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File: 2 KB, 1352x28, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22287256 No.22287256 [Reply] [Original]

massive retard here, hold 35k link.
can't parse the fud anymore, which projects aren't scams? looking into

>> No.22287288

Are you saying you want to sell off your link and get into something else?

Are you out of your fucking mind right now?

>> No.22287300

Bzrx is legit but team ia retarded.
Rari is a scam but it might moon hard.

I don't know anon. Dyor.

>> No.22287313

STA is close to the bottom. Will def be a dollar one day. Might take a year though.

>> No.22287349

No, I'm getting FOMO and don't know what I should start putting money into.

So many fucking scams and retards anymore, I know 17 was like throwing darts at a dart board and making easy money, but I felt like at least back then people had SOME understanding of the ico they were getting involved in

Anymore 95% of it seems like a scam to me.

>> No.22287395

if you're too dumb to buy more link just throw your spare stash at a yf clone and set some alerts

>> No.22287506

maybe YFI but since you have LINK you don't really need it

>> No.22287514

Personally I'm of the opinion that FTM is one of the projects with the highest future utility right now. I wouldn't worry about most of the junk biz shills if I were you.

>> No.22287524

my issue with ftm is ive never been big on betting on platforms, not saying eth can't be replaced but just going to be hard to pick a winner. look at arkies lol

>> No.22287570

Link is built entirely around memes and a naive understanding of how technology/encryption/software works.

Go Bitcoin, it's the most "boring", but it's also the safest. And it's the one crypto that institutional wealth is looking at right now. If you're looking for the moonshot you need to understand that institutional/banking wealth is the key, the 200b market cap that BTC has now is peanuts. Don't listen to what people say, watch what they do.


>> No.22287600


>> No.22287624


You are so fucking wrong lmao

>> No.22287651

Terse replies usually point to insecurity, I'm ready to answer any arguments you have.

>> No.22287709

I haven't believed in btc since 2017 when transactions took 10 days to complete.

I believe any *cryptocurrency* is a joke, and btc fails to deliver on what it actually sets out to do.

In the case of ETH/CL, I consider the token more of a share of the network, rather a currency. To be consistent, this is why I have not, and will not invest in any "currency" cryptos, for example, monero.

Will I potentially miss out on gains? Of course, we all are betting on what we believe in, and we can only use current information to have a general idea of what is to come.

tl;dr bitcoin is an ancient shitcoin and needs to die

>> No.22287730


>> No.22287797

>Link is built entirely around memes and a naive understanding of how technology/encryption/software works
This isn't an argument, it's just a retarded statement made to troll. Therefore, there is no counter argument to be made nor does it deserve any. Dilate.

>> No.22287812

Institutional wealth isn't looking at it as a currency. Cryptocurrency has never been used as a viable currency, in fact "use case" is dropping. This should be a hint. No use case has ever been found despite thousands of ideas and projects essentially forcing crypto into every market conceivable.

They are looking at it as a store of value i.e. the gold of the future. But Millenials are more interested in digital assets than they are gold, and there is a huge transfer of wealth that will be occurring over the next decade. Bitcoin doesn't have to be a store of value AND a currency. It does one of those things very well already.


>> No.22287818


>> No.22287825

Chainlink is 150X ICO anon. Big boy gains are over. DIA should be heavily considered before it's $25+

>> No.22287849

What is a non sequitur.

>> No.22287931

dumped my bags for bat a while ago
maybe it will be a store of value, not really interested in it for that reason either.

>> No.22287943

>I'm talking out of my ass but maybe they'll think I'm cool if I use a Latin term.

>> No.22287951

dumped my bat bags for link a while ago**
by that I mean in 2018

>> No.22288011

It’s an old proverb meaning „fuck your mother if you want fuck“

>> No.22288150

I'll extrapolate since you can't form an argument. The problem is that there's nothing Link can do that encryption/software cannot. There is no need to insure a data process with a cryptocurrency. Encryption secures countless data processes that are flowing through your skull right now. Modern encryption is solid, hackers don't crack encryption, they use creative ways to find vulnerabilities.

Take a sports betting website for example, countless network transactions that all need to be 100% correct, untampered with and accurate, anything less would be risking a chain reaction of financial loss. Insurance is often cited as being Chainlink could be useful for but it has a very limited amount of uses. Insurance isn't binary. Chainlink belongs in the realm of crypto, the financial paradigms have no reason to buy your bags.

