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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 15 KB, 700x400, Kleros-CKH2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22306210 No.22306210 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22306259

You might not catch the bottom, but if you’re holding for a while what the fuck does it matter?

>> No.22306297

could be but could go further down

>> No.22306440

Better than one week ago but worse than three months ago.
TA looks pretty bullish, but it also looks like btc is going to dump more so there's that to considere.
Of you want to hold longterm I'd say that's a good time, maybe keep a lot of cash on the side to buy an eventual deeper dip

>> No.22306478
File: 2.06 MB, 640x640, d8d20b58346e3a7281bf6bbd0b117f65.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this a good time to purchase some pnk coins? I have 2 eth I want to convert to pnk coins, but I am hesitant to do so due to how yo-yo crazy things are current;y. Any of you fella purchased pnk coins today?

>> No.22306573

Please fuck off

>> No.22306614

Can someone make a redpill thread for this? literally all pnk thread are just telling me to buy, is that because the project is shit? if not prove it

>> No.22306630

Sirs just buy on uniswap for the needful

>> No.22306683

>is this a good time to buy
yes if you plan to hold for 3+ years / never sell
no if you want to buy and sell within the next few days/weeks/months. the formation on the chart looks more bearish when considering the dow jones and all major markets are crashing.

conclusion: im only invested in kleros, no stock or any other crypto, but i am a degenerate

>> No.22306715

Dyor or ywnmi

>> No.22306742
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btw, i got purple id, quads and "oh my fuck" tag while asking 4chan to explain to me how kleros actually works, so i am pretty well qualified to give my opinion on this subject

>> No.22306852

It is never a good time to buy KLEROS

>> No.22306903


don't buy your ID is proof its a shitcoin

>> No.22306914

I converted 50 linkies into PNK yesterday

>> No.22306969

Why should I? Maybe you should go away, go away with your bag of negativity.
Okay nice, thank you. I just purchased 7k pnk coins. I now have over 27k pnk coins. I hope we all make it

>> No.22307002

holy heck my gas fee was under £4 for a fast transaction, and it's never been under £10 before. I hope things stay this way so more people can buy pnk coins

>> No.22307152

Yes buy sir

>> No.22307166

I bought 100k pnk at ath, haven't sold a single one and barely noticed the crash

>> No.22307264
File: 3.88 MB, 1200x2800, F3E5CB94-4023-4C73-8FFE-04402E28D5E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you read pic related and all this pasta and still don’t buy, you’re sub80 confirmed
>he thinks it’s for courts of law
>he doesn’t know they’re in Thomson Reuters incubator
>he doesn’t realize pnk holders act like pajeets for fun
>he doesn’t realize it’s done a 20x since Feb
>he doesn’t know it’s shilled by vitalik
>he doesn’t know it’s one of the largest holds for the top 5k link wallets
>he doesn’t know they received $500k and $1M grants
>he didn’t check kleroscan.com to see that the project has already brought in over $1M to the users
>he doesn’t know what dispute resolution is
>he doesn’t know who colin rule is
>he doesn’t know about Tyler technologies
>he doesn’t know about modria
>he didn’t turn $5k to $100k holding pnk
>he doesn’t realize kleros has 8 diff dapps besides their court dapp
>he doesn’t realize kleros helps link solve the oracle problem
>he doesn’t realize link cannot handle subjective data
>he doesn’t even know what subjectivity is
>he doesn’t know the token sale in February sold out in a week and a half
>he doesn’t know they raised over $1M in their token sale
>he didn’t see link whales put 500-1000 eth each into the token sale
>he unironically and unequivocally thinks pnk is actual Indians
>he doesn’t realize kleros is one of the most advanced teams in all of crypto
>he didn’t believe 4MOONXGG

>> No.22307281
File: 700 KB, 800x550, F55610A3-5F58-4A11-8376-8FA67B8F66C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also SURF defi will have a pnk pairing when they launch this week.

>> No.22307299

I thought you were going to give the avatar posting a rest?

>> No.22307338

Don't (you) me

>> No.22307414

other pnk Anons said they were fine with it and I don't usually side with bullies. Also I barely post like 1 or 2 Kanamori Sayaka reaction images a day

>> No.22307520

pnk is a 1 to 2 year hold so dca'ing is probably viable

>> No.22307556
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>> No.22307583

it's always a good time to buy but hurry for the curry!

>> No.22307711
File: 265 KB, 520x386, 1597963291777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My village has depending on you

>> No.22307736
File: 221 KB, 621x414, 1597996562771.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double doubles sir!

>> No.22307786

Idc that your trans, or a tranny or whatever. Avatar posting is cancer stop

>> No.22307934
File: 581 KB, 690x391, pnk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy last night sir

>> No.22308235

It's an anonymous forum, you'll don't get bully if you just stay anonymous like all of us. Using names, trips or avatars goes against anonymity. With anonimity we have true freedom of expression, that make us able to select the best ideas to make the most money. And when you destroy anonymity you get reputation, ego, personality, all things that gets in the way of discussion in its purest form.
With anonymity it doesn't matter your race, religion, gender or mental illness, only your ideas will be judged, for the better.

So please don't ever avatarfag again

>> No.22308244


This is the cheapest it will ever be in terms of ETH.

>> No.22308285
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>> No.22308307

Is it worth the work and the risk? Did you won everytime or was there cases where guessing consensus was hard?

>> No.22308372

ok I'll think about never posting a Kanamori Sayaka image ever again. Thanks
Isn't that dangerous? if my side loses don't I lose my pnk coins? I have no education in law, so I don't think I can do it

>> No.22308880


>> No.22308989

I've never seen anyone explain this better.

