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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22298865 No.22298865 [Reply] [Original]

There's really no reason not to be using Brave browser anon. Besides the fact that it's faster than chrome, and comes with several crucial quality of life extensions built into the browser itself there's one big reason you should be using Brave: security.

Everyday hackers are using more sophisticated techniques to steal your crypto. Take this example of malicious websites simulating web3 style popups to steal your metamask info:
To malicious developers submitting fake versions of trusted apps all in an effort to steal your crypto:

Anon these are not isolated incidents. They happen again:
and again:
and again:

How does Brave browser keep you safe you may be asking yourself? What makes it special that prevents these sorts of attacks from happening to it's users? Well anon you haven't been paying attention because I already mentioned it at the start of this post. All these things are built into the browser itself. An audited, open source, and verified web3 capable Ethereum wallet is literally part of the browsers code. No more worrying if the metamask version you downloaded is going to steal your crypto monies, because that's what Brave browser ultimately buys you anon: peace of mind.

>> No.22298909

Yeh nice browser but the token is not needed

>> No.22298932

Blows my mind when you see retards on 4chan let alone biz that don't use it. g doesn't count because they are unironic virgins

>> No.22298944

That's absolutely fine though anon. The important thing is to stay safe out there champ.

>> No.22298951

this is my default browser

>> No.22299008
File: 607 KB, 640x782, 48034FF0-103C-4957-919D-97B233E27E33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guided by his light we are, blessed be.

>> No.22299135

>doesn't understand that in the near future automation has ran all unskilled labor out of a job and now people are literally paid for BASIC ATTENTION instead because that's all they're good for in the eyes of the powers that be
You'll need those tokens alright

>> No.22299302

That new Microsoft browser seems similar to brave

>> No.22299699

good eye anon. That's because they both use the same rendering engine as Chrome. It's what gives them their compatibility with chrome extensions and their inherent speed. Unfortunately because the Microsoft browser is so tightly integrated with the operating system it leaves it vulnerable to all the security risks that come baked into the windows platform.

>> No.22299727

there's no plug-ins for it

>> No.22299807

BATs kind of dumb bc i fucking hate ads but brave is great. been using for maybe a year now?
Could you even use uniswap with another browser?

>> No.22300071

doesn't sync with brave on my iPhone

>> No.22300075

>Everyday your mother is using more sophisticated techniques to suck black cock

>> No.22300607

they're an attack vector anon. puts your linkies in danger.
It's coming soon anon. Stay safe!
I'm glad to hear your mother is always improving anon! Warms my heart.

>> No.22300627

been braving since 2018

>> No.22300662

ive been using brave for years now

>> No.22300781

Stopped getting ads since last month
Is it because i installed in on my parents devices using same wifi or is it because i live in a shithole?

>> No.22301093

>it's an ad-driven browser that panders to advertising agencies with a blockchain-redistribution scheme while pretending to be ethical by hardcoding deprecated web extensions into it's core (https everywhere & adblock plus)

>and contains a ledger system that measures user attention aggregate to accurately reward publishers.

>The Brave browser knows where users spend their time, making it the perfect tool to calculate and reward publishers with BATs.


>the data is stored in-browser

>uses open source, fucks over anyone who forks from them...

>The browser sees everything you do, including actions to stop that annoying phenomenon of retargeting where an ad chases you around the Web, often for something you just bought or decided not to buy. We keep user data out of our cloud Brave Vault by default.

>Brave has been redirecting searches to crypto companies to affiliate links that give it a commission.

>> No.22301567

ads are location based anon.
always the same old debunked FUD anon.

>> No.22301600

i use bromite on my mobile

>> No.22302099

been using firefox, might make the switch with the recent mozillia drama but the /g/ shilling puts me off it

>> No.22302205

/g/ are retards. brave is superior.

>> No.22302230

I use Brave, but I literally don't give a fuck about the token and neither does anyone else.

>> No.22302254

Token not needed, use Bitcoin.

>> No.22302652

anons, Brave is entirely usable without once enabling ads and being rewarded financially for your attention. The only thing that truly matters is that you use Brave and stay safe out there!

>> No.22303111

>steals your data
>run by sjw
>allows ads on several websites that addblockers stops
>I have been using it almost exclusively for the last 2 months and stopped seeing reward ads completely. Its like they black listed me or something because at first I would get ad for rewards every single day and then it suddenly stopped.
>you can only cash out by KYC exchange so better be ready to declare them

Im sorry for those who thought this was their way to riches

>> No.22303656

nobody is asking you to use the token u retards