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22336672 No.22336672 [Reply] [Original]

Tom Lee says 10 MILLION per coin
Rick Falkvinge says 5 million per coin

>> No.22336699

What the fuck sort of timeframe is eventually? The end of fucking time?

Jesus you're a retard.

>> No.22336701



>> No.22336703
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I would be happy if it gets to 100k in 5 years, really

>> No.22336739

easily desu

>> No.22336766

How does 1 year sound?

>> No.22336780

If and when that happens a Big Mac will cost you $100.

>> No.22336782

much more likely to be worth $10 than $10 million, kek. These people are scamming you, dude.

>> No.22336808

Imma buy 4 BTC over the reminder of this year for a total of 10.

>> No.22336840

You know nothing about crypto that's actually kinda cute.


>> No.22336848

not happening

>> No.22336873

Ok now post nose

>> No.22336936

BTC will more than likely die. There's no incentive to use it and the normies already got burned and turned away from it. They're not coming back unless bit coin becomes a standard payment method and takes almost no effort to use. Which isnt looking like it will happen.

>> No.22337136

It's never been a currency, it's a store of value. Doesn't have to be both.

>> No.22337176

It will be a million within 5 years. Also if goverments keep devaluing their currency (which they will) it's dollar value will have no relevance in the far future

>> No.22337231

I mean... the whole Covid thing and the way governments are dealing with it are pressing economis (specially weaker ones) to a inflacionary scenario. That could really push BTC price upwards

>> No.22337332


>economy fall through in March
>crypto did nothing

Sure buddy lol

>> No.22337383

BTC is literally the only long term, non-retarded, non-scamcoin to invest in. That said, think we will have to wait till 2022 to see 6 figures.

>> No.22337424

yeah I mean eventually could be trillions of years from now, when we are all plugged into some nearly frozen electronic grid, deep in space.
Each coin will be worth roughly 4.92 quadrillion dollars (in 2020 money). But you will be long departed from this plain by then.

>> No.22337586

you don't get it

>> No.22337599

Is now actually a good time for a poorfag to invest in this? I want the most bang for my buck (like everyone). I tempted to buy when it hit the last low but pussied out

>> No.22337648

bitcoin will live a lot longer than usd...

>> No.22337672

so effectively infinite dollars, unironically

>> No.22337675

A store of value that's entirely dependent on the Internet which your local government controls making the entire dectralized incentive of it completely useless.

>> No.22337710 [DELETED] 

no anon, the point is that NOT entirely. even if the world internet is shut down, they can never take away your funds. they can never destroy the blockchain. when tyranny is over people can restart from exactly where they left off and everyone still have access to the exact amount of funds they had before. that is the one of the defining power of bitcoin no other asset has.

>> No.22337752

no anon, the point is that NOT entirely. even if the world internet is shut down, they can never take away your funds. they can never destroy the blockchain. when tyranny is over people can restart from exactly where they left off and everyone still have access to the exact amount of funds they had before. that is the one of the defining power of bitcoin no other asset has.

>> No.22337764

What the fuck do you BSV morons still breathe?

>> No.22337765

>t. coping wage-cel hoping he'll "make it" by going all in on meme money AFTER the bubble
oh boy

>> No.22337796

Yes it's still a good time. You can probably make a faster return trying to get lucky with random shitcoins but you're much more likely to just lose all your $.

The problem with trying to time your buys is that you'll prolly be too scared again to buy when it does actually hit a low. Just dollar cost average in instead. If you don't have an income stream, solve for that first ASAP.

>> No.22337851

I live in the US. If you're living in an authoritarian regime, yes that's a problem. However if my country is censoring my internet access, Bitcoin is the least of my problems. Well actually in an authoritarian regime my currency is probably horribly manipulated which gives me even more incentive to move toward Bitcoin.

>> No.22337895

I'll be retired at 40 regardless so I've pretty much made it. Try again and DYOR.

>> No.22337961

bout tree fiddy

>> No.22337979

How can you use your funds if you have no Internet access? The Internet is not a democratizing force. It's proven to be the exact opposite. There's various case studies demonstrating that's it's been much more effective at enabling authoritarian regimes. There's a couple good books about it by Evgency Morozov I would recommend. The Chinese ad Russian goverments love the internet. It helps them keep an eye on their citizens more effectively.

>> No.22337982

Tom Lee means 10 million divided by 10 million is the true price

>> No.22338002

BTC is deflationary.
It can only become more scarce with time.
If demand remains constant, price will increase over time.
>it won't remain constant... it will increase as time goes on.
That's the answer.
The final amount doesn't matter because > 99% of current holders will sell @ 100k.

>> No.22338038


Think bigger dude. Who cares if some 80 year old boomers got burned and swore off buttcorn. Over the next 30 years there will be hordes of new zoomers aging into investing who will happily adopt crypto. Boomers are the only ones in the way of the next golden bull run.

>> No.22338057 [DELETED] 

>How can you use your funds if you have no Internet access?
jesus you have 0 understanding of how even bitcoin works lol that's obviously the reason you didn't understand my post.
you cannot USE the funds without internet (cannot transact) but you CAN keep them. bitcoin is unconscionable unlikely literally any other asset. even in gold, if you store $50 million in it, it's 1 metric tonn and you can't even hide it on your own / good luck hiding if the govt comes with metal detectors. bitcoin is always just a mnemonic regardless of the amount of wealth you're storing in it. so the point is that you keep your funds no matter what happens. no tyranny lasts forever so once freedom is re-enabled you have your exact amount of funds back.
and the rest of your comment... everyone can tell you're just trying to look smart but really aren't you should stop trying kek

>> No.22338074

The entire planet is moving towards authoritarianism. There's no doubt about it. The Internet is enabling it .



>> No.22338086

>How can you use your funds if you have no Internet access?
jesus you have 0 understanding of how even bitcoin works lol that's obviously the reason you didn't understand my post.
you cannot USE the funds without internet (cannot transact) but you CAN keep them. bitcoin is unconfiscatable unlikely literally any other asset. even in gold, if you store $50 million in it, it's 1 metric tonn and you can't even hide it on your own / good luck hiding if the govt comes with metal detectors. bitcoin is always just a mnemonic regardless of the amount of wealth you're storing in it. so the point is that you keep your funds no matter what happens. no tyranny lasts forever so once freedom is re-enabled you have your exact amount of funds back.
and the rest of your comment... everyone can tell you're just trying to look smart but really aren't you should stop trying kek

>> No.22338088

The same it is now, it will wildly swing up and down till the end of time

>> No.22338090

It sounds like my dreams coming true...

