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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1445722183259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2225506 No.2225506 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you have to report every single transaction for taxing
>This means that if you bought BTC for USD, then bought Golem with them, then sold Golem for DGB, then half the DGB for some other shit, and 1/3 of that for something else... you have to calculate profit for everything. And don't forget to convert your shitcoin price to BTC and BTC price to dollars at the time of the transaction.
I wish I hadn't bought crypto at all

>> No.2225525

1. Import trade history into https://bitcoin.tax/..
2. Hit calculate.
3. Decide not to pay it.

That's it.

>> No.2225556
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Niggu, if you traded BTC for GNT, the value of both sides of the trade is literally that same in fiat terms- what the fucklicks are you supposed to pay taxes on there is no profit until you exchange for fiat.

>> No.2225563

>Import trade history
>Gee I sure love those shitcoin market orders completed in 4 chunks at 4 different prices!
>Implying I can even "import" anything from those exchanges and don't have to type 1500 transactions in manually

>> No.2225572
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Nice try IRS

>> No.2225582

Most exchanges let you export a CSV of your trade history.

>> No.2225592

I bet you pay a hefty price for that

>> No.2225617

they are not going to check every trade lol. there is no way they can verify them anyway. as long as your final capital gains is what you ended up with for the year you are good.

>> No.2225620

Why do you just keep SAYING THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW.

>> No.2225687

>tfw step dad is accounting consultant with degree in law too

ty based god. also cant wait to see the look on his face when i cash out lmao

>> No.2225767

>Buy 1BTC for $2k
>Year later it's worth 4k
>But you have 10k because you traded it for alts
>But Bitcoin price doesn't increase that much Anon :^) t. IRS

I probably don't have to do this anyway since I'm not actually an American. I live in Poland and from what I've gathered you only have to report trades for fiat here. But it's still fucked up because you have to declare the costs of buying all your coins in the same year you bought them even if you haven't sold, or else you won't be able to substract it from the taxed amount (you'll pay taxes from the revenue and not the profit) when you finally do sell.

Also I'm not sure what happens in the case where you sold part of your coins for fiat with a profit but reinvestment them in shitcoins again and haven't sold before the end of the taxation period. Do I have to report the profit/cost because I sold, or not because the money has been frozen again?

>> No.2225782

just don't cash out and they will never prove anything

>> No.2225815


Never cash out and then just buy things with your cryptocurrencies.

>> No.2225827

What if one were to use prepaid btc visa? How to pay taxes?

>> No.2225835
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Q-12: Is a payment made using virtua
l currency subject to
information reporting?
A payment made using virtual currency is
subject to information reporting to the
same extent as any other payment made in
property. For example, a person who in the
course of a trade or business makes a paym
ent of fixed and determinable income using
virtual currency with a value of $600 or more to
a U.S. non-exempt recipient in a taxable
year is required to report the payment to
the IRS and to the payee. Examples of
payments of fixed and determinable income
include rent, salaries, wages, premiums,
annuities, and compensation.


The fuckers even want from miners to record the "fair value" of every coin or fraction they mine at the time it's mined and declare for taxation. It's like they have no fucking clue what they are dealing with.

>> No.2225846

Its literally free, you mong

>> No.2225867

Just calculate how much profit you made by subtracting your initial investment from how much you have at the end of the year and then calculate the tax from that amount.

>> No.2225868

Apple avoids paying billions in taxes they can suck my big fat cock

>> No.2225871

Tell it to tyrone in prison before he sicks his dick up your ass.

>> No.2225876

>never even convert to fiat
>STILL try to make you pay taxes

Lemme guess, all those Pokémon cards I traded are taxed too, and when I traded my gushers for a fruit roll-up.

Fuck this noise, I might as well just fill out a 1039 and if I get audited start a go-fundme for a decent lawyer.

I'm sure there's a ton of wealthy people in the same boat who'd like to see this bullshit overridden and float me a few bucks just to see what the law REALLY says about crypto.

>> No.2225888


>> No.2225892

I'll go out in a blaze of crypto glory faggot

>> No.2225913

>all those Pokémon cards I traded are taxed too
I agree. A friend of mine made a similar comment the other day that by this logic, all of that gold earned in World of Warcraft should be taxable income too.

>> No.2225927

>muh taxes
why are americucks so obsessed with paying taxes?

>> No.2225932

Because if you don't the IRS will bankrupt you and throw you in prison for 40 years

>> No.2225944

#3 is major key here
i literally don't even think about paying taxes on this bullshit

>> No.2225949

same with runescape lmao.

