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File: 77 KB, 1024x794, 376FB823-C0A9-4300-9C26-C2D2AB6D92E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22297595 No.22297595 [Reply] [Original]

As title suggests, I’d like to own property in one state and live in another. Would this be difficult? I don’t see why, I’d simply find a contractor who could make repairs as called in. It seems foolish not to utilize the internet and connections to expand a real estate empire.

>> No.22297671

>building a real estate empire right before the next major communist revolution
becoming a landlord is just about the worst profession you could go into for the next few decades. the american mob of niggers and antifa have full financial backing from the mega rich and they are going to purge middle class landlords in a massacre that'll make Mao look nice

>> No.22297760
File: 30 KB, 403x180, 6FDD6BB1-2399-4145-9441-7C5A23C55B84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this in mind, does anyone have any experience living off a large plot of rural land and rigging most of the land with a lattice of anti-tank mines that can also be remotely detonated in case the nigger hordes just show up on foot? Asking for a friend

>> No.22297814

Is that so? I have no doubt they have financial backing, and I’m aware of the scale of the riots and damages they’ve committed. However, you’re assuming a scenario where chaos comes and reigns in a life that can go trillions of directions at any given time.

>> No.22297837

i've read both sides of this story on e-bragging shitholes like biggerpockets. it seems like a retarded scam since property management charges 10% of gross rents (not even gross profits) and they really have no legal fiduciary responsibility to you, so they can easily fuck you over with half-assed repairs or complete characterizations of urgent maintenance, tenant issues, etc. i'd never consider being a landlord unless i could oversee the property myself.

>> No.22297878

the best and only real defense against nigger hordes is giving them no reason to come for you. even if you build a fortress and arm it with automated turrets the nigger hordes will eventually overwhelm you if they really want to. best place to stay safe from it all would be a really cold area that doesnt have anything to offer besides natural resources, since niggers hate cold and they dont know how to convert natural resources into useful tools. go innawoods in alaska or northern canada and you will most likely never see a nigger for your entire life even as the united states is being burned down by a nigger commie insurgency

>> No.22297887

That makes fine sense. Thank you, I assume that’s why large real estate moguls tend to stick to one state, and a general 1 hour radius.

>> No.22297946
File: 64 KB, 640x404, suppression1950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mao's landlord purge is one of the most interesting part of modern Chinese history

pic related is a landlord on "trial" which is basically a landlord getting publically humiliated with a kangaroo court, losing all your property and then if you're lucky (not executed) you get a small patch of a garden where you have to grow food or starve.

>> No.22297999
File: 171 KB, 600x367, A_man_reads_the_Land_Reform_Law_of_PRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ching chong don't pay rent again you now own your home haha bing bong"

>> No.22298003

What states would be best to meet like minded individuals, best chance of a last stand, and not completely cowering away?

>> No.22298026

This image hits close to home.

>> No.22298027
File: 16 KB, 450x245, man confronts his landlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I KIRR YOU!!" (He actually does after photo)

>> No.22298045

take your meds

>> No.22298050

Commies really do just hate anyone better off than them.

>> No.22298084

probably "flyover" land like montana or idaho or the dakotas

>> No.22298105

if you're just getting started consider """""house hacking"""" with a duplex. it's cucked and barely above living in an apartment but you learn the ropes of how to deal with tenants and you're on-site to deal with any problems (although you have to be sure to set boundaries with your tenant.)

this is what i hope to do within the next few years.

>> No.22298120
File: 186 KB, 994x1000, cult4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you give them an inch in any country it will happen in your area. Don't think this is a cute curiosity from a far corner of the world. This is the end goal for communists everywhere.

>> No.22298132

Idaho is completely fucked with Cali faggots as are most decent places. Like the previous poster said your only hope is going to a frozen wasteland where nobody else would want to live.

For me if I get make it money it's probably going to be Alaska or Montanna. Where I could buy a few hundred remote acres and build a really nice cabin to just neet it up. I haven't researched into Utah much but I think they're pretty based as the mormons scare most people away.