>> No.22338112

>It's never been a currency
Literally says "currency" and "payments" in the whitepaper.
> it's a store of value.
It only ever dumps. Nice store of value. Has been outperformed by every asset in existence during the last 3 years. Even copper did 2x, buttcoin has only dumped.

>> No.22338119
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He didn’t even mention bsv but it seems we live in your head rent free

>> No.22338234

>Literally says "currency" and "payments" in the whitepaper.
Define: "aspirations"
BTC was a currency in the beginning. It was used to buy drugs on the dark web.
BTC is absolutely a store of value.
Monthly dollar cost averaging into BTC beats all traditional assets (stocks, bonds, commodities, reits) over the past 3 years.
BTC is actually the best returning asset of all time from the beginning. Ya dweeb.

>> No.22338236
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You don't need internet to transact bitcoin a satellite kit would do.

>> No.22338239

the top of the cycle.....when Millennials are of retirement age. It will mirror the top of the cycle of stocks that will top when the majority of boomers retire.

>> No.22338277

i mean.. i-isn't that internet?

>> No.22338298

Nah you're just a butthurt bitcoin cultist. You've sunk so much of your time and money into it that your ego is completely in control of your objectivity. I meet people like you all the time. Some of whom have filed for bankruptcy because of their bitcoin obsession. In your fantasy utopia post tyrannical world your btc will only have value (if you can access it) if other people believe it has value. BtC can barely convince people now nevermind 50 years from now. That's not something anyone can predict. If you're objective however you would admit chances are quite low.

>> No.22338319

Satoshi's vision was as a currency. It became too popular for its own good. Transaction fees went from fractions of pennies to hundreds of dollars.

Practically speaking, it has morphed into a speculative asset/store of value. And emerging demographics aren't investing in gold. Through time volatility curbs. Do the math. It has outperformed every asset ever conceived since its inception.

>> No.22338320


>> No.22338330
File: 68 KB, 784x376, elonrowling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep. you're a retard.

>BtC can barely convince people now nevermind 50 years from now.
compare how many people understood that bitcoin will be the de facto store of wealth and very much has value 10 years ago, VS today.

>> No.22338354

>Monthly dollar cost averaging into BTC beats all traditional assets (stocks, bonds, commodities, reits) over the past 3 years.
Lolno. Whole Nasdaq did 10x in the last 3 years. Gold just broke ATH. Buttcoin still dumping.
Deluded buttcoiner, your boomer coin has to die and will die very soon.

>> No.22338365

1/21,000,000th of the world... so about the value of the virgin isles per coin or there about...
We all gonna make it!

>> No.22338369


>> No.22338373

>It has outperformed every asset ever conceived since its inception.

That's because it's a get rich quick meme in the age of the internet and doomsday preppers. That's no indication of future performance.

>> No.22338386

Once a decade 12% change of massive solar storm that is going to end all technology that is reliant upon electricity. Statically its 50/50 change every 50 years.

>> No.22338418

QQQ has doubled in the past 3 years.
Gold was down for the last 10 years.
BTC is like index funds in the 1980s for boomers.
>You having a conversation in 2035: you didn't have any $ in BTC? Like any??
How can you have fucked up so badly?
Easy. DCA.

>> No.22338425 [DELETED] 

>the public ledger is archived on storage that doesn't need electricity to keep data
>as long as your keys are also stored securely (e.g. by a mnemonic in your head) you keep your coins even after the solar flares and will be able to transact them right after civilization is back on track

>> No.22338474

>the public ledger is archived on storage that survives the flares
>as long as your keys are also stored securely (e.g. by a mnemonic in your head) you keep your coins even after the solar flares and will be able to transact them right after civilization is back on track

>> No.22338497

I think bitcoin should be 25k by end of year, but it sure isn't getting any help from central banks like the stock market is.

>> No.22338498

Geopolitically, first world countries (where the money is) are not, no.
China (absolutely) and Russia, parts of the middle east, sure. Again, having a safe haven asset that isn't a bolivar is a bullish case on bitcoin. Currencies crashing is a bullish case for bitcoin. It's one of the key reasons for Bitcoin.

>BtC can barely convince people now nevermind 50 years from now
Exactly. This is why we are early son.

>> No.22338510

I bought LINK and TSLA, instead of buttcoin, because I'm not a retard. Literally turned 8k into 170k. I will enjoy your tears when Arbitrum rolls out and LINK will flip your dinosaur shitcoin.

>> No.22338514

$250 million August 11, 2020:
"Aspirational store of value"

>> No.22338529

link. kek. anon you will die homeless.

>> No.22338541
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>> No.22338546

Listen. I'm a rich institutional investor.
The products are coming from the big players (Fidelity, Grayscale). Paul Tudor Jones has taken a position.
Do your own thing.
Good luck.

>> No.22338554

It makes it really hard to argue with you if you don't have any facts to back up your statements. Try a little harder or just have fun insulting me. It's your call.

>> No.22338571

Once the stock market fizzles (and most likely crashes). Think about where the money might flood into next, especially this new breed of Robin Hood traders.

>> No.22338581

The crypto market isn't very big. The total market cap is about the same as your average big corporation. Objectively speaking if you're going to bank your entire savings into btc which at this point is an old technology and in all likelihood will be supplanted by a better one, you're the retard.

>> No.22338687

Here's a fact. Look at the btc chart. Number go down.

>> No.22338694

>The crypto market isn't very big.
You're making our case my man.

