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22270519 No.22270519 [Reply] [Original]

Hello anons, someone posted pic related and everything made more sense to me. I am a Christian and invested in XRP because of Mellon + my own research into it.

I know mellon is not a freemason based on his gospel message, only those who know the bible and are saved know what I am talking about.

Mellon claimed that he was not "privy to their dates" because he was not a luciferian / freemason.

Mellon claimed that xrp will be 2k eoy.

From the pic related, we can see that mellon did not know about the lunar calendar, so when he heard the information that 2k eoy is happening, and relayed that information to us on /biz/ he genuinely thought it was 2k eoy.

I think masons did this on purpose to "hide" their information, I always found it odd how 2020 was the year xrp will be 2k because it's "too easy". But what if freemasons anticipated someone leaking information and as a precaution used another calendar?

I think based on this, it is the most plausible explanation of everything, Christanons that know salvation is by faith alone in Jesus, will know this also. Only the unsaved people will not.

question is, when is the real moon date? when is Jan 2020 on the mason calendar? February?

>> No.22270561

Why the fuck do you tie in religion and freemasonry and all this shit into XRP, you make it look like even worse of an investment than it is. If you want to stick to the script of: 'It'll get adopted by banks' then sure, I get that. Because that's where our world is headed, but there's no point in regurgitating drivel from retards on Twitter.

>> No.22270619

Janus is a moon of saturn
January would be the month
Anno lucis is their calendar but I don't know how it works. But Jan 2020 AL could be our Sec 2020 AD

>> No.22270646

Go be smoothbrain elsewhere, we're discussing ideas here

>> No.22270677

if the end of the year 2020 is february for freemasons, and they count the calendar backwards, from DEC to Jan, it means february is January = moon in February?

>> No.22270682

I hold XRP. I'm just not a fucking retard like you though.

>> No.22270954

if theyre going to overhaul the economy and have trump come out as a hero one would assume it would happen before the election, and with at least some time for the effects to be felt.

>> No.22271040

It's hilarious how the so called flip the switch date or whatever gets pushed out as soon as the supposed dates come close - it was supposed to be September, now it's November, and even that seems to soon for a 23 cent shitcoin to do anything but dump, so let's be safe and push EOY. Well, maybe even that is too soon for anything significant to happen, so let's meme a reverse calendar or some sort of shit so when somebody says EOY, it can literally me any month of any year.

Fuck the whole lot of you fucking schizos

>> No.22271102

it's disappointing but its not surprising.

if someone said "wait another year and you will be a billionaire" would you say no? makes little sense, go wage slave for 60 years or wait 1 year for XRP to moon, its an obvious choice for me.

>> No.22271123

I never said it was surprising, I said it was hilarious

just keep pushing the dates out and you can grow old on hopium

>> No.22271136

If youre holding XRP for any other reason than schizo breadcrumbs then you're an actual idiot because it's price action has been screaming hard sell for 3 years

>> No.22271148

who cares when it is supposed to moon?
Just buy a stack of this shitcoin and forget about it, it trades at 23 cents ffs

>> No.22271183

why not just forget about it altogether? Why would you spend any money on a useless shitcoin with billions and billions left to dump to boot? Are you retarded?

>> No.22271227

its clear you dont know what xrp is or does.
its price has to be a minimum of 25 bucks
some anon calculated it
thats minimum and it included all of the 100 billion supply, which is certainly not liquid. xrp supply is 45 billion, and about 5 billion of that is liquid.

xrp has to be in the hundreds of dollars MINIMUM

you'll buy at 1000 bucks.

>> No.22271237

the price is quite stable
if it does switch and moon 1k +, spending 100usd will net you 400k usd. Are you poor? Are you too broke to spend 100usd on this?

>> No.22271277

Why not throw $100 at it. If you lose who cares? If it takes off you can buy a house. Seems like a no brainer

>> No.22271305

>retard confirmed

quite stable = 90%+ down from ATH in your book

>> No.22271327

do you throw money at every retarded thing you come across because why not? No wonder you are dirt poor

>> No.22271333

The price has nothing to do with it fuckhead. Stop looking at the lines and look at where the world is heading -- total digital economy.