*sells santa hat*
*required to pay taxes on "capital gains"*

>> No.2225954

>he didn't give 20% of his fruit roll up to uncle sam

lock this guy up

>> No.2225956

Law fag here. I'm not reporting shit. Going to nurse it as petty cash for the rest of my life.

>> No.2225965

As a lawyer, can you elaborate on why this is okay or why it will work out? I don't want to get fucked by the IRS but I don't want to pay taxes on this shit

>> No.2225976
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>> No.2226012

I hope you only have first lvl of verification on alt coin exchanges, senpai cuz otherwise that genius thought doesn't work..

>> No.2226015

government cannot do anything about it. Nobody sane is going to pay crypto taxes

>> No.2226021

>suddenly enough money to buy a lambo
>thinks the IRS won't notice

good luck with that

>> No.2226047

HODL until the #fiatcrash familia. i actually really hope trump dissolves IRS

>> No.2226057

either way it doesn't actually matter, it's near possible to enforce.

You can't force someone to pay tax if they are still holding onto cryptos, only if they want to sell

In which case,pay 15% capital gains if you've made 6 figures or whatever and get on with life

>> No.2226061
File: 32 KB, 540x523, 1495749119543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm a developer in finance and automated everything
I truly feel sorry for all of you

>> No.2226076

Why does everyone think fiat is gonna crash? Unless the petrodollar becomes worthless, fiat is going to stick around.

>> No.2226078

Exporting the files from the exchange is free. I think bitcoin.tax is like $15 per year and you can also export a file from that for turbo tax to use.

>> No.2226090

Is there any way a layman can do this? Or is there a paid service? Please help me anon I'm buried in transactions to report

>> No.2226105

Good luck auditing my cat IRS faggots.

>> No.2226114

there are paid services, google them

>> No.2226118

True that. I feel that when I finally decide to cash out all my crypto profits - the 15% capital gains tax would be the least of my worries. I'm just saying that the IRS is getting totally out of hand.

In order for the IRS to be dissolved, the Federal Reserve would need some heavy reforms. I like Trump but I don't think he can take on the central banks alone unfortunately.

>> No.2226119

Sell the code and instructions on how to use it or post it somewhere for free and leave a donation address.

Use the sales/donations to buy more shitcoins.

>> No.2226129

>Bundle your software
>sell it
>make even more

>> No.2226141

Who told you this bullshit?

How the hell is anyone going to know where the Bitcoin you just sold came from?

>> No.2226160

too much work, i can't be arsed to provide support for normies

>> No.2226164

>that sweet feel when you have an old bittrex account with no kyc requirements and unlimited withdrawal abilities

>> No.2226175

> Set up a company in a tax free region like the BVI.

> Call it NEETGains Capital.

> Employ yourself as a trader for NEETGains Capital with a salary of $1.

> NEETGains Capital pays no tax.

>> No.2226223

Do you even know what percentages are?

>> No.2226233

unlimited? I have a legacy account but a 100BTC daily limit

>> No.2226236

Apparently not, judging by your comment. Please explain to me what percentages are.

>> No.2226410

literally just read about it
thankfully in my country it's only crypto-fiat that's taxable

>> No.2226663


Oh.. well, to me 100BTC is pretty much unlimited

>> No.2226664
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>still no responses

>> No.2226684

kek me as well...for now

>> No.2226685


M8 just pay any gains you make at the end of the year.

If you cash out $500 profit. But then lose $500 profit before the end of the year is up. Don't pay shit nigger, you're retarded.

>> No.2226698

>no fucking clue what they are dealing with
Civics 101

>> No.2226713

except when you start cashing in shitloads of money in your bank and the gov sees it you're fucked

if you don't plan on actually using your money you're also a cuck.

>> No.2226730
File: 35 KB, 1024x586, 1495741602750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you fucked if you want the money in your account, pay the 15% tax, to the government and keep it in your account


Are you retarded

>> No.2226749

not sure how taxes work in USA but p sure that 15% withholding tax isn't the only tax you'd pay.

That's just a preliminary tax, a lot of your gainz will still need to declared as income, with the 15% tax deductible.. iunno..

>> No.2226778

what did he mean by this?

>> No.2226797

in the USA you pay income rate on short term gains (25-35%), and 15% on long term gains

you have to declare mining income as "other income" on the 1040, if that's what you're referring to

>> No.2226801

good luck senpai

>> No.2226848

He meant that you can't be expected to pay a tax if you haven't cashed out yet. Good luck paying $20k tax on the $30 you put in on a 1sat coin that made you $80k, with your fucking $100 net worth bank account.

He also meant that there's nothing stopping you from just saying you "found" 20btc.

And also saying that you can just tell the IRS your exchange of choice just got "hacked" and did an exit scam.
Remember bitfenix?

