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2228538 No.2228538 [Reply] [Original]

Make your predictions or bets on upcoming ICOs

my list is
>Basic Attention Token

will pick the best 5-10 out of those. Mysterium coming up tomorrow but might skip it.

>> No.2228583
File: 98 KB, 700x620, Bancor meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems good

>> No.2228591

All look like absolute garbage.

>> No.2228620

trash that will not work because nobody will want to turn on ads for pennies except extremely poorfags
only 1 trillion will be liquid, the other 9 will go to Kik. use cases are meh.

>> No.2228636

> Missing aeternity

>> No.2228650

Don't post ITT asking some dumb ass question like "what is an ICO" or "how do I buy into an ICO" fucking google it asshole i'm not walking you through every single different ICO for shits and giggles, fuck off.

I'll post something more in depth now

lots of jews, ICO postponed to TBD date, supposed to allow you to switch between tokens effortlessly via some kind of bancor network token reserve and there is some kind of crypto facebook-y shit they're making with it.

>Basic Attention Token
brenden eich, pretty big name, and the idea is totally unique from what i can tell. getting the users is the a hard part and dealing with google possibly. BAT is going to be in their own brave browser, firefox/chrome browser extensions, and other applications, anything that the digital ad industry can touch i guess. ICO on the 31st at maybe 8 or 11 AM EST
some kind of VPN that allows you to rent out your bandwidth and you i guess get paid in mysterium bux or whatever they're going to call it. might pass on it, starts tomorrow morning and don't currently have the ETH or BTC and don't want to drive to BTC ATM and deal with the bullshit. hopefully i don't regret that. doesn't seem like a huge idea.
some kind of identity verification, founder also founded Gyft which i have actually used in the past and worked perfectly, no idea if this idea is good at all though, who knows right now. ICO is ~June 21st
using crypto for private health records, apparently won some regional awards, ICO on 31st
an attempt to create a regulated bank, apparently you get 20% dividends per year or some shit like that don't quote me. sounds like a ponzi scheme but haven't done enough research. ICO is on 31st
confirmed scam with 1 minute of research

>> No.2228669

I agree bat is bs, but people seem to be buying into the bs, wouldn't that be a good indicator of potential future value?

>> No.2228675

REX is the only one worth looking at. The only downside to it that I see is that it is very hard for common ppl to grasp. The real world problems that it solves are slightly obscure to ppl outside crypto. I have explained REX to multiple ppl IRL and 90% dont understand it and the other 10% have had their minds blown. Do NOT sleep on REX.

>> No.2228678

this is going to be the first real decentralized VPN service. It could end up displacing TOR, or other VPN services.

Students at universities could set up farms to sell their schools bandwidth.

This could be huge

>> No.2228748

Explain it to me, please

>> No.2228755

explain to me anon, im interested

>> No.2228763

pls explain

>> No.2228768
File: 43 KB, 990x500, derin-cag-vitalik-buterin-ethereum1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make decentralized VPN service
>demande that everyone who wants to set up a node provide all their personal data
incredible how people will fall for this scam

>> No.2228776

this slavic twink made me so much goddamn money

>> No.2228780
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Check out this link and then the image.

>> No.2228798

so it's literally just stock tokens

aren't a lot of ICO's doing that. or, hell, most ETH tokens?

>> No.2228800


new blockchain that evolves over time making it "future proof" and more efficient
the kik mobile app is making a token to buy shit on kik or whatever. obviously huge user base but apparently fishy way their distributing at the ICO, 10 trillion tokens and they're only giving 1 trillion out.
an attempt to innovate the process of renting and leasing or whatever via some real estate website i guess. seems a bit stupid but their website is very well done and maybe i'm not seeing something big. ICO isn't until like july i guess.
allows you to exchange between ethereum assets, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. sounds like a way less hyped bancor.
AI that helps you create legally binding smart contracts
venture capital shit, helps people make startups
supposedly this is like a mobile OS based around ethereum
"commoditizing solar panel installation and other forms of renewable energy, investors and landowners can crowdfund the coming decentralized energy grid. With Mybit, investors get security on their investment, while landowners get access to investors willing to help in exchange for profit. By standardizing and automating setup, sales, and dividends, Mybit takes you one step closer to an equitable economy."
"TrueBit gives Ethereum smart contracts a computational boost. Don't let Ethereum's gas limit drag your imagination! A novel incentive structure guarantees fast, reliable, and affordable results without third-party trust."
who the fuck knows basically
something that connects all blockchains together
a crypto ticketmaster

desu the more i read about these the less interested I am

>> No.2228804

>all their personal data
I'm running a node right now and just gave them an email and an ETH address.

