it.

>> No.2233935

what about a hardware wallet? got my eth in my ledger nano s

>> No.2233970

Getting on this big time

>> No.2233990

i may be a retard but if they do the ICO at 1 to 1 from ETH, doesnt it all just cancel out? Youd be able to trade ETH into Bancor whatever the fuck after ICO too... are we expecting bancor tokens to trade at a premium?

missing the gains portion of this ico

>> No.2234000
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>end world poverty oh yes goyim

>> No.2234007

Youd be able to trade ETH into Bancor whatever the fuck after ICO too.
That's not how it works. The more people convert to Bancor, the bigger the reserve and the higher the price. And the people will convert to bancor as its the main reserve for other coins.

>> No.2234015

ahhhh the goal is to make bancor the new btc ic ic

>> No.2234017

that's why im curious what the ICO price will be. if it's 1-1 ETH then there is no point. it's going to dip in value below the ICO just pick it up then

>> No.2234022

Any idea of how many tokens per ETH?

>> No.2234028

those were my thoughts too. time will tell i guess. still gonna go in for shits. hope it hits it big and we get this shit going mainstream

>> No.2234066

Hell yeah man.Gonna all in this shit like people did with stratis.

>> No.2234071

No idea senpai, probably not though

>> No.2234072

How much are you gonna go in for?

>> No.2234075
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Anyone every been screwed out of an ico before?

>> No.2234106

Same here. Let's face it... the Jews have run finances of the world since they were in Egypt, Babylon, Russia, Austria, Hungary, all of the eastern bloc countries basically, Afrika(see blood diamonds) and America. I a holy believe and know for a fact their teachings say we are their property and to kill us.

But are you going to get rich without touching their system? Serious question. And I see the answer is NO.

Why not invest in it and cabs the fuck out when you can do your own thing or actually make a difference in the world using that system against itself. .

>> No.2234120
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Can you stop memeing about their heritage? It doesn't fucking matter.

It's about the technology and the idea.

>> No.2234145
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>> No.2234155

Then how did Golem get so big despite being shit while GRC and RLC are nothing?

>> No.2234163
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Anyone use this Parity for an ICO? if so how did you like it?

>> No.2234164

Can someone red pill me on bancor please?

>> No.2234170
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>implying we would be so interested in the project if it weren't for their ethnical background

>> No.2234172
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You literally just have to read the fucking thread/ google you lazy fuck

>> No.2234187

that's what I'm planning to use, seems simple enough. Only way to guarantee getting in apparently

>> No.2234190

Better don't get Mist though, it doesn't have any option to set gas limit... and the node syn

>> No.2234201

and the node sync took days*

>> No.2234321


As in the ETH wallet?

>> No.2234373

lol use an online wallet retard

>> No.2234391
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As far as I understand it, the default conversion ratio between any two tokens in the bancor protocol (so let's say Bancor with ETH as its reserve) will be one.

This is because price = reserve/supply x CRR (constant conversion ratio).
CRR is basically the initial reserve/initial supply, for instance with 1000 ETH per 10000 BANCOR it would be 10% or 0.1.
No matter what values you put in, as long as they're constant with the CRR the price always rounds up to 1.

HOWEVER once someone converts 200 ETH to 200 BANCOR, the reserve R= 1000+200 = 1200 ETH, while the supply is 10200 BANCOR.
Using the formula Price = Reserve/Supply x CRR, now we have 1200/10200x0,1; P = 1.17 ETH for one BANCOR; the price has increased due to demand.

I don't know whether you will be able to exchange ETH directly for BANCOR that way.
It may be possible via "Token Changers"; then it would look like this (example values):

5000 BANCOR - TOKEN CHANGER with constant supply (10000) - 5000 ETH

As you may notice, the CRR is 0.5 + 0.5 = 1.
Now if you convert ETH or BANCOR to the token, the supply doesn't change. Say you converted 2500 ETH to the corresponding amount of the TOKEN CHANGER (5000). The ETH reserve is now 7500 while the TC supply is still 10000. You then convert your 5000 TC to 2500 BANCOR. It counts as selling and the 2500 is substracted from the reserve, thus making it 2500 BANCOR.

What happens is that to buy 1 TC unit the next person now has to pay 0.75 ETH instead of 0.5 as was the case before you bought, and they will get 0.25 BANCOR instead of 0.5 if they sell the TC it for that. Thus the BANCOR price has also increased in this case!

I hope I haven't made any mistake. I think that's how it's going to work out.

>> No.2234429

I don't know why they haven't fixed the node syncing with mist... there's no reason a first sync to a fresh db shouldn't run geth with --fast.

