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22326532 No.22326532 [Reply] [Original]

When will you non schitzos finally realize that XRP is the master race digital asset ?

Not a single one of your worthless shit coins are as geopolitically positioned more or less , regulated than ripple is

Literally the only project in the sphere who has superior technology and financial backing ...

They’re actively going around the world forcing street shitters, kikes and jungle gooks to use their technology

>”but muh Santander fud”
No one gives a fuck about you and your weak quality fud. Price never changed and remained stable. As far as anything goes, they are waiting to flip the switch on you as soon as their kike friends finally jump on board

All of you Pnker’s and Stinker’s will inevitably get priced out and you will be dumping your rotting bags at a loss just to buy a rope from your fellow red pilled schitzos who managed to secure sui. bags at these prices while all of you morons were circle jerking, wondering which shit coin to fomo into with your 50$.

Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.22326646

shush neeker

>> No.22326665

Reserve is a better buy than this trash

>> No.22326745

>the simple goal of making xrp the worlds reserve digital currency
Xrp is truly the IQ test of crypto.
It’s apparent holders are 200iq chads who have little regard for things like reality.

>> No.22326799

Then why hasnt it hit $1 or even 0.50 during this bullrun. Im sorry but im not parking my money in XRP just to watch it bleed and crab while literal who coins do a 2x. Maybe will invest when it hits a $1 and has real momentum.

>> No.22326823

>Doesn't know about the active price suppression

>> No.22326877

Xrp is not like some random shit coin that pumps over the course of days. You faggots fomo then get rug pulled. No, not with xrp. In 2017 literally everyone got priced out, no one got a chance to jump on board.

>> No.22326948

the 2017 pump was based off of nothing. Hype pushed the price to its ATH.

>> No.22327253

Yes and history repeats..
with xrp it can crab for another 5-10 years then out of nowhere it just blows up

>> No.22327294

most unstable stable coin Ive ever seen

>> No.22327390

It very well could but from what has been said from schizos everywhere is that there is going to be a major blackout across the country. Don't know if its a power grid failure or an EMP attack. Said it was supposed to happen around the US elections.
Even the DHS made an article about combating EMP attacks

Here is how I would see this play out
>Power outage for millions of Americans
>No one has access to anything unless they have generators
>EMP comes into play to wipe any generators out
>While everyone is in the dark they pump the price
>When everything is back online just pretend that this was the price the whole time

>> No.22327536

Call me a schitzo but I expect something big to happen on the lines of what you just said ..

Especially with elections coming up and what not

>> No.22327589

I could be wrong but I do think that elections are going to bring something huge

>> No.22327723

Yes they will change the price to $2000 and everyone will just pretend that's how it always was.

>> No.22327801

An EMP would quite literally annihilate the country, so that won't happen. Power grid failures aren't ridiculous though, after all, look at California...

>> No.22327815

XRP 3 years ago: 22 cents
XRP today: 23 cents

>> No.22328194

Maybe they will use the excuse of an EMP for powergrid failure?

>> No.22328348

Based on the insider I assumed they would use an emp after everyone is already switched over to the new system, in a few years or so when everyone is dependent on it. Maybe I am mistaken or misremembering something.

>> No.22328414

XRP October: $1000

>> No.22328455

That wouldn't really work, because generators and shit would still be functioning in a mass power outage. EMP would break all that shit and a lot more permanently.

>> No.22328767
File: 1.41 MB, 270x214, 1597423084018.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beta boy XRPlets coping.

>> No.22328836

Okay. But how big of a generator or how many generators would be able to pick things up when the whole system goes offline? Unless you had your own generator of course.

>> No.22329226

Instead of grid down in speculating an internet outage and that will coincide with mass arrests. Can’t report on that if there’s no phones or email...
A power grid failure would kill too many people but credit cards and still do manual prints and life can go on. Think about how every Major isp and backbone Over the last three years has been taken offline for 5+ hours. Kill switches installed and tested.
Not sure what’ll happen with Xrp if my theory plays out but I’d be fine if nothing happened to it at all.

>> No.22329282

Sure mass power outages would fuck a lot of non-essential things up. But it would be impossible to pass off as an EMP when shit like hospitals, which definitely have backup generators, are still functioning.

>> No.22329339

>Internet Outage
>Built in Kill Switches

That is a possibility. I have heard and seen ISPs having to build in a function into their systems to completely isolate the US from any outside connections or signals. It could be in a moments notice that we just stop receiving traffic from the outside and we can not send anything out.

>> No.22329390

Is this why you niggas talk about it like gold, because it behaves like gold does?

>> No.22329430

If the US ever got EMP attacked, it'd have a really shitty year. The country that did it though? They'd be sent to the pre-computing era without a shot being fired.