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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22303548 No.22303548 [Reply] [Original]

This is it. The Road to $30
Get in or stay poor

>> No.22303572
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Tick Tock
the blue letters will arrive tomorrow, get a lawyer

>> No.22303610

Shill me your knowledge

>> No.22303657

Conspiracy to defraud investors. Get a lawyer

>> No.22303692

Spooky and hopefully true.

>> No.22303700

I got that part. What makes you think YFP is doing the same?

>> No.22303714

Just sold. This thing is losing momentum and interest. IDK who would buy at this stage.

>> No.22303767

they're continuing to token burn tho, literally can only go up over the next few days

>> No.22303774

lets say I haven't "trolled" /biz/ over the last month for shits and giggles. Mods seem to finally have gotten the message, those who conspired together with the defi spammers will not get off so lucky

>> No.22303814

And I’m being honest here, I don’t know much about crypto and you all can probably tell.

But when I see a pump I’m gonna share the good news.

>> No.22303843

Their prior token burns did nothing to the price and the Wine Finance rug pull made me super suspicious.
I always keep asking myself when investing 'would I buy some right now if I never had any?'
It was great buy when I was like the 5th commenter on biz when it first hit. Now it's stale and hold no interest. Ask yourself if you'd buy you first YFP rn.

>> No.22303863
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Just buy the YFRB presale loser

>> No.22303866

>when I see a pump
The pump's over mate. You should have been here when it came out.

>> No.22303886

get a lawyer, this isn't going to be done with
>Sir I didn't know it was a fraud

>> No.22303889

What's this piece of shit?

>> No.22303919

yeah the WINE rug was super weird and suspect. Don't know how you can be legit developers and still partner with something like that desu. Everything else the team has done has been good though

>> No.22303942

Details coming today

>> No.22304008

fuck, you guys make me nervous
better sell and watch it go back to 3$?

>> No.22304052

you're an idiot. Do you think regular people who bought into madoff's investment securities and then got their friends into it were prosecuted?

>> No.22304085

We are so close to the actual launch of the yield farming platform and now your hands turn to paper

>> No.22304108

read up on the case. Some got fins, others got free for delivering others to the knife. The media liked to only put Bernie into the spotlight, but he wasn't the only one

>> No.22304116

discord coin rugpull scam

>> No.22304130

Lots of muh gov FUD here. Pay them no heed.

>> No.22304175

are we though? or are we getting WINE'd?

>> No.22304220
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Hey hey hey! Just because they rug pulled you once DOES NOT mean they'll do it again.

>> No.22304286

on the other hand, who is so retarded to promote a scam during a scam, intentionally, and then take it off their site etc.
Who in their right mind would draw connections to a scam while pulling off one ?

>> No.22304396

Well if they did, they could rely on retards like you saying they would never do it.

>> No.22304514

hmm yes possible however this 4D chess could backfire

>> No.22304522

I have like 70 of this shit, am I going to jail?

>> No.22304672

72 here, wanna be cell mates and suck eachothers cocks?

>> No.22304846

110 here
this is some serious low level fud, imagine having nothing bad to say about YFP so you resort to threatening fucking PRISON to their holders

$500 EOW come the fuck @ me

>> No.22304910

Promoters and administrators, like moderators aren't simply holders anon, let alone developers.

>> No.22305140

kek everyone on 4chan is a 'promoter'
are they gonna go after everyone in the telegram and discord as well?

>> No.22305165

stacklet here. what's your argument for your moonshot price prediction?

>> No.22305213
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YFP > YFBeta, we all knew it, but most people cant tell a shitcoin from something legit

>> No.22305215

just baiting the Madoff anon, Idk what this could reach. its a low supply coin so should move up fast with a market cap increase but its anyones guess. we could get rugpulled for all I know

>> No.22305237

Devs, moderators, promoters on youtube and twitter, rddit and 4chan OPs, platform operators facilitating the fraud. In that order.

>> No.22305248
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Choose one.

>> No.22305282


>> No.22305309

Sure bro let's suck our cocks and avoid being raped together, they gonna know us as the 70's boys

>> No.22305377

What if i did a post asking if this was a scam all along? They're coming for me too? Exactly what do I have to expect? Prision? A sue?

>> No.22305395

kek i have a stack of this like the rest of us but I wouldn't be surprised at alll if its worth $0 tomorrow

>> No.22305452

if you are defrauded investor, you might be entitled to a recompensation, but I wouldn't bet on it.

>> No.22305516
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You havent answered my question.

Well if you have a big enough stack then we'll see us at the yacht party. but since you doubt this project so much i dont think you do, otherwise you would know better.

>> No.22305556

I'm all in with 900 YFP. I think this is the kind of coin will either make me over 100,000$ or kill myself, im willing to take the risk

>> No.22305590

Where can I read more about all this? We were actually scammed all along?

>> No.22305636

im a stacklet compared to others here but 110 at $50 would be nice, id sell half and let the rest ride

>> No.22305683
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If your not in YFP your not going to make it.

>> No.22305708

Hey, join the Telegram, read through the recent announcements by the Devs. Then buy more YFP and sleep comfy af

>> No.22305759

you got a link for it? in the announcements one already but can't fine the other one

>> No.22305964

Bro I do have yfp but i wish I hadn't, you're just gonna get away with all my money and I WORKED hard for that.

Wish i had my phone rn to sell my bag now that is at least... $10


>> No.22306045
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Kek, worst Fud i have ever seen

>> No.22306094


All Announcements so far:


>> No.22306424
