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22303741 No.22303741 [Reply] [Original]


The NEET army is rising.

>> No.22303754

I am the majority

>> No.22303766

I am the majority

>> No.22303776

I rent which is worse

>> No.22303805

They are on suicide watch that the white man returns to the superior form of living in the multigenerational home with strong family ties and mutual support.

>> No.22303835

Renting is definitely worse. That $500-$800 a month you could be loading your crypto bags. Once crypto booms and housing crashes that’s the time to buy a house.

>> No.22303858

exactly what i'm doing.

>> No.22303922

38yo living with my parents.
Though time to get an apartment.
I have 80k in my broker, 2k in checking.
46k student loan and 6k other debt.

>> No.22303950

You’re not a “young adult” get a home boomer

>> No.22303954


I lived with my dad for a decade to buy a house cash. Stay strong brothers, don't let the Jew tempt you into debt!

>> No.22303977

I just moved out at 30. Saved a lot of money but it's not enough to safely put a downpayment on a home in California.

>> No.22303986


Jesus christ dude, do you flip burgers or something? I saved that much in 2 years. You are spending WAY too much money!

>> No.22304009

where in the US should I buy a house cash? Looking to GTFO my parents after saving so much.

>> No.22304023


Anywhere away from the big city boogaloo about to come when the Communists lose the election.

>> No.22304025



>> No.22304046

based. get another degree

>> No.22304051

I wonder if mentally ill boomers still think this

>> No.22304065

While inflation looms, nowhere. Get a low interest mortgage and let inflation do a lot of the heavy lifting.

>> No.22304101


I heard someone say this last week, believe it or not.

>> No.22304103

Accountant making 43k a year. Well this year. Last year it was 41k. Though made 64k in the market this year!

>> No.22304139

>been renting for 3 years
>lived in a different country for a year before that

Tbh if I wasn't married I would probably still be living at home. Too annoying to live with my parents in their tiny house tho, especially since my wife isn't as well insulated against how annoying my parents can be

>> No.22304349

this is peak cope lmao

>> No.22304471
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>live with parents
>dad encourages me to invest all my money (40k a year)
>dad takes me golfing on the weekends
>mom cooks dinner
>no bills except phone and gas in my truck
>mentioned moving out recently and parents talked me out of it Until I can pay cash for a house
>115k net worth currently
My parents think I’m a literal retard but like me way more then my siblings. Pretty comfy idc

>> No.22304644

Based and wholesome

>> No.22304679

I'm consistently 5 years ahead of my cohort, they'll all get into crypto soon now

>> No.22304701

lol bro, if you can do this for another 5 years, you're going to be in comfy mode for the rest of your life.

>> No.22304750

>Bling ID
hello based department???

>> No.22304769


>> No.22304901

imagine living in the modern hellhole that is America

t. German chad

>> No.22304924

>superior form of living in the multigenerational home with strong family ties and mutual support.

>> No.22304969


>> No.22305068

The fact that this is at all abnormal is the problem

>> No.22305142

I graduated college for TV broadcasting at like 21, did nothing with the degree, worked some bullshit job for like 4 years, went back to school for industrial electrical technician, got some shitty job that pays nothing, got like 10k in the bank and still living with my parents at almost 28. Feels shit man.

>> No.22305170

36yo living with my mother (widow)
500k in crypto and nothing else
debt free

once I hit 1M I'll leave the basement

>> No.22305306

The idea that every single individual should have their own home is a living disaster conjured by Baby Boomers with absolutely no fucking sense of cultural, economical, or philosophical sense. It's predicated on the idea of the nuclear family too, which began to die about 30 fucking years ago. American Baby Boomers are human cancer and this world will breath a collective sigh of relief when they are all dead.

>> No.22305606

Imagine being a Kraut and getting cucked, no matter how hard you try.

>> No.22305671
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Fake news, it's because colleges and Universities are pretty much all online since covid, most students moved back in with their family.

>> No.22306021

Yeah I’m not worried about it they let me bring girls over but I haven’t in like two years kek

>> No.22306044

this is unironically what I’ve been pushed into so that is now the plan

>> No.22306165


>> No.22306466

An entire generation that has no fucking clue what inflation is or how it works.

>> No.22306517

Is this just because they HAVE to, or because they want to?

My parents wanted me to keep living with them, even now, because they felt it was better for me to live at home and save all the money that'd be spent on rent, but I decided to move away and I can easily afford to pay for my apartment. It makes it hard to invest, but I'm independent. Isn't that a conscious trade-off that people are making, not some symptom of the health of the economy?

I sincerely wish I didn't have to rent, but I feel like living with my parents at 25 would be a sign of failure.