I ran geth from the CLI with --fast --cache=4096 and it was done in just under 4 hours

But I do get ya, most people would do better sticking to an online wallet, just make sure it's one that supports EC20 tokens and lets you store the privatekey

>> No.2234457

I actually did through the CLI with the same parameters and it STILL took that long... Wanted to get in on the mona.co ICO for that sweet black "founding member"-card. Ended up not getting in at all... though i've been reading about mona.co being a scam here on /biz/
dunno how to feel about this

>> No.2234482

>them being jewish doesn't matter
That's where you're wrong bucko.

>> No.2234711

what do you guys think of this onboarding fee of 100CHF and the various other fees bitcoin suisse are charging? Worth knowing you've reserved your token or will you take the risk and wait for the ico itself?

>> No.2234730


I looked at it. I think it's worth it, personally. But the site said they don't take people from the USA because of regulations?

>> No.2234743

Can Americunts buy into Bancor? I tried to do Mysterium today but the transaction wouldn't go through I guess because I'm from burgerland.

>> No.2234774

yeah dude, pretty annoyed about not being allowed into the mysterium ICO after finding out last night. BAT obviously will be USA

fuck we should have asked this guy during that AMA. They had a presentation in the USA so I can't possibly imagine it wouldn't be open to USA. From what I know, you can't do ICOs in the USA if the tech gives you dividends which is why the polybius ICO won't be allowed in the USA.

>> No.2234848



>> No.2234906
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read about the founders, they are all literal actual jews, as in israeli jews

fuck that, im out

>> No.2234915
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>not wanting Galia to kiss you goodnight
holy shit you might actually be some kind of pervert

>> No.2234934


a crypto created by jews, what could go wrong?

don't worry they assured us all that this isn't just a jew money grab to steal money from the dumb goyim, just trust them

>> No.2234952

holy shit we're actually going to become rich of this ICO

>> No.2234957

>a crypto created by jews, what could go wrong?
the only way to make money in crypto is if your criptocurrency goes up in value. If the jews win, we win too, at least in this environment.
Who gives a shit if it's a money grab? That's what 100% of crypto is about. The difference is that with crypto we can take part in it.

>> No.2234967

Yeah this is the first time I feel like I've found such an opportunity, got in eth too late, I'm literally shaking

>> No.2234977


the jews smell money in crypto and now they want to get involved in it, that's their only motivation for doing this, there's no altruistic motivations like the founders of eth and btc

if there's money involved, better believe a jew is gonna stick his nose in it

>> No.2235008
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>there's no altruistic motivations like the founders of eth and btc
for btc you are right, but eth has always been a money grab by a scamming russian autist. If you think otherwise you're even dumber than I thought.
>if there's money involved, better believe a jew is gonna stick his nose in it
So what? If you did your research you would know that the team members are in Bitcoin since 2011, so they are probably rich anyway without having to do this project.
I don't give a shit who makes the project as long as it makes me money. Just look at this roadmap and tell me this isn't the next x100:

>> No.2235054
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>> No.2235083

Ok, I'm a fucking retard and can't make sense of the concept of this shitcoin.

My low-iq understanding of this is that bancor is supposed to convert into different currencies? How? It can't possibly increase the supply of eth for example, can it? If it can't then whats the point of this?

Other shitcoins go shitcoin->bitcoin->different shitcoin.

It sounds like Bancor is planning on going shitcoin(Bancor)->different shitcoin straight away? Wouldn't that be up to the exchanges?

>t. brainlet

>> No.2235109

Same here.

>> No.2235111

Read this, from a previous post:
>BANCOR technically doesn't require an exchange. It is the first token of its kind that can always be converted to ETH with no exchange. However, we are in discussions with many of the key exchanges globally. Yes, we are planning to expand the team, and we are looking forward to hit multiple exchanges, but in BANCOR’s case, the liquidity of BANCOR to ETH is not dependent on it.

It's epic.

>> No.2235114

>How would you - shortly & in easy words - sum-up the advantages of BANCOR to magazines and non-crypto people?
>>Bancor protocol presents a solution to the Double Coincidence of Wants Problem in Asset/Currency Exchange. Using smart contracts and a concept called a CRR (Constant Reserve Ratio), Bancor enables smart tokens to achieve liquidity and price discovery asynchronously, rather than by matching bids and asks as in a traditional exchange. The implications of this, “money holding money” is quite profound. For one it opens up the long-tail of user-generated currencies. Secondly, it allows for a new kind of decentralized ETF (index fund) where anyone can become a pro-rata holder of a token changer network

>being this rich and still being this autist

>> No.2235146

Ok yes, but how. Where does the eth come from if not from exchanges.

