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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22273763 No.22273763 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>don't have foreskin
>tfw i won't be invited to the /biz/ island once we've made it.

>> No.22274615


>> No.22274626

sorry, rules are rules

>> No.22274635

don't worry fren,
we will start our own paradise
for we are the cut brothers

>> No.22274642

You can be invited as a tranny I am sure anons Wil love you

>> No.22274680

I find it hilarious how people think one way is better than the other. Maybe if you had two dicks then you’d be able to make the decision. Only incels will argue over shit this kek.

>> No.22274725

I thank Jesus and my parents everyday that I’m not circumcised and still have my foreskin

>> No.22274728

If I was circumcised I honestly might kill myself over it. I'm so sorry

>> No.22274730

It's required to cut off your foreskin to be one of God's chosen people.

Only gentiles and slaves have a foreskin.

>> No.22274763

Don't worry fren, us victims of kikery will have our own party in the yacht parked in that Island.
>tfw parents still think they did nothing wrong
>tfw parents still think hitler was a bad guy
honk honk

>> No.22274802
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>> No.22274869

dicklets are barred, sorry. Try dicklet island, aka America.

>> No.22275295

we can fund our own island with cutfag.finance

>> No.22275399

>Cutfag detected

>> No.22275423

Getting cut makes you less sensitive.
Enjoy your anesthetic dicks americans

>> No.22275425

Kys weirdo

>> No.22275466

Tfw biz talks about their dicks but in reality they’re virgins hahahahaha never change

>> No.22275519

I was cut but I didnt let them do it to my two sons. I have given the world two uncut white dicks for my single, defaced penis

>> No.22275623

I just got a blowjob though like an hour ago, for free

>> No.22275813
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We will have our revenge cutbro

>> No.22275867

>cut golem coping over being a cut golem

>> No.22276391

No wonder jews are behaving like they do, can’t imagine being cut, must be horrible.
I almost got cut, had fimosis, was afraid if being cut whole childhood. Couldnt have normal sex until 18. I went to see a doc, totally sure I would have to get cut to solve the problem. The doc did only frenulum plastica. Now I can roll the skin over and have normal sex. Thanks doc for not making me like those jewfags, with dead penises.