>> No.22271351

holt shit ripplers really are schizos

>> No.22271362

It might make sense, given the date of the flare drop being in December. Why do the airdrop after most have sold their xrp?

>> No.22271374

the 2017 bullrun is long gone and may never repeat

>> No.22271403
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checked and YK

>> No.22271446

amazingly based digits. standard eoy

>> No.22271530

I hold it because I know Jewish banker elites are connected to it, that's the only reason. Follow the money, if the most powerful people on earth have itnerest in it, there's a chance it will be valuable.

>> No.22271579
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Stfu faggot, you literally have no idea what you’re talking about.

>> No.22271588
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What the fuck is wrong with Cripples

>> No.22271604

you are completely fucking insane!
>its price has to be a minimum of 25 bucks

>> No.22271620

100 is really not that much money. You could almost spend $100 on a nice dinner date.

If I could take that $100 and turn it into big money thats a risk worth taking. Im not gambling with food/rent money etc

>> No.22271656

>I think based on this, it is the most plausible explanation of everything, Christanons that know salvation is by faith alone in Jesus, will know this also. Only the unsaved people will not.

Why must you push your faith in these threads on biz? Why cant you push it on X?

>> No.22271673

Haha I know. I come to these threads to see some grade A cope

>> No.22271934

I'm sold, I had a crazy dream involving the freemasons and human sacrifice last night. I open this thread and the masons are mentioned. Can't be a coincidence.

>> No.22272071

>baba follows the lunar calendar

That's it I'm fucking selling

>> No.22272077

Actually I do. Check the other posts under my ID. I'm saying that twitter faggots LARPing has no credibility.

>> No.22272806


>> No.22272859

>It's not the schizo breadcrumbs, it's the schizo breadcrumbs
XRP FUDlets everyone

>> No.22272877

Please go read a history book. Apparently you don't know US history, and you're living within the past 50 years of it.

>> No.22272919

You're not reading what you're replying to.

The guy you replied to said that if you're holding XRP for any reason other than breadcrumbs and following the evidence then you're retarded because the price says sell.
That was in response to someone saying that the breadcrumbs and news are nonsense

>> No.22272927

Want me to explain? Sure, I'll explain.
Anon, at one point we traded using gold and shells.
Can you see how that differs from the current timeline you currently live in?
So is it hard to imagine that society will go cashless? No, it isn't. Apparently you're an 80 IQ mouthbreather with no idea how time x innovation = progress.

>> No.22272951

You're right I'm not really reading I'm busy. Regardless my point stands. Crypto is the future whether you like it or not. The current iteration? Maybe not. If the feds really want their own cryptocurrency they will invent it, and steal the ideas already being founded today.

>> No.22273233

e is a lot knowledgeable about the spiritual than most people realize in my opinion, and the way he preaches the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ makes me doubt he's a mason, he most likely have our best interests at heart, even shilling XRP isn't the most of his posts content.

>> No.22273354

EXACTLY. You're an absolute RETARD if you don't have at least 500 xrp. Why on earth would you not buy a small stack just for the meme alone

>> No.22273736

yes thats what I was trying to say, I think he has our best interest at heart but since he's not a freemason he didn't have all of the information

he even admitted he didnt so.. anyway im glad I bought xrp, going to be rich sooner or later.

>> No.22273787

>a-actually it's next year
>2k for sure just wait a little longer
xrp holders are so delusional lmao

>> No.22273789
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Kek jews keeping price of XRP low to shake off anons.

>> No.22273848
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Yes I am. And no, I will not be taking my meds.

>> No.22274829

I think he's a pretty high ranked insider, he knows that Q and Trump are NWO, not everyone would be privy to these levels of knowledge.

>> No.22274933

XRP is a $0 stablecoin by design

>> No.22275252

most people with a bible know Q and trump are NWO desu

>> No.22275396

yeah its not hard to figure out that the man who puts his name on skyscrapers cares about his legacy first and foremost. also ivanka will be the first female president.

>> No.22275414

sub 20c soon

>> No.22275557

UHNWI specifically said, that XRP HAS to be above 2000 USD, and that we will not get into 2021 with XRP being under 2000 USD.
He's certain about EOY.
I think XRP price happens this year, and the complete integration of the QFS happens Q1 2021.