>> No.22288183


>> No.22288205
File: 67 KB, 750x723, 1573955671210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no reason to insure data with a crypto

>> No.22288250

>Modern encryption is solid, hackers don't crack encryption
Take a sports betting website for example, countless network transactions that all need to be 100% correct, untampered with and accurate, anything less would be risking a chain reaction of financial loss. Insurance is often cited as being Chainlink could be useful for but it has a very limited amount of uses. Insurance isn't binary. Chainlink belongs in the realm of crypto, the financial paradigms have no reason to buy your bags.

All of this is centralized and non-transparent. How can you achieve true randomness, for example, on an online casino?

You lack the vision, you trust the brands, you are a consumercuck

>> No.22288302

>institutional wealth is looking at seriously investing in an asset where its largest whale and founder is a mystery and could come back and dump everything
BTC maximalists are the dumbest cunts out there by far. There is no refuting this.

>> No.22288319

Find me an example where modern encryption was hacked. Google your heart out.

>> No.22288342

Dunno dude. Team is led by a marketing guy. As a marketing guy myself, I know they're mostly scammers

>> No.22288356

Bitcoin isn't going to moon anymore.

If you want 1.5-2x returns max just buy a decent stock. Crypto is high risk investment anyway. You buy it to 20-1000x your money.

>> No.22288438

> Ftm
> Team from university of sydney
No thanks

>> No.22288450

If millennials are more interested in digital assets than physical ones, it stands to reason that NFTs will zoom in value

>> No.22288456

Link is centralized. Transparency is another issue (some corporations don't want transparency). Code doesn't care about trustlessness. It simply executes based on instructions (if x then y).

>How can you achieve true randomness, for example, on an online casino?

Link making sure the data feeds are accurate have nothing to do with the code that makes the online casino work. You'd have to get a copy of the source code and read it.

>You lack the vision
I understand the Link prophecies. A world where corporations have "linked" together in a myraid of ways via a third party crypto staking mechanism will require an amount of infrastructure that is comical. And there is no demand. Give me an example of a use case.

Not a maximalist. I'll wait for you to come up with a crypto that isn't astonishingly centralized. BTC and ETH are probably amongst the least centralized at this point.

>> No.22288466
File: 707 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200907-022301_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh ok.
Can't forget this gem
Here is a qoute:
Saudi Arabia’s Phone Hacking Shows We Need Better Encryption — Not Backdoors
End-to-end encryption isn’t good enough. Files and cloud backups need strong crypto as well.

>> No.22288472

whats your net worth?

>> No.22288480
File: 277 KB, 1888x923, ambvboeoc2651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Provide Liquidity to Balancer, YFI, or YFV

By doing this you will give a shit about the current price action because you make constantly gains. But it is not riskless as if the shitcoin that you pair to your Chad Linkies start to dump then you will encounter get a life of maximum pain.

Play it safer then use Balancer pools and pair your Chainlink to ETH, USDC, WETH.

Check http://www.predictions.exchange/balancer/None
to find out which pair is the most profitable one.

If you want to make massive gains then you will have to wait for YFLINK to open their LP or you start now at YFV.

Risk-resistant LINK and KNC chads seem to prefer YFV right now.

>> No.22288522

I forgot to mention that you should keep an eye on https://arcx.game/

They are getting currently audited by Quantstamp. It is something like MakerDAO just with the difference that you can use any asset to create 1 USD stable coin.

>> No.22288539

So what you're looking for is an example of a modern encryption method that was broken.

The Saudi article literally points out that the hack was done via a malicious download - this is how many hacks succeed (a harmless looking file that gets installed on the users computer/phone).

I'll save you the trouble. AES has never been hacked. If it does then we move onto a stronger encryption protocol.

>> No.22288556

Sta and Pnk are scams

>> No.22288558

>95% of it seems like a scam to me.
You're probably being generous

>> No.22288607
File: 54 KB, 725x852, 1599272445797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asks for an example of encryption hacks...got more than 3 and still thinks crypto is useless
Show me where the blockchain touched you on this doll.

>> No.22288623

Explain to me how they hacked the encryption.