It sounds like some retarded way of trying to dethrone bitcoin as the standard exchange crypto.

If I hold bitcoin, I can trade it to literally any other currency.

If I hold bancor, I can do the same? What's the point?

>> No.2235153

Oh shit. I just got this.

He does a similar calculation at the end of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySeir-M2nj0

It all makes sense now, thx m8

>> No.2235243

So bancor is like a rewritable blank CD?

I write tokens on it and then trade the CD instead of the eth?

And if I want to convert to dgd I trade my eth disk with a dgb disk?

Like inception coin?

>> No.2235261

That shit is so confusing

>> No.2235283

it's like buying a decentralized coin but on steroids. the more people to use the network, the more it will increase in value (and not just because people THINK it has more value and are willing to trade it for more, but simply because it has more and more users)

>> No.2235298

So the only thing this coin has going for it is hype and the hope that more people will use it over the tried and true bitcoin?

>> No.2235303

Np, I'm glad if I cleared it a bit for anyone.
Yeah, their algorithms essentially mirror the mechanisms of supply and demand.

>> No.2235491

Sooooooooo..... it's Ripple 2.0?!?!?!

>> No.2235777

>Sooooooooo..... it's Ripple 2.0?!?!?!
Yes but $215 and not $0.23.

>> No.2235888

which is why im in

>> No.2235916

Does ripple have smart tokens where you can adjust the constituents of the token? Example: BizSmartToken = 1/3 ETH, 1/3 BTC, 1/3 DODGE. Backed by the actual assets. Genuine question not trying to be a dick. This sounds more user-facing than enterprise.

Can someone explain to me how you are supposed to make a profit from this? I get that it's useful but what is the incentive for me to put my money into it and not just wait for adoption on the long term?

>> No.2235995

who cares, thats a good thing in this context
Someone tell me how will i be able to buy them? Do i need to have coins? Can I just charge it on my debt card?

>> No.2236011

where are you getting the price from? Couldn't find shit on their website about price or IPO

>> No.2236064
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>> No.2236077

>My Ethereum Wallet take fucking days to download the blockchains

I will miss a once in ifetime opportunity


>> No.2236092


1. Make a wallet using - my eth wallet
2. Have ETH (do this fast, eth is mooning as we speak)
3. Wait for ICO announcement/details
4. Send eth to contract address with data details filled in

Do this at the right block, do this at the right time.

>> No.2236093

this is the real question we want answered. if this shit doesnt get adoption itll flop hard as fuck

>> No.2236096

chill son. IPO delayed and not released yet.

>> No.2236116

that doesnt answer my question. will i be able to just directly buy it with a debt card or do i need actual eth to buy bancor answer me pleasee

>> No.2236121

When will it get released? My wallet will take a while to download

>> No.2236139

no you need eth, read this https://steemit.com/ethereum/@tomshwom/getting-in-to-icos-a-guide-and-some-tips-and-tricks

>> No.2236206


>> No.2236209

It is a holiday here now

>> No.2236222

Me neither anon, that's why I'm putting 5 of my 7 eth into bancor, we can still make it, the train hasn't quite left the station

>> No.2236250

This shit is bound to x2 atleast so fill your fucken bags, worse shitcoin ICOS have done far better, don't miss out on this one boys.

>someone who is putting in 2 BTC into this ICO

>> No.2236340

im going to buy 5 eth now, any wird on when this offering is going to be? what is a good trustwort

>> No.2236356

im going to buy 5 eth now, any wird on when this offering is going to be? what is a good trustworthy eth wallet

>> No.2236392
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Prepare your ether

>> No.2236426

Within the next 5 days most likely. I'm looking at myetherwallet for its reliability and parity for its ability to preset when you want a transaction to occur

>> No.2236462

Careful with Parity. Anons had problems with it this morning during the mysterium ico, and I personally got fucked out of 4 ETH worth of MYST because none of my transactions were actually sent for signing onto the block chain. Better have your myetherwallet primed to go too.

>> No.2236515


I watched this and I still dont know what the fuck Bancor is.

Poswallet seems more useful...

whats the CATCH?

and why would it go up in value?

>> No.2236548

same, can someone explain what this is? the best I can make of it is that it allows you to destroy shitcoins by selling them for eth or something else, and somehow they're different from buying/selling on an exchange and create inherent liquidity? that last part makes no sense to me at all

>> No.2236570

fuck is eth gonna ever gonna dip again, its been up like $20 the past hour wtf i dont want to buy at an ATH and see it crash tomorrow

>> No.2236574

read and study these carefully. Then you'll understand:

If you still don't understand after doing that, then you are just too retarded and should invest in something else

>> No.2236601

certainly it's going to dip, the question is whether it dips from 225 to 205 or from 249 to 226. Your call, it's a tough decision.