>"Tudor Investment Corporation’s decision to allocate to bitcoin in the Tudor BVI fund is evidence
that unprecedented levels of monetary growth is driving institutional interest in bitcoin’s store of
value properties. Paul Tudor Jones, founder and Chief Investment Officer, and Lorenzo Giorgianni,
“In a world that craves new safe
assets, there may be a growing
role for bitcoin.”
“It’s really asymmetric. Bitcoin is a
once in a generation type trade.”
Head of Global Research articulated the rationale for investing in bitcoin in their May 2020 investor
letter, “The Great Monetary Inflation.” The Tudor Investments team scored financial assets, fiat cash,
gold and bitcoin based on four characteristics that define store of value assets – purchasing power,
trustworthiness, liquidity, portability. Bitcoin’s score was 60% of the score of financial assets, but
1/1200th of the market cap of financial assets and it was 66% of the score of gold, but 1/60th of the
market cap, concluding, “Something appears to be wrong here and my guess is that it’s the price of

>> No.22338723

robin hood traders will have $0 left when tsla and apple crash

>> No.22338735

Didn't amazon drop by 80% (I think it was more) at one point? Markets oscillate, that's how they breathe. Stop being obtuse.

>> No.22338771

Amazon dropped by 90% at one point. Holders today are rich.

>> No.22338845

If you unironically invested in link there is no hope for you. I wish you well anon. Hopefully the soup kitchens in your neck of the woods are decent.

>> No.22338846

I think Bitcoin will surpass gold within the next 10 years based purely on fulfilling the digital gold meme. 10 years after that it will become the global reserve asset even though many smaller countries will peg their CBDCs to it much sooner. Once something has become a meme there is no stopping it, the vision will be fulfilled

>> No.22338850

You're comparing a company that generates value to digital funny money. Not the same thing.

>> No.22338891

#Bitcoin is a fast growing country in cyberspace with a population of sovereign individuals who prefer to use BTC for storing wealth and doing transactions:
- population 3M (#134 largest of the world)
- monetary base $200B (#21 largest globally)

>> No.22338927

You sound like you should work on your life if you want to be happy.

>> No.22338943

My point is that oscillation occurs in every market. As you buy in, others cash out. It has to happen.
If your argument is that if something goes down in price based on a span of time that you specify, therefore it is not worth investing in...then, well, that's your argument. It's funny money. Do you have any other arguments?

>> No.22338946

Based, why not buy now?

>> No.22338953

Depends how much fiat is printed

Could be only $10 million

Could be $10 quintillion

>> No.22339004
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>It has outperformed every asset ever conceived since its inception
10000 10000 10000
0.1 1 10

>> No.22339018

Have fun being satoshi'd

>> No.22339067

I was hoping you would say that because you just proved the point I was making earlier. Past performance is no indication of future performance.

>> No.22339072

however long it takes humanity to realize how to set up proper monetary systems bitcoins price will perpetually go up until they do

>> No.22339110

you can also do it via radio signal and mesh network

>> No.22339137

I think the much more apt phraseology would be "Past performance is no guarantee of future results". Good luck man, keep debating and your arguments will only get sharper.

>> No.22339215

you mean 20 satoshois right

>> No.22339461

yeah dude. if you buy bitcoin know that the founder owns almost 5% of the total supply. well he never touched his addresses in any form over the past, almost 12 years, and may as well be dead, but still dude!
rather invest in this literal memetoken where the founder owns 65% of the supply and keeps dumping heavily every single time it seems like his pnd scheme reached the top

>> No.22339501

NIGGA! wtf is wrong with you?!? buy NOW. all fiat will hyper inflate in the cooming years and you and your family will regret not buying sooner. buy now how ever you can i would suggest https://www.swanbitcoin.com/ and transfer it to a hardware wallet like a trezor and just save it there until BTC becomes the monetary exchange standard. Trust me anon do it NOW. you will thank me later. this is not a sarcastic post i amm dead serious. Do your ancestors a favor and become a 1%er time is slowly sliping away.

>> No.22339515

boomer concept of dollar cost averaging, besides I dont have the fiat liquidity

>> No.22339526

/r/ing the 1M 2027 projection chart

>> No.22339572


You can't have a store of value for something that has no other use. Gold has intrinsic value and Bitcoin needs to be a good payment system and public data ledger to be good money.

>> No.22339605


He's just telling the truth. The fact is 99% of people are not going to buy into some coin just to enrich a bunch of early hodlers who they despise anyway. People will only use Bitcoin if it's so useful they are basically forced to. There is nothing useful about BTC and when the price goes up it just gets less attractive to buy which is a huge problem for it

>> No.22339613
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>> No.22339621

Because only BSV cucks are dumb enough to think the spending use case matters, they are the only ones pathetic enough not to be able to get it through their thick head that buying a cup of coffee with crypto is completely and utterly meaningless.
He is a BSV cuck or he has been fudded by one.

>> No.22339664

its use is use is its store of value wich is money's sole purpose. making it more efficient thang gold wich is used for several other functions making it less efficient for a transfer of value than bitcoin

>> No.22339687

I never really thought about that part... Pretty amazing when you think about it. I imagine there are countless groups in history that would have killed to be able to store all of their gold or silver in something that can not be taken from them.

>> No.22339698

Yes, in 2140 when supply of BTC is maxed out

>> No.22339731

This guy gets it. It’s the hardest money that usurps all other money.

>> No.22339770

>boomers die out
>millennials finally stop being fucked up the ass and inherit generational wealth
>tiny fraction of them want boomer stocks, everyone else wants something that isn't printed into oblivion
>bitcoin explodes

EZ 500k within 10 years

>> No.22339841


But don't you see, nobody wants to "store" value in something like BTC. Normies are not going to be buying some internet coin that just gets less attractive as the price goes up and whose only use is to sell for more USD. The vast majority of people are wise to this and aren't going to be buying something like that. There are plenty of reliable inflation hedges and real investments that have real value. Nobody needs BTC.

>> No.22339905

>thinking boomers will leave any wealth behind when they die

>> No.22339931

Quite a wealthy population.

>> No.22339989

We already did. It’s bitcoin.

>> No.22340008

It gets more attractive as the price goes up because it is then perceived as a safer investment

>> No.22340058

Nah it will get help from tether XD

>> No.22340071
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please keep up your mindless fudding while i accoomulate

>> No.22340096

He who controls the memes rules the universe.

- literally Elon Musk

>> No.22340099

> you can’t be just store of value, you need some additional, irrelevant, moronic use case tacked on
Not to worry, there’s a proposal that would let you send email using bitcoin (possibly as soon as 2026) and there’s talk about making the blockchain capable of controlling a toaster (IoT!!)