>> No.22306525
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>> No.22306564

Don't you understand that this is simply the natural evolution of the economy as it becomes more productive? Of course we'd develop a trade deficit; we moved all the shitty manufacturing jobs that were polluting our waters and taking up valuable real estate to lesser countries so we could buy goods much, much cheaper than we could produce in our country. It's an absolute good! Anyone who argues otherwise is a fascist populist dictator who is a threat to democracy!

>> No.22306951

Grrmsny5id a shit hole whored out to capitalism to a degree even the buses are plastered with degen advertisements. But you still pay tons of taxes for your "social Democrats" (who are neither social nor democratic) and have trouble finding doctor appointments if you actually need them. Aside of the government actively trying to groom children into whores and prostitutes.

You're either a massive degenerate (which makes sense since we're on 4chan) or utterly deluded.

>> No.22306970

>once crypto booms

>> No.22307009

NEETS of the world jewnite!

>tfw technically self employed from my parent's home

>> No.22307014

>service jobs jobs that barely add real economic value

>> No.22307030
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>> No.22307434

>Once crypto booms and housing crashes
>he believes at the ''crypto saven heaven'' narrative
face it houses gonna keep on going on cause population increase so there is always demand but low supply
houses are the safe heaven assets not gold not crypto

>> No.22307795

they don't have the money for rent, and finding a job is harder now since they have nothing to their name.
after high school, you need to get a degree to even stand a chance. either that or you can flip burgers.

>> No.22307830
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Well, you know, maybe if they didn't spend all of their money on vinyl records and avocado toast, they'd have the money to buy a $300k starter home.

>> No.22307859

>Crushing the human spirit and hindering independence is a good thing.

>> No.22307973


>> No.22308247

>46k student loan and 6k other debt.

>> No.22308434

>being 40, virgin and still living with mommy
>comfy mode

>> No.22308796
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nice cherry picking,faggot

>> No.22308984

houses gonna keep on going on cause population increase so there is always demand but low supply

>> No.22309119

Damn we are becoming like the europoors living in the same concrete slab for generations

>> No.22309295


>> No.22309427

>but I feel like living with my parents at 25 would be a sign of failure.
who are you trying to impress though?

>> No.22309465

>retard can't maths

>> No.22309826

you think wasting your 20's in your parents' house for numbers in your 401k is acceptable?

>> No.22310174

Americans will feign independence by moving out or kicking out their kids at 18 only to have them either go straight into the military meat grinder or the jew debt grinder. don’t feel any any sympathy for boomers

>> No.22310196

I realized you were sarcastic at least. Unlike those other anons

>> No.22310236

It's really only multigenerational if you have kids.
Right now it's you living with your parents.

>> No.22310260

Imagine paying a landlord when you can live with mommy and get home cooked meals all for free. How cucked can you be?

>> No.22310307

wish i had the option to live with my parents, renting SUCKS

>> No.22310321

let me know when a single story house that's within 20 minutes of a decent job doesn't cost $500k

>> No.22310678

live with parents in tiny apartment but pay no rent. I got 500 a week to throw at crypto. what should i buy?

So far thinking of getting suicide stack on several coins to make sure I ride at least one moon.

>> No.22310719

how do you cope with the feeling of total emasculation by living with mommy and daddy?

>> No.22310756

By banging 4's and 5's off of tinder. And holding comfy bags.

>> No.22310784

also bay area is expensive as shit

>> No.22310825

You come from a broken home or what? How do you think some of the immigrants go from poor to middle class within a generation? They stuck together with their families to build wealth.

>> No.22310906


>> No.22310952

Kinda based

Dude living with parents sucks. No way around it. Stop coping

>> No.22310956

All else equal, renting is worse, but I really doubt all else is equal.

Show me the legion of NEET faggots with $700 SSI checks and $0 rent that are doing better than $170k remote + crypto gains, even with $1800 in housing costs per month.

>> No.22311107
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Boomers completely fucked the economy and bubbled housing. Only other options are stealth camping or off grid rural.

>> No.22311157

Why? The other debt is slowly being paid off.
It was a lending club loan to pay for a used car to get to work.

>> No.22311189


>> No.22311212

There's nothing wrong with living with your parents. The machine just wants to make you feel bad.

>> No.22311214


>> No.22311228


>buying a house

houses are the most annoying, time-sucking bags there are. the /biz/ move is to all-in tasty ETFs and pay rent using the proceeds, bouncing around the world whenever you feel like it, totally free and secure with your highly liquid capital.

plus the stock market outperforms housing unless you managed to pick the next boomtown. and crypto will highly outperform both throughout this decade.

>> No.22311234

>missed the point completely

>> No.22311244

>Dude living with parents sucks. No way around it. Stop coping
>he fell for the jew propaganda of dividing the family up
Kek, sure just let the pajeets, chinks, gooks, and some spics get ahead of you and live a happier life with family around them. Not everyone has shitty parents.