>> No.2236614

I've read that, but people who write these aren't technical writers by trade, and they don't realize that they're being confusing as fuck. They don't even provide clear examples.

I get long tail.
I get money for money.
I get putting tokens into bags and the bags value is influenced by whether the shit buys or sells.

What I don't get is, if I stuff an aidsload of a shitcoin into a bag and say it's worth 1 ETH per shitcoin (am I setting the price myself? does it matter if anyone else has stuffed the same shitcoins into a different bag and set it at 1000 ETH per shitcoin? how is it "inherently liquid" if no one gives a fuck about that shitcoin?)

>> No.2236638

I've heard about such problems. Is there another wallet you are aware of that offers a similar service? Really don't want to rely on a human click, what if it goes in 20 seconds

>> No.2236651

All that stuff is explained in those documents. If you still don't know how it works, you either didn't read or you are illiterate.

>> No.2236657

okay motherfuckers this shit looks promising as fuck
anyone got any experience with ICOs? all I have right now are some shitcoins on Bittrex. What do I need to do to prepare for the ICO? sell all shitcoins for ETH?

>> No.2236659

so, you don't know how it works either. got it.

>> No.2236680

I know but I am not going to waste my time explaining to you something that is very clearly explined in those documents. FFs there is literally an explanation aimed at "5 year olds".
The truth is you are a lazy nigger and didn't read shit.
Just don't invest in it if you can't be bothered to do your own fucking research.

>> No.2236704

I don't need to read the bitcoin whitepaper to "get it" and get that "aha" moment where I clearly saw why it would (and will continue to) go up in value

now, this bancor shit is too convoluted

>> No.2236719
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yes yes, super convoluted anon. Don't invest in it, stay away. If an illiterate pajeet like you doesn't get it, it's certainly not worth investing in.

>too lazy to read 40 fucking pages that repeat the same stuff over and over so even a retard can understand it
>wants to become rich

>> No.2236760

if I hadn't read it, I wouldn't have been able to ask specific questions in my previous post >>2236614

The answers to those questions are not in the whitepaper like you said they were. try again.

Agreed. The biggest problem is that bancor uses "smart token" "reserve token" instead of giving substitute terms to help visualize what the fuck this shit does.

This guy has written like 4 paragraphs whining about how "it's all explained in the paper" but he doesn't have the time to give a simple explanation. Protip dude, it's because you can't. But don't feel bad. They can't do it in the whitepaper either.

>> No.2236781
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>if I hadn't read it, I wouldn't have been able to ask specific questions in my previous post >>2236614



>> No.2236789

>reverse psychology
no, im not buying this shit when you can't even understand it yourself

>too lazy to read 40 fucking pages

If you can't explain it in a single post then it's a scam.

Example: Bitcoin is a decentralized currency with a limited supply. Not a scam.

>> No.2236835

lol sad.


Oh, you mean this convoluted bullshit?

>So picture a Smart Token with <100% CRR (Constant Reserve Ratio) like a little robot you’ve created. The robot has two (or more) wallets. One wallet is full of an asset (let's choose ETH for this example). The other is a bottomless wallet of a new asset we're dubbing the smart token. When you create the robot, you give it a CRR. This is the percentage of total value that the robot assigns the total-individual-value of each of its wallets. It will use this CRR (which is a % between >0 and 100) to determine the price of new smart tokens. Here's how. Let's say the CRR for this Robot is 20% ETH and 80% of a new smart token called NewCoin (of which there are currently 100 in existence out in the world). If it has 1000 ETH in its wallet, the cost of 1 NewCoin is…Market Cap = Reserve Balance / CRR = 1000 ETH / 0.2 So Market Cap is 5000 ETH Price of NewCoin = Marketcap / Supply = 5000 / 100 1 NewCoin= 50 ETH Now there is a larger reserve balance of ETH, thereby increasing the price of NewCoin for the next buyer. The next NewCoin would cost (1050/0.2)/101 = 51.9802 ETH

so back to my original questions (which aren't answered). If i'm doing this with a shitcoin:

1. am I setting the price by pulling that price out of my ass? (no supply/demand influences here?)

2. Does it matter if anyone else is also stuffed the same shitcoins into a different robot's ass and set a price 1000x higher? Who the fuck controls what goes into a bag and why isn't it a giant clusterfuck?