>> No.22340127

ah, there is here.
you've outed yourself as a clueless nigger, and that is that BTC was the reason for your LINK gains in the first place.

>> No.22340141

>I'm a rich institutional investor.
I'm thinking institutional investors are mega retarded because everything you've said about btc is stupid.

Daniel Kim is the only institutional guy who gets it

>> No.22340151

you have been warned.

>> No.22340164

You’re the one who keeps dismissing something you have yet to understand.

>> No.22340211


I'm just saying normies, nocoiners and anyone who doesn't have BTC, to be honest, hates your guts. They view Bitcoin investors as idiots and have no interest in enriching them for no good reason. The boat has already sailed to buy cheap BTC back when it was worth very little. 99.9% of the world sees it this way and is never going to buy BTC or ANY of these internet coins unless they have some real utility that demands that they buy it to use. The people who want to buy BTC already have it and are just playing a greater fool's game at this point. For anyone to buy BTC we would NEED to buy it. Nobody is going to use some new internet money that a bunch of nerds hold unless they are absolutely forced to. Since BTC is extremely easy to avoid buying and has no use other than to sell for more USD, this is a very big problem for it.

>> No.22340254


Sorry I'm just not going to be buying any BTC unless I have to. I didn't buy it early and have zero interest in enriching people like you for no reason, and almost everyone else who doesn't have BTC also sees it this way. We need utility!

>> No.22340290


Lol nobody talks about bitcoin since 2017/2018 pump. Shit is going to 0.

>> No.22340292

You're even dumber than that guy. All your posts ITT are a variation of "this guy gets it" and "you just don't get it". Say something meaningful you retard. Or just shut up. Your posts are worthless.

>> No.22340460

It seems like its going to zero upwards.
I guess it'll overflow at MaxValue and go back to zero...

>> No.22340467


Well the reason is all money that isn't fiat is commodity. Gold was good money because of its other commodity properties. Bitcoin needs a secondary commodity use to create a network effect. For instance, people needing to buy small amounts of it to make tiny micropayments on websites that no other system can do. Or to buy ledger space, etc.

>> No.22340521

No, I have in this thread explained the exact mechanism by which btc will become the ultimate global store of wealth. You are emotional, dumb and flustered, that’s why your reading comprehension fails.
I take pity on you, I won’t make you read the thread again. Here:

>> No.22340578

The time a person realizes they should buy bitcoin comes differently for everyone. The longer it takes, the less btc you’ll be able to pick up. Good luck.

>> No.22340628

Unless you are also another ID, no, you haven't made a single point.

>> No.22340635


>> No.22340644

Storing value is the thing the world most desperately needs right now. Central banks are stealing people's time by devaluing their life savings. Inflation is a criminal act and will not be sustained long term. People are slowly starting to question this system.
Stock and real estate market are ridiculously inflated. All national currencies are trash. Gold is controlled by central banks so if the price rises they'll just dump on the market to suppress it. There is literally nowhere else to go besides Bitcoin that provides an assurance of scarcity. Don't doubt the power of memes, you are on 4chan after all so you should understand. Bitcoin will have a market cap as big as gold within 10 years.

>> No.22340677


You do see the problem with this line of thinking, don't you? The higher the price gets the less attractive it is to buy. It has to have a use that is independent of selling for more USD later or the vast majority of people will just never buy it. There are plenty of real investments that are actually valuable and give sustainable returns, so there is no reason to ever buy BTC, and if the price goes up for some reason this just becomes doubly true.

>> No.22340750

Dude I'm a bitcoin maxi. Deep down majority of the community no longer believes in replacing any FIAT. Everyone is in here with hopes to make it one day just like early days holders. Nobody. cares about whitepapers and shit.

ETH, Cardano. IOTA will all be worthless pieces of shit. The greatest proof of this is to look how companies use blockchain and if they use it's typically done through Ripple. No company is going to develop their platform around a highly volatile and speculative coin.

>> No.22340753


There are plenty of other places. If you want to talk about price manipulation, BTC is much easier to manipulate as the market cap is much smaller. I would much rather own gold, land or stocks than BTC as all of those other things physically exist and have real value and scarcity. BTC has nothing because there is no reason to buy it outside of selling it later after "number go up". It is awful as money which is the one thing it needs to be at the very least. Cash is for keeping your options open. BTC's blocks are so small that if everyone needed to spend it at once it would crash the network. The more 'adoption' it gets the worse this congestion becomes and the more unreliable the network is.

>> No.22340800

Do you understand Gresham’s law? Can you point me to harder money than bitcoin?
All alts are measured in satoshi. It’s only a matter of time until everything is.
The Internet led to the digitization of everything, including money thanks to bitcoin.

>> No.22340845


Bitcoin could be good money if the blocks were big and it became a cheaper and more reliable option for sending money. At least that would have a chance. BTC has small blocks so it's very bad money as money is savings, and the reason we save is to keep our options open for when new information appears and we want to spend. So it has to be cheap and reliable or it's a bad idea to use it for savings.

>> No.22340915

> higher price means less attractive
That’s where you are wrong. The high price is what makes bitcoin real, rather than a pipe dream, to people. The higher the price, the more real bitcoin is, and the more attractive (less scary) it is to invest in.
For me $100/btc was nowhere near real enough, though I have believed in the tech since bitcoin was about $1 (lots of btc discussion on slashdot back in the day), it wasn’t even real enough at $1000. But at $10k it’s actually real (even if it occasionally dips to $3k) enough for me. Maybe it will not be real enough for you until it’s at $100k or $1M, but the day when it clicks for you will come.

>> No.22340944

Cash sucks though, especially with negative interest rates on the way on top of rampant inflation. I'll concede that land is an excellent store of value with scarcity, but its just not as liquid. It takes a while to find a buyer, and you can only deal in large amounts. You can't just buy 5k worth, land deals are much bigger.
Yeah of course bitcoin is volatile but that's where the opportunity is. Gold and land just won't perform as well, and its harder to offload physical assets. Micro strategy putting 250 mil into bitcoin is going to be the theme over the next decade, it is the perfect thing for companies to put on their balance sheet to get out of cash and have instant liquidity

>> No.22340972

The amount of coping from the mouth breathers FUDing BTC here is truly something to behold. GL fags, you’ll just be buying our bags later.

