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22309668 No.22309668 [Reply] [Original]

Is buying lottery tickets the ultimate 300 IQ investment decision?

>> No.22309699

We did it reddit

>> No.22309726

the lottery is a tax on stupid people

>> No.22309783

yes goy keep playing the lottery, youre going to make it trust me

>> No.22309802

More like a tax on poor people. Everyone knows they ain't gonna win but it gives you that slightest bit of hope with each ticket purchased. Literally hopium, which fuels the vast majority of /biz/'s favourite shitcoins

>> No.22309846

On occasion it's a profitable play

>> No.22309873

Only if you buy at least a dozen of the $20+ scratch tickets at a time

>> No.22309910

Pay like 2 bucks and get millions. Genius.

>> No.22309962

fr nigga? omw to the gas station rn cuh we bouta make it BIG!

>> No.22309996


Go to robinhood, place AMD or NVDA calls -> profit

>> No.22310115

not really Tbh

>> No.22310282

I stopped playing the lottery once I found out Jeffery Epstein won it twice. Shit's probably rigged as fuck in most states.

>> No.22311148

If you're in Indiana and get one without repeating digits, you're more likely to win Powerball.

>> No.22311429

Can't win if you don't play.
But you can buy a Mcdouble while parroting a smug quote about the "stupid tax"

>> No.22311484
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>> No.22311518

The truth is yes you can win but it cost a metric fuck ton. You would be better off at a casino

>> No.22311658

you would be better off sitting at home trying to guess wallet passwords. Atleaat each time you pick a number its free instead of $2. Also the statistics are pretty much similar.

>> No.22312631

basically just as good as buying SUTER desu

>> No.22312688

fun game

>> No.22312792

Jesus christ you guys still shilling this worthless project? Give it up

>> No.22312868

Lottery's not a tax on stupid people.

It's a honeypot for catching time travelers.

>> No.22313105

> writes idea down for Unknown Armies rumors