3. How is any of this shit inherently liquid if no one gives a fuck about the thing in your bag?

>> No.2236968

somebody on the other thread explained it like this:

>Bancor is going to be the reserve pool for shitcoins. You convert your Bancor to shitcoins at an automatically calculated ratio based on the current reserve and the ratio of the initial reserve pool to the initial supply (CRR, constant reserve ratio). By converting your bancor into a shitcoin you increase the current reserve, thus making the shitcoin price go higher.

>As for eth it will likely be done via token changers. You convert your bancor into a token changer and then convert it to eth from the reserve pool. They are going to get loads of ETH from the ICO, plus the ETH reserve pool increases each time someone converts his ETH to the token changer to buy BANCOR for ETH.

which is even more confusing. I thought the idea was to get rid of shitcoins, not fucking buy more of them

>> No.2236989
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>these people are unironically this retarded
>they literally can't read
>they are literally incapable of understanding simple abastract concepts and plain English language
it's a scam anon, don't buy. I'll send you a postcard from the moon

>> No.2237023

still waiting on an explanation, or even an answer to my questions, >>2236835

but keep rageposting about the whitepaper instead of helping some /biz/ bros out and giving us a simple overview. I would like to know how it works, but it's not my fault the explanations are written BAFA (by autists for autists)

>> No.2237088

Go to their telegram and ask them directly. They are paid to hold your hand, I am not.

>> No.2237093

Can someone give me a clear answer about when is the ICO gonna start?

And some tips on how to purchase?

Thanks beforehand

>> No.2237100

see, that's actually something I can work with. thanks anon (not sarcasm)

>> No.2237397

Yes the initial price is set arbitrarily, and yes it is influenced by supply and demand. Nobody would buy a random token for 50ETH unless they consider it worth it. Upon purchase the price raises w.r.t. ETH based on the underlying mathematics, and vice versa for sale. If you are still struggling with the concept, do not invest.

>> No.2237462

I just can't find anyone who is capable of walking me through an example without the logic falling apart on them.

Person A has 100 shitcoins (out of 10,000 total of all time) and decides to use BANCOR to liquidate them.

He sets up a "smart token" (which as far as I can tell is a bag with 2+ pockets inside) and puts the 100 shitcoins in one pocket and ...then what happens?

If no one ever buys his 100 shitcoins then BANCOR isn't giving instant liquidity to anything. It's just a decentralized exchange that is equally worthless for moving a dead shitcoin.

The "Money for money" concept is misleading. Bitcoin is already the intermediary for all other currencies (or ETH or LTC depending on what exchange). I get the value of a decentralized universal exchange, but the big selling point to me (as they explain in the first few opening pages about the untapped long tail value) is that you can squeeze liquidity out of shit that previously didn't have it.

Wouldn't the ultimate goal be to destroy the shitcoins and trade them all in for a more universally useful currency? And is that what BANCOR is aiming for? That sounds great, but I don't see how the ball gets rolling, and ...is BANCOR a coin itself, or just a platform?

>> No.2237495

I have found this:


This just seems like a shitcoin generator. Is that all?

There are ways to create your own cryptos already in easy ways, not as fancy tho.

Also, it creates your own ICO, so it's an ICO generator as well?

I've already seen "crowfundcoins" like Starcoin.

What is the catch of this thing?

I would hate to miss on the next Stratis/big gainer ICO, but I want to know what the fuck im buying.

>> No.2237528

In your example. He'd set the CRR of the token to yield an attractive price for a buyer versus traditional exchanges or competing currency exchanging smart tokens, at which point someone would be stupid not to take his money. He can then exchange his Bancor for a major crypto. Alternatively he could find a preexisting currency exchanger and liquidate at market rates, which is the non-retarded thing to do. The latter, presuming a preexisting currency exchanger (the big ones will be set up by the Bancor Foundation, mind you), will mean there's already instant liquidity since they have their own reserves. Give the network time and these opportunities will make themselves happen. Consider that to make a currency exchanger with an attractive rate one simply has to beat the trading fee of major exchanges. The man becomes his own broker.

The goal of cryptocurrencies is not to make one single world currency. That is perhaps the opposite. BANCOR is both a platform for democratised currency (perhaps the greatest political economy game changer in history -- that's the dream, at least) and the reserve currency of that platform. The last paragraph explains how this isn't a scam.

>> No.2237550

Example in white paper on website is 1 ETH = 1 Bancor.

>> No.2237552

It won't go in 20 sec. Probably 10+ minutes. I'm going to have mist, parity and myetherwallet all up and ready to go. I'll split what I want between them.