>> No.22311252

Where are all the articles that say how 100% of Mexicans live in four generation homes?

>> No.22311319
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>> No.22311394
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>tfw parents make me pay rent

>> No.22311427

This. With Airbnb it’s cheaper and easier than ever

>> No.22311433
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Ooof, imagine being this bluepilled. Maybe reddit is for you.

>> No.22311456

living at home before marriage (and sometimes even after marriage if there is a multi-level or big home) is really common in southern Europe and the middle east

>> No.22311457

you're still able to travel and go out retard
and yes if it means you're financially set up for life

>> No.22311520

>The economy you live in is equivalent to the worst economy the country has ever faced in its existence and you were born in it while it got gradually worse and your parents told you it's better than what they grew up in even though objectively it's wrong.

>> No.22311678

I don't think living with my parents his good for my mental health. I moved back home to the middle of nowhere and have been working remotely since March and have nothing to look forward to.

No sex for over 3 years.
Haven't made a friend in a forever and lost all my old ones.
Mom keeps finding my cum socks

The trade off is that I'm saving an extra 36k per year by not paying rent.

>> No.22311738

Not only living with but also working for. Just found out I don’t get to work remote tomorrow and feel identical to how I did when he used to take my computer away. Only option for getting out at this point is living on an isolated farmstead in the arctic circle.

Renting on your own > living with your parents for free > renting from your parents

>> No.22311749


>> No.22311765

The white man has basically always lived in ANF households. The American frontier was an anomaly.

>> No.22311798

You don’t pay capital gains on a primary residence in Canada, though. You can maybe move to Barbados and buy citizenship there to get around capital gains on an ETF, IDK.

>> No.22311853

Pretty close to me but 31.

>> No.22311865
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>dad makes me listen to talk radio on the commute
>mom rarely cooks and when she does acts like a martyr about it
>can’t even really afford to insure a car because it would be about 1/4 of my income annually
>telecomm bill is $100 a month for 2 gb of data

>> No.22311869


Oh fuck

>> No.22311894

Why do people get these specialized vocational degrees and then do nothing with them?

>> No.22311923

I feel bad for any anons who look down on living with parents. Obviously I would rather live in my own house but my dad is the best landlord you could have. I assume most anons who are seething about living with family have domineering mothers and abusive/weak/absent fathers so associate their family with a lack of freedom and dignity. Living with parents is a million times better than giving shekels to a greedy landlord.

>> No.22311955

Living at home comes with certain humiliations. I’m 25 but still functionally live under my father’s authority. It just becomes demoralizing past a certain point.

>> No.22312002

if you dont think thats comfy, idk what to tell you lol. i'd gladly go back to being a neet virgin in mommys house if i could.

>> No.22312003

It isn’t even close to being worse or even bad, it’s just contracting so all the things we expected would come about as a matter of course have fallen through. We’re still far better off materially than almost any other time in history.

>> No.22312163

>Just graduated with undergrad in micro econ in spring.
>Want to get foot into data analytics, have done a lot of projects regarding it
>parents both beg me to stay with them and not go find a job
>tfw for the first time in my life, I ask my dad if he wants me to find a job and he says no
Honestly, its pretty damn comfy. Enjoying it while it lasts, brother and grandmother's conditions (one has a heart, the other a lung issue) otherwise I'd likely be forced out. Gave me an opportunity to throw all my spare cash into LINK till I need to pull out. Real glad I ended up doing that.

>> No.22312193


>> No.22312214

>tfw set up to inherit multiple houses and apartments
it's the landlord life for me lads

>> No.22312224

Golf is literally a game for rich people. So I will presume you are rich. In that case, just keep getting money out of your parents at least until you pay off your debts, and use that disposable cash to invest.

Literally do what most ""rich investors"" do, get money from their parents

>> No.22312250

Go long on crypto boys. NEETs all over the world will be buying in as this is their only hope to escape.

>> No.22312318

Right now fucking retard.

>> No.22312367

My parents are naggers and constantly fight with each other. No way am I staying in that hellhole.

>> No.22312498

>be 25
>moved back in with parents while finishing grad school and working part time
>parents have been married for around 35 years
>Parents never fight, no drama, no nagging
>around 40k saved up from years of part time work, not paying rent, and /smg/ gains
>have gf too
I love my family, they're great role models. "Living with parents is a cope" is a cope for people from broken homes. I'm sorry anons. Maybe one day you can be there for your kids too.

>> No.22312510

living with parents is fine. i regret moving out. if i hadnt moved out, i couldve invested that money, and i would be nearing retirement by now. instead i'm 31 and sucking dick for cocaine. it's honest work.

>> No.22312632

My parents are dead and I have no family