>> No.22275564

First thing, Jesus is King.

Second, Baba has said “Jan 2020 XRP $2000” means the 2k price was set on 1/31/2020 at Davos’ World Economic Forum. Go back and read his old posts, I did the other day.

Stop with the weird calendar stuff. It makes us look bad. God bless

>> No.22275662


You got jewed, C O P E

>> No.22275694

I have dreams about what I’ll spend money on after I make it with my 5k xrp stackkk

>> No.22276001


>> No.22276041

Fiat currency is a race to $0 by design anon.

>> No.22276361


>> No.22276369

yes but UHNWI got that info from freemasons, and like pic related in OP says, freemasons use a different calendar. for freemasons eoy is not Dec 31st, its february 2021.

>> No.22276666

>yes but UHNWI got that info from freemasons
He seems to be old money, (think England royal blood or similar), he would know way more than what a low-ranked mason like Baba would.
I think he's not mistaken.

>> No.22276716
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Based, checked and schizo'd

>> No.22276736

He clearly meant EOY 2020. Not some 2021 bs.

Let me tell you that freemasons do not refer to the lunar calendar at all for their schedules. IYKYK

>> No.22276819
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I personally pronounce UHNWI as a phonetic word
I say it as "Uh-hih-newi"; it reminds me of the Metra nui from bionicle

>> No.22277152

Holy shit, are you me?

>> No.22277481


>> No.22277590
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>> No.22277686

See >>22276666

>> No.22277692
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Honestly not concerned about dates. EOY would be awfully nice. I enjoy the Mellon larp but if it doesn't happen this year, I won't do any mental gymnastics to explain why and when the switch flip will happen. Regular price action is meaningless to me also, XRP's speculative value isn't for retail investment - it's for institutional use. I also think its possible the Mellon LARP is a trick to get the goyim to drop their bags.

>> No.22277745

You really believe that? If you do, are hou spending every last dollar you can spare on this scamcoin?

>> No.22277943

I'm holding for the same reason you are - it makes sense to follow the money. I'll continue to hold until it's at a price that'll allow me to fuck everyone or until another coin is taken up by the banks.

I'm not as bothered though about the religious/masonic nonsense though. I think it's batshit but love the energy. The idea that one day these nutjobs will be running around with more money than God is enough to restore my faith in life

>> No.22278183

If XRP ends up pumping, the tears of the naysayers are gonna be glorious.

>> No.22278254

If XRP moons to 2K I’ll come here and give away every penny of my crypto.

>> No.22278764

Just devote it to charitable causes. I also don't know if you understand this, but through God all things are possible. Jesus is more important than any instantaneous riches.

>> No.22279049

The insatiable thirst for wealth people exhibit here is not Godly. Wealth is earned through hard work and careful investments. Banking on XRP going to 2K based on very, very obscure posts on an anonymous image board is about the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen. It is very akin to the QAnon people on pol. Nothing to substantiate the claims whatsoever, yet it is spoken as fact. XRP is not going to $2K, it likely will never reach its ATM again. It’s dead in the water and has been since 2016. Keeping getting dumped on by the shitbag devs, though. It’s totally going to 2K. It was September, then it was EOY, and now it’s apparently January 2021. After that it’ll be the next date and then the next and then the next. And guess what will happen? Everybody else will be making money this whole time through their careers, crypto, and stock investments. Meanwhile XRP idiots will be claiming they will become millionaires with zero work. It’s not happening, anon.

>> No.22279114

i got 800 xrp. you betta be right nigga

>> No.22279136


i dont think that many people here even believe the q-tier shit. dude most of us have been holding for years, based on belief in the tech alone. You already prove that you haven't done a lick of research. If you don't know what you're talking about, don't waste your time typing out a post.

>> No.22279141

Hard work and careful investments mean jack shit this day age so get THE FUCK OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT!

>> No.22279235

See at the end of 2021 when XRP is still a $0.30 stablecoin and you are still claiming it’s going to moon.

>> No.22279843

many charitable causes are scams with fabricated results

>> No.22280843
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Sorry fren, u r correct and ur dubs of 7 don’t lie.
Drinks on me at the schizo yacht party

>> No.22280897
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