>> No.22340982


Nope, sorry.

>> No.22340995

I felt this way with YFI

>> No.22341008

Can you point me to your other IDs, you stupid shill?

>Gresham's law
Btc is dogshit money. Whenever I receive some I turn that high fee, tainted garbage straight into fungible and usable Monero.

>hard money
Literally a meme invented by a dumb Arab. This is now the peak of btc intellectualism.

>alts are measured in satoshis
Sorry it's not 2016 anymore. Primarily it's dollars and more recently ethereum lol

>The Internet led to the digitization of everything, including money thanks to bitcoin.
You hear that at the faggot conference?

>> No.22341019

Being the easier currency to spend actually doesn’t speak in that currency’s favor when it comes to Gresham’s law.
I don’t know if you are a BSV or BCH investor, but your argument has been tried in practice and lost.
A store of value does not have to be convenient for buying coffee, does not have to be wearable around the neck, and does not need to be able to execute smart contracts or toast bread.

>> No.22341028

The most important quality is the ability to stand up to nation state level attacks. Payments are a meme. You need as many nodes as possible with alternative mediums like mesh network and satellite, etc. Small blocks make it possible. Data center nodes are easily captured by governments. There is literally zero point to a block chain if people don't verify it. Fees are also a built in mechanism to incentivize miners to include your transactions instead of mining empty blocks in an attack. Bitcoin is the only crypto with a culture that understands the real tradeoffs on what is going on here. Its easy now but watch the US government start fighting this thing once it really challenges reserve status of usd. Something like ethereum can be killed by taking out infura.

>> No.22341031


Why would anyone buy BTC? I didn't buy it at $1, or $1,000 or $10,000. Why would I buy it at $100,000 or $1 million? Everyone I talk to who is a nocoiner feels the same way. They need a reason to use it!

>> No.22341034

I kind of think Bitcoin will fizzle out and some Web3.0 decentralized crypto currency with an actual case use will take it's place, because it's actually pretty terrible at what it does.

Ethereum is just a money printer go brrrrr coin, so it'll never really gain too much value like Bitcoin.

>> No.22341089


You don't need to shut down Bitcoin by taking out every raspberry Pi node. The network doesn't work like that. There are very few block creators in Bitcoin. In fact, only around 100 in its entire existence. You just have to target block producers and exchanges. If Bitcoin has any utility being some anarchist money laundering coin that evades laws isn't it.

>> No.22341112


Bitcoin is harder to spend because of its scarcity so it makes you think harder about spending it. Making it hard to deploy because the network is congested and the blocks are small though, is a terrible idea and nobody smart wants to save in something like that.

>> No.22341125

>Can you point me to your other IDs, you stupid shill?
Lol, you’re too dumb.
> This guy gets it. It’s the hardest money that usurps all other money
That was me, with the same ID (I don’t have more) referencing Gresham’s law in the very post you complained about as me just saying “this guy gets it” in my posts.
Perhaps now is a good time to follow the link I gave you and get a clue what the argument is even about?

>> No.22341140

bitcoin has essential utility, but unfortunately it's much more abstract than that of traditional assets'
which is a big part of the reason why it's still only covering 0.01% of the world's wealth at this time. the more and more people understand and develop a feel for the utility, the more and more its share of the world's wealth grows.

judging your iq from ur comments, ull catch on when it'll be somewhere around 1-10 million (at today's usd value). which is still pretty early. so it's okay. don't buy in, just keep reading about and arguing over it and one day it will hit you, you'll realize what a stupid short sighted envious little brat you were and finally buy in. i'm rooting for you.

>> No.22341168 [DELETED] 

Worst reply I've ever received. Absolute retard.

>> No.22341184


Well, that depends on if people can make the network useful. Nobody including myself is going to buy it if its just to enrich some fat angry nerd on /biz/... sorry that's just the truth

>> No.22341231

If you have a gold bar and some dollars, you will probably conclude that buying your coffee with your dollars is easier, so that’s what you’ll do while saving your gold. Simple as.

>> No.22341239

all the utility bitcoin needs to succeed as world reserve asset is already there. sorry, it's not as easy to lay out as that of traditional assets. you will understand if you don't just run away from your frustration over your own stupidity and actually let yourself.

>> No.22341256

You are turning down opportunity out of spite for those who were faster to grok than you. Not a good look, not a good investment strategy.

>> No.22341275


Yes but gold actually has value whereas BTC doesn't.

>> No.22341316


The network is way too slow to be able to do that. Just being realistic.


I don't care about how it 'looks' to someone who is hodling, of course it upsets them to have their coin criticized. I'm just saying!

>> No.22341360

What is so hard about this. What is so hard about dumping 1k on an ENTIRELY NEW asset class. When was the last time this has happened? 500 years ago 1000 years ago? You’re looking at an opportunity of a lifetime potentially. What are you going to say to your children one day? You have two negatives to choose from, “Yeah I was a Skeptical faggit and didn’t buy, missing out on millions of dollars from a small investment” or “yeah I blew a thousand on a some scam years ago, water off a ducks back”. These are you’re two choices. How many people thought computers were just a scam calculator. Lmao. Or electricity was a devils work. lol. Fools.

>> No.22341385

BTC is good but not that good.

1. Lower reward than altcoins.
This bull run it can 10x but altcoins are, by nature, going to be multiples of that.

2. Higher risk than gold. It dumps when stocks dump, dosen't have 5000 years of history.
Look at the Covid dump for gold vs BTC, not the same purchasing power. As store of value, CONFIDENCE is everything. 999/1000 people respects gold, but 10/1000 respects BTC.

3. Not transactional, cause of 60 minute transactions buying a coffee.

It has the first mover advantage, but it is under high threat by emerging tech. Just because its institutional today dosen't mean it will be that way in 2 years.

>> No.22341397

Gold can be used in electronics and for ornamentation. Neither use case remotely motivates the price, which derived practically entirely from its properties being useful for a store of value. Gold is expensive because of that use case.
Bitcoin also has (a slightly different set of) properties that make it useful as a store of value. That’s what the price derived from.
You say “yes but gold has value”, but the value you refer to is small enough that you’d hardly bend down to pick up some gold from the ground if that was all anyone would pay for it. The kind of value that gold has that makes it expensive, bitcoin has as well.