>> No.2237588

I think they are going for the instant liquidity angle which xrp tried to do through immediate transaction speed and low cost. Xrp still needs an exchange. Bancor seems to be going for the asset back, instant liquidity, exchange independent route.

>> No.2237664

>3. How is any of this shit inherently liquid if no one gives a fuck about the thing in your bag?
It's instantly liquid on current market value outside of being in an exchange. They will follow prices but bypass exchanges. Maybe internal demand within ecosystem? Jews will be Jews.

>> No.2237739
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Well shit, then how im supposed to get rich? what's the fucking point. I want Stratis tier gains, I dont get how this is possible if 1 ETH = 1 Bancor unless the total supply of Bancor is tiny.

>> No.2237796

They recommend parity here but some said it didnt work when trying to buy the ICO...

What wallet WILL work? and why it wouldn't work anyway?

Im not download a full Ethereum Wallet node, it's garbage, it never fully syncs, slow as fuck.

>> No.2237802

also depends on when they release the coins. I don't think stratis coins get released until fucking august. hope the price doesn't tank on investors by then.

>> No.2237806

>I want Stratis tier gains
We all do anon, we all do. I just hope I live long enough to see a Stratis tier gain opportunity come up again.

>> No.2237832

They're going to need a shitload of BANCOR coins out there to accomplish anything. Like, several millions. So they'll probably go for about what the other coins have. I don't know how much they are trying to raise initially, though.

>> No.2237844

I'm trying to figure that out as well. I might just use myetherwallet and have my finger on the trigger. I probably split the amount I want to use to buy between parity, myetherwallet, and mist maybe. That way at least something will get through.

>> No.2237855
File: 60 KB, 904x692, 1486358208578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, if you dudes like this. We're always putting together ICO AMAs and cool shit in the ARK slack. They've done a bunch already including Mysterium and Tezos. It's really the best crypto community I've seen. These guys are geniuses. It reminds me of phonephreaks hanging out back in the day.

>> No.2237884
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>82 000 % roi

i hope to fucking god i can get in on something like this

>> No.2237890

So the problem is lag due tons of people buying at the same time? this is dumb, we'll probably be left out due bad luck.

Why not just buy on the market? most ICO autodump and you can buy cheaper on the market.

>> No.2237946

Plz Kek, let us non rich fags get on a mission like this just once before the world gets fucked even worse than it already is. I just want a little piece of the pie and nobody will ever hear from me again and I'll do altruistic shit in free time.

>> No.2238009

That does seem to be the issue. I'm going to try to participate in the ico simply because I want this coin. Waiting for the absolute bottom is not worth it to me, but it may be to you. Just depends on how much you believe in this thing I guess.

>> No.2238090

So what exchanges is their coin going to come out on?

>> No.2238101
File: 29 KB, 640x480, sad pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>82,382% gain
>you will never experience this
why live

>> No.2238106

It's gonna happen again, just gotta find it. You're in the top .000001% of people when it comes to knowledge about coins, don't let that advantage go to waste

>> No.2238475

Do we have any idea what the ICO is? I mean, what do I get for my ETH?

>> No.2239091

I'm going 10k in. Looks very professional, major change from the other ICO's in terms of management.

>> No.2239121

... just google it anon, send the eth you want to invest at 0x32045F0896241d7047e7DfEDfAd0c924606DE6ca and then wait for the ico to start tomorrow to enter your sending address

>> No.2239153

Is this what you discuss while you're taking your morning street poop?

>> No.2239371

what website is this?

>> No.2239630

Autistic oblivious fuck
Hope you die on your way to the moon

>> No.2239640

bancor cant be the next strattis because it is raising too much money and its start market cap will be way too high

stratis only raised about $600k and thus had exponential room to grow, whereas if bancor is 10 mil + it simply cant make god tier returns

>> No.2239693

Isn't Bancor essentially the same as Lykke, but with a worse team and later to market?


>> No.2239846

S0 many drumpfkins

>> No.2239899

No. Bancor is solving a economic problem we've had since people were exchanging money for money. Lykke still uses the bid-ask system.

>> No.2239994

Wait till it hits exchanges, trust me anons

>> No.2240010

Gonna put £300 into ICO tbqhwy

>> No.2240018

So wait

Is BANCOR a decentralized exchange or not?

>> No.2240033

I'm inclined to go all in on this one.

What's the worst thing that could happen?

There is no way this one will not go above initial offering price.

>> No.2240049

This is the most abstract, hard-to-understand shitcoin in a market that's basically a scammer's paradise.