>> No.2226874
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>land of the free

>> No.2226888

>He meant that you can't be expected to pay a tax if you haven't cashed out yet
isn't this common knowledge, that you only pay taxes when you sell? I guess you shouldn't overestimate the masses

>He also meant that there's nothing stopping you from just saying you "found" 20btc.
I guess so but why have a permanent red flag on your tax file for the rest of your life

he could have just labeled the post "tax evasion methods" if this is the case. it's a valid strategy but I'd rather pay and use my money freely without lying to the IRS.

>> No.2226909

>saying you "found 20btc on a long lost pc"
I think they would actually see through this one quite easily. If you've be stockpiling BTC in cold storage and decide to cash out - the IRS can do a blockchain audit and see clearly that you've been receiving a steady flow of BTC from exchange addresses.

>> No.2226953

co co co, przecież w polsce to w ogole nie jest regulowane, nie moge po prostu wypłacic sobie bitkojnów z bittrexa na bitmarket a potem na konto? jak je wyprać?

>> No.2226982
File: 297 KB, 473x453, 1495237474951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

home of the slaves

>> No.2227012

>pay taxes
>get to live in a developed country

>don't pay taxes
>live in a third world shithole


>> No.2227062

I don't mind paying taxes, dude. I think we can both agree though, that the US government's taxation structure is nothing short of corrupt and the IRS is operated by cash-grabbing jews. How many gorillion in debt is the US in now? Who's fault is it and who has to pay it?

>> No.2227120

There's a reason places like Abu Dhabi exist, anon...

>> No.2227205

just keep track of your transactions in a spreadsheet

>> No.2227235

Cointracking.info also allows you to replicate steps 1-3.

Honestly this is why I'm not interested more heavily in crypto. Handling the taxes for my brokerage and IRA is far easier since Merrill just mails me the information I need.

>> No.2227240

isn't there a basis swap when you trade these shits so you don't actually recognize the full amount as a gain unless you convert to fiat?

>> No.2227242

in the governments opinion its worse than murder to not pay taxes

>> No.2227251

Such is the life of a US citizen.

>> No.2227267

or of any other civilized country

>> No.2227272

If I was a US citizen I would do exactly what Rodger Ver did, renounce my US citizenship get a St Kitts and Nevis passport and go live in Japan.

>> No.2227287

In literally no other civilized country do they expect you to report every single trade done on some crypto exchange.

Hell in the UK it's not even taxable if you write it off as gambling/speculation.

>> No.2227298

I honestly think capital gains on the base currency of HTC should be enough. It's unreasonable to tax gains made on alts since there's so many different transactions and exchange rates to account for.

>> No.2227309

Btc* not HTC

>> No.2227321

Lets say someone uses coinbase and move his coins outside to an exchange then just moves the same ammount of coins base into coinbase that he bought and cashes out. Would they even know you traded?

>> No.2227342

I'm not paying shit in taxes, a few years ago secret service was fucking doing stings on people just using bitcoins.

My plan? Local bitcoins, bitcoin depot, and bitcoin debit cards. I'm a college dropout with nearly no assets and no more than 2k in the bank. Irs want's to try getting at me let them on.

People don't pay taxes all the time, in the end if they get their money without wasting time and resources on shitloads of lawsuits they're fine.

Fuck the IRS, enjoy paying taxes goyim

>> No.2227347

They can track your BTC address on Coinbase and see all of your outgoing/incomming transactions. They can also track that you are sending BTC to an exchange address and request your trading history from the given exchange.

>> No.2227357


Not many people seem to understand that all transactions are public.

Blockchains would make money laundering impossible if properly enforced.

>> No.2227370

just report your final cash out, fuck them

>> No.2227395

Anyone on /biz/ been caught not reporting crypto gains?

>> No.2227419

Do you think they would go to such lengths If you just pay long term capital gains? I think this is too new for them they dont really even have an official ruling regarding crypto trading altcoins. Their last offical statement on bitcoin was ambiguous and back like in 2014 or something.

Also anytime you buy something with a bitcoin its taxable or even if someone gives you one. So theres too much to keep up

>> No.2227453

you can attempt a 1031 like-kind exchange and carry the basis of the 1st transaction but if you are in the business of trading cryptos (ie: a professional trader) then you will 99% not qualify for it

you would probably end up owing more tbqh even if you did do that

>> No.2227458

Coinbase on the chopping block, legit only 900 people reported last year.

There is too much of us, but if they get ALL account data then we're fucked.

