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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22304345 No.22304345 [Reply] [Original]

It’s over isn’t it

>> No.22304376

I sold at a loss at .0192 kek so glad I didn’t get absolutely anally fondled

>> No.22304770
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this is glorious

>> No.22304825
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>> No.22304840


>> No.22304860


One positive. It's getting listed on coinbase this week.

>> No.22304900

What went so wrong? It seemed like one of the few cryptos with a working product

>> No.22304915

Life must be hard when you have hands made of rice paper.

>> No.22304920

been over since 2018 fren

>> No.22304950

it is, but the decentralized queen of btc drags everything down with any little dip, and week hand selling at lost don't help neither

>> No.22305293

lol they've been saying that for months

the reality is chinks can't help themselves, and as a soulless insect people they crave material gain much like a dung beetle instinctively is compelled to roll bigger and bigger balls of shit. since they have no soul, they lack deeper human emotions such as shame, creativity, ennui, and genius. they are simply worker drones and cannon fodder, and western man has mistakenly elevated him to status of human, which has been a grave error. likely the result of ancient admixture with proto-humans like the Denisovins as well as other yet to be discovered archaic hominids, the chink is more bug than human. in fact, i suspect they only shed their exoskeleton within the last 2,000 years. couple this with the fact that they are all the product of rape by Mongolians, you get a clear picture of the chink nature. A servile, yet often clever in a sort of cowardly way, race of subhumans, fit for little more than plucking rice from paddies or pulling a rickshaw like a beast of burden.

>> No.22305940

what have they actually done in 3 years? seems to me like they haven't actually achieved anything aside from LARPing about partnerships

>> No.22305962

it was never not over

>> No.22306054

One of the 2017 survivors that got it's value back in 2020 . I switched to Akro for now .

>> No.22306092

sold my bag after the thing with Sushi and Band/CZ. i no longer trust any chinks

>> No.22306108
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it was over from the start kiddo

>> No.22306285
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We been Trough this..wait until the dam peak of the bull run. A lot of the solid projects will blast off. But by then most retards that kept fudding instead of accumulating a good stack will be left behind. Stay poor pajeets.

>> No.22306301
File: 65 KB, 761x839, D6J080DUUAArKSZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought this pile of dogshit in august 2018 @ 192 sats
>tripled down at 89 sats in may 2019
>finally sold this july at 154 and 195 sats
>mfw I realize now that I made the right decision

>> No.22306328

>another lower high

LMFAO this shit is hot trash and always has been
defi on eth is literally the only thing happening, but youlll continue missing out chasing 'muh enterprise' vaporware

>> No.22306574
File: 1.08 MB, 750x1334, 099812CC-D836-4BF3-A094-BDCF9D5AF0A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz bro look behind you. Your mom has the tendies ready. Just chill the fuck out. Most of us are going to make it..the question is are you?

>> No.22307255

the token is worthless and generates a puny amount of interest and the (((vcs))) are invested in the vechain company not the shitcoin

>> No.22307298

Nigger have you not seen the new logo..

>> No.22307527

its dumping just like every other coin in the universe right now. Take advantage of the dank half off sale retards.

>> No.22308590


Holy fuck there are anons actually invested into this absolute steaming pile of shit KEK. I’m disgusted to know there are lurking plebbitors here. So glad I didn’t get meme’d into buying this shitcoin back in 2017 and went all in on Link.