>> No.2228847

To a certain extent, yes. The kicker here is that this deals with real estate. For me personally I feel the most comfortable with things that involve real estate and or banking. Not only does REX bring the blockchain to life by attaching a commodity to it but it could potentially be released in time for both the 2018 rally and a possible pop of the real estate bubble in a few years.

>> No.2228867

If you are even slightly interested in tezos I would reccomend giving BOScoin a look. This coin could be a sleeping giant.

>> No.2228869


>> No.2228874

BOScoin is a scam

>> No.2228879

and this sounds neat, but wouldn't each property need its own "token"?

>> No.2228889

Mysterium will probably work with Big V and a Myst-Ethereum MySpace will begin the new age of Personal Computing. You heard it here lads.

>> No.2228897

Yep, buy in get out quick tho

Try to sell on the initial fervor created when the token is released on exchanges.

>> No.2228900
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I suggest you look into the team behind it and the rapid technological growth in South Korea.

>> No.2228902

only BAT and Bancor have any potential out of these.

and even that's a strech

>> No.2228905

I'm interested in Bancor, Mysterium, and BAT personally.

>> No.2228910

>Mysterium will probably work with Big V and a Myst-Ethereum MySpace will begin the new age of Personal Computing.
In an age where 80%+ of the population posts all their shit on social media with their real identities attached I doubt that full anonymity is going to takeoff.

>> No.2228963

So it's blockchain for pedos, drug dealers, bomb makers, and sex workers. I'm in now as long as I don't have to download the wallet bc I don't want shit running on anything I got. New, faster dark web is all I see.

>> No.2228975

>he doesn't know it's a scam
prepare your anus

>> No.2228994

Now you've got it, I do think it'll be worth more than their initial valuation of ~$10 million they're asking for. Planning on putting 1BTC into it.

>> No.2229008

What are they having trouble raising that price though? Already open and not full.

>> No.2229023

That's interesting. Thank you for posting.

Novel application. I do like it

>> No.2229033

I don't have any experience with ICOs. Are tokens consistently more valuable than the initial buy-in? BAT does indeed seem like bullshit.

>> No.2229056

What do you mean? Its not open until tomorrow.

>> No.2229074

why shouldnt i just wait until after ICOs and buy during the initial dip?

>> No.2229096

some skyrocket immediately after

>> No.2229099

there is no guarantee the dip will come close to the ICO price. it typically does not because you'd be fucking yourself over in the process. it typically only happens because it ends up being a scam and people are trying to get out of it before it dies and you become a literal bagholder. that's all. ICOs with potential, there is no benefit to tanking at the exchange. this is why people sometimes buy into shitty ICOs and shill it, then dump at launch for a quick coin because they know that's all it was worth. the stuff in this thread aren't really in that zone.

>> No.2229106

Correct me if I'm wrong but I imagine very few if any ico buyers would want to sell below initial buy in price?

>> No.2229112

>Correct me if I'm wrong but I imagine very few if any ico buyers would want to sell below initial buy in price?
see, you say that...

>> No.2229118

have you watched the price after ICOs?

>> No.2229146
File: 75 KB, 1815x673, 63514635146351463514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "dip" you're thinking of that you see after most ICOs is not it dipping to below ICO price. It is a few people buying very expensive coins as soon as its listed on exchanges. ANT for instance has never sold on an exchange for as low as even 2x the ICO price but the graph still looks like this.

>> No.2229160

why would people buy into an ico and then immediately sell for a loss without waiting to see what happens. Obviously I'm talking about legitimate projects that show promise, scam pump and dump coins probably tank but that's not a dip, why would you buy into that after the dump happened?

>> No.2229163


don't know where these people are getting the idea that any of the investors would let the price go below buy in price.

>> No.2229168

Oh I see.

>> No.2229169

people don't think it will go, or they just need money ASAP, that's all. weak hands etc... whatever you know?

>> No.2229193

so the moment it's listed I put up sell orders at 10x the ico price and someone will buy it?

