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2228272 No.2228272 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with all the bullshit in society? It seems like everyone is humiliated twice, through the thing itself and societal pressure that tells you to stop talking about it.

You're called dumb if you say you find any famous and old books boring. You're not allowed to call out the incoherence and subjectivity of literary theory. You can't point out that philosophers merely try to monopolise the ability to make unfalsifiable statements. You can't point out any subjectivity at all or else you'll be abused for pointing out the appealing to authority nature or the arbitrariness of accepted axioms.

You can't point out that women live lives on easy mode (easy sex and relationships, all sorts of additional educational and professional help). You can't say that 20 % of men get 80 % of the sex and that being introverted or ugly as a male is a social death sentence. We have tinder / dating site data screaming that 80 % of men are on the social shitheap but still you can't say a thing.

You are forced to empathise up the social ladder but nobody gives a single fuck about anyone below them and you aren't allowed to point it out or complain.

Society has moved to the point where expertise comes in thousands of varieties (e.g., mathematician, bricklayer, football player) yet bullshitting is the only fungible skill. Pseudo intellectuals pretend that reading about, for example, football will give you an understanding of football. As if the words are all you need and the experience of playing it means nothing. The words are nothing.

>> No.2228288

you wouldnt complain if you had money

if you are so wise, get money

>> No.2228289

Hello friend, you have mistakenly clicked the business and finance board; you can find /r9k/ in the above toolbar.

>> No.2228357


>> No.2228363

None of that is an issue if you're not a pussy and are willing to actually stick up for what you believe and take action.

You sound like the type of person who just accepts other people's opinions as the authority. Just stop being a bitch boy, pick your battles and stand by your opinions and learn how to convincingly justify them.

>> No.2228371

op you sound like a faggot who has anxiety about what people think about him. go fuck urself little bich

>> No.2228392

>You're called dumb if you say you find any famous and old books boring. You're not allowed to call out the incoherence and subjectivity of literary theory. You can't point out that philosophers merely try to monopolise the ability to make unfalsifiable statements. You can't point out any subjectivity at all or else you'll be abused for pointing out the appealing to authority nature or the arbitrariness of accepted axioms.

And every person in history that changed the world did exactly what society didn't want them to do. You can either fall in line and be like everyone else, Or you can go against the grain and change the world. Sometimes all it takes is for you to say "Moby dick was actually pretty boring" and the entire planet could change. You have the power op, the world is only BS if you let it be.

>> No.2228399

Lay off the thesaurus and try to express yourself SIMPLY.

>> No.2228403

also op it probably took you a half hour to gather up the courage to post this thread :)

>> No.2228427
File: 38 KB, 600x600, expert manipulator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People just learn to switch off, to blur out the depth and detail

Evolution...Now goy, don't you have shekels to earn

>> No.2228483

Ikr, buy ETH.

>> No.2228593

You can do all those things if your not a little faggot like you OP

>> No.2228772

He did express himself simply? Sorry you're a /brainlet/

What, you don't understand big words like "axioms" and "unfalsifiable" ?

Kill yourself

>> No.2229026

I understand what they mean, he just doesn't use them well so he should stick to simple sentences.

WHO didn't let him point out the appealing to authority nature or the arbitrariness of WHAT accepted axioms? WHEN? In what context? He's trying really hard to fancy it up but he's not making himself clear.

>> No.2229149

>OP should have explained things more simply
>Actually he should have given even more detail

>> No.2229201

Faggot: the post

Go back to your containment board.

>> No.2229215

>You're called dumb if you say you find any famous and old books boring. You're not allowed to call out the incoherence and subjectivity of literary theory. You can't point out that philosophers merely try to monopolise the ability to make unfalsifiable statements. You can't point out any subjectivity at all or else you'll be abused for pointing out the appealing to authority nature or the arbitrariness of accepted axioms.

Holy fuck this is probably the dumbest, most wrong thing I've read all day. You're an idiot that much is objectively true.

>> No.2229235

I get what you're saying.

But normies don't like to be reminded their lives are empty and meaningless.

Just try to hit a mil when your legs are still working so you can travel the world, brah.

t. going scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef in a month before it's fucking gone forever lel

>> No.2229275

Vague and simple are not synonymous.

>> No.2229308
File: 27 KB, 854x476, tailopez1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use your KNAWLADGE to outmaneuver normies in the market and in life.

>> No.2229434

choose one bud!

>> No.2229457

this. Financial independence brah, its all about money. Corporate or other types of wage slavery is a retreat for sheep