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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 869x488, 10B843A5-C0D0-4072-9688-17AD6523BF40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22278014 No.22278014 [Reply] [Original]

We pumping soon

>> No.22278143


>> No.22278200

Our guesses never fail. We are right every time.

>> No.22278230


>> No.22278279

No but seriously. Better safe than rich.

>> No.22278296

That's cap

>> No.22278346

Is this the typical "pump $.03 dump $.05"?

>> No.22278664

Mark my words. STA is going to be the next biz coin. People are done with LINK. We milked it for what is was worth. Time to move on and make some more millions. Get in now and get rich

>> No.22278706

No one will buy ur scam. Index crypto topkek

>> No.22278746
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>> No.22279035

why would I buy an "index" when it's not even an index when I can just spend money and get BTC, ETH, and LINK itself

>> No.22279632

I met Abu-Bakr in Cape town yesterday.

He invited me for drinks as I’m one of the early investors and he seemed really nice over phone.

We met at a cocktail bar and seeing him for the first time was an intensive experience to say the least. He was a really short man, hardly more than 5’5 and of an extremely thin build. His skin was sub-saharan dark. He was old, if I have to throw in an estimate I’d say around 45-50.

We sat down at what I assumed to be his favourite table in the place. The first thing I was taken aback from was his attrocius english. He threw in words of Swahili in his sentences and was very unarticulate in his pronounciation. He repeatedly called me a ”cracker”, despite having a generally polite demeanor towards me.

He gestured towards a waitress and expressed quite blatantly that he was dissappointed for waiting so long. He even told how his ballsack had achieved a perfect balance with the help of decentralized index funds. He quickly dismissed the waitress with our orders. I don’t think she understood a word he was saying.

The rest of the night I watched him get smashed on various drinks. As the Swahili took over more and more the last three words I was able to decrypt from his sluggish ramblings ”Cracker money ours”. I ordered a cab and dumped passed away Mr. Bakr in the backseat and told the driver to take him back to his suite at the Hilton. He was an odd fellow.

>> No.22280613
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>> No.22280648

If you're not building your STAck on these dips, you're just fucking stupid.

>> No.22280817

That is right. Soon meaning this week boys. By November we are through the over $1

>> No.22280894

Why do we always pump LATE? Chainlink, YFuel, most of the market already recovered and are pumping.

>> No.22280898

you're kidding right? this is actually still being shilled here unironically?

ffs, biz...

>> No.22280943

People still actually buy this shit?

Its fucking useless....

>> No.22280983


>> No.22281274

Ah 1 post by this ID FUDs, nice try pajeets, buying more

>> No.22281367

Cope. We dont want to buy your bags.

>> No.22282115
File: 499 KB, 864x485, 1599249490100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post by this ID
now whos the fucking fudding faggot now
STAcels get the rope

>> No.22282130

>1 post by this ID again
Again mate, nice try, don't change it so much

>> No.22282683

We already made it. Reality will catch up by November.

>> No.22282724

>People are done with LINK
I still think LINK will go up, but nowhere as much as STA will. I have nothing but love for the LINK Marines, they know what relentless FUD is, just like we do. Definitely room for them in the pool party once we all make it.

>> No.22282741

Lol these MS paint graphics hahahahaha fucking Kek.

>> No.22282829

Pool party? We on a super yacht party

>> No.22282886

>I still think LINK will go up, but nowhere as much as STA will
Congrats for writing one of the stupidest thing on /biz/ this week! So, you just get here last month?

>> No.22282909
File: 540 KB, 626x2966, Screenshot_2020-09-07 Index Investing Definition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can just spend money and get BTC, ETH, and LINK itself
If you're actually asking that, and not just being snarky, you lack even a basic understanding of what an index is, and why it's an attractive vehicle for investing.
Now, whether you think this is a good index, a good project, or even a good team, that's up to you (dyor), but having an investment index that tracks the big players is most definitely a good idea.

>> No.22282982

>2 posts by this id
cope more

>> No.22283003


>> No.22283092

I have been on biz since 2017 and /g/ since btc and 4chan since 2005. You are the one in the wrong here.

Also moot touched my dick once.