>> No.2227463

Non US citizens can follow this: https://theglobalcitizen.co/zero-bitcoin-taxes/

>> No.2227470

If I ever get audited I'm going to send them a 100 TB file containing every microcent I've earned staking an obscure high PoS shitcoin. In PDF format of course.

>> No.2227494


I posted the PDF link for that 2014 doc they released here >>2225835

I am certain they would go through such lengths especially if they think they can grab money from a lot of people in the process. Not saying they would be successful but rest assured - they will try their best.

>> No.2227495

thanks, that's what I was thinking of. Yeah, would they just consider that normal income?

>> No.2227529

no it would still be taxed as a capital asset, you'd just use the cost basis and acquired date of the initial transaction.

so I guess there would be a benefit if you can avoid short term tax rate (your income tax %) and pay the 15% long term once you do sell back to fiat, but you'd need a tax attorney to do it for you probably

>> No.2227732

>mfw staking 1.7mil RDD rn

lmaoooo cant wait to send them this shit

>> No.2227766

I had about 4.2mm rdd back in the day and was staking them. I wrote some scripts to get everything in order tax wise, but 95% of the total I bought across 3 orders on the exchanges. I couldn't pull the trigger on the ones I mined, it'd be thousands of transactions I'd have to enter into taxes once they are sold. I sold the 95% and am saying fuck it to the rest, those are staying in the wallet forever. not worth the effort.

>> No.2227796

just cash out in a different country jesus you fucks

>> No.2227893

>, legit only 900 people reported last year.
It's too hard to report it the capital gains way.
Don't know how hard they will crack down if you paid your tax, but didn't do it the schedule d way.
Now there's software to do it their way easier, but a lot of people will have to amend their old returns to comply the way the irs wants it.
It's also too late to amend 2013 return, so the irs should be easier on everyone. They told everyone a month before taxes were do how to do it.
You have to be rich with a cpa, crypto lawyer to comply.

>> No.2228037

It is just this. I don't understand where all the confusion comes from.

>> No.2228063
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Just buy a gun and shot the glow in dark IRS niggers they arent even human so dont feel sad when you killem

>> No.2228102 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 125x121, angrygunpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I'm only 15 and want to earn a few bucks and participate in a fun hobby what the fuck is up with these taxes and shit

>> No.2228114

Or just use local bitcoin to cash out into cash, then buy some gold then sell it and say you got it in another country

>> No.2228121

It's literally not. Americucks have to document EVERY single transaction, or else they are going to get raped in jail by Tyrone. Check yourself if you don't believe me.

>> No.2228137

this anon is actually right. i think they will amend the rules eventually, but as of rn this is it.

>> No.2228143

I would literally rather be born in the Congo.

>> No.2228150

underage b&

>> No.2228186


im barely smart enough to fuck with these shitcoins you think im paying taxes on top o that

>> No.2228215

Bitmarket wymienia na dolary/złotówki? Jak tak to z tego co czytałem musisz się z tego wyspowiadać, ale przynajmniej wymiany BTC-altcoiny nie są regulowane.

Nie wiem jak można uniknąć podatków, czytałem, że jak kupisz złoto za BTC i przetrzymasz 6 miesięcy, to nie musisz płacić, ale muszę to jeszcze sprawdzić.

>> No.2228275

nie, wymienia bitkojny na złotówki xD

w jaki sposób musze to zadeklarować i ile mi kradną? a jakby tak po prostu przerzucic wszysto na paypala?

bittrex>transfer btc na bitmarket>zamiana btc na złotówki>przelew na paypal>????

gdyby bezposdenio mozna bylo z zagranicznej giełdy przelac na polskie konto to za chuja by sie nie skapneli co to, jakby bttrex wspierał usd to bym to zrobił tak

bittrex>revoult (aplikacja na wymiane walut która nie nalicza prowizji>konto bankowe

kurwa no nie wiem, srednio mi sie widzi płacić tym pedałom na finansowanie 500+ a tym bardziej pierdolić sie w papierach, ze niby mam każdego shitkojna i każdą transakcje rozliczać, no do chuja tak sie nie da

>> No.2228286

albo jakby skorzystać z tego co się kupuje i sprzedaje bitkojny na żywo, że spotyka sie z ludzmi z okolicy i kupujesz/sprzedajesz za gotówke

nie pamietam jak to sie nazywało

ty się rozliczasz?

>> No.2228296

Because otherwise how are they going to pay their banking overlords by funding the military 15% of their total government expenditure in the promise of "protecting your freedom" whilst actually running a wrecking ball across developing nations so that the rich can get richer and continue not to pay taxes.

I don't understand how any person with a shred of dignity or morals could pay taxes in the United States. I would move instantly without hesitation merely on the fact that my forced taxation funds war criminals and arms dealers.