The coin makes 0 sense and seems to be full of buzzwords and autism in an attempt push its overpriced fatass ICO into the market asap.

This coin hasn't proven itself to be in any way useful and yet the creators are asking for 10+ million right off the bat and yet pretend-autists who act like they understand shit are lining up to throw their savings in an enigmatic blackhole.

This coin is supposed to trade into any other coin? So it basically wants to be an exchange in itself except even more centralized?

I get why it's hyped, retards will buy anything but I can see this coin being forgotten and dead 1 month after it's release. PnD right the fuck out.

Queue the fucking shills who post a developer quote that won't explain shit.

>> No.2240153

can you give us a quick rundown on why, anon?

>> No.2240189

I am thinking about getting a part time job just so that I can put £100 into literally every new coin that appears

>> No.2240502

Cool then i will not invest. I dont want to get instadumped upon as soon as it hits exchanges.

>> No.2240510

What do you mean? Stratis is trading on Poloniex.

>> No.2240520

>Didn't understand whitepaper
>Complains about people who understand whitepaper
Stay salty my friend

>> No.2240541

I will invest but only at ico if the price is cheap, and raising capital is low

>> No.2240606

there are very few tokens that trade below their ICO price when they hit the exchange.

The drop you see at the beginning of e.g. Aragon's ICO is due to some dipshit initially buying it waaaaay above market price.

Why would anyone who participated in the ICO sell it at a loss (unless a core dev died or ate a baby or something)?

>> No.2240607

unfortunately I will be at work for the next 8 hours.. ill miss this and it will sell out and ill always be a wage cuck

>> No.2240611
File: 293 KB, 460x528, 1494201646745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved how they used fancy terms on their white paper such as "providing continuous liquidity while allowing facilitate price-discovery" without even caring to give a technical explanation of how they will achieve that.

like, "we will act as an arbitrator for all shitcoins out there and guarantee their liquidity and price-discovery, we just can't explain how we will achieve that. pls buy our coin. lol"

jews never change.

>> No.2240613

the ICO is not underway yet. there is currently a pre-sale happening through bitcoin suisse (not for americans).

the ICO will be sometime in June, so don't worry about missing it.

>> No.2240643

Is this going to be another Mysterium, where the ICO caps in a few hours? :scared:

>> No.2240677
File: 19 KB, 193x243, merchant scared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you stop memeing about their heritage? It doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.2240728

what i heard is most ICOs fail

>> No.2240742

It matters because it's a self fulfilling prophecy where /pol/ mongs think they must invest in everything involved with jews.

>> No.2240795

Do you even math?
bancor is an idea from keynes, after ww2.

However we didn't get bancor at that time because the us are greedy fucks.

>> No.2240797

>mfw this coin is so good it effectively filters out the functionally illiterate brainlets
literally perfect

>> No.2240800

they literally give you math formulas and math proofs about how it works

>people on 4chan literally can't read

>> No.2240805

>bitcoin suisse

wew, what is this voodoo? Worth getting in now?

>> No.2240987


you are two delusional niggers.

you understand that the whole idea of this shitcoin is to gather other coins and give you useless Bancor coins in exchange right?

this will cause their coin to appreciate, especially if retards like you start exchanging real coins on this shit like bitcoin or ethereum.

meanwhile they are doing nothing but getting real coins from you brainlets and giving shitcoins in return.

it's like a bank but the only thing increasing here is the value of their coin.

this is the ultimate scam for normies like you, who don't even understand shit about the math presented on the first whitepaper or even on the "proof" whitepaper but come here to claim other people don't.

>> No.2241567

The idea is that because the BANCOR tokens would hold some coin in reserve at a constant rate, you can always get liquidity if you want to trade.

On an exchange, being able to trade is dependent on there being people willing to take the other side. With this you're just interacting with the token's underlying smart contracts

It's an automated market maker system and its not particularly revolutionary. It does have a legit use case, but I'm wary of the project because they are hyping it as revolutionary.

If it were possible/desirable to have constant liquidity via code and underlying reserves, automated market maker systems would've been implemented in traditional markets a long time ago. A panacea to the liquidity problem would've been more than welcome in stocks/fixed income/currencies/whatever.

There are benefits to AMM tokens, especially if you want to create some for easy moving between a handful of super low volume cryptos so you can make your trades at a predictable rate rather than dealing with some huge spread on Polo. But again it's just not what they're making it out to be.

>> No.2241588

Who cares? People are going to use it, money is there on the table, so whether or not (((they))) are going to fuck the market or not, I want mine.