I could never imagine being such an attention seeking pest to somehow larp on an anonymous image board through an anime character for validation and non stop talk about 'muh I'm trans!1!1! My hormones are making me do this omg I'm so special and crazy haha have I told you I'm on hormones!1!1 woops is this thread about kleros haha sorry guys!!1!'.

It's bizzare. It demonstrates a complete inability to read the room and realize that almost noone else makes the conversation center around themself, and yet somehow every conversation with the pest somehow circle back to some irrelevant life anecdote.

It's so sad and incredibly cringe worthy to watch people who clearly have issues seek validation this way, and not realize even here we don't care about the person we care about the topic.

>> No.22309112


>> No.22309143
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>> No.22309276
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>> No.22309304

Yes most likely your last chance to buy this low ever again

>> No.22309340

I just grabbed a stack

>> No.22309833
File: 360 KB, 600x600, 1598091767660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should unironically keep DCAing in. Nobody knows about PNK outside /biz/ and even most of /biz/ writes it off as a pajeet scam. Only about 3000 people hold PNK, the rest are contracts/team members split across several wallets. It will easily be $10 in a few years so don't sell, don't swing - if it goes lower just buy more.
The only danger is we are LINK in early 2018 and are now at out $1 stage and will go back to 20c. But the project is incredible, the team is open and hardworking, and PNK is a top 10 coin. So just keep doing the needful whenever you have spare fiat floating around. The biggest mistake most LINK holders made was buying a 10-20k stack and letting it sit there rather than buying more because "it went above my buy-in". The guy with 160k link said he just kept buying, from 20c to 50c to $1 to $2 to $4 back to $2, he didn't care or even check the price. He just kept buying, knowing one day they would be worth a lot more.

>> No.22309990

>You should unironically keep DCAing in. Nobody knows about PNK outside /biz/ and even most of /biz/ writes it off as a pajeet scam. Only about 3000 people hold PNK, the rest are contracts/team members split across several wallets. It will easily be $10 in a few years so don't sell, don't swing - if it goes lower just buy more.
>The only danger is we are LINK in early 2018 and are now at out $1 stage and will go back to 20c. But the project is incredible, the team is open and hardworking, and PNK is a top 10 coin. So just keep doing the needful whenever you have spare fiat floating around. The biggest mistake most LINK holders made was buying a 10-20k stack and letting it sit there rather than buying more because "it went above my buy-in". The guy with 160k link said he just kept buying, from 20c to 50c to $1 to $2 to $4 back to $2, he didn't care or even check the price. He just kept buying, knowing

>> No.22309992

How much pnk do I need to fuck Aoba? I will buy what it takes.

>> No.22310016

Sorry, fat fingers on my part. You didn't respond about stacking, how high is the risk and time cost?

>> No.22310150

>time cost
you need to check court every few days so you don't miss a case and get your tokens slashed. So if you're planning on walking away from /biz/ for a year until pnk is at least $2, then don't stake.

However, the risk is low as the average is supposed to net you more PNK than you lose. It will wor better when more cases start cropping up (need the linguo launch and the xdai integration for negligible gas fees for that) but it is designed to pay off in the long run as long as you're not afk on cases. Besides, you earn ETH too, not just PNK, so even if you vote wrong it can be worth your time.
TL:DR the rewards are paid in ETH not PNK, and getting PNK from incoherent jurors is just a bonus.

>> No.22310351

I am too scared too join a court, even one that requires no particular skills. I am looking at onboarding and I think it costs 1k pnk coins to join? I can't really see what it's all about and I don't want to join, have no idea what to do, waste other's time and also lose coins. Should I just ignore all of this court stuff and just hold?

>> No.22310591

Kleros is the *only* coin where you can stake and contribute to the system (via arbitration) and receive rewards for doing so (PNK and ETH). The others are defi yield scams where they pay you out of "incentive wallets" so you can watch your paper gains go sky high before you get rugpulled.
If you have extra time, and you want to earn some extra PNK, staking is a good way to increase your stack. However, you're unlikely to be selected for a case in the next few months, as there simply aren't enough diputes yet.

You can check the dashboard if you want to know more about staking and the court. My bet is that around the election you will see a *lot* of gambling disputes needing to be resolved, like case 302. If you're in the General Court then you'll probably get selected for a case or two.

>> No.22310673

How much time do you take to analyse and vote for a given case and what % of time have you been correct?

>> No.22310811

pnk is a huge piece of shit.. someone post the screenshot of clement shitting on chainlink plz

>> No.22310851

>the tranny is at it again
Seriously pnkie, off yourself.

>> No.22310997

any time PNK is under $1 is a good time to consider it. IMO.

>> No.22311193
File: 227 KB, 829x628, the_PNK_pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir thank you for engaging the unwashed masses with the needful information for elevation to supreeme levels of financials astronomical level of attainment sir, this bitch is going beyond the moon, by ganesh, isn't it sir

>> No.22311259

Oh yes it is time for tuk tuk sirs.

>> No.22311269


>> No.22311777

explain to me a meme, friends

what is needful, what is that indian man meme, why is everyone a pajeet

>> No.22311790
File: 2.93 MB, 1902x2067, 1599027320211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the haters holiday-anon, keep on posting your reaction images

>> No.22311980
File: 290 KB, 393x561, flibb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, are there any examples out there of what the interface looks like for a court you have entered? I don't want to enter onboarding and press something I really shouldn't. Are there also examples of what I'd actually be doing in onboarding? Thank you

haha, that image. Ok I will continue with the reaction images. Thank you

>> No.22312659

You're ruining every pnk thread you post in with this shit