>> No.2228310
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>mine ETH
>put it all in a separate wallet
>convert to BTC at a shit exchange which doesn't verify identity after ETH hits 0.1 BTC/ETH
>move to separate wallet
>acquire drugs
>see everything, all at once

gubmint doesn't know what they can't see, Anon

>> No.2228356

is there a minimum amount where you need to pay taxes? like would i have to pay tax for just a 150$ capital gain

>> No.2228408

You don't need to keep track of fiat value at every moment.

You only need to keep track of the transacition.

Ie '-0.001 BTC +20 SHC' or whatever.

Pic related, it's all my tracking I keep for crypto. I log all my fiat transactions in and out on my normal accounting software.

>> No.2228412
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>> No.2228435

W PIT 36 w prawach majątkowych czy czyms takim, 18%.
>gdyby bezposdenio mozna bylo z zagranicznej giełdy przelac na polskie konto
można, z krakena xD
Ale i tak by się skapneli że dostałes więcej niż przelałes. Na paypala nie wiem, może i by przeszło.
no też by dało radę, ale jak wyszło ci z tego dużo kasy i chciałbys kupić np. samochód, a nie zarabiasz tyle, żeby cię normalnie było na to stać, to mogą się spytać skąd wziąłes te pieniądze.

Ja na razie staram się nie sprzedawać crypto za euro (mam konto na krakenie) i mysle o kupieniu złota za BTC i sprzedaż po pół roku.
Cos takiego znalazłem:

>Czyli podlegający opodatkowaniu PIT przychód powstaje wyłącznie, jeśli zbycie rzeczy następuje w okresie krótszym niż pół roku, licząc od końca miesiąca, w którym nastąpił zakup.

>> No.2228445

Yeah probably not especially if you're a lazy fuck that doesn't actually understand crypto at all and just got into it for the memes and shilling

>> No.2228446

>And don't forget to convert your shitcoin price to BTC and BTC price to dollars at the time of the transaction
Lol BTC is a fucking altcoin fuck that there's no reason at all to convert it to that and consider it a standard.

People who trade against BTC are fucking retarded.

People who pay taxes on crypto are fucking retarded.

>> No.2228448
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>> No.2228454


You people may as well be paying taxes on runescape gp. It's literally the same fucking thing. Literally digital coins, no different not even a little not even a slight nuance of difference.

>> No.2228457
File: 1 KB, 128x128, cryptopackage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Checkout cryptopackage, it lets you anonymously buy stuff with bitcoin using encrypted shipping info, so your transaction with BTC cant be traced to you.


>> No.2228468

>Vendors all around the world start accepting Bitcoin transactions
>Make a ton of money because people use them to avoid paying income taxes on crypto
>IRS decides to tax BTC directly or some shit
>Switch to a new cryptocurrency
>be IRS

>> No.2228479
File: 544 KB, 724x894, uuuuuuuuuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tylko kurrrr, nie wiem za bardzo jak dziala paypal i chyba nie da sie z giełdy na paypala i tez wlasnie zdalem sobei sprawe ze moge z bittrexa na krakena i z krakena na revaoulta/konto/paypala(?), nawet wiekszy kurs maja to bym moze i na arbitrazu troche zarobił jeszcze xD, ale tam trzeba sie chyba potwierdzić dowodem zeby cokolwiek wypłacic, wez sprawdz mati jak jestes na krakenie

kurwa ile z tym pierdolenia

w takim razie chyba local bitcoins wychodzi najlepiej, aslo kto by mniepodpierdolił, ja nie mam nawet znajomyc xD

>> No.2228509

nie trzeba dowodu dla Polaków, tylko dla Niemców
also papies zjadał dzieci, nie postuj go coo?

>> No.2228578
File: 32 KB, 512x512, tedcruz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should have memed Ted Cruz into office instead. He wanted to ABOLISH the IRS and have a flat tax on everybody where you just volunatarily report on a little postcard. Seriously, he was the actually the most radically pro-freedom candidate. Was it the way he looks?

>> No.2228599

You don't understand how BTC works, do you?

The entire POINT of crypto is IRS physically can't do this since crypto currencies don't exist anywhere, how would they tax it?

>> No.2228606
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jak to? czyli kompletna anonimowsc? a mozna na paypala wyslac? aslo widze ze na tym local bitkojns straszie chujowy kurs mają i w sumie nawet nie wiem na jakiej zasadzie to dziala

>> No.2228616

So if all the vendors in the US simply decide to all agree to accept a crypto currency, except for liberals who want to pay taxes, will the IRS have to go fuck itself?