>> No.2241776

look on the bright side, mona.co shitcard is a scam, they pretty much copy-pasted the tokencard whitepaper and ICO and the tokencard guys did shady shit like plastering the VISA logo everywhere when they don't actually work with VISA at all.
If you are desperate for a piece of black plastic you can always get one for next to nothing and it will work as much.

>> No.2241843

lol... str8 up thot he was about to shit on that baby.

>> No.2241881

if the BAT ico is any indicator, yeah. I just purchased my Bancor through bitcoin suisse, now I can sit back and enjoy the show

>> No.2242017

>What are the three crypto-currencies that are most similar to yours and yet why is BANCOR different?

Why don't they mention WAVES? That's one of the most popular fucking questions and they don't address it and just say 'we are unique'? COP OUT.

>> No.2242028

>£105 fee for £1000 purchase


>> No.2242056

>Why don't they mention WAVES? That's one of the most popular fucking questions and they don't address it and just say 'we are unique'? COP OUT.

someone else answered this on reddit
You're not mistaken, though it is very possible for both Bancor and Waves to thrive as they only compete on some aspect of their use cases, and are potentially complimentary so long as both ETH & Waves blockchains thrive.
Their competitive aspect lies in the fact that both Bancor & Waves aim to be the creation medium behind a whole slew of new tokens representing countless new types of value.
Bancor has two major differences to Waves here:
The first is that Bancor tokens are fully liquid from day one. So even if its some tiny token that never aims to become worth millions or be traded on a large scale... it's still always immediately exchangeable for any other coin or token on the entire Bancor network (including ETH and every major ERC20 token)
Waves has their decentralized exchange, of course, but it still requires that you find a second party to trade with, which rules out small-market-cap tokens.
The second is that Bancor is build on Ethereum tech. At the moment, that means we're backed by a more developed & successful blockchain, and therefore have a larger set of currencies and of users to launch with.
However should Waves succeed and become a widely used blockchain of tokens, the two can indirectly collaborate. Tokens on both Ethereum and Waves blockchains can be 1:1 tokenized for each other. Waves Token backed ERC20 tokens could use the Bancor network for liquidity & as reserve tokens.

>> No.2242395

So If BAT is any indication there's no way any of us poorfags will get into the ICO.

>> No.2242433

Goddamnit, first being american cucks me out of mysterium, now the only ways poorfags are gonna get bancor is cut off too? I fucking hate this country

>> No.2242619

kek none of you morons will ever get into Bancor.
Im investing another 10k eth on top of the 10k i invested into bat and my gas price ill be placing on the transaction is gonna be higher than what most of you will be investing hahahhahaa.

God i love poorfags.

>> No.2242655

They deduct the 100 CHF fee and 1.5% cut from the amount or do you need to send it separately?

>> No.2242678

we are all fucking wasting our time. None of us will get into the ICO just like BAT, whales run that shit.

>> No.2242727

Its gonna dip to about 160$ today/tomorrow.
If you got eth now is the time to sell.

>> No.2242755
File: 8 KB, 246x200, thisfuckingtimeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they really trying to sell an ICO at $100 a unit ?

I will fly to Israel and find these bastards, overpricing cunts ruined the next meme train

>> No.2242778

>you understand that the whole idea of this shitcoin is to gather other coins and give you useless Bancor coins in exchange right?
no it isn't, confirmed for illiterate nigger
>meanwhile they are doing nothing but getting real coins from you brainlets and giving shitcoins in return.
why don't you read the documentation insted of spouting useless drivel?
>it's like a bank but the only thing increasing here is the value of their coin.
holy shit you might actually be this retarded and unaware of your ignorance
>this is the ultimate scam for normies like you
I'll screencap this and post it every day on /biz/ to show how retarded you are. Enjoy

>> No.2242801

they deduct it automatically

>> No.2242816

you won't really sweat the 105 gbp when you triple (at least) your investment within a day.

>> No.2242856

Did you really sell all the documents and photos for them?

>> No.2242991

If I invest say 1 BTC, then sell BANCOR for 10 BTC months later, it is not a complete scam.

>> No.2243007

Literally when the fuck is the ICO going down? Lost out on investing in BAT today.

>> No.2243051

What, $100 for 1 BANCOR?

we'll never get rich unless total supply is tiny and 1 BANCOR goes $1000000 WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASDSAD

>> No.2243084

don't even bother if you're not a top 1% whale

>> No.2243208

>you are retard for disagreeing with my investment bias. I can't even explain what's the goal of this shitcoin so instead of making counterarguments invalidating you points, I'll just ad hominem here and act as if I'm more intelligent than everybody else here

kys shill