>> No.22341409

Lol I have bitcoin, so I’m not upset about you not having any, that’s kind of your job.

>> No.22341524


The use as money derives from gold's commodity properties as a physical object. It has to start there. All non-fiat moneys started as commodities and there is no exception to this. Bitcoin needs commodity basis as a ledger, it needs utility in some form that is unique to it, to draw in use and create a network effect. BTC has a major problem in that it has no real network value so over time it just dies, especially due to the design of the block subsidy halving over time. Satoshi himself said the network will have 'no transaction volume or very large volume' in 20 years. Meaning, it has to be used. I am not saying Bitcoin will even work but if it does work it has to scale and have some anchor as a commodity ledger and micropayment system.

>> No.22341607

you don't understand. he thinks that you're trying to convince him solely because his 10000 dollars would incrment your networth in bitcoin by... 10,000/200,000,000,000 * 100 = 0.000005%

>> No.22341680

>The use as money derives from gold's commodity properties as a physical object.
No, it doesn’t derive from it, that was just the reason it got collected in amounts making it possible to use as SoV in the first place. Gold derives its value from the properties that make it useful as SoV, and from the shared understanding that such a system works. Lots of people couldn’t explain exactly why gold works as SoV, but know that it does work, regardless. That’s the reason it is expensive. If gold prices ever got low enough to approach its commodity value, its days as a SoV would be over.
> It has to start there. All non-fiat moneys started as commodities and there is no exception to this.
It doesn’t, that’s just how it has historically evolved. Bitcoin is the first exception.

>> No.22341704

>imblying :D

>> No.22341725

Oh shit you mean he’s on to me? Damn, well better luck next time I guess, just you wait, those 0.000001 cents will be mine!

>> No.22341963

Let's see

>What the fuck do you BSV morons still breathe?
>Because only BSV cucks are dumb enough to think the spending use case matters, they are the only ones pathetic enough not to be able to get it through their thick head that buying a cup of coffee with crypto is completely and utterly meaningless.
>He is a BSV cuck or he has been fudded by one.
>This guy gets it. It’s the hardest money that usurps all other money.
>Quite a wealthy population.
>We already did. It’s bitcoin.
>> you can’t be just store of value, you need some additional, irrelevant, moronic use case tacked on
>Not to worry, there’s a proposal that would let you send email using bitcoin (possibly as soon as 2026) and there’s talk about making the blockchain capable of controlling a toaster (IoT!!)
>You’re the one who keeps dismissing something you have yet to understand.

I call you a useless faggot HERE
>>22340292 and as you can see above, not a single substantial point had been made by you.

>No, I have in this thread explained the exact mechanism by which btc will become the ultimate global store of wealth. You are emotional, dumb and flustered, that’s why your reading comprehension fails.
>I take pity on you, I won’t make you read the thread again. Here:

This is a complete lie that would only make sense if you made other posts under another ID. Somehow you've convinced yourself that you made this response before you made this response. Like you are now referencing this post as the post that this post was referring to. But it's all one post that came AFTER I called you out for saying nothing. And posting a link to Gresham's law isn't even an argument.

>> No.22342031
File: 50 KB, 1024x583, 1598751288269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else plans on making it in 2022?

>1.4 BTC
>36.5 ETH
>1300 LINK
>4 LTC

And im getting my severance check next week and Ive got a job lined up. We'rs all gonna make it bros.

>> No.22342123

A store of value that goes up or down when the whales and CME say so. 7 transactions per second. Taxed and on ramps are watched by the feds. Bitcoin will come to an end soon. Its not for the people. Its not a currency. It was the first foot into a new technology. It wont be the standard forever

>> No.22342188

Its a scam when you can bet on futures without holding actual btc in your wallet. Then when your shorts get eaten the price drops. Its used to gamble on instead of using as a payment of service or goods on a wide scale. Still isnt used in retail stores. People use fiat and will until a digital dollar is made. The official fed coin.

>> No.22342224

Internet and electricity go out. Then what? Gold. Silver. Ammo. Liquor. Useful items become currency. Paper money will be used to make a fire.

>> No.22342249

Oh. My. Fucking. God. You’re dumb.
Did you see how I said that bitcoin is the hardest money that will usurp the rest? Guess what, dingus, that’s Gresham’s law. Do you see? Right there, in your third quote from me.

>> No.22342331

>I have in this thread explained the exact mechanism by which btc will become the ultimate global store of wealth.
>btc is "hard"

What the fuck is wrong with you, you stupid fucking piece of shit

>> No.22342415

Miners cant mine without connecting their nodes. That means a death spiral. Bitcoin is not immortal. What are you gonna use morse code or a ham radio to send btc around? First you need acceptance of it by a receiver. If they dont accept it, its useless. When is it moving on from a speculative asset? Most of the size of the btc blockchain is transfers between exchanges and wallets not a customer to a retailer or store wallet. I loved the idea and progress it has made. The first to cut out a central party. Except now its mining is mostly done in China. China bans it for real it crashes to hell.

>> No.22342486

If bitcoin is greater than usd, why is everyone cashing out to fiat instead of really promoting and getting bitcoin to be accepted as money?

>> No.22342493

yeah but that doesn't change anything I said. Bitcoin's value is based on scarcity and being the most widely adopted first mover. Not based on whether some people out they're are manipulating price (see also: gold)

>> No.22342534
File: 24 KB, 1169x567, Look-Into-Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$10 Million nominal value.
$1 Million corrected for inflation.

>> No.22342582

Literally says electronic peer to peer cash in the paper but cash has a stable price. One dollar is one dollar. A dollar may have less purchasing power over time but it remains 1 dollar. Bitcoin backed money might work. But people would be mad if a loaf a bread keeps going up and down in price.

>> No.22342620

Netscape was first mover web browser. Where is it now?

>> No.22342715
File: 111 KB, 1727x953, 1598373350117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S&P500 goes 2x, BTC goes 416x in dollar terms

>> No.22342739

About $3.50.