>> No.2229218

If you're fast enough dump it down to whatever price you're willing to take for it. I know I will. The issue is that I bet the only people who are fast enough are the ones who actually work for the exchanges since I don't know of any way to find out if a coin is added immediately.

>> No.2229249

Can you share your wisdom on why it's a scam?

>> No.2229473


>> No.2229753

How do I do this?

>> No.2229776

To much coins these days.

>> No.2230434

Team leader of Mysterium recently posted an article on Medium about how their MVP Program surpassed their expectations X10. They have a workable product as is. I see a lot of potential here. Nerds are gonna milk the fuck out of this tech. Putting in at least 1 ETH in this which is a lot for me cuz poorfag.

>> No.2230455

first big ICO coming up in several hours

who else here is going /mysterium/ ?

>> No.2230475


Why do they say that if you are a US citizen that you aren't allowed to participate in the ICO?

>> No.2230480
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I'm not sure

>> No.2230489

prison state

>> No.2230492
File: 32 KB, 1245x518, sdff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn i'm really glad i didn't buy ETH tonight for this shit.

also they want to know all of that? fuck that shit, i wouldn't have bought in anyway.

>> No.2231487


very low market cap
concept looks solid
better get in before FOMO kicks in

>> No.2231537

Aequity is looking ok. Yanislav Malahov helped with the development of Ethereum.
Sounds a little risky but its got a couple more hours with a 50 AE bonus which lowers the risk a little if it flops.

>> No.2231539

you get that if you pick the I have an american password option?

>> No.2231546

you mean aeternity? that one also doesn't allow us residents if I'm not mistaken

>> No.2231561

Yes. Getting tired with all this reading. The US block seems to be a trend with newer ICO's. I think its a legal issue with investing in startups. Don't think it makes a single ounce of difference, not like anyone could find out.

>> No.2231580

yeah exactly, after you spend your USD on ether, that's it, you're just an anonymous internet citizen, who cares about passports

>> No.2231702

thanks anon

>> No.2231774

eth addresses don't contain country of origin
use your fucking brain

>> No.2231952
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>I don't know of any way to find out if a coin is added immediately.

I just made an IFTTT applet that emails you when your exchange of choice tweets about BAT, Mysterium or Bancor.

Should I make it public?

>I'll put a tip jar in the email as well if you make gains on it pls tip ;)

>> No.2231965
File: 41 KB, 480x480, 1495692758269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Bancor ICO a scam or something, it's not even been released how to contribute and it's meant to be today

>> No.2232031


Yes anon pls share

>> No.2232134
File: 857 KB, 726x982, 1462480059238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you want to test it out,just point it to your tweeter and tweet something with the keywords (BAT, Bancor, Myst)

>mfw I hate twitter and setup an account with a burner just so I can do this
>the email acct on your IFTTT should be one you check often though, preferably one where you get notified on your phone
>actually, I could make more apps that push a msg directly to your phone

>> No.2232249

You forgot Radix

>> No.2232269
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How does receiving the tokens from ICOs work?
I know I have to set up an automatic transaction from Parity to get in first, but where are the tokens going to be sent?
The wallet sending the money is clearly an ETH one, and it's not like MEW where it just automatically stores all kinds of tokens, is it?

>> No.2232292
File: 107 KB, 854x1000, DAP5OvAVoAAOVKH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thank you

>> No.2232342

BAT is a fucking scam. They are only valuing 1ETH @ $150. So you are basically giving them $50 for free.

>> No.2232404

Fuck that

>> No.2232405

mysterium sale is over. I put 2 eth because why not

>> No.2232522

Can somebody answer this, please?
I want to get into ICO but I can't find anyone addressing this point, everyone just uses MEW as a modell

>> No.2232541

yes most icos require you have a mew or a similar wallet

>> No.2232545


I use Parity and the wallet it automatically created on the first boot of the program, will that work?

>> No.2232591

don't ask me, I know nothing about the technical part, I just read the instructions on the ico pages, which I'd advise you do also if you want the most accurate information

>> No.2232768


Aeternity will be the surprise insane success

>> No.2232787

Can't believe no one has mentioned Minexcoin. They are literally giving 30% bonuses right now.

>> No.2232846

I'm all in Bancor because of Galia.

>> No.2232936
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So I'm not the only one here