>> No.2228744

pls respond

>> No.2228791


Actually this is incorrect

You only have to report your gains from fiat back to fiat

>> No.2228866

No. Cryptos are regulated to an extent, and unless all businesses agree to stop reporting any form of inventory or gains to the IRS (which is a trip down to federal prison for tax evasion), the Feds can still track where goods go.

>> No.2228888

>not wanting the lambos
stay poor

>> No.2229530



>> No.2229581

That's actually pretty amazing.

2020? Trump is too old to go 8 years

>> No.2229637

>3. Decide not to pay it.

So did you enter your SSN into any of those exchanges for "verification purposes"?

>> No.2229678

The IRS is a foreign owned corporation..there is no law stating that you HAVE to pay income tax...the legal system in America is all BS just ask the lawfag. It's the masterful use of language

>> No.2229695

Call the IRS and ask them to show you which law states you have to pay an income tax....you fags are so worried about coins and don't even realize your birth certificate is a mutual fund on the NYSE worth millions

>> No.2229706

Thanks bro
>irs "why didn't you pay taxes on crypto gains"
>I read a a Chinese billionaire forum that there is now law proclaiming taxes on crypto

>> No.2229717

You'll get taxed into oblivion if you don't speak out against it. All you have to do is call. It's a phone call a little question won't hurt anyone, right?

>> No.2229731

Gambling companies are always good investments. Next month on my next payday Im investing in more gambling sites. They'll probably make up a third of my portfolio

>> No.2229737

According to the law, stuff like that is clearly taxable. They just don't bother going after people since they either don't realise or amounts are insignificant. But you can bet your ass if someone was found to be making a lot in wow they would come down

>> No.2229759

>Call the IRS and ask them to show you which law states you have to pay an income tax.

Look up "ed and elaine brown" who were tax protesters that used the same "show me the law" argument.

TLDR; They will be spending the rest of their lives in prison for daring to stand up to mafia extortion.

The government doesnt give a shit about silly little legal technicalities, if you don't pay what they claim you owe them, they willl take it from you by force (asset forfeiture, tax liens) or you will do years in prison (and still owe the money).

>> No.2229790

>tax people care about non-fiat transactions

Hurr durr I'm a retard - you

>> No.2229814

Business idea: pay taxes so you don't get sent to prison and fined for tax evasion

>> No.2229824

Just buy and hold and wait for the government to collapse.

>> No.2229849

It's treason anon...it's a foreign owned corporation, but I understand the fear of our evil government....if you know what to SAY in court you can get off. Judges have jurisdiction over you if you ALLOW them to......if you've ever been charged with anything then you already know they have to ask you permission to continue their ruling. There's a religious aspect to law that a lot of people don't know about

>> No.2229857

So all the government has to do is obtain that companies wallets and use the blockchain to find everyone who used their service? Doesn't sound very bulletproof lol

>> No.2229876

I suggest you hire a lawyer to consult if you actually plan on doing that, I doubt the lawyer would recommend you go through with the plan lol.

>> No.2229892

Your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS isn't you....when the fuck did you become a pronoun? As a human being with unalienable human rights you can't incur debt. Only your name in all caps can. Very smart lawyers created this system of financial slavery in 1933 after the great depression. Free yourselves anons I talk myself out of every speeding ticket because I'm not driving I'm TRAVELING and there's no injured parties.

>> No.2229895



When filling your taxes, mistakes in investment transactions don't matter as long as the final amount you owe has been correctly calculated and paid.

>> No.2229897

you're meming, but debt based on interest is literally slavery. One of the only things Islamic societies got right

>> No.2229910

Why would anyone buy into their system? Lawyers are their to take your money. If you want freedom and personal liberty you have to study it man. As U.S. Citizens you're only granted privileges, not rights.

>> No.2229924

Meming about which part? Just because something sounds crazy doesn't mean it is...that's dismissive

>> No.2229925

It's time to stop posting now.

>> No.2229932


All the IRS cares about is getting their cut, anyone who is actually bothering to report crypto gains is probably assumed to be honest to begin with and they have better things to do than pecking around blockchains. Pay your tribute and most likely they won't harass you.

>> No.2229934

Bro teach me. I paid a two tickets last year I i will contiue to have to pay for the next 5 fucking years becasue i didn't challenge it. im willing to go to jail fighting to keep my coins.

>> No.2230000

It's all word play.....it's actually unconstitutional because you have an inherent right to travel. No statute is above supreme court law. None. Period. They try to tax you with a ticket tellin you that you were speeding while driving down a road, but you're not driving at ALL, you're TRAVELING. That's talking to a fuckass cop...