>> No.22342756

reminded that BTC is already trading at ATH in Argentina, Turkey, Brazil, Lebanon and other countries where the currency has collapsed

>> No.22342764
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How much braindamage does someone need to be as retarded as you

>> No.22342769

How do you read this graph?

>> No.22342857

$1,000 in 2021.

DMG is the chad play

>> No.22342880

The same person create both though.

>> No.22342951

Anyone who isn’t a financial illiterate knows what “hardest money usurping” refers to. You outed yourself as an ignoramus, and a testy, easily upset one at that.

>> No.22343018

The x-axis is the logarithmic S&P price. The lines from the x-axis are $1k, $2k, $3k and $4k in log scale. Each dot represents what the price of BTC was at a certain price. If the trend were to continue and the S&P gets BRRRR'd to $4k then we could quite likely see BTC in the $200k range. It's just a model but it does have a very high r-squared value, meaning 93% of the variance in BTC's price correlates to the S&P's price. I don't think it's causative, I think it's more about the halvings and stock to flow

>> No.22343048

bitcoin goes to 0, i move on with my life
bitcoin ranges here, whatever i'm happy
bitcoin does the moon boy thing, i've made it.
i know i'd feel more pain missing out than if my bag went to zero. so what a bunch of nerds scammed me and got rich... but if it launches to the moon without me..

>> No.22343066
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>> No.22343070

I have never seen that before it's interesting thanks.
I'll keep it around to plot these coming months as brrr increases.

>> No.22343079
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>> No.22343119
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Dumping hopium

>> No.22343157
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>> No.22343173

How does it make sense that the stock to flow ratio correlates with the log of the price? Wouldn't you expect it to correlate with just the price?

>> No.22343174
File: 57 KB, 1783x917, 1587711226906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22343182

> It’s objectively better store of value than anything we’ve ever had.
> Only ~18M BTC will ever exist, deducting lost and satoshis wallet.
> Millionaires and Billionaires like to hedge and they will usually buy BTC in whole number.
> When HNIs start buying BTC it will cause a network effect like you’ve never seen.
> Each day BTC doesn’t collapse, makes the case for it stronger.
> Money supply keeps increasing, but BTC output is decreasing after every halving.

Yes, $5-10M BTC is possible sooner rather than later. You need to own at least 1 BTC and 32 ETH at the very least.

>> No.22343189

So all these charts are saying the GBR begins in the next 3-6 months?

>> No.22343209
File: 100 KB, 1024x1104, 1599339322346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollar cost average. A fun fact: if you started buying bitcoin at its 20k peak by dollar cost averaging and never stopped then today you would be 50% in profit.

>> No.22343213
File: 134 KB, 2001x1124, 1584939710820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I think in the next 12 months we'll have broken through 20k

>> No.22343233
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>> No.22343244 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1280x669, IMG_20200902_005938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for easyfi
A matic mainnet based layer 2 lending protocol. The biggest disadvantage of defi lending is crisis of borrowers. There are ample of lenders but hardly few borrowers. EasyFi coming up with micro lending features so that number of borrowers can be increased and small value borrowers could get a chance to borrow.
One of the best defi project till date.
No private and public sale only friends and family round which is completed. Direct listing on big exchanges coming soon.
Tg : easyfiNetwork

>> No.22343254
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>> No.22343275
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>> No.22343279

It's going to $395million per coin

>> No.22343286

2028 - 1 BTC = 498,873$ ATH

It will settle down to 70-100k per coin from then on, will be a great coin to swing.

>> No.22343290
File: 132 KB, 1597x928, 1575031898248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cointegrated even with diamonds and real estate

>> No.22343292

Grab it early man.. new features gonna make it kill dual farming lending protocols and layer 2

>> No.22343293

Go to the moon easyfi

>> No.22343315
File: 69 KB, 494x391, 1574584944360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw Morgan Stanley predicts the fed balance sheet will be above $10 TRILLION by the end of 2021 lmao

>> No.22343328


>> No.22343343

Do you see any drama on the horizon with bitcoin?
I remember shitting my pants when the miners were signaling S2X and GBTC was backing it.
Then UASF went through and bcash forked.
Those were crazy times.

I know schnorr and taproot are coming up, but I don't see anywhere near the amount of drama.

Do you think the technology plays any part in the models.
Lighting network is still difficult to use, but they've been quietly improving it every month or two with a new release.

>> No.22343632
File: 48 KB, 320x320, would you look at that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the goverment of the world will impliment their own cyrptos soon
china already has
the fed is working on theirs

so no
It wont even breach 20,000
everyone will be using state backed cyrpto and bitcoin will flounder

if anything a future cyrpto backed by gold backed by the state may be a thing

but beside that its not happening

>> No.22343657

the fed reserve cant even back its own currency with gold. who would trust them to back a fiat currency with gold?

>> No.22343898

the point of crypto is that it should be decentralized, fed crypto can't be anything but centralized shit, which is basically the same fiat in disguise. There is not PoW/PoS or anything required to verify the transaction because you can just trust the government really. Nothing changes in that scenario. Government won't benefit from decentralized currency for obvious reasons.
That means "govt crypto vs current crypto" is actually the same "fiat vs crypto".

>> No.22344150

Lol, you understood not much. Fed distributed and controlled crypto is nothing else than contempory fiat, only digital. Btc is the hardest asset on earth. The amount is 21 million and that's it. Central banks around the world have a problem when they are not able to inflate the monetary base. That's why people move to gold... or btc.

>> No.22344186

Such posts are biggest sell signals. Pajeet, go to sleep.

>> No.22344418

Boomer wills are all gonna be like
>Son, I'm not going to give you any of my money as I want to teach you a valuable life lesson, you have to pick yourself up by your bootstraps and look that manager straight in the eye and give him a firm handshake.

>> No.22344487

Give it up maxipads, king shitcoin's day is over.

>> No.22344545

>so I donated all of my money to god's chosen people. Praise the lord

>> No.22344650
File: 75 KB, 227x222, pepebased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin is misunderstood
bitcoin maxis are delusional
coomer/zoomers think they can get rich quick by hodling speculation

>> No.22344850

If Bitcoin is $100k its market cap would be over $2 trillion. That's the size of major European economies and a company like Apple
Does anyone in their right mind really think that an "asset" with no use and countless cheaper variants is worth more than the most important tech companies in the world producing hundreds of billions in revenue?