>> No.22298143

Yes I’ve read about this. Have you considered taking out a personal loan for the down payment if you can’t afford it & cleaning windows? My father started a window cleaning business in a couple of weeks and made about 800 dollars his first job cleaning a big house (he actually under charged).

>> No.22298190

I understand the thought process but it’s ineffective of an idea to hide away from the world. You need social interaction, allies, friends, and some sort of civilization. Splintering yourself away hurts not only yourself but the rest of the country assuming you’d defend your nation which isn’t going to ever be completely lost. Utah, Montana however seem nice.

>> No.22298254

Meh the only decent interaction outside of family I've had over the past 15 years has been on here. With current satellite internet little would change. I'd rather get away from it all, people are shit.

I guess I do need decent advances in solar and battery tech though.

>> No.22298301

you can get away with a 3.5% down payment. i'm not trying to be a dick but if you can't afford a mid five-figure down payment on a house, you have no business buying a house or being a landlord. more so the latter, where you can have a legal responsibility to provide an inhabitable dwelling under threat of local government condemning the place.

>> No.22298412

Believe me, I know. I used to lurk double chan leftypol just to keep abreast of what they were up to. Righteous indignation is a hell of a drug to mouthbreathing delusionals.

>> No.22298500

Honestly you a better off not landlord if these days, especially out of state.

Scum bag companies that promise the world will fuck you over anytime they can.

Either local if your in a state that doesn’t fuck the landlord, still let’s you evict in times like these.

If you don’t have a large reserve let the big boys handle the real estate because they will handle the the dips and buy your property when the mortgage goes under on the auction block.

Think of monopoly the guy with the biggest bank roll and most properties will eat you alive.

Buy into these companies and look for other ventures that will net you over 20-25% roi, think trade contractor, or just use your skills already and go up the ladder in your field or start your own firm.

Real estate as a investment now a days is not worth the time/effort you have to put if the government is willing to force you to give “free samples” when there are many customers willing to buy.

A “great” investment one that is the unicorn is around 20-25% commercial property think $750k-5mill. But in these times you better hope you have damn near bullet proof tenants with survivability.

If you are in a multi family or single family rental anything under 15% a year you are better investing into reits, crypto, or stocks with dividends and pouring your man power, capital into job raises, starting your own firm, what I said above.

>> No.22298820

>major communist revolution
free fire zone with my M-16, larper

>> No.22298831

landlords have been set up to get BTFO for a long time
every boomer, youtuber, and even nig rap "artists" think they have figured out the system
this means that big players will harvest soon

>> No.22298942

I fuckin hate kikes but you can’t beat them, they have too strong and f a communal sense to let the non goyim undermine them

>> No.22299329

read the thread actual larper, your m16 isnt going to stop a nigger horde from eating you

>> No.22299578

Interesting. I have noticed a lot of anti landlord sentiment. Particularly with the anti eviction which was unnecessary because the lock down was innately unnecessary which caused economic hardships. The government communicated that they possess the power to financially destroy you if you own land

>> No.22299973

Look up the Greater Idaho plan

Idaho is I think the reddest state in the country
Do you live there?
I've heard that places like Boise are seeing an inflow of millennials but other than that it seems good

>> No.22300087

>horde is making a revolution
Eat my lead and KYS, larper.

>> No.22300204

I know enough about the Rhodesian bush wars to know that one white guy with a rifle and 10 magazines is a match for 100 or more niggers easily.

>> No.22300569

It’ll be worse than Rhodesian bush wars considering a lot of whites have been expecting and anticipating this for decades. Most blacks can’t run half a mile without winding out.

>> No.22301589

It's perfectly fine to do, but I'd honestly only recommend it once you have experience in real estate. You really have to learn the ropes of the field first-hand, and it'll be hard to do that if you have to fly across the country to get to the house in question. Start locally then spread out.

>> No.22301773

build an underground bunker and put a garbo house on top while living underground.

>> No.22301809

there are NIGGERS in Alaska fren and junkies

>> No.22301837

wait til you understand you're all retarded mouthbreathing NEETs on both sides of the chan