>> No.22288668

Am I missing something?
Traditional encryption prevents read/writes of data, but it doesnt verify that the data is correct or true to begin with, thats links goal via incentives and punishments.

>> No.22288725
File: 50 KB, 760x512, 1599420472777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the articles. We have many hacks on emails as well and they are supposed to be encrypted as well right? Should I bring up more articles to show you these hacks that you obviously won't read?

>> No.22288727
File: 620 KB, 560x560, 1599400458897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love an answer from the anon talking about aes

>> No.22288749

That's why I said encryption/software.

The data being true is dealt with via code, simple instructions based on mathematical functions (code doesn't care). Software can be written to handle all of these scenarios and secure them (encryption) without needing to instate another layer (cryptocurrency insurance model).

>> No.22288757

>uniswap DX 0,00001$
>other exchanges DX 0,0019$

>> No.22288764

Checked and based

>> No.22288807

Sure, you can attach software to thermometers to read the temperature (lets say as a part of farming insurance)
But what stops the insurer using only 1 of these data feeds that suits their finances (the ones that are least likely to result in a payout)?
Whereas link would draw those figures from a decentralised network of data feeds to get the consensus.

That might not be the best example but you can see what I'm driving at. Links unbiased, "trustless" middle man involvement is what gives it a use case.

>> No.22288810
File: 815 KB, 1958x1958, crack-aes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the encryption that's being broken. Hacking isn't like it's portrayed in the movies, many hacks are incredibly crude and deal mostly with user error and finding alternate vulnerabilities.

>> No.22288882
File: 11 KB, 165x250, 4976CEC3-9EB2-4A61-A161-33C8615714B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22288939

>Sure, you can attach software to thermometers to read the temperature (lets say as a part of farming insurance). That might not be the best example but you can see what I'm driving at. Links unbiased, "trustless" middle man involvement is what gives it a use case

It's not just you. It's difficult isn't it? There aren't a lot of scenarios where it irons out so easily. I wouldn't trust an insurance company to manage my claims on a set of data feeds, even simple claims. Or any sort of digital solution. Especially one that's immutable. It's not black and white. This starts to get into the future of technology, I think AI will have most of the market here.

>> No.22288995

Maybe I'm being dense, but isn't AI just a fancy way to describe the algorithm that will manage the data feeds provided on the CL network?

>> No.22289064

No you're right, I meant AI in a broader sense.

A couple years ago I got into a car accident and a claims rep had to drive to me and assess the damage.

I got into another accident a year ago and I simply took pictures of the damage via an insurance app on my phone, where I'm sure it was sent to a person who is now able to assess many more claims/from the same location.

In the future I predict (if it's not happening already) that these pictures will be sent to advanced programs (or "AI") where the claims can be processed even cheaper and faster. Elon Musk is fascinating on the subject.

>> No.22289083

You're not smarter than Ari Juels and Klauss Schwab.

>> No.22289149

Intelligence is a spectrum.
Crypto is a speculative asset, that's why there is so much money in so many projects that are not profitable. While I understand nothing about advanced programming I think I understand what others understand about Link.

>> No.22289161

The Proof of Spacetime(PoSt) is used as the consensus protocol of storage. It provides the foundation for the decentralized storage network.
It’s a great project , already in !

>> No.22289189

It will be done by something that looks a *lot* like kleros. Decentralised insurance is one of their future aims. I wish they'd ignore it and focus on the identity/whitelist stuff but then again it's all dapp developers building off their foundations so it probably isn't a complete waste of their time.

>> No.22289896

i'm buying AGI. ben is not some 20 yo dropout. he knows what he is talking about and graphcore will do for graph based AI what nvidia did for neural nets

>> No.22290316

Just go with Coinbase. They are basically normie coins.

>> No.22290336

Send it all to my wallet, you obviously can't manage.

>> No.22290367

>what is quantum computing

>> No.22290374

You clearly have no idea what you are doing, and you shouldn't be putting your money in anything if you have to come here to ask. Do your own research, stop "FOMOING" and stay away from anything they shill here, espcially they swap tokens. Dump your LINK and change it into Tether until you know what you are doing.

>> No.22290419

Fell for the meme, huh? You should have sold it at the top.

You clearly have no clue in what you have invested into.

>> No.22290441

stop acting like you know anything
also don’t think the way you write convinces anybody here