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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22313646 No.22313646 [Reply] [Original]

Get ready

>> No.22313761

get rekt doomer
nothing ever happens
keep going with your boring life

>> No.22313762

hnggggggg i would plant trees for some of that

>> No.22313770

Maybe in America and thus, I do not care about America.
Enjoy your depression Americans.

>> No.22313910

It will be felt in your 3rd world shit hole 10x over. We won't be able to buy fast food, but you will be eating dog shit. Don't hasten the day.

>> No.22314035

how did they make her look hot

>> No.22314066

I'll take "Compound Words" for $500, please.

>> No.22314158

yeah, but is there a particular filter or something? like "beautify aspie ugly troll women?"

>> No.22314188

yawnnn nothing ever happen im tired of these false erection

>> No.22314281


>> No.22314676
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Why today?

>> No.22314738

Photoshopped some makeup on

>> No.22315183

we will fully recover because i sold yesterday
we will moon by eom and then we will dip in october which is when i i will buy in, which is also when the real crash will happen

>> No.22315209

God imagine the cheap pussy during the last one

>> No.22315216

alot of states were expected to release gibs this week for consoomer spending but i turned out to be BS

>> No.22315329

>murican thinks he isn't 3rd world

>> No.22316375
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cheap swipes

>> No.22316412
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>he doesn't know we're in the second half of the third

>> No.22316422
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Blocks your path


>betting against money printer

Ask March shorters how that worked out

>> No.22316447

He's already used the QE infinity card. If it still goes down what has he got left? QE infinity +1?

>> No.22316460
File: 9 KB, 365x275, 8C8B7BD7-0085-42E5-8E84-4E78FD63CC5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as it takes shitistan’s economy too. I cant these people now.

>> No.22316472


>> No.22316497

Look at Venezuela

>> No.22316734


>> No.22316750

She’s not. She has a flat chest and her face looks like a truck stop.

>> No.22316761

>Venezuela but so big and fat and loud that it will take everyone else with it

Kek being an amerilard isn't all bad

>> No.22316772

Kek. The depression barely hit us. Have fun with your no burgers maybe the obesity rate finally goes down but i bet youll just use all those guns to kill yourself

>> No.22316791

Nothing wrong with a flat chest.
I like a cup tits especially on woman you want to wife, big tits only nice for hookups

>> No.22316835

Why do you think this happens today, and not tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc?

>> No.22316845

probably more likely to shoot your poor ass for trying to get here where we have airconditioning in every home.

>> No.22316856


the days of the bull are counted. the bear leaves his cave forever.

>> No.22316859

Greta thunberg is actually a transgender boy

>> No.22316860

venezuela never actually dropped it just kept mooning, literally solved the red candle problem

>> No.22316882


>> No.22317053

Newfags don't even know who she is. These niggers just heard about this place from some normie site.

>> No.22317120

Venezuela is a commie economy
If you print to build new tech and r&d it’s not that bad.
Please don’t compare free money given to niggers to free money given to tech sector

>> No.22317240
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Ooof. I want to pollute her garden, if you know what I mean.

>> No.22317290

I want to plough her pristine wetland, if you know what I mean

>> No.22317319

I want to put my benis in her bagina if you catch my drift.

>> No.22317361


>> No.22317397
File: 58 KB, 610x343, gretatf3t34t34t-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs help. Physical absolutely underdeveloped. Full-blown autism and probably slightly imbecile. Parents probably put her on a political correct diet right after delivery. I want to see everybody dead who used that poor girl as a tool to implement their agenda. They're no better than pedos, therefore they need to be publicly executed.

>> No.22317447

Yeah, as much as I shitpost, her state is the result of being abused and she's being used as a meat puppet for their personal gain

>> No.22317579

Just because you're both gay doesn't mean she's unattractive.

>> No.22317591
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Why the op images keep getting deleted?

>> No.22317645
File: 138 KB, 662x880, 1583690527288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antifa infiltrated the janniesphere.