This is pretty much peak bitcoin

>> No.22344911

That's the kind of backwards thinking that creates real estate bubbles. Just because the supply of something is scarce, it cannot go up infinitely in value. There is a hard cap to how high something can go before real world economics kicks in

Everyone also thought that Tokyo real estate will keep on going up because you can't build more land. Then the bubble popped and Tokyo realty has been dumping for 30 years.

Bitcoin can't go up any further because its already one of the most expensive "assets" in the world with a market cap bigger than most Fortune 500 companies

>> No.22344940
File: 131 KB, 1125x678, 1599591386994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know nothing about crypto that's actually kinda cute.
>kinda cute

>> No.22344964


what, that can't be true

>> No.22344973

Americans are absolutely retarded and keep imagining themselves in movie like tyranny scenarios
(Spoiler: what's happening right in the US is 10000% removed from real tyranny)
The countries where real govt tyranny can happen are just way too poor and illiterate to ever buy or adopt BTC

>> No.22344987

it will be pretty valuable if cash gets banned and drug dealers don't want to carry around stacks of silver

>> No.22345087

I'm in the Bob Loukas camp, it's like a lot of people in space's 4 year cycle theory, but not centered around the halvings and taking into account other 4 year cycles observed in commodities

That is, each 4 year cycle has 2 years slow bullrun, 1 year bubble bullrun, followed by a bear market for 1 year
These cycles work in broader timeframes too however, so after 3 bull cycles we could expect 1 bear cycle (in which the proportions are flipped and we get 3 years of bear market after 1 year of bubble price action)
After the next top, we should expect to see a bear cycle

If the above is true, we should see Bitcoin anywhere between $56k-288k sometime between November 2021 and January 2022
Most likely I think it will top out between $140,000 and $160,000 because the $1 trillion marketcap at $56k and the $100k price predictions are almost "priced in" sentimentwise

After 1 year of bear market, parabolic bubbles usually decline 85%
Not sure if the incoming bear cycle will change that though because shortly after bottoming (probably 1 year out from previous top) according to this 4 year cycle theory, Bitcoin should go on a maniac run that will seem to be out of the blue, and newly recruited bagholders from the last cycle will get interested again, possibly even buying in more at the new top
This crazy kamikaze bullrun will likely last one year before the 3 year devastating bear market ultimately shakes out the laggards and latecomers to the party
At the top of this last crazy, short 1 year 4th cycle top is when I believe Bitcoin will hit $1-1.2 million
That would be an easy 10-12X from Bitcoin's upcoming 3rd cycle top and the lowest % gain due to more liquidity, less volatility, and having to make up all of the last cycle's yearlong bear market in only one year

>> No.22345112


normies don't know or care what 'decentralised' or 'centralised' means though

>> No.22345166


okay so bitcoin price Q1 2021 and Q4 2021?

>> No.22345186

you seem to forget that btc had massive dips, if you DCA you bought those dips as well
DCA'ing is good, I just wouldn't buy buttcoins with it

>> No.22345196

Literally 95% of Bitcoin buyers are in profit. Look past the low duration charts and look at the macro picture.

>> No.22345222

Easyfi will make lending and transactions easy

>> No.22345229

Big problem in the US is tax obligations. If you use bitcoin to buy a coffee you gotta document it for tax purposes lol really?

Unless that changes, there's no way in hell crypto can actually replace fiat.

>> No.22345310

the only real use bitcoin has is buying steroids online

>> No.22345410

There are indeed other countries on earth my friend where the taxation is different.

>> No.22345430

But they understand that centralized can be inflated. And that's what it's all about. Why do you think people buy gold? Because there's no machine or chemical formula yet that would allow to create gold out of thin air.

>> No.22345459

Aha. You know what Venezuelan people did when hyperinflation hit? They bought and still are buying btc.

>> No.22345496

You're right. Things get priced in. But imo a fixed amount of 21 billions where each unit costs 10.000 usd is not nearly adequately priced when people want to buy btc due to inflation and zero interest rates.

>> No.22345544

>first world countries (where the money is) are not authoritarian regimes
>has never used wrongthink or wrong speak in the UK or western EU

>> No.22345778

Sorry i meant millions. If any normie fearing for their money after years of inflation to solve the coming debt problem buys a biz of the cake, 100k is conservative. You use the time we crab around 10k well.

>> No.22345914

it will be worth many orders of magnitude more in units of purchasing power than it is worth today

>> No.22346555

either nothing or 1$ per satoshi
check them

>> No.22346669

All of that applies in a normal world
Covid has thrown the world out of "normal"

>> No.22346873

sure 10 million per coin in case of high inflation but a kg of meat will also cost 1k usd.

>> No.22346907

holy shit this thread is giving me cancer

so many dumb fucking retards here fudding btc reiterating old dumb meme arguments it literally hurts my brain to the point where I wish I could just beat the ever living shit out of some posters here for being this low iq. I mean if there were actually some legit arguments made I would have no issue but holy fuck..

why the fuck do you even post on this board if you have less than 110 iq? and how the fuck can you be so adamantly braindead? I really hope you guys are just trolling/memeing/playing devils advocate because otherwise holy shit I got some news for you

>> No.22346947

nice argument

>> No.22347062


someone feels threatened that their savings are going to near zero

>> No.22347262

hahahahahaha like there is a point in arguing with literal drooling retards

more like someone who despises people who are:
>hardcore blinded by bias
>have no original thoughts, can only re-iterate bullshit
>adamantly retarded, they will not change their opinions because their ego structure depends on it
>at the same time also very militant in their opinions

all in all, low IQ militant NPCs who you cannot reason with (pretty much like extremist sjws) and the only reasonable action left with them is either fucking beat them to death or just get as far away from them as possible

>> No.22347330

Kek he just explained most of the gold supply

>> No.22347426


>> No.22347467

>BTC will more than likely die
People that repeat this can't afford one.

>> No.22347765

80-360K 2022. 660K-1.1M 2027-2028.

>> No.22348147

Monero > Bitcoin. Prove me wrong besides saying the guvment will confiscate and ban XMR. Bitcoin was a good first kick in the door. Time to move on.