As far as talking to a judge just ask him to prove what jurisdiction he has over you, a son of God. He's gonna ignore you the first time. Repeat the question again and when he says he refuses to answer just say, "If you can't prove what jurisdiction you have over me then I'll be on my way...have a nice day."

Anon they'll try to use fear. English words literally have different meanings in law

>> No.2230026

If you're a neet and your investments into alt coins went from $100 to $900 this year. Would you need to report it? I thought that you only needed to report if you made over like 10k-11k?

>> No.2230031

I take it you've heard of the no state project. But let me get one thing clear. You've actually done this in court and were allowed to leave without charges?

>> No.2230071

You are so fucking delusional. Please, nobody actually try anything this idiot is saying.

>> No.2230084


oh lord, sovereign citizens. Don't listen to these morons.

>> No.2230102

Yeah but I did this at the very beginning. When they told us to "All Rise" I stayed seated. When they told us to sit back down I stood up. That's giving the judge consent of his jurisdiction over you. Then I asked him to prove his jurisdiction..he ain't say shit so I walked off. Legal system is such BS in U.S....
And what makes me delusional...because you say so? It's dismissive cause you're not even looking into it, but I'm the idiot? If you say so yo. I'm telling you what worked for me on this piece of shit forum board typing all this shit...idc if you believe me or not stay enslaved chattels
Yeah don't because this guy says so

>> No.2230191

Oh god.

You've never done that before. It literally never happened. There are hundreds of compilations on YouTube for you and anyone else to check out to see what happens when you try your childish bullshit.

Stop spreading misinformation and go get help for your mental illness.

>> No.2230305

Not necessarily, some coins are specifically designed to enable transactions without public knowledge of wallets involved while still forming consensus.

For instance, if you go buy dash with btc on an exchange with kyc, then exchange that dash for btc on a different exchange without kyc, then transfer to your cash out account on the kyc exchange, all the IRS sees is the trade of btc for dash, then the final transaction where you cash your btc out. They can speculate, but there's no evidence of trades or transactions and the IRS can try to subpoena a foreign exchange if they want to try to charge you with a felony, but doubtful they'll get a response.

Fuck em. Use coinbase to buy in and cash out, and use an exchange without kyc to execute all trades. Let the IRS try to sort out the details if they ever audit you. Fuckers are understaffed as it is, no way they have time to audit all the crypto millionaires, and statute of limitations on audits is seven years so hodling/trading for long term gains is honestly your best course of action in any case.

Fuck the IRS though, for sure.

>> No.2230318

what's kyc?

>> No.2230319


>> No.2230320


also, ID = moe~

>> No.2230331

>implying they will get responses from non US-based exchanges

Coinbase and a select few others that want fees from fiat exchange deal with the kyc bullshit the AML laws require; if the exchange doesn't have user verification steps is unlikely they intend to comply with US law, and eccentric less likely they'd respond to a request for user data from a country that doesn't host any of their servers.

>> No.2230334

would this work?

>> No.2230347

pls anser

>> No.2230368

What is the most reputable exchange that is based outside of the us?

kyc = know your custom = slave tag

>> No.2230412

KYC = 'know your customer'

Is banker speak for laws relating to AML (anti money laundering) compliance regulations spearheaded by the US and adopted by most other dust quirks countries.

Bottom line, to avoid taxes on each individual transaction you simply need to hide the transactions in an exchange the government can't subpoena; safe bet is if the exchange doesn't accept fiat and doesn't have rewritten like "give me your fill legal name, your home address, two forms of ID and your dick size", they aren't hosted in a country that cares about AML, and as a result will not turn trade data over to the IRS, which essentially means all they can prove is that you need to pay traditional income tax on the cash out amount if you cash out immediately after moving back to coinbase, or long term cap gains rate if you wait a year after moving back to coinbase.

This is all assuming that you cash out using coinbase, and don't go a less formal route like local bitcoin or literally just using bitcoin to buy goods whenever you opt to "cash out".

The IRS knows about other coins, but doesn't have the foggiest on how to actually enforce their own legislation for anything but bitcoin transacted through coinbase. So if you report it, you're basically being a beta bitch boy who wants uncle Sam to pound his asshole using hundred dollar bills as lube.

>> No.2230426

listen to this cuck.

blockchain is a nice ledger. you can still wash through moving between multiple ledgers. consider the following: USD>BTC>shitcoin>BTC(new wallet)>USD(offshore account).

we maffia now senpai

>> No.2230465

Basically, just use an exchange that doesn't ask for your name. I like liqui.io, but I'm sure other exchanges exist. Just make sure you never give personal info to set up an account.

If you have to input your name, the government will find you eventually; the only question then will be if the statute of limitations is up.

>rant incoming
Fuck the IRS. They're the whole reason I got into crypto in the first place, because centralized currencies are ass and complying with stupid unenforceable laws is for suckers.

If I ever cash out my crypto for fiat, they can have their pound of flesh if they can trace my trail, but 1) I'm a long term hodl because I believe in the tech, which means I've mined easily as much as I've bought, and 2) I'm doing my best to cover my tracks as I go so the only record they'll even have that I own crypto is the coinbase records of me buying in. More than likely I'll cash or through local bitcoin or Craigslist, so good luck following that paper trail fuckers.

>> No.2230488

ok as of right now only basecoin has my personal information. I gave poloniex a fake name but that is it.

>> No.2230739

Which ones don't ask for your name?

tfw bittrex and coinbase user

>> No.2230881

tfw the man tries to shake me down for 25% of my doge ;-;
baka-senpais would probably just turn around and market sell them too just to doublefuck me jfc baka desu senpai fml brb kms afk 4vr now fug

>> No.2230895

>all these wordfilters
wew i knew there was a reason i pretty much abandoned cuckchan

>> No.2231200

>transfer funds to hardware wallet
>transfer funds to a different exchange


>> No.2231226

Actually you're wrong op, they literally haven't clarified the rules for it. If you never sold them, the rules the game out with actually sound like you only pay taxes if you sell for usd.

>> No.2231270

The IRS is handling this shit poorly. If they at least properly explained this shit.

>> No.2231275
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 16708522_636332026553005_3045132107952388509_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw austalia taxes bitcoin


>> No.2231294

Withoit taxing, the cops lose the battle against the negries

>> No.2231305

I like how the irs isn't clarifying anything, and no one is sure if turning bitcoin into alt coins is a like-kind trade or not.

>> No.2231515


Dude, have you seen what the IRS does to people?

Out of the blue they will place a lien on your house, levy your bank accounts, garnish you wages, and then prosecute you. Lots of people have committed suicide due to IRS harassment.

American hate paying taxes and they are obsessed with taxation because they don't want to be on the IRS' bad side and simultaneously want to keep all their money.

Also, dindus need mo money fo dem programs.

>> No.2231529


Car dealers are required to file cash activity report forms with the IRS if someone spend $10K or more in cash on a car.

>> No.2231532

>he doesn't know that the US Government has confiscated BitCoins


>> No.2231536


I know a 17 year old (actor) that got audited and his parents were on the hook. Same goes for your cat and don't expect the prosecutor, judge, and jury to buy "muh cat" story.

>> No.2231544

>set up foreign bank account

Yeah, this is old and failed. The IRS has informants in the abnks and if they don't cooperate, the US Government files suit. They forced UBS (Swiss bank) to reveal names)

>> No.2231550

>He meant that you can't be expected to pay a tax if you haven't cashed out yet.

That's not true. The USG has confiscated BitCoins, you know.

>> No.2231556

Sorry that guide wasn't for Burgers, you're just going to pay up.

>> No.2231564

>they are going to get raped in jail by Tyrone

This. Don't believe when people say that there are "tax prisons". Nope, you are going to regular Federal prison with all the bank robbers, mafiosos, and drug smugglers.

>> No.2231567

D-do ancaps actually have a valid point?

>> No.2231641

Kurs jest 'chujowy' bo jeżeli ktoś chce anonimowości to musi za nią zapłacić trochę ekstra. Też jestem ciekawy jak to będzie ze mną. Bałbym się trochę iść i sprzedać komuś irl jednego btc i odebrać za to 8k w gotówce.

>> No.2231932
File: 394 KB, 756x765, 4c2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop using the ponzi papernotes

>> No.2232172

>buy crypto
>hodl for 3 years
>crypto increases in value 10,000%
>pay 0 capital gains cause its 3 years old

>> No.2232213


Dude Federal Prisons are the good life comparatively to state prison, they are better funded and if you are a non-violent offender which IRS tax avoiders are, odds are good you'll go to a FCP camp where there aren't even any walls in the prison yard and cells are more like a dormitory. The trade-off is federal has no parole and sentences tend to be longer.

>> No.2232348

this is why bittrex is superior
it keeps track of all your buy and sells for you

>> No.2232397

>be american
>be 1773
>be pissed about taxes from over rulling goverment
>not pay taxes
>throw all the taxed tea into the bay
>starts a war over it and wins independance

>be american
>be pissed about the taxes from over rulling goverment
>not pay taxes
>gets finanically harrassed by the goverment'
>commits suicide
oh how far this country has gone down

>> No.2232429

Nie, musisz im podać niby wszystkie dane i chyba telefon na smskod, tylko nie trzeba zdjęcia dowodu